drush 学习

来源:互联网 发布:saas java开源架构 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 19:03

command line shell and scripting interface for Drupal.


$ drush uli


[hyn@ezijing html]$ cd /[hyn@ezijing /]$ drush uliA Drupal installation directory could not be found                   [error][hyn@ezijing /]$ lsbin   data  etc   lib    lost+found  misc  net  proc  sbin     server  sys  usrboot  dev   home  lib64  media       mnt   opt  root  selinux  srv     tmp  var[hyn@ezijing /]$ cd var[hyn@ezijing var]$ lsaccount  cvs    ftp    local  lost+found  nis       run    vhostscache    db     games  lock   mail        opt       spool  wwwcrash    empty  lib    log    monit       preserve  tmp    yp[hyn@ezijing var]$ cd vhosts[hyn@ezijing vhosts]$ lsbian-206.tar.gz  fanyuan  qsg206          sql             zz   zzw-206.tar.gzdamo-206.tar.gz  qsg      qsg-206.tar.gz  xmn-206.tar.gz  zzw[hyn@ezijing vhosts]$ cd qsg[hyn@ezijing qsg]$ ls8301[hyn@ezijing qsg]$ cd 8301[hyn@ezijing 8301]$ lshtml  private  qsg206  sql[hyn@ezijing 8301]$ cd html[hyn@ezijing html]$ lsapi.php                 includes            MAINTAINERS.txt  sitesauthorize.php           index.php           misc             themesbackgroundsize.min.htc  INSTALL.mysql.txt   modules          update.phpCHANGELOG.txt           INSTALL.pgsql.txt   profiles         UPGRADE.txtCOPYRIGHT.txt           install.php         quiz.php         user.jpgcron.php                INSTALL.sqlite.txt  README.txt       web.configcrossdomain.xml         INSTALL.txt         robots.txt       xmlrpc.phpfavicon.ico             LICENSE.txt         scripts[hyn@ezijing html]$ drush ulihttp://[hyn@ezijing html]$

直接调用drush uli报错

A Drupal installation directory could not be found                   [error]

我感觉错误的意思是需要drupal 的安装目录,这里没google出来,以后再说

当切换路径到某一时刻时,不知道为什么是这个目录 www 和vhosts不知道有什么区别,总之我猜测是需要在安装目录下使用

[hyn@ezijing html]$ drush ulihttp://


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