[一]三种 hls 解析源码 vlc ffmpeg exoplayer

来源:互联网 发布:游戏代练app源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 01:52

第一种 vlc中的httplive.c

/***************************************************************************** * httplive.c: HTTP Live Streaming stream filter ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 M2X BV * $Id: fa745af1052ff13c1f9dd22a088fffcc441ff904 $ * * Author: Jean-Paul Saman <jpsaman _AT_ videolan _DOT_ org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. *****************************************************************************//***************************************************************************** * Preamble *****************************************************************************/#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H# include "config.h"#endif#include <limits.h>#include <vlc_common.h>#include <vlc_plugin.h>#include <assert.h>#include <errno.h>#include <gcrypt.h>#include <vlc_threads.h>#include <vlc_arrays.h>#include <vlc_stream.h>#include <vlc_memory.h>#include <vlc_gcrypt.h>/***************************************************************************** * Module descriptor *****************************************************************************/static int  Open (vlc_object_t *);static void Close(vlc_object_t *);vlc_module_begin()    set_category(CAT_INPUT)    set_subcategory(SUBCAT_INPUT_STREAM_FILTER)    set_description(N_("Http Live Streaming stream filter"))    set_capability("stream_filter", 20)    set_callbacks(Open, Close)vlc_module_end()/***************************************************************************** * *****************************************************************************/#define AES_BLOCK_SIZE 16 /* Only support AES-128 */typedef struct segment_s{    int         sequence;   /* unique sequence number */    int         duration;   /* segment duration (seconds) */    uint64_t    size;       /* segment size in bytes */    uint64_t    bandwidth;  /* bandwidth usage of segments (bits per second)*/    char        *url;    char       *psz_key_path;         /* url key path */    uint8_t     aes_key[16];      /* AES-128 */    bool        b_key_loaded;    vlc_mutex_t lock;    block_t     *data;      /* data */} segment_t;typedef struct hls_stream_s{    int         id;         /* program id */    int         version;    /* protocol version should be 1 */    int         sequence;   /* media sequence number */    int         duration;   /* maximum duration per segment (s) */    int         max_segment_length;   /* maximum duration segments */    uint64_t    bandwidth;  /* bandwidth usage of segments (bits per second)*/    uint64_t    size;       /* stream length is calculated by taking the sum                               foreach segment of (segment->duration * hls->bandwidth/8) */    vlc_array_t *segments;  /* list of segments */    char        *url;        /* uri to m3u8 */    vlc_mutex_t lock;    bool        b_cache;    /* allow caching */    char        *psz_current_key_path;          /* URL path of the encrypted key */    uint8_t      psz_AES_IV[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];    /* IV used when decypher the block */    bool         b_iv_loaded;} hls_stream_t;struct stream_sys_t{    char         *m3u8;         /* M3U8 url */    vlc_thread_t  reload;       /* HLS m3u8 reload thread */    vlc_thread_t  thread;       /* HLS segment download thread */    block_t      *peeked;    /* */    vlc_array_t  *hls_stream;   /* bandwidth adaptation */    uint64_t      bandwidth;    /* measured bandwidth (bits per second) */    /* Download */    struct hls_download_s    {        int         stream;     /* current hls_stream  */        int         segment;    /* current segment for downloading */        int         seek;       /* segment requested by seek (default -1) */        vlc_mutex_t lock_wait;  /* protect segment download counter */        vlc_cond_t  wait;       /* some condition to wait on */    } download;    /* Playback */    struct hls_playback_s    {        uint64_t    offset;     /* current offset in media */        int         stream;     /* current hls_stream  */        int         segment;    /* current segment for playback */    } playback;    /* Playlist */    struct hls_playlist_s    {        mtime_t     last;       /* playlist last loaded */        mtime_t     wakeup;     /* next reload time */        int         tries;      /* times it was not changed */    } playlist;    struct hls_read_s    {        vlc_mutex_t lock_wait;  /* used by read condition variable */        vlc_cond_t  wait;       /* some condition to wait on during read */    } read;    /* state */    bool        b_cache;    /* can cache files */    bool        b_meta;     /* meta playlist */    bool        b_live;     /* live stream? or vod? */    bool        b_error;    /* parsing error */    bool        b_aesmsg;   /* only print one time that the media is encrypted */    /* Shared data */    vlc_cond_t   wait;    vlc_mutex_t  lock;    bool         paused;};/**************************************************************************** * Local prototypes ****************************************************************************/static int  Read   (stream_t *, void *p_read, unsigned int i_read);static int  Peek   (stream_t *, const uint8_t **pp_peek, unsigned int i_peek);static int  Control(stream_t *, int i_query, va_list);static ssize_t read_M3U8_from_stream(stream_t *s, uint8_t **buffer);static ssize_t read_M3U8_from_url(stream_t *s, const char *psz_url, uint8_t **buffer);static char *ReadLine(uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t **pos, size_t len);static int hls_Download(stream_t *s, segment_t *segment);static void* hls_Thread(void *);static void* hls_Reload(void *);static segment_t *segment_GetSegment(hls_stream_t *hls, int wanted);static void segment_Free(segment_t *segment);/**************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************/static bool isHTTPLiveStreaming(stream_t *s){    const uint8_t *peek;    int size = stream_Peek(s->p_source, &peek, 46);    if (size < 7)        return false;    if (memcmp(peek, "#EXTM3U", 7) != 0)        return false;    peek += 7;    size -= 7;    /* Parse stream and search for     * EXT-X-TARGETDURATION or EXT-X-STREAM-INF tag, see     * http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pantos-http-live-streaming-04#page-8 */    while (size--)    {        static const char *const ext[] = {            "TARGETDURATION",            "MEDIA-SEQUENCE",            "KEY",            "ALLOW-CACHE",            "ENDLIST",            "STREAM-INF",            "DISCONTINUITY",            "VERSION"        };        if (*peek++ != '#')            continue;        if (size < 6)            continue;        if (memcmp(peek, "EXT-X-", 6))            continue;        peek += 6;        size -= 6;        for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ext); i++)        {            size_t len = strlen(ext[i]);            if (size < 0 || (size_t)size < len)                continue;            if (!memcmp(peek, ext[i], len))                return true;        }    }    return false;}/* HTTP Live Streaming */static hls_stream_t *hls_New(vlc_array_t *hls_stream, const int id, const uint64_t bw, const char *uri){    hls_stream_t *hls = (hls_stream_t *)malloc(sizeof(hls_stream_t));    if (hls == NULL) return NULL;    hls->id = id;    hls->bandwidth = bw;    hls->duration = -1;/* unknown */    hls->max_segment_length = -1;/* unknown */    hls->size = 0;    hls->sequence = 0; /* default is 0 */    hls->version = 1;  /* default protocol version */    hls->b_cache = true;    hls->url = strdup(uri);    if (hls->url == NULL)    {        free(hls);        return NULL;    }    hls->psz_current_key_path = NULL;    hls->segments = vlc_array_new();    vlc_array_append(hls_stream, hls);    vlc_mutex_init(&hls->lock);    return hls;}static void hls_Free(hls_stream_t *hls){    vlc_mutex_destroy(&hls->lock);    if (hls->segments)    {        for (int n = 0; n < vlc_array_count(hls->segments); n++)        {            segment_t *segment = segment_GetSegment(hls, n);            if (segment) segment_Free(segment);        }        vlc_array_destroy(hls->segments);    }    free(hls->url);    free(hls->psz_current_key_path);    free(hls);}static hls_stream_t *hls_Copy(hls_stream_t *src, const bool b_cp_segments){    assert(src);    assert(!b_cp_segments); /* FIXME: copying segments is not implemented */    hls_stream_t *dst = (hls_stream_t *)malloc(sizeof(hls_stream_t));    if (dst == NULL) return NULL;    dst->id = src->id;    dst->bandwidth = src->bandwidth;    dst->duration = src->duration;    dst->size = src->size;    dst->sequence = src->sequence;    dst->version = src->version;    dst->b_cache = src->b_cache;    dst->psz_current_key_path = src->psz_current_key_path ?                strdup( src->psz_current_key_path ) : NULL;    dst->url = strdup(src->url);    if (dst->url == NULL)    {        free(dst);        return NULL;    }    if (!b_cp_segments)        dst->segments = vlc_array_new();    vlc_mutex_init(&dst->lock);    return dst;}static hls_stream_t *hls_Get(vlc_array_t *hls_stream, const int wanted){    int count = vlc_array_count(hls_stream);    if (count <= 0)        return NULL;    if ((wanted < 0) || (wanted >= count))        return NULL;    return (hls_stream_t *) vlc_array_item_at_index(hls_stream, wanted);}static inline hls_stream_t *hls_GetFirst(vlc_array_t *hls_stream){    return hls_Get(hls_stream, 0);}static hls_stream_t *hls_GetLast(vlc_array_t *hls_stream){    int count = vlc_array_count(hls_stream);    if (count <= 0)        return NULL;    count--;    return hls_Get(hls_stream, count);}static hls_stream_t *hls_Find(vlc_array_t *hls_stream, hls_stream_t *hls_new){    int count = vlc_array_count(hls_stream);    for (int n = 0; n < count; n++)    {        hls_stream_t *hls = hls_Get(hls_stream, n);        if (hls)        {            /* compare */            if ((hls->id == hls_new->id) &&                ((hls->bandwidth == hls_new->bandwidth)||(hls_new->bandwidth==0)))                return hls;        }    }    return NULL;}static uint64_t hls_GetStreamSize(hls_stream_t *hls){    /* NOTE: Stream size is calculated based on segment duration and     * HLS stream bandwidth from the .m3u8 file. If these are not correct     * then the deviation from exact byte size will be big and the seek/     * progressbar will not behave entirely as one expects. */    uint64_t size = 0UL;    /* If there is no valid bandwidth yet, then there is no point in     * computing stream size. */    if (hls->bandwidth == 0)        return size;    int count = vlc_array_count(hls->segments);    for (int n = 0; n < count; n++)    {        segment_t *segment = segment_GetSegment(hls, n);        if (segment)        {            size += (segment->duration * (hls->bandwidth / 8));        }    }    return size;}/* Segment */static segment_t *segment_New(hls_stream_t* hls, const int duration, const char *uri){    segment_t *segment = (segment_t *)malloc(sizeof(segment_t));    if (segment == NULL)        return NULL;    segment->duration = duration; /* seconds */    segment->size = 0; /* bytes */    segment->sequence = 0;    segment->bandwidth = 0;    segment->url = strdup(uri);    if (segment->url == NULL)    {        free(segment);        return NULL;    }    segment->data = NULL;    vlc_array_append(hls->segments, segment);    vlc_mutex_init(&segment->lock);    segment->b_key_loaded = false;    segment->psz_key_path = NULL;    if (hls->psz_current_key_path)        segment->psz_key_path = strdup(hls->psz_current_key_path);    return segment;}static void segment_Free(segment_t *segment){    vlc_mutex_destroy(&segment->lock);    free(segment->url);    free(segment->psz_key_path);    if (segment->data)        block_Release(segment->data);    free(segment);}static segment_t *segment_GetSegment(hls_stream_t *hls, const int wanted){    assert(hls);    int count = vlc_array_count(hls->segments);    if (count <= 0)        return NULL;    if ((wanted < 0) || (wanted >= count))        return NULL;    return (segment_t *) vlc_array_item_at_index(hls->segments, wanted);}static segment_t *segment_Find(hls_stream_t *hls, const int sequence){    assert(hls);    int count = vlc_array_count(hls->segments);    if (count <= 0) return NULL;    for (int n = 0; n < count; n++)    {        segment_t *segment = segment_GetSegment(hls, n);        if (segment == NULL) break;        if (segment->sequence == sequence)            return segment;    }    return NULL;}static int ChooseSegment(stream_t *s, const int current){    stream_sys_t *p_sys = (stream_sys_t *)s->p_sys;    hls_stream_t *hls = hls_Get(p_sys->hls_stream, current);    if (hls == NULL) return 0;    /* Choose a segment to start which is no closer than     * 3 times the target duration from the end of the playlist.     */    int wanted = 0;    int duration = 0;    int sequence = 0;    int count = vlc_array_count(hls->segments);    int i = p_sys->b_live ? count - 1 : -1;    /* We do while loop only with live case, otherwise return 0*/    while((i >= 0) && (i < count))    {        segment_t *segment = segment_GetSegment(hls, i);        assert(segment);        if (segment->duration > hls->duration)        {            msg_Err(s, "EXTINF:%d duration is larger than EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:%d",                    segment->duration, hls->duration);        }        duration += segment->duration;        if (duration >= 3 * hls->duration)        {            /* Start point found */            wanted = i;            sequence = segment->sequence;            break;        }        i-- ;    }    msg_Dbg(s, "Choose segment %d/%d (sequence=%d)", wanted, count, sequence);    return wanted;}/* Parsing */static char *parse_Attributes(const char *line, const char *attr){    char *p;    char *begin = (char *) line;    char *end = begin + strlen(line);    /* Find start of attributes */    if ((p = strchr(begin, ':' )) == NULL)        return NULL;    begin = p;    do    {        if (strncasecmp(begin, attr, strlen(attr)) == 0          && begin[strlen(attr)] == '=')        {            /* <attr>="<value>"[,]* */            p = strchr(begin, ',');            begin += strlen(attr) + 1;            /* Check if we have " " marked value*/            if( begin[0] == '"' )            {                char *valueend = strchr( begin+1, '"');                /* No ending " so bail out */                if( unlikely( !valueend ) )                    return NULL;                p = strchr( valueend, ',');            }            if (begin >= end)                return NULL;            if (p == NULL) /* last attribute */                return strndup(begin, end - begin);            /* copy till ',' */            return strndup(begin, p - begin);        }        begin++;    } while(begin < end);    return NULL;}static int string_to_IV(char *string_hexa, uint8_t iv[AES_BLOCK_SIZE]){    unsigned long long iv_hi, iv_lo;    char *end = NULL;    if (*string_hexa++ != '0')        return VLC_EGENERIC;    if (*string_hexa != 'x' && *string_hexa != 'X')        return VLC_EGENERIC;    string_hexa++;    size_t len = strlen(string_hexa);    if (len <= 16) {        iv_hi = 0;        iv_lo = strtoull(string_hexa, &end, 16);        if (end)            return VLC_EGENERIC;    } else {        iv_lo = strtoull(&string_hexa[len-16], NULL, 16);        if (end)            return VLC_EGENERIC;        string_hexa[len-16] = '\0';        iv_hi = strtoull(string_hexa, NULL, 16);        if (end)            return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    for (int i = 7; i >= 0 ; --i) {        iv[  i] = iv_hi & 0xff;        iv[8+i] = iv_lo & 0xff;        iv_hi >>= 8;        iv_lo >>= 8;    }    return VLC_SUCCESS;}static char *relative_URI(const char *psz_url, const char *psz_path){    char *ret = NULL;    const char *fmt;    assert(psz_url != NULL && psz_path != NULL);    //If the path is actually an absolute URL, don't do anything.    if (strncmp(psz_path, "http", 4) == 0)        return NULL;    size_t len = strlen(psz_path);    char *new_url = strdup(psz_url);    if (unlikely(!new_url))        return NULL;    if( psz_path[0] == '/' ) //Relative URL with absolute path    {        //Try to find separator for name and path, try to skip        //access and first ://        char *slash = strchr(&new_url[8], '/');        if (unlikely(slash == NULL))            goto end;        *slash = '\0';        fmt = "%s%s";    } else {        int levels = 0;        while(len >= 3 && !strncmp(psz_path, "../", 3)) {            psz_path += 3;            len -= 3;            levels++;        }        do {            char *slash = strrchr(new_url, '/');            if (unlikely(slash == NULL))                goto end;            *slash = '\0';        } while (levels--);fmt = "%s/%s";    }    if (asprintf(&ret, fmt, new_url, psz_path) < 0)        ret = NULL;end:    free(new_url);    return ret;}static int parse_SegmentInformation(hls_stream_t *hls, char *p_read, int *duration){    assert(hls);    assert(p_read);    /* strip of #EXTINF: */    char *p_next = NULL;    char *token = strtok_r(p_read, ":", &p_next);    if (token == NULL)        return VLC_EGENERIC;    /* read duration */    token = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &p_next);    if (token == NULL)        return VLC_EGENERIC;    int value;    char *endptr;    if (hls->version < 3)    {        errno = 0;        value = strtol(token, &endptr, 10);        if (token == endptr || errno == ERANGE)        {            *duration = -1;            return VLC_EGENERIC;        }        *duration = value;    }    else    {        errno = 0;        double d = strtof(token, &endptr);        if (token == endptr || errno == ERANGE)        {            *duration = -1;            return VLC_EGENERIC;        }        if ((d) - ((int)d) >= 0.5)            value = ((int)d) + 1;        else            value = ((int)d);        *duration = value;    }    if( *duration > hls->max_segment_length)        hls->max_segment_length = *duration;    /* Ignore the rest of the line */    return VLC_SUCCESS;}static int parse_AddSegment(hls_stream_t *hls, const int duration, const char *uri){    assert(hls);    assert(uri);    /* Store segment information */    vlc_mutex_lock(&hls->lock);    char *psz_uri = relative_URI(hls->url, uri);    segment_t *segment = segment_New(hls, duration, psz_uri ? psz_uri : uri);    if (segment)        segment->sequence = hls->sequence + vlc_array_count(hls->segments) - 1;    free(psz_uri);    vlc_mutex_unlock(&hls->lock);    return segment ? VLC_SUCCESS : VLC_ENOMEM;}static int parse_TargetDuration(stream_t *s, hls_stream_t *hls, char *p_read){    assert(hls);    int duration = -1;    int ret = sscanf(p_read, "#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:%d", &duration);    if (ret != 1)    {        msg_Err(s, "expected #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:<s>");        return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    hls->duration = duration; /* seconds */    return VLC_SUCCESS;}static int parse_StreamInformation(stream_t *s, vlc_array_t **hls_stream,                                   hls_stream_t **hls, char *p_read, const char *uri){    int id;    uint64_t bw;    char *attr;    assert(*hls == NULL);    attr = parse_Attributes(p_read, "PROGRAM-ID");    if (attr)    {        id = atol(attr);        free(attr);    }    else        id = 0;    attr = parse_Attributes(p_read, "BANDWIDTH");    if (attr == NULL)    {        msg_Err(s, "#EXT-X-STREAM-INF: expected BANDWIDTH=<value>");        return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    bw = atoll(attr);    free(attr);    if (bw == 0)    {        msg_Err(s, "#EXT-X-STREAM-INF: bandwidth cannot be 0");        return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    msg_Dbg(s, "bandwidth adaptation detected (program-id=%d, bandwidth=%"PRIu64").", id, bw);    char *psz_uri = relative_URI(s->p_sys->m3u8, uri);    *hls = hls_New(*hls_stream, id, bw, psz_uri ? psz_uri : uri);    free(psz_uri);    return (*hls == NULL) ? VLC_ENOMEM : VLC_SUCCESS;}static int parse_MediaSequence(stream_t *s, hls_stream_t *hls, char *p_read){    assert(hls);    int sequence;    int ret = sscanf(p_read, "#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:%d", &sequence);    if (ret != 1)    {        msg_Err(s, "expected #EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:<s>");        return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    if (hls->sequence > 0)    {        if (s->p_sys->b_live)        {            hls_stream_t *last = hls_GetLast(s->p_sys->hls_stream);            segment_t *last_segment = segment_GetSegment( last, vlc_array_count( last->segments ) - 1 );            if ( ( last_segment->sequence < sequence) &&                 ( sequence - last_segment->sequence >= 1 ))                msg_Err(s, "EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE gap in playlist (new=%d, old=%d)",                            sequence, last_segment->sequence);        }        else            msg_Err(s, "EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE already present in playlist (new=%d, old=%d)",                        sequence, hls->sequence);    }    hls->sequence = sequence;    return VLC_SUCCESS;}static int parse_Key(stream_t *s, hls_stream_t *hls, char *p_read){    assert(hls);    /* #EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=<method>[,URI="<URI>"][,IV=<IV>] */    int err = VLC_SUCCESS;    char *attr = parse_Attributes(p_read, "METHOD");    if (attr == NULL)    {        msg_Err(s, "#EXT-X-KEY: expected METHOD=<value>");        return err;    }    if (strncasecmp(attr, "NONE", 4) == 0)    {        char *uri = parse_Attributes(p_read, "URI");        if (uri != NULL)        {            msg_Err(s, "#EXT-X-KEY: URI not expected");            err = VLC_EGENERIC;        }        free(uri);        /* IV is only supported in version 2 and above */        if (hls->version >= 2)        {            char *iv = parse_Attributes(p_read, "IV");            if (iv != NULL)            {                msg_Err(s, "#EXT-X-KEY: IV not expected");                err = VLC_EGENERIC;            }            free(iv);        }    }    else if (strncasecmp(attr, "AES-128", 7) == 0)    {        char *value, *uri, *iv;        if (s->p_sys->b_aesmsg == false)        {            msg_Dbg(s, "playback of AES-128 encrypted HTTP Live media detected.");            s->p_sys->b_aesmsg = true;        }        value = uri = parse_Attributes(p_read, "URI");        if (value == NULL)        {            msg_Err(s, "#EXT-X-KEY: URI not found for encrypted HTTP Live media in AES-128");            free(attr);            return VLC_EGENERIC;        }        /* Url is put between quotes, remove them */        if (*value == '"')        {            /* We need to strip the "" from the attribute value */            uri = value + 1;            char* end = strchr(uri, '"');            if (end != NULL)                *end = 0;        }        /* For absolute URI, just duplicate it         * don't limit to HTTP, maybe some sanity checking         * should be done more in here? */        if( strstr( uri , "://" ) )            hls->psz_current_key_path = strdup( uri );        else            hls->psz_current_key_path = relative_URI(hls->url, uri);        free(value);        value = iv = parse_Attributes(p_read, "IV");        if (iv == NULL)        {            /*            * If the EXT-X-KEY tag does not have the IV attribute, implementations            * MUST use the sequence number of the media file as the IV when            * encrypting or decrypting that media file.  The big-endian binary            * representation of the sequence number SHALL be placed in a 16-octet            * buffer and padded (on the left) with zeros.            */            hls->b_iv_loaded = false;        }        else        {            /*            * If the EXT-X-KEY tag has the IV attribute, implementations MUST use            * the attribute value as the IV when encrypting or decrypting with that            * key.  The value MUST be interpreted as a 128-bit hexadecimal number            * and MUST be prefixed with 0x or 0X.            */            if (string_to_IV(iv, hls->psz_AES_IV) == VLC_EGENERIC)            {                msg_Err(s, "IV invalid");                err = VLC_EGENERIC;            }            else                hls->b_iv_loaded = true;            free(value);        }    }    else    {        msg_Warn(s, "playback of encrypted HTTP Live media is not supported.");        err = VLC_EGENERIC;    }    free(attr);    return err;}static int parse_ProgramDateTime(stream_t *s, hls_stream_t *hls, char *p_read){    VLC_UNUSED(hls);    msg_Dbg(s, "tag not supported: #EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME %s", p_read);    return VLC_SUCCESS;}static int parse_AllowCache(stream_t *s, hls_stream_t *hls, char *p_read){    assert(hls);    char answer[4] = "\0";    int ret = sscanf(p_read, "#EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE:%3s", answer);    if (ret != 1)    {        msg_Err(s, "#EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE, ignoring ...");        return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    hls->b_cache = (strncmp(answer, "NO", 2) != 0);    return VLC_SUCCESS;}static int parse_Version(stream_t *s, hls_stream_t *hls, char *p_read){    assert(hls);    int version;    int ret = sscanf(p_read, "#EXT-X-VERSION:%d", &version);    if (ret != 1)    {        msg_Err(s, "#EXT-X-VERSION: no protocol version found, should be version 1.");        return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    /* Check version */    hls->version = version;    if (hls->version <= 0 || hls->version > 3)    {        msg_Err(s, "#EXT-X-VERSION should be version 1, 2 or 3 iso %d", version);        return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    return VLC_SUCCESS;}static int parse_EndList(stream_t *s, hls_stream_t *hls){    assert(hls);    s->p_sys->b_live = false;    msg_Dbg(s, "video on demand (vod) mode");    return VLC_SUCCESS;}static int parse_Discontinuity(stream_t *s, hls_stream_t *hls, char *p_read){    assert(hls);    /* FIXME: Do we need to act on discontinuity ?? */    msg_Dbg(s, "#EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY %s", p_read);    return VLC_SUCCESS;}static int hls_CompareStreams( const void* a, const void* b ){    hls_stream_t*   stream_a = *(hls_stream_t**)a;    hls_stream_t*   stream_b = *(hls_stream_t**)b;    return stream_a->bandwidth - stream_b->bandwidth;}/* The http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pantos-http-live-streaming-04#page-8 * document defines the following new tags: EXT-X-TARGETDURATION, * EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE, EXT-X-KEY, EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME, EXT-X- * ALLOW-CACHE, EXT-X-STREAM-INF, EXT-X-ENDLIST, EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY, * and EXT-X-VERSION. */static int parse_M3U8(stream_t *s, vlc_array_t *streams, uint8_t *buffer, const ssize_t len){    stream_sys_t *p_sys = s->p_sys;    uint8_t *p_read, *p_begin, *p_end;    assert(streams);    assert(buffer);    msg_Dbg(s, "parse_M3U8\n%s", buffer);    p_begin = buffer;    p_end = p_begin + len;    char *line = ReadLine(p_begin, &p_read, p_end - p_begin);    if (line == NULL)        return VLC_ENOMEM;    p_begin = p_read;    if (strncmp(line, "#EXTM3U", 7) != 0)    {        msg_Err(s, "missing #EXTM3U tag .. aborting");        free(line);        return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    free(line);    line = NULL;    /* What is the version ? */    int version = 1;    uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)strstr((const char *)buffer, "#EXT-X-VERSION:");    if (p != NULL)    {        uint8_t *tmp = NULL;        char *psz_version = ReadLine(p, &tmp, p_end - p);        if (psz_version == NULL)            return VLC_ENOMEM;        int ret = sscanf((const char*)psz_version, "#EXT-X-VERSION:%d", &version);        if (ret != 1)        {            msg_Warn(s, "#EXT-X-VERSION: no protocol version found, assuming version 1.");            version = 1;        }        free(psz_version);        p = NULL;    }    /* Is it a live stream ? */    p_sys->b_live = (strstr((const char *)buffer, "#EXT-X-ENDLIST") == NULL) ? true : false;    /* Is it a meta index file ? */    bool b_meta = (strstr((const char *)buffer, "#EXT-X-STREAM-INF") == NULL) ? false : true;    int err = VLC_SUCCESS;    if (b_meta)    {        msg_Dbg(s, "Meta playlist");        /* M3U8 Meta Index file */        do {            /* Next line */            line = ReadLine(p_begin, &p_read, p_end - p_begin);            if (line == NULL)                break;            p_begin = p_read;            /* */            if (strncmp(line, "#EXT-X-STREAM-INF", 17) == 0)            {                p_sys->b_meta = true;                char *uri = ReadLine(p_begin, &p_read, p_end - p_begin);                if (uri == NULL)                    err = VLC_ENOMEM;                else                {                    if (*uri == '#')                    {                        msg_Warn(s, "Skipping invalid stream-inf: %s", uri);                        free(uri);                    }                    else                    {                        bool new_stream_added = false;                        hls_stream_t *hls = NULL;                        err = parse_StreamInformation(s, &streams, &hls, line, uri);                        if (err == VLC_SUCCESS)                            new_stream_added = true;                        free(uri);                        if (hls)                        {                            /* Download playlist file from server */                            uint8_t *buf = NULL;                            ssize_t len = read_M3U8_from_url(s, hls->url, &buf);                            if (len < 0)                            {                                msg_Warn(s, "failed to read %s, continue for other streams", hls->url);                                /* remove stream just added */                                if (new_stream_added)                                    vlc_array_remove(streams, vlc_array_count(streams) - 1);                                /* ignore download error, so we have chance to try other streams */                                err = VLC_SUCCESS;                            }                            else                            {                                /* Parse HLS m3u8 content. */                                err = parse_M3U8(s, streams, buf, len);                                free(buf);                            }                            hls->version = version;                            if (!p_sys->b_live)                                hls->size = hls_GetStreamSize(hls); /* Stream size (approximate) */                        }                    }                }                p_begin = p_read;            }            free(line);            line = NULL;            if (p_begin >= p_end)                break;        } while (err == VLC_SUCCESS);        size_t stream_count = vlc_array_count(streams);        msg_Dbg(s, "%d streams loaded in Meta playlist", (int)stream_count);        if (stream_count == 0)        {            msg_Err(s, "No playable streams found in Meta playlist");            err = VLC_EGENERIC;        }    }    else    {        msg_Dbg(s, "%s Playlist HLS protocol version: %d", p_sys->b_live ? "Live": "VOD", version);        hls_stream_t *hls = NULL;        if (p_sys->b_meta)            hls = hls_GetLast(streams);        else        {            /* No Meta playlist used */            hls = hls_New(streams, 0, 0, p_sys->m3u8);            if (hls)            {                /* Get TARGET-DURATION first */                p = (uint8_t *)strstr((const char *)buffer, "#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:");                if (p)                {                    uint8_t *p_rest = NULL;                    char *psz_duration = ReadLine(p, &p_rest,  p_end - p);                    if (psz_duration == NULL)                        return VLC_EGENERIC;                    err = parse_TargetDuration(s, hls, psz_duration);                    free(psz_duration);                    p = NULL;                }                /* Store version */                hls->version = version;            }            else return VLC_ENOMEM;        }        assert(hls);        /* */        bool media_sequence_loaded = false;        int segment_duration = -1;        do        {            /* Next line */            line = ReadLine(p_begin, &p_read, p_end - p_begin);            if (line == NULL)                break;            p_begin = p_read;            if (strncmp(line, "#EXTINF", 7) == 0)                err = parse_SegmentInformation(hls, line, &segment_duration);            else if (strncmp(line, "#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION", 21) == 0)                err = parse_TargetDuration(s, hls, line);            else if (strncmp(line, "#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE", 21) == 0)            {                /* A Playlist file MUST NOT contain more than one EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE tag. */                /* We only care about first one */                if (!media_sequence_loaded)                {                    err = parse_MediaSequence(s, hls, line);                    media_sequence_loaded = true;                }            }            else if (strncmp(line, "#EXT-X-KEY", 10) == 0)                err = parse_Key(s, hls, line);            else if (strncmp(line, "#EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME", 24) == 0)                err = parse_ProgramDateTime(s, hls, line);            else if (strncmp(line, "#EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE", 18) == 0)                err = parse_AllowCache(s, hls, line);            else if (strncmp(line, "#EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY", 20) == 0)                err = parse_Discontinuity(s, hls, line);            else if (strncmp(line, "#EXT-X-VERSION", 14) == 0)                err = parse_Version(s, hls, line);            else if (strncmp(line, "#EXT-X-ENDLIST", 14) == 0)                err = parse_EndList(s, hls);            else if ((strncmp(line, "#", 1) != 0) && (*line != '\0') )            {                err = parse_AddSegment(hls, segment_duration, line);                segment_duration = -1; /* reset duration */            }            free(line);            line = NULL;            if (p_begin >= p_end)                break;        } while (err == VLC_SUCCESS);        free(line);    }    return err;}static int hls_DownloadSegmentKey(stream_t *s, segment_t *seg){    stream_t *p_m3u8 = stream_UrlNew(s, seg->psz_key_path);    if (p_m3u8 == NULL)    {        msg_Err(s, "Failed to load the AES key for segment sequence %d", seg->sequence);        return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    int len = stream_Read(p_m3u8, seg->aes_key, sizeof(seg->aes_key));    stream_Delete(p_m3u8);    if (len != AES_BLOCK_SIZE)    {        msg_Err(s, "The AES key loaded doesn't have the right size (%d)", len);        return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    return VLC_SUCCESS;}static int hls_ManageSegmentKeys(stream_t *s, hls_stream_t *hls){    segment_t   *seg = NULL;    segment_t   *prev_seg;    int         count = vlc_array_count(hls->segments);    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)    {        prev_seg = seg;        seg = segment_GetSegment(hls, i);        if (seg == NULL )            continue;        if (seg->psz_key_path == NULL)            continue;   /* No key to load ? continue */        if (seg->b_key_loaded)            continue;   /* The key is already loaded */        /* if the key has not changed, and already available from previous segment,         * try to copy it, and don't load the key */        if (prev_seg && prev_seg->b_key_loaded && strcmp(seg->psz_key_path, prev_seg->psz_key_path) == 0)        {            memcpy(seg->aes_key, prev_seg->aes_key, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);            seg->b_key_loaded = true;            continue;        }        if (hls_DownloadSegmentKey(s, seg) != VLC_SUCCESS)            return VLC_EGENERIC;       seg->b_key_loaded = true;    }    return VLC_SUCCESS;}static int hls_DecodeSegmentData(stream_t *s, hls_stream_t *hls, segment_t *segment){    /* Did the segment need to be decoded ? */    if (segment->psz_key_path == NULL)        return VLC_SUCCESS;    /* Do we have loaded the key ? */    if (!segment->b_key_loaded)    {        /* No ? try to download it now */        if (hls_ManageSegmentKeys(s, hls) != VLC_SUCCESS)            return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    /* For now, we only decode AES-128 data */    gcry_error_t i_gcrypt_err;    gcry_cipher_hd_t aes_ctx;    /* Setup AES */    i_gcrypt_err = gcry_cipher_open(&aes_ctx, GCRY_CIPHER_AES,                                     GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CBC, 0);    if (i_gcrypt_err)    {        msg_Err(s, "gcry_cipher_open failed: %s", gpg_strerror(i_gcrypt_err));        gcry_cipher_close(aes_ctx);        return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    /* Set key */    i_gcrypt_err = gcry_cipher_setkey(aes_ctx, segment->aes_key,                                       sizeof(segment->aes_key));    if (i_gcrypt_err)    {        msg_Err(s, "gcry_cipher_setkey failed: %s", gpg_strerror(i_gcrypt_err));        gcry_cipher_close(aes_ctx);        return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    if (hls->b_iv_loaded == false)    {        memset(hls->psz_AES_IV, 0, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);        hls->psz_AES_IV[15] = segment->sequence & 0xff;        hls->psz_AES_IV[14] = (segment->sequence >> 8)& 0xff;        hls->psz_AES_IV[13] = (segment->sequence >> 16)& 0xff;        hls->psz_AES_IV[12] = (segment->sequence >> 24)& 0xff;    }    i_gcrypt_err = gcry_cipher_setiv(aes_ctx, hls->psz_AES_IV,                                      sizeof(hls->psz_AES_IV));    if (i_gcrypt_err)    {        msg_Err(s, "gcry_cipher_setiv failed: %s", gpg_strerror(i_gcrypt_err));        gcry_cipher_close(aes_ctx);        return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    i_gcrypt_err = gcry_cipher_decrypt(aes_ctx,                                       segment->data->p_buffer, /* out */                                       segment->data->i_buffer,                                       NULL, /* in */                                       0);    if (i_gcrypt_err)    {        msg_Err(s, "gcry_cipher_decrypt failed:  %s/%s\n", gcry_strsource(i_gcrypt_err), gcry_strerror(i_gcrypt_err));        gcry_cipher_close(aes_ctx);        return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    gcry_cipher_close(aes_ctx);    /* remove the PKCS#7 padding from the buffer */    int pad = segment->data->p_buffer[segment->data->i_buffer-1];    if (pad <= 0 || pad > AES_BLOCK_SIZE)    {        msg_Err(s, "Bad padding character (0x%x), perhaps we failed to decrypt the segment with the correct key", pad);        return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    int count = pad;    while (count--)    {        if (segment->data->p_buffer[segment->data->i_buffer-1-count] != pad)        {                msg_Err(s, "Bad ending buffer, perhaps we failed to decrypt the segment with the correct key");                return VLC_EGENERIC;        }    }    /* not all the data is readable because of padding */    segment->data->i_buffer -= pad;    return VLC_SUCCESS;}static int get_HTTPLiveMetaPlaylist(stream_t *s, vlc_array_t **streams){    stream_sys_t *p_sys = s->p_sys;    assert(*streams);    int err = VLC_EGENERIC;    /* Duplicate HLS stream META information */    for (int i = 0; i < vlc_array_count(p_sys->hls_stream); i++)    {        hls_stream_t *src, *dst;        src = hls_Get(p_sys->hls_stream, i);        if (src == NULL)            return VLC_EGENERIC;        dst = hls_Copy(src, false);        if (dst == NULL)            return VLC_ENOMEM;        vlc_array_append(*streams, dst);        /* Download playlist file from server */        uint8_t *buf = NULL;        ssize_t len = read_M3U8_from_url(s, dst->url, &buf);        if (len < 0)            err = VLC_EGENERIC;        else        {            /* Parse HLS m3u8 content. */            err = parse_M3U8(s, *streams, buf, len);            free(buf);        }    }    return err;}/* Update hls_old (an existing member of p_sys->hls_stream) to match hls_new   (which represents a downloaded, perhaps newer version of the same playlist) */static int hls_UpdatePlaylist(stream_t *s, hls_stream_t *hls_new, hls_stream_t *hls_old, bool *stream_appended){    int count = vlc_array_count(hls_new->segments);    msg_Dbg(s, "updating hls stream (program-id=%d, bandwidth=%"PRIu64") has %d segments",             hls_new->id, hls_new->bandwidth, count);    vlc_mutex_lock(&hls_old->lock);    hls_old->max_segment_length=-1;    for (int n = 0; n < count; n++)    {        segment_t *p = segment_GetSegment(hls_new, n);        if (p == NULL)        {            vlc_mutex_unlock(&hls_old->lock);            return VLC_EGENERIC;        }        segment_t *segment = segment_Find(hls_old, p->sequence);        if (segment)        {            vlc_mutex_lock(&segment->lock);            assert(p->url);            assert(segment->url);            /* they should be the same */            if ((p->sequence != segment->sequence) ||                (p->duration != segment->duration) ||                (strcmp(p->url, segment->url) != 0))            {                msg_Warn(s, "existing segment found with different content - resetting");                msg_Warn(s, "- sequence: new=%d, old=%d", p->sequence, segment->sequence);                msg_Warn(s, "- duration: new=%d, old=%d", p->duration, segment->duration);                msg_Warn(s, "- file: new=%s", p->url);                msg_Warn(s, "        old=%s", segment->url);                /* Resetting content */                segment->sequence = p->sequence;                segment->duration = p->duration;                free(segment->url);                segment->url = strdup(p->url);                if ( segment->url == NULL )                {                    msg_Err(s, "Failed updating segment %d - skipping it",  p->sequence);                    segment_Free(p);                    vlc_mutex_unlock(&segment->lock);                    continue;                }                /* We must free the content, because if the key was not downloaded, content can't be decrypted */                if ((p->psz_key_path || p->b_key_loaded) &&                    segment->data)                {                    block_Release(segment->data);                    segment->data = NULL;                }                free(segment->psz_key_path);                segment->psz_key_path = p->psz_key_path ? strdup(p->psz_key_path) : NULL;                segment_Free(p);            }            vlc_mutex_unlock(&segment->lock);        }        else        {            int last = vlc_array_count(hls_old->segments) - 1;            segment_t *l = segment_GetSegment(hls_old, last);            if (l == NULL) {                vlc_mutex_unlock(&hls_old->lock);                return VLC_EGENERIC;            }            if ((l->sequence + 1) != p->sequence)            {                msg_Err(s, "gap in sequence numbers found: new=%d expected %d",                        p->sequence, l->sequence+1);            }            vlc_array_append(hls_old->segments, p);            msg_Dbg(s, "- segment %d appended", p->sequence);            hls_old->max_segment_length = __MAX(hls_old->max_segment_length, p->duration);            msg_Dbg(s, "  - segments new max duration %d", hls_old->max_segment_length);            // Signal download thread otherwise the segment will not get downloaded            *stream_appended = true;        }    }    /* update meta information */    hls_old->sequence = hls_new->sequence;    hls_old->duration = (hls_new->duration == -1) ? hls_old->duration : hls_new->duration;    hls_old->b_cache = hls_new->b_cache;    vlc_mutex_unlock(&hls_old->lock);    return VLC_SUCCESS;}static int hls_ReloadPlaylist(stream_t *s){    stream_sys_t *p_sys = s->p_sys;    // Flag to indicate if we should signal download thread    bool stream_appended = false;    vlc_array_t *hls_streams = vlc_array_new();    if (hls_streams == NULL)        return VLC_ENOMEM;    msg_Dbg(s, "Reloading HLS live meta playlist");    if (get_HTTPLiveMetaPlaylist(s, &hls_streams) != VLC_SUCCESS)    {        /* Free hls streams */        for (int i = 0; i < vlc_array_count(hls_streams); i++)        {            hls_stream_t *hls;            hls = hls_Get(hls_streams, i);            if (hls) hls_Free(hls);        }        vlc_array_destroy(hls_streams);        msg_Err(s, "reloading playlist failed");        return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    /* merge playlists */    int count = vlc_array_count(hls_streams);    for (int n = 0; n < count; n++)    {        hls_stream_t *hls_new = hls_Get(hls_streams, n);        if (hls_new == NULL)            continue;        hls_stream_t *hls_old = hls_Find(p_sys->hls_stream, hls_new);        if (hls_old == NULL)        {   /* new hls stream - append */            vlc_array_append(p_sys->hls_stream, hls_new);            msg_Dbg(s, "new HLS stream appended (id=%d, bandwidth=%"PRIu64")",                     hls_new->id, hls_new->bandwidth);            // New segment available -  signal download thread            stream_appended = true;        }        else if (hls_UpdatePlaylist(s, hls_new, hls_old, &stream_appended) != VLC_SUCCESS)            msg_Warn(s, "failed updating HLS stream (id=%d, bandwidth=%"PRIu64")",                     hls_new->id, hls_new->bandwidth);    }    vlc_array_destroy(hls_streams);    // Must signal the download thread otherwise new segments will not be downloaded at all!    if (stream_appended == true)    {        vlc_mutex_lock(&p_sys->download.lock_wait);        vlc_cond_signal(&p_sys->download.wait);        vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_sys->download.lock_wait);    }    return VLC_SUCCESS;}/**************************************************************************** * hls_Thread ****************************************************************************/static int BandwidthAdaptation(stream_t *s, int progid, uint64_t *bandwidth){    stream_sys_t *p_sys = s->p_sys;    int candidate = -1;    uint64_t bw = *bandwidth;    uint64_t bw_candidate = 0;    int count = vlc_array_count(p_sys->hls_stream);    for (int n = 0; n < count; n++)    {        /* Select best bandwidth match */        hls_stream_t *hls = hls_Get(p_sys->hls_stream, n);        if (hls == NULL) break;        /* only consider streams with the same PROGRAM-ID */        if (hls->id == progid)        {            if ((bw >= hls->bandwidth) && (bw_candidate < hls->bandwidth))            {                msg_Dbg(s, "candidate %d bandwidth (bits/s) %"PRIu64" >= %"PRIu64,                         n, bw, hls->bandwidth); /* bits / s */                bw_candidate = hls->bandwidth;                candidate = n; /* possible candidate */            }        }    }    *bandwidth = bw_candidate;    return candidate;}static int hls_DownloadSegmentData(stream_t *s, hls_stream_t *hls, segment_t *segment, int *cur_stream){    stream_sys_t *p_sys = s->p_sys;    assert(hls);    assert(segment);    vlc_mutex_lock(&segment->lock);    if (segment->data != NULL)    {        /* Segment already downloaded */        vlc_mutex_unlock(&segment->lock);        return VLC_SUCCESS;    }    /* sanity check - can we download this segment on time? */    if ((p_sys->bandwidth > 0) && (hls->bandwidth > 0))    {        uint64_t size = (segment->duration * hls->bandwidth); /* bits */        int estimated = (int)(size / p_sys->bandwidth);        if (estimated > segment->duration)        {            msg_Warn(s,"downloading segment %d predicted to take %ds, which exceeds its length (%ds)",                        segment->sequence, estimated, segment->duration);        }    }    mtime_t start = mdate();    if (hls_Download(s, segment) != VLC_SUCCESS)    {        msg_Err(s, "downloading segment %d from stream %d failed",                    segment->sequence, *cur_stream);        vlc_mutex_unlock(&segment->lock);        return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    mtime_t duration = mdate() - start;    if (hls->bandwidth == 0 && segment->duration > 0)    {        /* Try to estimate the bandwidth for this stream */        hls->bandwidth = (uint64_t)(((double)segment->size * 8) / ((double)segment->duration));    }    /* If the segment is encrypted, decode it */    if (hls_DecodeSegmentData(s, hls, segment) != VLC_SUCCESS)    {        vlc_mutex_unlock(&segment->lock);        return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    vlc_mutex_unlock(&segment->lock);    msg_Dbg(s, "downloaded segment %d from stream %d",                segment->sequence, *cur_stream);    uint64_t bw = segment->size * 8 * 1000000 / __MAX(1, duration); /* bits / s */    p_sys->bandwidth = bw;    if (p_sys->b_meta && (hls->bandwidth != bw))    {        int newstream = BandwidthAdaptation(s, hls->id, &bw);        /* FIXME: we need an average here */        if ((newstream >= 0) && (newstream != *cur_stream))        {            msg_Dbg(s, "detected %s bandwidth (%"PRIu64") stream",                     (bw >= hls->bandwidth) ? "faster" : "lower", bw);            *cur_stream = newstream;        }    }    return VLC_SUCCESS;}static void* hls_Thread(void *p_this){    stream_t *s = (stream_t *)p_this;    stream_sys_t *p_sys = s->p_sys;    int canc = vlc_savecancel();    while (vlc_object_alive(s))    {        hls_stream_t *hls = hls_Get(p_sys->hls_stream, p_sys->download.stream);        assert(hls);        /* Sliding window (~60 seconds worth of movie) */        vlc_mutex_lock(&hls->lock);        int count = vlc_array_count(hls->segments);        vlc_mutex_unlock(&hls->lock);        /* Is there a new segment to process? */        if ((!p_sys->b_live && (p_sys->playback.segment < (count - 6))) ||            (p_sys->download.segment >= count))        {            /* wait */            vlc_mutex_lock(&p_sys->download.lock_wait);            while (((p_sys->download.segment - p_sys->playback.segment > 6) ||                    (p_sys->download.segment >= count)) &&                   (p_sys->download.seek == -1))            {                vlc_cond_wait(&p_sys->download.wait, &p_sys->download.lock_wait);                if (p_sys->b_live /*&& (mdate() >= p_sys->playlist.wakeup)*/)                    break;                if (!vlc_object_alive(s))                    break;            }            /* */            if (p_sys->download.seek >= 0)            {                p_sys->download.segment = p_sys->download.seek;                p_sys->download.seek = -1;            }            vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_sys->download.lock_wait);        }        if (!vlc_object_alive(s)) break;        vlc_mutex_lock(&hls->lock);        segment_t *segment = segment_GetSegment(hls, p_sys->download.segment);        vlc_mutex_unlock(&hls->lock);        if ((segment != NULL) &&            (hls_DownloadSegmentData(s, hls, segment, &p_sys->download.stream) != VLC_SUCCESS))        {            if (!vlc_object_alive(s)) break;            if (!p_sys->b_live)            {                p_sys->b_error = true;                break;            }        }        /* download succeeded */        /* determine next segment to download */        vlc_mutex_lock(&p_sys->download.lock_wait);        if (p_sys->download.seek >= 0)        {            p_sys->download.segment = p_sys->download.seek;            p_sys->download.seek = -1;        }        else if (p_sys->download.segment < count)            p_sys->download.segment++;        vlc_cond_signal(&p_sys->download.wait);        vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_sys->download.lock_wait);        // In case of a successful download signal the read thread that data is available        vlc_mutex_lock(&p_sys->read.lock_wait);        vlc_cond_signal(&p_sys->read.wait);        vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_sys->read.lock_wait);    }    vlc_restorecancel(canc);    return NULL;}static void* hls_Reload(void *p_this){    stream_t *s = (stream_t *)p_this;    stream_sys_t *p_sys = s->p_sys;    assert(p_sys->b_live);    int canc = vlc_savecancel();    double wait = 1.0;    while (vlc_object_alive(s))    {        mtime_t now = mdate();        if (now >= p_sys->playlist.wakeup)        {            /* reload the m3u8 if there are less than 3 segments what aren't downloaded */            if ( ( p_sys->download.segment - p_sys->playback.segment < 3 ) &&                 ( hls_ReloadPlaylist(s) != VLC_SUCCESS) )            {                /* No change in playlist, then backoff */                p_sys->playlist.tries++;                if (p_sys->playlist.tries == 1) wait = 0.5;                else if (p_sys->playlist.tries == 2) wait = 1;                else if (p_sys->playlist.tries >= 3) wait = 1.5;                /* Can we afford to backoff? */                if (p_sys->download.segment - p_sys->playback.segment < 3)                {                    p_sys->playlist.tries = 0;                    wait = 0.5;                }            }            else            {                p_sys->playlist.tries = 0;                wait = 1.0;            }            hls_stream_t *hls = hls_Get(p_sys->hls_stream, p_sys->download.stream);            assert(hls);            /* determine next time to update playlist */            p_sys->playlist.last = now;            p_sys->playlist.wakeup = now;            /* If there is no new segments,use playlist duration as sleep period base */            if( likely( hls->max_segment_length > 0 ) )                p_sys->playlist.wakeup += (mtime_t)((hls->max_segment_length * wait) * CLOCK_FREQ);            else                p_sys->playlist.wakeup += (mtime_t)((hls->duration * wait) * CLOCK_FREQ);        }        mwait(p_sys->playlist.wakeup);    }    vlc_restorecancel(canc);    return NULL;}static int Prefetch(stream_t *s, int *current){    stream_sys_t *p_sys = s->p_sys;    int stream = *current;    hls_stream_t *hls = hls_Get(p_sys->hls_stream, stream);    if (hls == NULL)        return VLC_EGENERIC;    if (vlc_array_count(hls->segments) == 0)        return VLC_EGENERIC;    else if (vlc_array_count(hls->segments) == 1 && p_sys->b_live)        msg_Warn(s, "Only 1 segment available to prefetch in live stream; may stall");    /* Download ~10s worth of segments of this HLS stream if they exist */    unsigned segment_amount = (0.5f + 10/hls->duration);    for (int i = 0; i < __MIN(vlc_array_count(hls->segments), segment_amount); i++)    {        segment_t *segment = segment_GetSegment(hls, p_sys->download.segment);        if (segment == NULL )            return VLC_EGENERIC;        /* It is useless to lock the segment here, as Prefetch is called before           download and playlit thread are started. */        if (segment->data)        {            p_sys->download.segment++;            continue;        }        if (hls_DownloadSegmentData(s, hls, segment, current) != VLC_SUCCESS)            return VLC_EGENERIC;        p_sys->download.segment++;        /* adapt bandwidth? */        if (*current != stream)        {            hls_stream_t *hls = hls_Get(p_sys->hls_stream, *current);            if (hls == NULL)                return VLC_EGENERIC;             stream = *current;        }    }    return VLC_SUCCESS;}/**************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************/static int hls_Download(stream_t *s, segment_t *segment){    stream_sys_t *p_sys = s->p_sys;    assert(segment);    vlc_mutex_lock(&p_sys->lock);    while (p_sys->paused)        vlc_cond_wait(&p_sys->wait, &p_sys->lock);    vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_sys->lock);    stream_t *p_ts = stream_UrlNew(s, segment->url);    if (p_ts == NULL)        return VLC_EGENERIC;    segment->size = stream_Size(p_ts);    assert(segment->size > 0);    segment->data = block_Alloc(segment->size);    if (segment->data == NULL)    {        stream_Delete(p_ts);        return VLC_ENOMEM;    }    assert(segment->data->i_buffer == segment->size);    ssize_t length = 0, curlen = 0;    uint64_t size;    do    {        /* NOTE: Beware the size reported for a segment by the HLS server may not         * be correct, when downloading the segment data. Therefore check the size         * and enlarge the segment data block if necessary.         */        size = stream_Size(p_ts);        if (size > segment->size)        {            msg_Dbg(s, "size changed %"PRIu64, segment->size);            block_t *p_block = block_Realloc(segment->data, 0, size);            if (p_block == NULL)            {                stream_Delete(p_ts);                block_Release(segment->data);                segment->data = NULL;                return VLC_ENOMEM;            }            segment->data = p_block;            segment->size = size;            assert(segment->data->i_buffer == segment->size);            p_block = NULL;        }        length = stream_Read(p_ts, segment->data->p_buffer + curlen, segment->size - curlen);        if (length <= 0)            break;        curlen += length;    } while (vlc_object_alive(s));    stream_Delete(p_ts);    return VLC_SUCCESS;}/* Read M3U8 file */static ssize_t read_M3U8_from_stream(stream_t *s, uint8_t **buffer){    int64_t total_bytes = 0;    int64_t total_allocated = 0;    uint8_t *p = NULL;    while (1)    {        char buf[4096];        int64_t bytes;        bytes = stream_Read(s, buf, sizeof(buf));        if (bytes == 0)            break;      /* EOF ? */        else if (bytes < 0)        {            free (p);            return bytes;        }        if ( (total_bytes + bytes + 1) > total_allocated )        {            if (total_allocated)                total_allocated *= 2;            else                total_allocated = __MIN((uint64_t)bytes+1, sizeof(buf));            p = realloc_or_free(p, total_allocated);            if (p == NULL)                return VLC_ENOMEM;        }        memcpy(p+total_bytes, buf, bytes);        total_bytes += bytes;    }    if (total_allocated == 0)        return VLC_EGENERIC;    p[total_bytes] = '\0';    *buffer = p;    return total_bytes;}static ssize_t read_M3U8_from_url(stream_t *s, const char* psz_url, uint8_t **buffer){    assert(*buffer == NULL);    /* Construct URL */    stream_t *p_m3u8 = stream_UrlNew(s, psz_url);    if (p_m3u8 == NULL)        return VLC_EGENERIC;    ssize_t size = read_M3U8_from_stream(p_m3u8, buffer);    stream_Delete(p_m3u8);    return size;}static char *ReadLine(uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t **pos, const size_t len){    assert(buffer);    char *line = NULL;    uint8_t *begin = buffer;    uint8_t *p = begin;    uint8_t *end = p + len;    while (p < end)    {        if ((*p == '\r') || (*p == '\n') || (*p == '\0'))            break;        p++;    }    /* copy line excluding \r \n or \0 */    line = strndup((char *)begin, p - begin);    while ((*p == '\r') || (*p == '\n') || (*p == '\0'))    {        if (*p == '\0')        {            *pos = end;            break;        }        else        {            /* next pass start after \r and \n */            p++;            *pos = p;        }    }    return line;}/**************************************************************************** * Open ****************************************************************************/static int Open(vlc_object_t *p_this){    stream_t *s = (stream_t*)p_this;    stream_sys_t *p_sys;    if (!isHTTPLiveStreaming(s))        return VLC_EGENERIC;    msg_Info(p_this, "HTTP Live Streaming (%s)", s->psz_path);    /* Initialize crypto bit */    vlc_gcrypt_init();    /* */    s->p_sys = p_sys = calloc(1, sizeof(*p_sys));    if (p_sys == NULL)        return VLC_ENOMEM;    char *psz_uri = NULL;    if (asprintf(&psz_uri,"%s://%s", s->psz_access, s->psz_path) < 0)    {        free(p_sys);        return VLC_ENOMEM;    }    p_sys->m3u8 = psz_uri;    char *new_path;    if (asprintf(&new_path, "%s.ts", s->psz_path) < 0)    {        free(p_sys->m3u8);        free(p_sys);        return VLC_ENOMEM;    }    free(s->psz_path);    s->psz_path = new_path;    p_sys->bandwidth = 0;    p_sys->b_live = true;    p_sys->b_meta = false;    p_sys->b_error = false;    p_sys->hls_stream = vlc_array_new();    if (p_sys->hls_stream == NULL)    {        free(p_sys->m3u8);        free(p_sys);        return VLC_ENOMEM;    }    /* */    s->pf_read = Read;    s->pf_peek = Peek;    s->pf_control = Control;    p_sys->paused = false;    vlc_cond_init(&p_sys->wait);    vlc_mutex_init(&p_sys->lock);    /* Parse HLS m3u8 content. */    uint8_t *buffer = NULL;    ssize_t len = read_M3U8_from_stream(s->p_source, &buffer);    if (len < 0)        goto fail;    if (parse_M3U8(s, p_sys->hls_stream, buffer, len) != VLC_SUCCESS)    {        free(buffer);        goto fail;    }    free(buffer);    /* HLS standard doesn't provide any guaranty about streams       being sorted by bandwidth, so we sort them */    qsort( p_sys->hls_stream->pp_elems, p_sys->hls_stream->i_count,           sizeof( hls_stream_t* ), &hls_CompareStreams );    /* Choose first HLS stream to start with */    int current = p_sys->playback.stream = p_sys->hls_stream->i_count-1;    p_sys->playback.segment = p_sys->download.segment = ChooseSegment(s, current);    /* manage encryption key if needed */    hls_ManageSegmentKeys(s, hls_Get(p_sys->hls_stream, current));    if (Prefetch(s, ¤t) != VLC_SUCCESS)    {        msg_Err(s, "fetching first segment failed.");        goto fail;    }    p_sys->download.stream = current;    p_sys->playback.stream = current;    p_sys->download.seek = -1;    vlc_mutex_init(&p_sys->download.lock_wait);    vlc_cond_init(&p_sys->download.wait);    vlc_mutex_init(&p_sys->read.lock_wait);    vlc_cond_init(&p_sys->read.wait);    /* Initialize HLS live stream */    if (p_sys->b_live)    {        hls_stream_t *hls = hls_Get(p_sys->hls_stream, current);        p_sys->playlist.last = mdate();        p_sys->playlist.wakeup = p_sys->playlist.last +                ((mtime_t)hls->duration * CLOCK_FREQ );        if (vlc_clone(&p_sys->reload, hls_Reload, s, VLC_THREAD_PRIORITY_LOW))        {            goto fail_thread;        }    }    if (vlc_clone(&p_sys->thread, hls_Thread, s, VLC_THREAD_PRIORITY_INPUT))    {        if (p_sys->b_live)            vlc_join(p_sys->reload, NULL);        goto fail_thread;    }    return VLC_SUCCESS;fail_thread:    vlc_mutex_destroy(&p_sys->download.lock_wait);    vlc_cond_destroy(&p_sys->download.wait);    vlc_mutex_destroy(&p_sys->read.lock_wait);    vlc_cond_destroy(&p_sys->read.wait);fail:    /* Free hls streams */    for (int i = 0; i < vlc_array_count(p_sys->hls_stream); i++)    {        hls_stream_t *hls = hls_Get(p_sys->hls_stream, i);        if (hls) hls_Free(hls);    }    vlc_array_destroy(p_sys->hls_stream);    vlc_mutex_destroy(&p_sys->lock);    vlc_cond_destroy(&p_sys->wait);    /* */    free(p_sys->m3u8);    free(p_sys);    return VLC_EGENERIC;}/**************************************************************************** * Close ****************************************************************************/static void Close(vlc_object_t *p_this){    stream_t *s = (stream_t*)p_this;    stream_sys_t *p_sys = s->p_sys;    assert(p_sys->hls_stream);    vlc_mutex_lock(&p_sys->lock);    p_sys->paused = false;    vlc_cond_signal(&p_sys->wait);    vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_sys->lock);    /* */    vlc_mutex_lock(&p_sys->download.lock_wait);    /* negate the condition variable's predicate */    p_sys->download.segment = p_sys->playback.segment = 0;    p_sys->download.seek = 0; /* better safe than sorry */    vlc_cond_signal(&p_sys->download.wait);    vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_sys->download.lock_wait);    /* */    if (p_sys->b_live)        vlc_join(p_sys->reload, NULL);    vlc_join(p_sys->thread, NULL);    vlc_mutex_destroy(&p_sys->download.lock_wait);    vlc_cond_destroy(&p_sys->download.wait);    vlc_mutex_destroy(&p_sys->read.lock_wait);    vlc_cond_destroy(&p_sys->read.wait);    /* Free hls streams */    for (int i = 0; i < vlc_array_count(p_sys->hls_stream); i++)    {        hls_stream_t *hls = hls_Get(p_sys->hls_stream, i);        if (hls) hls_Free(hls);    }    vlc_array_destroy(p_sys->hls_stream);    /* */    vlc_mutex_destroy(&p_sys->lock);    vlc_cond_destroy(&p_sys->wait);    free(p_sys->m3u8);    if (p_sys->peeked)        block_Release (p_sys->peeked);    free(p_sys);}/**************************************************************************** * Stream filters functions ****************************************************************************/static segment_t *GetSegment(stream_t *s){    stream_sys_t *p_sys = s->p_sys;    segment_t *segment = NULL;    /* Is this segment of the current HLS stream ready? */    hls_stream_t *hls = hls_Get(p_sys->hls_stream, p_sys->playback.stream);    if (hls != NULL)    {        vlc_mutex_lock(&hls->lock);        segment = segment_GetSegment(hls, p_sys->playback.segment);        if (segment != NULL)        {            vlc_mutex_lock(&segment->lock);            /* This segment is ready? */            if (segment->data != NULL)            {                vlc_mutex_unlock(&segment->lock);                p_sys->b_cache = hls->b_cache;                vlc_mutex_unlock(&hls->lock);                goto check;            }            vlc_mutex_unlock(&segment->lock);        }        vlc_mutex_unlock(&hls->lock);    }    /* Was the HLS stream changed to another bitrate? */    segment = NULL;    for (int i_stream = 0; i_stream < vlc_array_count(p_sys->hls_stream); i_stream++)    {        /* Is the next segment ready */        hls_stream_t *hls = hls_Get(p_sys->hls_stream, i_stream);        if (hls == NULL)            return NULL;        vlc_mutex_lock(&hls->lock);        segment = segment_GetSegment(hls, p_sys->playback.segment);        if (segment == NULL)        {            vlc_mutex_unlock(&hls->lock);            break;        }        vlc_mutex_lock(&p_sys->download.lock_wait);        int i_segment = p_sys->download.segment;        vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_sys->download.lock_wait);        vlc_mutex_lock(&segment->lock);        /* This segment is ready? */        if ((segment->data != NULL) &&            (p_sys->playback.segment < i_segment))        {            p_sys->playback.stream = i_stream;            p_sys->b_cache = hls->b_cache;            vlc_mutex_unlock(&segment->lock);            vlc_mutex_unlock(&hls->lock);            goto check;        }        vlc_mutex_unlock(&segment->lock);        vlc_mutex_unlock(&hls->lock);        if (!p_sys->b_meta)            break;    }    /* */    return NULL;check:    /* sanity check */    assert(segment->data);    if (segment->data->i_buffer == 0)    {        vlc_mutex_lock(&hls->lock);        int count = vlc_array_count(hls->segments);        vlc_mutex_unlock(&hls->lock);        if ((p_sys->download.segment - p_sys->playback.segment == 0) &&            ((count != p_sys->download.segment) || p_sys->b_live))            msg_Err(s, "playback will stall");        else if ((p_sys->download.segment - p_sys->playback.segment < 3) &&                 ((count != p_sys->download.segment) || p_sys->b_live))            msg_Warn(s, "playback in danger of stalling");    }    return segment;}static int segment_RestorePos(segment_t *segment){    if (segment->data)    {        uint64_t size = segment->size - segment->data->i_buffer;        if (size > 0)        {            segment->data->i_buffer += size;            segment->data->p_buffer -= size;        }    }    return VLC_SUCCESS;}/* p_read might be NULL if caller wants to skip data */static ssize_t hls_Read(stream_t *s, uint8_t *p_read, unsigned int i_read){    stream_sys_t *p_sys = s->p_sys;    ssize_t used = 0;    do    {        /* Determine next segment to read. If this is a meta playlist and         * bandwidth conditions changed, then the stream might have switched         * to another bandwidth. */        segment_t *segment = GetSegment(s);        if (segment == NULL)            break;        vlc_mutex_lock(&segment->lock);        if (segment->data->i_buffer == 0)        {            if (!p_sys->b_cache || p_sys->b_live)            {                block_Release(segment->data);                segment->data = NULL;            }            else                segment_RestorePos(segment);            vlc_mutex_unlock(&segment->lock);            /* signal download thread */            vlc_mutex_lock(&p_sys->download.lock_wait);            p_sys->playback.segment++;            vlc_cond_signal(&p_sys->download.wait);            vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_sys->download.lock_wait);            continue;        }        if (segment->size == segment->data->i_buffer)            msg_Dbg(s, "playing segment %d from stream %d",                     segment->sequence, p_sys->playback.stream);        ssize_t len = -1;        if (i_read <= segment->data->i_buffer)            len = i_read;        else if (i_read > segment->data->i_buffer)            len = segment->data->i_buffer;        if (len > 0)        {            if (p_read) /* if NULL, then caller skips data */                memcpy(p_read + used, segment->data->p_buffer, len);            segment->data->i_buffer -= len;            segment->data->p_buffer += len;            used += len;            i_read -= len;        }        vlc_mutex_unlock(&segment->lock);    } while (i_read > 0);    return used;}static int Read(stream_t *s, void *buffer, unsigned int i_read){    stream_sys_t *p_sys = s->p_sys;    ssize_t length = 0;    assert(p_sys->hls_stream);    while (length == 0)    {        // In case an error occurred or the stream was closed return 0        if (p_sys->b_error || !vlc_object_alive(s))            return 0;        // Lock the mutex before trying to read to avoid a race condition with the download thread        vlc_mutex_lock(&p_sys->read.lock_wait);        /* NOTE: buffer might be NULL if caller wants to skip data */        length = hls_Read(s, (uint8_t*) buffer, i_read);        // An error has occurred in hls_Read        if (length < 0)        {            vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_sys->read.lock_wait);            return 0;        }        // There is no data available yet for the demuxer so we need to wait until reload and        // download operation are over.        // Download thread will signal once download is finished.        // A timed wait is used to avoid deadlock in case data never arrives since the thread        // running this read operation is also responsible for closing the stream        if (length == 0)        {            mtime_t start = mdate();            // Wait for 10 seconds            mtime_t timeout_limit = start + (10 * CLOCK_FREQ);            int res = vlc_cond_timedwait(&p_sys->read.wait, &p_sys->read.lock_wait, timeout_limit);            // Error - reached a timeout of 10 seconds without data arriving - kill the stream            if (res == ETIMEDOUT)            {                msg_Warn(s, "timeout limit reached!");                vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_sys->read.lock_wait);                return 0;            }            else if (res == EINVAL)                return 0; // Error - lock is not locked so we can just return        }        vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_sys->read.lock_wait);    }    p_sys->playback.offset += length;    return length;}static int Peek(stream_t *s, const uint8_t **pp_peek, unsigned int i_peek){    stream_sys_t *p_sys = s->p_sys;    segment_t *segment;    unsigned int len = i_peek;    segment = GetSegment(s);    if (segment == NULL)    {        msg_Err(s, "segment %d should have been available (stream %d)",                p_sys->playback.segment, p_sys->playback.stream);        return 0; /* eof? */    }    vlc_mutex_lock(&segment->lock);    size_t i_buff = segment->data->i_buffer;    uint8_t *p_buff = segment->data->p_buffer;    if ( likely(i_peek < i_buff))    {        *pp_peek = p_buff;        vlc_mutex_unlock(&segment->lock);        return i_peek;    }    else /* This will seldom be run */    {        /* remember segment to read */        int peek_segment = p_sys->playback.segment;        size_t curlen = 0;        segment_t *nsegment;        p_sys->playback.segment++;        block_t *peeked = p_sys->peeked;        if (peeked == NULL)            peeked = block_Alloc (i_peek);        else if (peeked->i_buffer < i_peek)            peeked = block_Realloc (peeked, 0, i_peek);        if (peeked == NULL)        {            vlc_mutex_unlock(&segment->lock);            return 0;        }        p_sys->peeked = peeked;        memcpy(peeked->p_buffer, p_buff, i_buff);        curlen = i_buff;        len -= i_buff;        vlc_mutex_unlock(&segment->lock);        i_buff = peeked->i_buffer;        p_buff = peeked->p_buffer;        *pp_peek = p_buff;        while (curlen < i_peek)        {            nsegment = GetSegment(s);            if (nsegment == NULL)            {                msg_Err(s, "segment %d should have been available (stream %d)",                        p_sys->playback.segment, p_sys->playback.stream);                /* restore segment to read */                p_sys->playback.segment = peek_segment;                return curlen; /* eof? */            }            vlc_mutex_lock(&nsegment->lock);            if (len < nsegment->data->i_buffer)            {                memcpy(p_buff + curlen, nsegment->data->p_buffer, len);                curlen += len;            }            else            {                size_t i_nbuff = nsegment->data->i_buffer;                memcpy(p_buff + curlen, nsegment->data->p_buffer, i_nbuff);                curlen += i_nbuff;                len -= i_nbuff;                p_sys->playback.segment++;            }            vlc_mutex_unlock(&nsegment->lock);        }        /* restore segment to read */        p_sys->playback.segment = peek_segment;        return curlen;    }}static bool hls_MaySeek(stream_t *s){    stream_sys_t *p_sys = s->p_sys;    if (p_sys->hls_stream == NULL)        return false;    hls_stream_t *hls = hls_Get(p_sys->hls_stream, p_sys->playback.stream);    if (hls == NULL) return false;    if (p_sys->b_live)    {        vlc_mutex_lock(&hls->lock);        int count = vlc_array_count(hls->segments);        vlc_mutex_unlock(&hls->lock);        vlc_mutex_lock(&p_sys->download.lock_wait);        bool may_seek = (p_sys->download.segment < (count - 2));        vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_sys->download.lock_wait);        return may_seek;    }    return true;}static uint64_t GetStreamSize(stream_t *s){    stream_sys_t *p_sys = s->p_sys;    if (p_sys->b_live)        return 0;    hls_stream_t *hls = hls_Get(p_sys->hls_stream, p_sys->playback.stream);    if (hls == NULL) return 0;    vlc_mutex_lock(&hls->lock);    if (hls->size == 0)        hls->size = hls_GetStreamSize(hls);    uint64_t size = hls->size;    vlc_mutex_unlock(&hls->lock);    return size;}static int segment_Seek(stream_t *s, const uint64_t pos){    stream_sys_t *p_sys = s->p_sys;    hls_stream_t *hls = hls_Get(p_sys->hls_stream, p_sys->playback.stream);    if (hls == NULL)        return VLC_EGENERIC;    vlc_mutex_lock(&hls->lock);    bool b_found = false;    uint64_t length = 0;    uint64_t size = hls->size;    int count = vlc_array_count(hls->segments);    segment_t *currentSegment = segment_GetSegment(hls, p_sys->playback.segment);    if (currentSegment == NULL)    {        vlc_mutex_unlock(&hls->lock);        return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    for (int n = 0; n < count; n++)    {        segment_t *segment = segment_GetSegment(hls, n);        if (segment == NULL)        {            vlc_mutex_unlock(&hls->lock);            return VLC_EGENERIC;        }        vlc_mutex_lock(&segment->lock);        length += segment->duration * (hls->bandwidth/8);        vlc_mutex_unlock(&segment->lock);        if (pos <= length)        {            if (count - n >= 3)            {                p_sys->playback.segment = n;                b_found = true;                break;            }            /* Do not search in last 3 segments */            vlc_mutex_unlock(&hls->lock);            return VLC_EGENERIC;        }    }    /* */    if (!b_found && (pos >= size))    {        p_sys->playback.segment = count - 1;        b_found = true;    }    /* */    if (b_found)    {        /* restore current segment to start position */        vlc_mutex_lock(¤tSegment->lock);        segment_RestorePos(currentSegment);        vlc_mutex_unlock(¤tSegment->lock);        /* restore seeked segment to start position */        segment_t *segment = segment_GetSegment(hls, p_sys->playback.segment);        if (segment == NULL)        {            vlc_mutex_unlock(&hls->lock);            return VLC_EGENERIC;        }        vlc_mutex_lock(&segment->lock);        segment_RestorePos(segment);        vlc_mutex_unlock(&segment->lock);        /* start download at current playback segment */        vlc_mutex_unlock(&hls->lock);        /* Wake up download thread */        vlc_mutex_lock(&p_sys->download.lock_wait);        p_sys->download.seek = p_sys->playback.segment;        vlc_cond_signal(&p_sys->download.wait);        /* Wait for download to be finished */        msg_Dbg(s, "seek to segment %d", p_sys->playback.segment);        while ((p_sys->download.seek != -1) ||           ((p_sys->download.segment - p_sys->playback.segment < 3) &&                (p_sys->download.segment < count)))        {            vlc_cond_wait(&p_sys->download.wait, &p_sys->download.lock_wait);            if (!vlc_object_alive(s) || s->b_error) break;        }        vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_sys->download.lock_wait);        return VLC_SUCCESS;    }    vlc_mutex_unlock(&hls->lock);    return b_found ? VLC_SUCCESS : VLC_EGENERIC;}static int Control(stream_t *s, int i_query, va_list args){    stream_sys_t *p_sys = s->p_sys;    switch (i_query)    {        case STREAM_CAN_SEEK:            *(va_arg (args, bool *)) = hls_MaySeek(s);            break;        case STREAM_CAN_CONTROL_PACE:        case STREAM_CAN_PAUSE:            *(va_arg (args, bool *)) = true;            break;        case STREAM_CAN_FASTSEEK:            *(va_arg (args, bool *)) = false;            break;        case STREAM_GET_POSITION:            *(va_arg (args, uint64_t *)) = p_sys->playback.offset;            break;        case STREAM_SET_PAUSE_STATE:        {            bool paused = va_arg (args, unsigned);            vlc_mutex_lock(&p_sys->lock);            p_sys->paused = paused;            vlc_cond_signal(&p_sys->wait);            vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_sys->lock);            break;        }        case STREAM_SET_POSITION:            if (hls_MaySeek(s))            {                uint64_t pos = (uint64_t)va_arg(args, uint64_t);                if (segment_Seek(s, pos) == VLC_SUCCESS)                {                    p_sys->playback.offset = pos;                    break;                }            }            return VLC_EGENERIC;        case STREAM_GET_SIZE:            *(va_arg (args, uint64_t *)) = GetStreamSize(s);            break;        case STREAM_GET_PTS_DELAY:            *va_arg (args, int64_t *) = INT64_C(1000) *                var_InheritInteger(s, "network-caching");             break;        default:            return VLC_EGENERIC;    }    return VLC_SUCCESS;}

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