
来源:互联网 发布:js修改confirm的标题 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 02:03

A new survey reveals the average dad-to-be puts on a stone in weight during their partner's pregnancy. Men even have to resort to buying a "paternity" wardrobe to accommodate their growing bellies as they feast on larger portions of food and treats。一项最新调查显示,妻子怀孕期间,准爸爸们的体重平均增加6.25公斤。他们天天吃的又多又好,以至于也许该穿件孕妇装去装他们日益增大的肚子。

Top among snacks were pizza, chocolate and crisps. A fifth of expectant dads only realised they had put on weight when their clothes stopped fitting。最常见的零食包括比萨饼、巧克力和炸薯片。20%的受访准爸爸们表示,他们在突然发现原来的衣服不能穿了的时候才意识到自己长胖了。


But 19 per cent said their friends made it clear they were fattening up--when they joked about who had the "bun in the oven"。而另有19%的准爸爸们表示是朋友提醒他们变胖了——因为朋友会戏谑他们也跟着怀孕了。

www.onepoll.com conducted the survey of 5,000 men which revealed the eating and drinking habits of, "Pregnant Men" added at least two inches to their waistlines。 OnePoll调查公司在对5,000名准爸爸调查后发现,他们当中的很多人在妻子怀孕期间进食增加,丈夫的腰围平均增大两英寸以上。

Almost half of all couples spent more time visiting restaurants and pubs for dinner, making the most of their time together before the baby was due。几乎半数的准爸爸妈妈们会花费更多的时间下馆子、泡酒吧,争取在孩子出生前享受这最后的二人世界。

A Onepoll spokesman said: "The average woman puts on about two and a half stone during her pregnancy, and it's not at all uncommon for her to crave more fatty foods and need more regular snacks." OnePoll的一名发言人说:“女性在怀孕期间体重平均增加15.625公斤,吃得多、零食多是稀松平常的事情。”

"So if the kitchen cupboards are suddenly brimming with snacks and food, it's no wonder blokes are tempted to tuck in as well." “所以如果厨房橱柜里的零食和食物突然多了,男人们恐怕也会经不住诱惑吃上一口。”

"The only problem seems to be that men are choosing to snack on unhealthier options such as sweets and cakes--and I don't think women can be blamed for their partners drinking more beer!" “关键的问题是,准爸爸们选择的零食往往都是不怎么健康的。不仅仅是糖果和蛋糕,我觉得女人也不会怎么管准爸爸们多喝啤酒!”
