【PAT 1030】Travel Plan 最短路径Dijkstra

来源:互联网 发布:数据库系统概论第5版11 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/12 01:40

1030. Travel Plan (30)

400 ms
32000 kB
16000 B

A traveler's map gives the distances between cities along the highways, together with the cost of each highway. Now you are supposed to write a program to help a traveler to decide the shortest path between his/her starting city and the destination. If such a shortest path is not unique, you are supposed to output the one with the minimum cost, which is guaranteed to be unique.

Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case. Each case starts with a line containing 4 positive integers N, M, S, and D, where N (<=500) is the number of cities (and hence the cities are numbered from 0 to N-1); M is the number of highways; S and D are the starting and the destination cities, respectively. Then M lines follow, each provides the information of a highway, in the format:

City1 City2 Distance Cost

where the numbers are all integers no more than 500, and are separated by a space.

Output Specification:

For each test case, print in one line the cities along the shortest path from the starting point to the destination, followed by the total distance and the total cost of the path. The numbers must be separated by a space and there must be no extra space at the end of output.

Sample Input
4 5 0 30 1 1 201 3 2 300 3 4 100 2 2 202 3 1 20
Sample Output
0 2 3 3 40



#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <algorithm>#include <vector>#include <cstring>using namespace std;//此代码使用前,需删除下面两行+后面的system("PAUSE")ifstream fin("in.txt");#define cin fin#define MAXNUM 500const int INF = 0x7fffffff;//struct HighWay//{//short distance;//short cost;//HighWay(){distance=0;cost=0;}//}hw[MAXNUM][MAXNUM];int dist[MAXNUM][MAXNUM],costA[MAXNUM][MAXNUM];struct LinkHW{int distance;int cost;int prev;//LinkHW(){distance=0;cost=0;prev=0;}}minDis[MAXNUM],mindis;bool visited[MAXNUM]={false};int n = 0;void Dijkastra(int begin,int end){int count = 1;int i;visited[begin]=true;int centre = begin;int tcen = begin;int tdis,tcost;while(count<n){mindis.distance = INF;mindis.cost = INF;for(i=0;i<n;i++){if(visited[i])continue;if(dist[centre][i] > 0)//存在通路{tdis = dist[centre][i] + minDis[centre].distance;tcost = costA[centre][i] + minDis[centre].cost;if(minDis[i].distance==0 || tdis<minDis[i].distance || (tdis==minDis[i].distance && tcost<minDis[i].cost))//此通路是否比目前路径更优{minDis[i].distance = tdis;minDis[i].cost = tcost;minDis[i].prev = centre;//记录此最短路径下的前一节点}}if(minDis[i].distance<mindis.distance || (minDis[i].distance==mindis.distance && minDis[i].cost<mindis.cost))//以centre中心的通路最优化处理,寻找下一个节点{mindis.distance = minDis[i].distance;mindis.cost =  minDis[i].cost;tcen = i;}}if(tcen == end)break;//若走到目标点,则提前退出centre = tcen;visited[centre] = true;count++;}}int main(){   int m,s,d;   cin>>n>>m>>s>>d;   memset(dist,0,sizeof(int)*MAXNUM*MAXNUM);   memset(costA,0,sizeof(int)*MAXNUM*MAXNUM);   memset(minDis,0,sizeof(LinkHW)*MAXNUM);   memset(visited,0,sizeof(bool)*MAXNUM);   int c1,c2,dis,cost;   int i;   for(i=0;i<m;i++)   {cin>>c1>>c2>>dis>>cost;dist[c1][c2] = dist[c2][c1] = dis;costA[c1][c2] = costA[c2][c1] = cost;   }   Dijkastra(s,d);   int pre = d;   vector<int> v;   while(pre!=s)   {   v.push_back(pre);   pre = minDis[pre].prev;   }   cout<<s;   for(i=v.size()-1;i>=0;i--){cout<<' '<<v[i];}   cout<<' '<<minDis[d].distance<<' '<<minDis[d].cost<<endl;   system("PAUSE");   return 0;}





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