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High-Quality Pre-Integrated VolumeRendering Using Hardware-Accelerated Pixel Shading, Euro graph, 2001




Direct Volume Rendering

Volume Shading

Arbitrary number of iso-surface

Mixed mode rendering




在Hardware-accelerated volume and isosurface rendering, 2000 中提到了cell-projectiverendering 算法。


除cell-projective可视化算法外还有一类就是Texture-based approaches。


Pre-Integrated volume rendering: 在预积分步骤中引入了非线性的传输函数。


与projective methods相关的论文:

1.      Optical models for directvolume rendering, 1995.

2.      A high accuracy volume rendererfor unstructured data.

3.      Improvedfrom(2):hardware-accelerated volume and isosurface rendering, 2000.


用纹理切片代理双线/三线性差值,产生了texture-based volume rendering.



Accelerated volume rendering andtomographic reconstruction using texture mapping hardware, 1994.


在此基础上添加了光照和分类等[illumination and classification]:

Enabling classification and shading for 3Dtexture-based volume rendering using opengl and extensions.


High-quality volume rendering using texturemapping hardware, 1998.

Texture mapping 在现在的显卡上仅仅需要一条指令就能取出纹理元素。


Direct volume rendering:

1.      image-based,例如ray casting,(backwardprojective)

2.      object-based,例如cellprojection, shear-warp, splatting,(forward projective)

3.      Texture-based approaches.

这些方法的共同点都是对体素的积分估计,对于屏幕上每个像素点发射的光线来说。An approximate evaluation of the volume rendering integral for eachpixel.是在一条光线上由逐渐减小的光线强度(颜色*透明度)(有一个e系数)的积分而成。