
来源:互联网 发布:上哈佛 剑桥 努力 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 21:36

要点: 装饰者与被装饰者拥有共同的超类,继承的目的是继承类型,而不是行为




package com.iter.devbox.decorator.sandwich;/** * 公共接口或抽象类 * 所有成分的父类,抽象类有一个描述自己的方法和一个得到价格的方法, * 以及一个打印自身描述和价格的方法(该方法与另外两个方法构成模板方法) * @author Shearer * */public abstract  class Ingredient {public abstract String getDescription();public abstract double getCost();public void printDescription() {System.out.println(" Name      " + this.getDescription());System.out.println(" Price RMB " + this.getCost());}}package com.iter.devbox.decorator.sandwich;/** * 被装饰对象 * 面包类,因为它是一个具体的成分,因此实现父类的所有的抽象方法。 * 描述可以通过构造器传入,也可以通过set方法传入。同样价格也是一样的,我就很简单地返回了。 * @author Shearer * */public class Bread extends Ingredient {private String description;public Bread(String desc) {this.description = desc;}public String getDescription() {return description;}public double getCost() {return 2.5;}}package com.iter.devbox.decorator.sandwich;/** * 装饰器对象,所有具体装饰器对象父类。 它最经典的特征就是:1.必须有一个它自己的父类为自己的成员变量;2.必须继承公共父类。 * 这是因为装饰器也是一种成分,只不过是那些具体具有装饰功能的成分的公共抽象罢了。 * 在我们的例子中就是有一个Ingredient作为其成员变量。Decorator继承了Ingredient类。 *  * @author Shearer * */public abstract class Decorator extends Ingredient {protected Ingredient ingredient;public Decorator(Ingredient igd) {this.ingredient = igd;}public abstract String getDescription();public abstract double getCost();}package com.iter.devbox.decorator.sandwich;/** * 具体的猪肉成分,同时也是一个具体的装饰器,因此它继承了Decorator类 * @author Shearer * */public class Pork extends Decorator {public Pork(Ingredient igd) {super(igd);}public String getDescription() {String base = this.ingredient.getDescription();return base + "\n" + "Decrocated with Pork !";}public double getCost() {double basePrice = ingredient.getCost();double porkPrice = 2;return basePrice + porkPrice;}}package com.iter.devbox.decorator.sandwich;/** * 羊肉的包装器。 * @author Shearer * */public class Mutton extends Decorator {public Mutton(Ingredient igd) {super(igd);}public String getDescription() {String base = ingredient.getDescription();return base + "\n" + "Decrocated with Mutton !";}public double getCost() {double basePrice = ingredient.getCost();double muttonPrice = 3.5;return basePrice + muttonPrice;}}package com.iter.devbox.decorator.sandwich;/** * 芹菜的包装器 * @author Shearer * */public class Celery extends Decorator {public Celery(Ingredient igd) {super(igd);}public String getDescription() {String base = ingredient.getDescription();return base + "\n" + "Decrocated with Celery !";}public double getCost() {double basePrice = ingredient.getCost();double celeryPrice = 0.6;return basePrice + celeryPrice;}}package com.iter.devbox.decorator.sandwich;/** * 青菜的包装器 * @author Shearer * */public class GreenGrocery extends Decorator {public GreenGrocery(Ingredient igd) {super(igd);}public String getDescription() {String base = ingredient.getDescription();return base + "\n" + "Decrocated with GreenGrocery  !";}public double getCost() {double basePrice = ingredient.getCost();double greenGroceryPrice = 0.4;return basePrice + greenGroceryPrice;}}package com.iter.devbox.decorator.sandwich;public class Client {public static void main(String[] args) {//加猪肉和青菜的三明治Ingredient sandwich = new GreenGrocery(new Pork(new Bread("加猪肉和青菜的三明治")));sandwich.printDescription();}}


 Name      加猪肉和青菜的三明治
Decrocated with Pork !
Decrocated with GreenGrocery  !
 Price RMB 4.9

最典型的装饰器类就是Java IO中的

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