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                                                                  A Taste of Spain

Next,I dug my fork into a tortilla de patatasa scrumptious potato omelet.Pan-fried into a round pizza shape,this soft juicy omelet melted in my mouth and put a smile on my lips.But even the omelet couldn’t compare to the nextbly delectable ahe unbelieva tapa-mushrooms in a sherry and butter sauce.sauce added a rich flavor to the warm succulent mushrooms.If my meal had ended here,I would have walked away completely satisfied.But the “main course”was still to come.
No culinary tour of Spain would be complete without the Spnish staple paella. This rice dish can be prepared with a variety of ingredients, including meat and seafood. But paella’s essential ingredient is Saffron -the world's most expensive spice.Saffron gives the rice dish its distinctive golden color and scrumptious taste. I ordered a seafood paella and relished the dish’s subtle flavor.
So what did I conclude about Spanish food? I found it just as delicious as many other Meditrranean cuisines. I only wish someone had told me about it sooner!

Word bank

Omelet (n) 蛋饼
How many eggs do I need to make a Spanish omelet?
Course(n) 一道菜
We enjoyed a huge eight-course meal at the wedding banquet.
Ingedient(n) 材料
What are the main ingredients in this dish?
Subtle (adj ) 隐约的;细微的
Bob has sharp ears. He can hear the subtle difference in the sound between these two pianos.

More information

Sherry (n) 雪利酒
Sherry is type of wine produced in Spain.
Saffron (n) 藏红花
This recipe calls for saffron and several other spices.