没有拿得出手的项目, 如何在面试/简历中为自己加分?

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝卖鞋子的好店 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 23:37

看着自己简历上几个简陋的项目实在拿不出手,怎么办呢?其实,每个人在刚开始找工作的时候,都会遇到同样的状况。即使是你未来的 Manager,他们刚开始准备找工作的时候,也是没有什么特别突出的项目,感觉到捉襟见肘。所以,你完全不用为此而惊慌。




比如,你正准备投一个 Data Engineering / Data Scientist 相关的职位,你在学校的 Big Data 或者 统计学 课程中的项目经验就可以用上。而其中比较有用的技能可能是:Hadoop, MapReduce, MySQL, Statistics 等等。



比如,我马上要面 Facebook, 那么我就要去了解一下 Facebook 当前的主要业务、核心技术、技术栈等等。然后有针对性地去朝着这个方向放置简历的项目经验,同时在面试时,也有意地引导面试官去关注你在这些方面的技能。此外,在面试时,也可以向面试官提一些比较有深度的问题,表达你对该公司/该职位的兴趣和热爱。


2)Linkedin 上在这个公司工作的人,了解他们简历中所包含的过往经历、技术能力;





九章算法现在提供的项目实战课程有:《Android 项目实战班》和《Big Data 项目实战班》,有工业界的老师带着做项目,可以省些时间,少走弯路。

当然如果你自学能力比较强,也有足够的时间自己研究,也可以自己做一些小项目。CC150 作者 Gayle Laakmann McDowell 曾经有推荐一些7-14天可完成的小项目:


1.Any app on your phone / computer that you think could be done slightly better (or better for your purpose).

2.A to-do list that syncs with Google Spreadsheets and Evernote (using their APIs)

3.An "idea tracker" mobile app to let you very quickly jot down a startup idea and share the list -- or partial list -- with a friend. Syncing with Google Spreadsheets is key.

4.A merged registry that creates a merged view of multiple registries. There are many people doing unified [baby / wedding] registries, but they have a major weakness in that they don't show if someone has purchased an item. This would allow someone to create many registries with just one view / link to give out to people.

5.A chat widget that allows "branching" of conversations. You know how you'll be in the middle of a conversation with someone and then another topic would come up? What if you could branch that part out to a new conversation?

6.Chrome extension to overlay Yelp reviews on OpenTable <--- do this. pretty please? I want this.

7."Forum on the Fly" -- be able to create a very quick forum on the fly by just sending a link, supporting conversation threading and other things.

8.Online polls that don't suck / get covered with ads. Think Doodle for polls.

9.Social book recommender -- use Amazon receipts in email (this can be done -- TripIt is able to scan gmail) or screen scrape Amazon past purchases to know what you've previously purchased. Then let you see what books have been most purchased by your friends. SO many people I know want this. 
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