HTML Canvas 涂鸦

来源:互联网 发布:药品说明书查询软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 19:15

HTML Canvas 涂鸦一

<!doctype html><head>    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />    <title>javascript结合html5 canvas实现的涂鸦板 - 分享</title>    <meta name="Copyright" content="JavaScript分享网" />    <meta name="description" content="javascript结合html5 canvas实现的涂鸦板,JavaScript分享网,js脚本,网页特效,网页模板,png图标,矢量图下载" />    <meta content="JavaScript,分享,JavaScript代码,Ajax,jQuery,网页模板,PNG图标,矢量图" name="keywords" /></head><body>    <style>    * {        margin: 0;        padding: 0;    }        .fa {        width: 740px;        margin: 0 auto;    }        .top {        margin: 20px 0;    }        .top input {        width: 25px;        height: 25px;        border: 1px solid #fff;        border-radius: 4px;        background: #ddd;    }        .top .i1 {        background: #000000;    }        .top .i2 {        background: #FF0000;    }        .top .i3 {        background: #80FF00;    }        .top .i4 {        background: #00FFFF;    }        .top .i5 {        background: #808080;    }        .top .i6 {        background: #FF8000;    }        .top .i7 {        background: #408080;    }        .top .i8 {        background: #8000FF;    }        .top .i9 {        background: #CCCC00;    }        #canvas {        background: #eee;        cursor: default;    }        .font input {        font-size: 14px;    }        .top .grea {        background: #aaa;    }    </style>    </head>    <body>        <div class="fa">            <div class="top">                <div id="color">                    请选择画笔颜色:                    <input class="i1" type="button" value="" />                    <input class="i2" type="button" value="" />                    <input class="i3" type="button" value="" />                    <input class="i4" type="button" value="" />                    <input class="i5" type="button" value="" />                    <input class="i6" type="button" value="" />                    <input class="i7" type="button" value="" />                    <input class="i8" type="button" value="" />                    <input class="i9" type="button" value="" />                </div>                <div class="font" id="font">                    请选择画笔的宽度:                    <input type="button" value="细" />                    <input type="button" value="中" class="grea" />                    <input type="button" value="粗" />                </div>                <div>                    <span id="error">如果有错误,请使用橡皮擦:</span>                    <input id="eraser" style="width:60px;font-size:14px;" type="button" value="橡皮擦" />                </div>                <input id="clear" type="button" value="清除画布" style="width:80px;" />                <input id="revocation" type="button" value="撤销" style="width:80px;" />                <input id="imgurl" type="button" value="导出图片路径" style="width:80px;" />            </div>            <canvas id="canvas" width="740" height="420">您的浏览器不支持 canvas 标签</canvas>            <div id="div1"></div>        </div>        <div id="html">        </div>        <script>        (function() {            var paint = {                init: function() {                    this.load();                },                load: function() {                    this.x = []; //记录鼠标移动是的X坐标                    this.y = []; //记录鼠标移动是的Y坐标                    this.clickDrag = [];                    this.lock = false; //鼠标移动前,判断鼠标是否按下                    this.isEraser = false;                    //this.Timer=null;//橡皮擦启动计时器                    //this.radius=5;                    this.storageColor = "#000000";                    this.eraserRadius = 15; //擦除半径值                    this.color = ["#000000", "#FF0000", "#80FF00", "#00FFFF", "#808080", "#FF8000", "#408080", "#8000FF", "#CCCC00"]; //画笔颜色值                    this.fontWeight = [2, 5, 8];                    this.$ = function(id) {                        return typeof id == "string" ? document.getElementById(id) : id;                    };                    this.canvas = this.$("canvas");                    if (this.canvas.getContext) {} else {                        alert("您的浏览器不支持 canvas 标签");                        return;                    }                    this.cxt = this.canvas.getContext('2d');                    this.cxt.lineJoin = "round"; //context.lineJoin - 指定两条线段的连接方式                    this.cxt.lineWidth = 5; //线条的宽度                    this.iptClear = this.$("clear");                    this.revocation = this.$("revocation");                    this.imgurl = this.$("imgurl"); //图片路径按钮                    this.w = this.canvas.width; //取画布的宽                    this.h = this.canvas.height; //取画布的高                    this.touch = ("createTouch" in document); //判定是否为手持设备                    this.StartEvent = this.touch ? "touchstart" : "mousedown"; //支持触摸式使用相应的事件替代                    this.MoveEvent = this.touch ? "touchmove" : "mousemove";                    this.EndEvent = this.touch ? "touchend" : "mouseup";                    this.bind();                },                bind: function() {                    var t = this;                    /*清除画布*/                    this.iptClear.onclick = function() {                        t.clear();                    };                    /*鼠标按下事件,记录鼠标位置,并绘制,解锁lock,打开mousemove事件*/                    this.canvas['on' + t.StartEvent] = function(e) {                        var touch = t.touch ? e.touches[0] : e;                        var _x = touch.clientX -; //鼠标在画布上的x坐标,以画布左上角为起点                        var _y = touch.clientY -; //鼠标在画布上的y坐标,以画布左上角为起点                                    if (t.isEraser) {                            /*                                t.cxt.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out";                                t.cxt.beginPath();                                t.cxt.arc(_x, _y,t.eraserRadius, 0, Math.PI * 2);                                t.cxt.strokeStyle = "rgba(250,250,250,0)";                                t.cxt.fill();                                t.cxt.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";                                */                            t.resetEraser(_x, _y, touch);                        } else {                            t.movePoint(_x, _y); //记录鼠标位置                            t.drawPoint(); //绘制路线                        }                        t.lock = true;                    };                    /*鼠标移动事件*/                    this.canvas['on' + t.MoveEvent] = function(e) {                        var touch = t.touch ? e.touches[0] : e;                        if (t.lock) //t.lock为true则执行                        {                            var _x = touch.clientX -; //鼠标在画布上的x坐标,以画布左上角为起点                            var _y = touch.clientY -; //鼠标在画布上的y坐标,以画布左上角为起点                            if (t.isEraser) {                                //if(t.Timer)clearInterval(t.Timer);                                //t.Timer=setInterval(function(){                                t.resetEraser(_x, _y, touch);                                //},10);                            } else {                            t.saveDraw();                                t.movePoint(_x, _y, true); //记录鼠标位置                                t.drawPoint(); //绘制路线                            }                        }                    };                    this.canvas['on' + t.EndEvent] = function(e) {                        /*重置数据*/                        t.lock = false;                        t.x = [];                        t.y = [];                        t.clickDrag = [];                        clearInterval(t.Timer);                        t.Timer = null;                    };                    this.revocation.onclick = function() {                        t.redraw();                    };                    this.changeColor();                    this.imgurl.onclick = function() {                        t.getUrl();                    };                    /*橡皮擦*/                    this.$("eraser").onclick = function(e) {                        t.isEraser = true;                        t.$("error").style.color = "red";                        t.$("error").innerHTML = "您已使用橡皮擦!";                    };                },                movePoint: function(x, y, dragging) {                    /*将鼠标坐标添加到各自对应的数组里*/                    this.x.push(x);                    this.y.push(y);                    this.clickDrag.push(y);                },                drawPoint: function(x, y, radius) {                                    for (var i = 0; i < this.x.length; i++) //循环数组                    {                        this.cxt.beginPath(); //context.beginPath() , 准备绘制一条路径                        if (this.clickDrag[i] && i) { //当是拖动而且i!=0时,从上一个点开始画线。                            this.cxt.moveTo(this.x[i - 1], this.y[i - 1]); //context.moveTo(x, y) , 新开一个路径,并指定路径的起点                        } else {                            this.cxt.moveTo(this.x[i] - 1, this.y[i]);                        }                        this.cxt.lineTo(this.x[i], this.y[i]); //context.lineTo(x, y) , 将当前点与指定的点用一条笔直的路径连接起来                        this.cxt.closePath(); //context.closePath() , 如果当前路径是打开的则关闭它                        this.cxt.stroke(); //context.stroke() , 绘制当前路径                    }                },                clear: function() {                    this.cxt.clearRect(0, 0, this.w, this.h); //清除画布,左上角为起点                },                redraw: function() {                    /*撤销*/                    this.cxt.restore();                },                                preventDefault: function(e) {                    /*阻止默认*/                    var touch = this.touch ? e.touches[0] : e;                    if (this.touch) touch.preventDefault();                    else window.event.returnValue = false;                },                changeColor: function() {                    /*为按钮添加事件*/                    var t = this,                        iptNum = this.$("color").getElementsByTagName("input"),                        fontIptNum = this.$("font").getElementsByTagName("input");                    for (var i = 0, l = iptNum.length; i < l; i++) {                        iptNum[i].index = i;                        iptNum[i].onclick = function() {                  ;                            t.cxt.strokeStyle = t.color[this.index];                            t.storageColor = t.color[this.index];                            t.$("error").style.color = "#000";                            t.$("error").innerHTML = "如果有错误,请使用橡皮擦:";                            t.cxt.strokeStyle = t.storageColor;                            t.isEraser = false;                        }                    }                    for (var i = 0, l = fontIptNum.length; i < l; i++) {              ;                        fontIptNum[i].index = i;                        fontIptNum[i].onclick = function() {                            t.changeBackground(this.index);                            t.cxt.lineWidth = t.fontWeight[this.index];                            t.$("error").style.color = "#000";                            t.$("error").innerHTML = "如果有错误,请使用橡皮擦:";                            t.isEraser = false;                            t.cxt.strokeStyle = t.storageColor;                        }                    }                },                changeBackground: function(num) {                    /*添加画笔粗细的提示背景颜色切换,灰色为当前*/                    var fontIptNum = this.$("font").getElementsByTagName("input");                    for (var j = 0, m = fontIptNum.length; j < m; j++) {                        fontIptNum[j].className = "";                        if (j == num) fontIptNum[j].className = "grea";                    }                },                getUrl: function() {                    this.$("html").innerHTML = this.canvas.toDataURL();                },                resetEraser: function(_x, _y, touch) {                    /*使用橡皮擦-提醒*/                    var t = this;                    //this.cxt.lineWidth = 30;                    /*source-over 默认,相交部分由后绘制图形的填充(颜色,渐变,纹理)覆盖,全部浏览器通过*/                    t.cxt.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out";                    t.cxt.beginPath();                    t.cxt.arc(_x, _y, t.eraserRadius, 0, Math.PI * 2);                    t.cxt.strokeStyle = "rgba(250,250,250,0)";                    t.cxt.fill();                    t.cxt.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"                }            };            paint.init();        })();        </script>        <div style="clear:both"></div>        <br>        <br>        <div align="center">            <script language="javascript" src=""></script>            <br>            <br> 获取更多JavaScript代码,请登录JavaScript分享网 <a href=""></a>            <br> 转载请注明出处,本代码仅供学习交流,不可用于任何商业用途!        </div>    </body>    </html>


<div align="center">    <canvas id="myCanvas" width="500" height="200" style="border:2px solid #6699cc"></canvas>    <div class="control-ops">    <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="javascript:clearArea();return false;">清空画板</button>    Line width : <select id="selWidth">        <option value="1">1</option>        <option value="3">3</option>        <option value="5">5</option>        <option value="7">7</option>        <option value="9" selected="selected">9</option>        <option value="11">11</option>    </select>    Color : <select id="selColor">        <option value="black">black</option>        <option value="blue" selected="selected">blue</option>        <option value="red">red</option>        <option value="green">green</option>        <option value="yellow">yellow</option>        <option value="gray">gray</option>    </select>    </div></div>

var mousePressed = false;var lastX, lastY;var ctx; function InitThis() {    ctx = document.getElementById('myCanvas').getContext("2d");     $('#myCanvas').mousedown(function (e) {        mousePressed = true;        Draw(e.pageX - $(this).offset().left, e.pageY - $(this).offset().top, false);    });     $('#myCanvas').mousemove(function (e) {        if (mousePressed) {            Draw(e.pageX - $(this).offset().left, e.pageY - $(this).offset().top, true);        }    });     $('#myCanvas').mouseup(function (e) {        mousePressed = false;    });        $('#myCanvas').mouseleave(function (e) {        mousePressed = false;    });} function Draw(x, y, isDown) {    if (isDown) {        ctx.beginPath();        ctx.strokeStyle = $('#selColor').val();        ctx.lineWidth = $('#selWidth').val();        ctx.lineJoin = "round";        ctx.moveTo(lastX, lastY);        ctx.lineTo(x, y);        ctx.closePath();        ctx.stroke();    }    lastX = x; lastY = y;}     function clearArea() {    // Use the identity matrix while clearing the canvas    ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);} 



  • 一个canvas元素,用于绘制图片,实际绘图在js文件中完成。
  • 一个用于触发绘图操作的按钮。
  • 一个用于上传在canvas中绘制好的图片的按钮。
            <li><buttononclick="javascript:DrawPic();return false;">开始画图</button></li>
            <li><buttononclick="javascript:UploadPic();return false;">上传到服务器</button></li>



functionDrawPic() {
    // Get the canvas element and its 2d context
    varCnv = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
    varCntx = Cnv.getContext('2d');
    // Create gradient
    varGrd = Cntx.createRadialGradient(100, 100, 20, 140, 100, 230);
    // Fill with gradient
    Cntx.fillStyle = Grd;
    Cntx.fillRect(0, 0, 300, 200);
    // Write some text
    for(i=1; i<10 ; i++)
        Cntx.fillStyle = "white";
        Cntx.font = "36px Verdana";
        Cntx.globalAlpha = (i-1) / 9;
        Cntx.fillText("", i * 3 , i * 20);
functionUploadPic() {
    // Generate the image data
    varPic = document.getElementById("myCanvas").toDataURL("image/png");
    Pic = Pic.replace(/^data:image\/(png|jpg);base64,/, "")
    // Sending the image data to Server
        data:'{ "imageData" : "' + Pic + '" }',
        contentType:'application/json; charset=utf-8',
        success:function(msg) {
            alert("Done, Picture Uploaded.");

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