processmaker如何将Process无须登录的Web Entry改为必须登录并与CAS集成做单点的Web App

来源:互联网 发布:中兴笔试编程题 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 17:26



<?phpglobal $G_FORM;$sPRO_UID = $oData->PRO_UID;$sTASKS = $oData->TASKS;$sDYNAFORM = $oData->DYNAFORM;$sWE_TYPE = $oData->WE_TYPE;$sWS_USER = $oData->WS_USER;$sWS_PASS = $oData->WS_PASS;$sWS_ROUNDROBIN = $oData->WS_ROUNDROBIN;$sWE_USR = $oData->WE_USR;$withWS = $sWE_TYPE == 'WS';G::LoadClass("system");try {  $pathProcess = PATH_DATA_SITE . 'public' . PATH_SEP . $sPRO_UID . PATH_SEP;  G::mk_dir ( $pathProcess, 0777 );    $oTask = new Task ( );  $TaskFields = $oTask->load ( $sTASKS );  $WE_EVN_UID = $oTask->getStartingEvent($sTASKS);  if ($TaskFields['TAS_ASSIGN_TYPE'] != 'BALANCED') {    throw (new Exception ( "The task '" . $TaskFields['TAS_TITLE'] . "' doesn't have a valid assignment type. The task needs to have a 'Cyclical Assignment'." ));  }    G::LoadClass ( 'tasks' );  $oTask = new Tasks ( );  $user = $oTask->assignUsertoTask ( $sTASKS );    if ($user == 0) {    throw (new Exception ( "The task '" . $TaskFields['TAS_TITLE'] . "' doesn't have users." ));  }    if (G::is_https ())    $http = 'https://';  else    $http = 'http://';    $sContent = '';    if ($withWS) {    //creating;    $SITE_PUBLIC_PATH = '';    if (file_exists ( $SITE_PUBLIC_PATH . '' )) {}        //creating the first file    require_once 'classes/model/Dynaform.php';    $oDynaform = new Dynaform ( );    $aDynaform = $oDynaform->load ( $sDYNAFORM );    $dynTitle = str_replace ( ' ', '_', str_replace ( '/', '_', $aDynaform['DYN_TITLE'] ) );    $sContent = "<?php\n";    $sContent .= "global \$_DBArray;\n";    $sContent .= "if (!isset(\$_DBArray)) {\n";    $sContent .= "  \$_DBArray = array();\n";    $sContent .= "}\n";    $sContent .= "\$_SESSION['PROCESS'] = '" . $sPRO_UID . "';\n";    $sContent .= "\$_SESSION['CURRENT_DYN_UID'] = '" . $sDYNAFORM . "';\n";    $sContent .= "\$G_PUBLISH = new Publisher;\n";    $sContent .= "\$G_PUBLISH->AddContent('dynaform', 'xmlform', '" . $sPRO_UID . '/' . $sDYNAFORM . "', '', array(), '" . $dynTitle . 'Post.php' . "');\n";    $sContent .= "G::RenderPage('publish', 'blank');";    file_put_contents ( $pathProcess . $dynTitle . '.php', $sContent );    //creating the second file, the  post file who receive the post form.    $pluginTpl = PATH_CORE . 'templates' . PATH_SEP . 'processes' . PATH_SEP . 'webentryPost.tpl';    $template = new TemplatePower ( $pluginTpl );    $template->prepare ();    $template->assign ( 'wsdlUrl', $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/sys' . SYS_SYS . '/' . SYS_LANG . '/' . SYS_SKIN . '/services/wsdl2' );    $template->assign ( 'wsUploadUrl', $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/sys' . SYS_SYS . '/' . SYS_LANG . '/' . SYS_SKIN . '/services/upload' );    $template->assign ( 'processUid', $sPRO_UID );    $template->assign ( 'dynaformUid', $sDYNAFORM );    $template->assign ( 'taskUid', $sTASKS );    $template->assign ( 'wsUser', $sWS_USER );    $template->assign ( 'wsPass', 'md5:' . md5 ( $sWS_PASS ) );    $template->assign ( 'wsRoundRobin', $sWS_ROUNDROBIN );        if($sWE_USR == "2"){      $template->assign ( 'USR_VAR', "\$cInfo = ws_getCaseInfo(\$caseId);\n\t  \$USR_UID = \$cInfo->currentUsers->userId;" );    } else {      $template->assign ( 'USR_VAR', '$USR_UID = -1;' );    }            $template->assign ( 'dynaform', $dynTitle );    $template->assign ( 'timestamp', date ( 'l jS \of F Y h:i:s A' ) );    $template->assign ( 'ws', SYS_SYS );    $template->assign ( 'version', System::getVersion() );        $fileName = $pathProcess . $dynTitle . 'Post.php';    file_put_contents ( $fileName, $template->getOutputContent () );    //creating the third file, only if this wsClient.php file doesn't exist.    $fileName = $pathProcess . 'wsClient.php';    $pluginTpl = PATH_CORE . 'test' . PATH_SEP . 'unit' . PATH_SEP . 'ws' . PATH_SEP . 'wsClient.php';        if ( file_exists ($fileName) ) {      if( filesize($fileName) != filesize($pluginTpl) ){        @copy($fileName, $pathProcess . 'wsClient.php.bck');        @unlink($fileName);                $template = new TemplatePower ( $pluginTpl );        $template->prepare ();        file_put_contents ( $fileName, $template->getOutputContent () );      }    } else {      $template = new TemplatePower ( $pluginTpl );      $template->prepare ();      file_put_contents ( $fileName, $template->getOutputContent () );    }    require_once 'classes/model/Event.php';    $oEvent = new Event ( );    $aDataEvent = array();    $aDataEvent['EVN_UID']        = $WE_EVN_UID; //$oData->WE_EVN_UID;    $aDataEvent['EVN_RELATED_TO'] = 'MULTIPLE';    $aDataEvent['EVN_ACTION']     = $sDYNAFORM;    $aDataEvent['EVN_CONDITIONS'] = $sWS_USER;    $output = $oEvent->update($aDataEvent);    //Show link    $link = $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/sys' . SYS_SYS . '/' . SYS_LANG . '/' . SYS_SKIN . '/' . $sPRO_UID . '/' . $dynTitle . '.php';    print $link;    //print "\n<a href='$link' target='_new' > $link </a>";    } else {    $G_FORM = new Form ( $sPRO_UID . '/' . $sDYNAFORM, PATH_DYNAFORM, SYS_LANG, false );    $G_FORM->action = $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/sys' . SYS_SYS . '/' . SYS_LANG . '/' . SYS_SKIN . '/services/cases_StartExternal.php';        $scriptCode = '';    $scriptCode = $G_FORM->render ( PATH_CORE . 'templates/' . 'xmlform' . '.html', $scriptCode );    $scriptCode = str_replace ( '/controls/', $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/controls/', $scriptCode );    $scriptCode = str_replace ( '/js/maborak/core/images/', $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/js/maborak/core/images/', $scriptCode );        //render the template    $pluginTpl = PATH_CORE . 'templates' . PATH_SEP . 'processes' . PATH_SEP . 'webentry.tpl';    $template = new TemplatePower ( $pluginTpl );    $template->prepare ();    require_once 'classes/model/Step.php';    $oStep = new Step();    $sUidGrids = $oStep->lookingforUidGrids($sPRO_UID,$sDYNAFORM);    $template->assign ( 'siteUrl', $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] );    $template->assign ( 'sysSys', SYS_SYS );    $template->assign ( 'sysLang', SYS_LANG );    $template->assign ( 'sysSkin', SYS_SKIN );    $template->assign ( 'processUid', $sPRO_UID );    $template->assign ( 'dynaformUid', $sDYNAFORM );    $template->assign ( 'taskUid', $sTASKS );    $template->assign ( 'dynFileName', $sPRO_UID . '/' . $sDYNAFORM );    $template->assign ( 'formId', $G_FORM->id );    $template->assign ( 'scriptCode', $scriptCode );        if(sizeof($sUidGrids)>0){      foreach($sUidGrids as $k => $v){      $template->newBlock( 'grid_uids' );        $template->assign ( 'siteUrl', $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] );        $template->assign ( 'gridFileName', $sPRO_UID . '/' . $v );      }    }        print_r ( '<textarea cols="70" rows="20">' . htmlentities ( str_replace ( '</body>', '</form></body>', str_replace ( '</form>', '', $template->getOutputContent () ) ) ) . '</textarea>' );  }} catch ( Exception $e ) {  $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher ( );  $aMessage['MESSAGE'] = $e->getMessage ();  $G_PUBLISH->AddContent ( 'xmlform', 'xmlform', 'login/showMessage', '', $aMessage );  G::RenderPage ( 'publish', 'raw' );}
<?phpglobal $G_FORM;$sPRO_UID = $oData->PRO_UID;$sTASKS = $oData->TASKS;$sDYNAFORM = $oData->DYNAFORM;$sWE_TYPE = $oData->WE_TYPE;$sWS_USER = $oData->WS_USER;$sWS_PASS = $oData->WS_PASS;$sWS_ROUNDROBIN = $oData->WS_ROUNDROBIN;$sWE_USR = $oData->WE_USR;$withWS = $sWE_TYPE == 'WS';G::LoadClass("system");try {  $pathProcess = PATH_DATA_SITE . 'public' . PATH_SEP . $sPRO_UID . PATH_SEP;  G::mk_dir ( $pathProcess, 0777 );    $oTask = new Task ( );  $TaskFields = $oTask->load ( $sTASKS );  $WE_EVN_UID = $oTask->getStartingEvent($sTASKS);  if ($TaskFields['TAS_ASSIGN_TYPE'] != 'BALANCED') {    throw (new Exception ( "The task '" . $TaskFields['TAS_TITLE'] . "' doesn't have a valid assignment type. The task needs to have a 'Cyclical Assignment'." ));  }    G::LoadClass ( 'tasks' );  $oTask = new Tasks ( );  $user = $oTask->assignUsertoTask ( $sTASKS );    if ($user == 0) {    throw (new Exception ( "The task '" . $TaskFields['TAS_TITLE'] . "' doesn't have users." ));  }    if (G::is_https ())    $http = 'https://';  else    $http = 'http://';    $sContent = '';    if ($withWS) {    //creating;    $SITE_PUBLIC_PATH = '';    if (file_exists ( $SITE_PUBLIC_PATH . '' )) {}        //creating the first file    require_once 'classes/model/Dynaform.php';    $oDynaform = new Dynaform ( );    $aDynaform = $oDynaform->load ( $sDYNAFORM );    $dynTitle = str_replace ( ' ', '_', str_replace ( '/', '_', $aDynaform['DYN_TITLE'] ) );    $sContent = "<?php\n";    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    $sContent .= "if ( ! isset( \$_SESSION['SSOUSER_NAME'] ) ) {\n";    $sContent .= "  require_once (\"CAS-1.3.2/CAS.php\");\n";    $sContent .= "  require_once (\"CAS-1.3.2/config.php\");\n";    $sContent .= "  phpCAS::client(CAS_VERSION_2_0, CAS_SERVER_IP, 8443, 'cas', false);\n";    $sContent .= "  phpCAS::setNoCasServerValidation();\n";    $sContent .= "  phpCAS::forceAuthentication();\n";    $sContent .= "  if ( phpCAS::isAuthenticated() == true )\n";    $sContent .= "    \$casAuth = CASAuthIsTrue;\n";    $sContent .= "  \$_SESSION['SSOUSER_NAME'] = phpCAS::getUser();\n";    $sContent .= "  \$_SESSION['SSOUSER_PASS'] = \$casAuth;\n";    $sContent .= "}\n\n";    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    $sContent .= "global \$_DBArray;\n";    $sContent .= "if (!isset(\$_DBArray)) {\n";    $sContent .= "  \$_DBArray = array();\n";    $sContent .= "}\n";    $sContent .= "\$_SESSION['PROCESS'] = '" . $sPRO_UID . "';\n";    $sContent .= "\$_SESSION['CURRENT_DYN_UID'] = '" . $sDYNAFORM . "';\n";    $sContent .= "\$G_PUBLISH = new Publisher;\n";    $sContent .= "\$G_PUBLISH->AddContent('dynaform', 'xmlform', '" . $sPRO_UID . '/' . $sDYNAFORM . "', '', array(), '" . $dynTitle . 'Post.php' . "');\n";    $sContent .= "G::RenderPage('publish', 'blank');";    file_put_contents ( $pathProcess . $dynTitle . '.php', $sContent );    //creating the second file, the  post file who receive the post form.    $pluginTpl = PATH_CORE . 'templates' . PATH_SEP . 'processes' . PATH_SEP . 'webentryPost.tpl';    $template = new TemplatePower ( $pluginTpl );    $template->prepare ();    $template->assign ( 'wsdlUrl', $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/sys' . SYS_SYS . '/' . SYS_LANG . '/' . SYS_SKIN . '/services/wsdl2' );    $template->assign ( 'wsUploadUrl', $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/sys' . SYS_SYS . '/' . SYS_LANG . '/' . SYS_SKIN . '/services/upload' );    $template->assign ( 'processUid', $sPRO_UID );    $template->assign ( 'dynaformUid', $sDYNAFORM );    $template->assign ( 'taskUid', $sTASKS );    $template->assign ( 'wsUser', $sWS_USER );    $template->assign ( 'wsPass', 'md5:' . md5 ( $sWS_PASS ) );    $template->assign ( 'wsRoundRobin', $sWS_ROUNDROBIN );        if($sWE_USR == "2"){      $template->assign ( 'USR_VAR', "\$cInfo = ws_getCaseInfo(\$caseId);\n\t  \$USR_UID = \$cInfo->currentUsers->userId;" );    } else {      $template->assign ( 'USR_VAR', '$USR_UID = -1;' );    }            $template->assign ( 'dynaform', $dynTitle );    $template->assign ( 'timestamp', date ( 'l jS \of F Y h:i:s A' ) );    $template->assign ( 'ws', SYS_SYS );    $template->assign ( 'version', System::getVersion() );        $fileName = $pathProcess . $dynTitle . 'Post.php';    file_put_contents ( $fileName, $template->getOutputContent () );    //creating the third file, only if this wsClient.php file doesn't exist.    $fileName = $pathProcess . 'wsClient.php';    $pluginTpl = PATH_CORE . 'test' . PATH_SEP . 'unit' . PATH_SEP . 'ws' . PATH_SEP . 'wsClient.php';        if ( file_exists ($fileName) ) {      if( filesize($fileName) != filesize($pluginTpl) ){        @copy($fileName, $pathProcess . 'wsClient.php.bck');        @unlink($fileName);                $template = new TemplatePower ( $pluginTpl );        $template->prepare ();        file_put_contents ( $fileName, $template->getOutputContent () );      }    } else {      $template = new TemplatePower ( $pluginTpl );      $template->prepare ();      file_put_contents ( $fileName, $template->getOutputContent () );    }    require_once 'classes/model/Event.php';    $oEvent = new Event ( );    $aDataEvent = array();    $aDataEvent['EVN_UID']        = $WE_EVN_UID; //$oData->WE_EVN_UID;    $aDataEvent['EVN_RELATED_TO'] = 'MULTIPLE';    $aDataEvent['EVN_ACTION']     = $sDYNAFORM;    $aDataEvent['EVN_CONDITIONS'] = $sWS_USER;    $output = $oEvent->update($aDataEvent);    //Show link    $link = $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/sys' . SYS_SYS . '/' . SYS_LANG . '/' . SYS_SKIN . '/' . $sPRO_UID . '/' . $dynTitle . '.php';    print $link;    //print "\n<a href='$link' target='_new' > $link </a>";    } else {    $G_FORM = new Form ( $sPRO_UID . '/' . $sDYNAFORM, PATH_DYNAFORM, SYS_LANG, false );    $G_FORM->action = $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/sys' . SYS_SYS . '/' . SYS_LANG . '/' . SYS_SKIN . '/services/cases_StartExternal.php';        $scriptCode = '';    $scriptCode = $G_FORM->render ( PATH_CORE . 'templates/' . 'xmlform' . '.html', $scriptCode );    $scriptCode = str_replace ( '/controls/', $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/controls/', $scriptCode );    $scriptCode = str_replace ( '/js/maborak/core/images/', $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/js/maborak/core/images/', $scriptCode );        //render the template    $pluginTpl = PATH_CORE . 'templates' . PATH_SEP . 'processes' . PATH_SEP . 'webentry.tpl';    $template = new TemplatePower ( $pluginTpl );    $template->prepare ();    require_once 'classes/model/Step.php';    $oStep = new Step();    $sUidGrids = $oStep->lookingforUidGrids($sPRO_UID,$sDYNAFORM);    $template->assign ( 'siteUrl', $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] );    $template->assign ( 'sysSys', SYS_SYS );    $template->assign ( 'sysLang', SYS_LANG );    $template->assign ( 'sysSkin', SYS_SKIN );    $template->assign ( 'processUid', $sPRO_UID );    $template->assign ( 'dynaformUid', $sDYNAFORM );    $template->assign ( 'taskUid', $sTASKS );    $template->assign ( 'dynFileName', $sPRO_UID . '/' . $sDYNAFORM );    $template->assign ( 'formId', $G_FORM->id );    $template->assign ( 'scriptCode', $scriptCode );        if(sizeof($sUidGrids)>0){      foreach($sUidGrids as $k => $v){      $template->newBlock( 'grid_uids' );        $template->assign ( 'siteUrl', $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] );        $template->assign ( 'gridFileName', $sPRO_UID . '/' . $v );      }    }        print_r ( '<textarea cols="70" rows="20">' . htmlentities ( str_replace ( '</body>', '</form></body>', str_replace ( '</form>', '', $template->getOutputContent () ) ) ) . '</textarea>' );  }} catch ( Exception $e ) {  $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher ( );  $aMessage['MESSAGE'] = $e->getMessage ();  $G_PUBLISH->AddContent ( 'xmlform', 'xmlform', 'login/showMessage', '', $aMessage );  G::RenderPage ( 'publish', 'raw' );}

注释之间的代码就是新加的,文件其他部分不用改。it's enough! 当然,要做到如此简单就实现,之前的准备工作(见processmaker在与cas做SSO集成时需要做的修改,)必须要做充分了!