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                            A Taste of Spain

Discover one of the best kept secrets of Mediterranean cuisine

Spain-a land of graceful flamenco dancers and brave bullfighters-has long held a romantic allure for travelers. In face, this Mediterranean country ranks as the world’s second most-visited tourist destinantion. So it seems odd to me that I’ve heard very little about the food of Spain. How does it taste? Is it as delectable as other Mediterranean cuisines? Eager to find out, I visited a local restaurant that serves authentic Spanish meals.

I began my meal with a selection of tapas, which are similar in concept to Hong Kong’s dim sum.

Tapas are enjoyed in the early evening as a snack before a late-night dinner. People in Spain usually order a variety of tapas, served in small portions.The first kind of tapas I tried was fresh octoupus in a vinegar garlic sauce. The chewy texture and pleasantly sour flavor made a delicions treat for the tongue. Hungry for more tapas, I tried a chicken roll served with tartat sauce. A crispy breaded crust surrounded th tender chicken. Dipped in the tangy tartzr sauce, this morsel was a pure delight.

Word bank

Allure (n) 魅力
What is the allure of Paris? Why does it attract so many visitors?
Rank (v)名列
Taipei 101 ranks as the world’s tallest building.
Portion (n) 分量
American restaurants serve larger portions than restaurants in most other countries.
Crust (n) 派皮
The crust on the apple pie was crispy and delicious.

More information
Tartat sauce (n)塔塔酱
Would you like some tartar sauce on your fish?