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4.1Main 窗口



4.4 FOOTER窗口

5.接下来就要到se38 写代码啦

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report  ZFI001*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Author  : Jasson.Lee* Date    : 2011.04.23* Purpose :* Modi Log: 2011.07.16 Gavin 加 按InvoiceNo排序/ 客户地址过长/多币别*----------------------------------------------------------------------report  zfi001.tables: bsad,bsid,kna1,knb1,tnapr.*--------------------------------* Selection Screen*--------------------------------selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.select-options:   s_kunnr for kna1-kunnr.                "CustomerNoparameters:  p_bukrs like knb1-bukrs obligatory  default 3000.  "Company Codeselection-screen end of block b1.* For Line Itemsselection-screen begin of block b2 with frame title text-002.*Open Itemsparameters: rb_open radiobutton group bc default 'X',            p_kdate like bsad-budat default sy-datum.selection-screen skip.*Cleared Itemsparameters: rb_close  radiobutton group bc.select-options:s_augdt for bsad-augdt.parameters: p_odate like bsad-budat.selection-screen skip.*All Items*PARAMETERS: RB_ALL   RADIOBUTTON GROUP BC.*SELECT-OPTIONS:S_BUDAT  FOR BSAD-BUDAT.*SELECTION-SCREEN SKIP.selection-screen end of block b2.data:begin of t_bsad occurs 0.data:price1 type p decimals 2,     price2 type p decimals 2,     price3 type p decimals 2,     price4 type p decimals 2,     price5 type p decimals 2,     pswbt1 type p decimals 2.        include structure bsad.data:end of t_bsad.data:begin of t_bsad1 occurs 0.        include structure t_bsad.data:end of t_bsad1.data:begin of t_bsad2 occurs 0,     kunnr like kna1-kunnr,    end of t_bsad2.data:begin of t_bsid occurs 0.data:price1 type p decimals 2,     price2 type p decimals 2,     price3 type p decimals 2,     price4 type p decimals 2,     price5 type p decimals 2,     pswbt1 type p decimals 2.        include structure bsid.data:end of t_bsid.data:begin of t_kna1 occurs 0,     kunnr  like kna1-kunnr,     name1  like adrc-name1,     city1  like adrc-city1,     pcode  like adrc-post_code1,     street like adrc-street,     str_suppl3 like adrc-str_suppl3,     location like adrc-location,     landx  like t005t-landx,     end of t_kna1.data:begin of t_sum occurs 0,     kunnr like bsad-kunnr,     bukrs like bsad-bukrs,     pswsl like bsad-pswsl,     psum  type p decimals 2,     psum1 type p decimals 2,     psum2 type p decimals 2,     psum3 type p decimals 2,     psum4 type p decimals 2,     psum5 type p decimals 2,     end of t_sum.data:begin of t_sum0 occurs 0.        include structure t_sum.data:end of t_sum0.data :w_loop like sy-tabix.data :p_coco like knb1-bukrs.data :w_total(10) type c.data :w_loop1 like sy-tabix.data :w_loop2 like sy-tabix.data :w_loop3 like sy-tabix.data :rcount like sy-tabix.*--------------------------------* Initialization*--------------------------------initialization.*--------------------------------* At Selection Screen PBO*--------------------------------at selection-screen output.*--------------------------------* Start of Selection*--------------------------------start-of-selection.  perform get_data.  perform get_customer.  perform process_data.  perform sum_data.  perform form_open.  perform check_data.  select single bukrs into p_coco from knb1 where bukrs = p_bukrs.  if p_bukrs = '3000'.    w_total = 'Total:'.  else.    w_total = '总金额:'.  endif.  perform write_form using ' '  'COMPANY' 'BODY '.*  T_BSAD2[] = T_BSAD[].  delete adjacent duplicates from t_bsad2.  describe table t_kna1 lines rcount.  sort t_kna1 by kunnr.  sort t_sum0 by kunnr.  loop at t_kna1.    w_loop1 = sy-tabix.*    Read table T_BSAD WITH KEY KUNNR = T_KNA1-KUNNR BINARY SEARCH.    read table t_sum0  with key kunnr = t_kna1-kunnr binary search.    if sy-subrc = 0.      perform write_form using 'CUSTOMER'  'BILLTO' 'BODY '.      perform write_form using 'HEADER '  'MAIN' 'TOP '.      t_bsad1[] = t_bsad[].      delete t_bsad1 where kunnr <> t_kna1-kunnr.      loop at t_bsad1.        w_loop2 = sy-tabix.        perform write_form using 'DETAIL ITEM '  'MAIN' 'BODY '.        sy-tabix = w_loop2.      endloop.      t_sum[] = t_sum0[].      delete t_sum where kunnr <> t_kna1-kunnr.      sort t_sum by pswsl.      loop at t_sum.        w_loop3 = sy-tabix.*        READ TABLE T_SUM WITH KEY KUNNR = T_KNA1-KUNNR BINARY SEARCH.*        IF SY-SUBRC = 0.        perform write_form using 'TOTAL '  'MAIN' 'BODY '.*        ENDIF.        sy-tabix = w_loop3.      endloop.      perform write_form using 'SIGN '  'MAIN' 'BODY '.      perform write_form using ' '  'FOOTER' 'BODY '.      sy-tabix = w_loop1.      if rcount > w_loop1.        perform write_form using 'NEW'  'MAIN' 'BODY '.      endif.    endif.  endloop.  perform form_close.end-of-selection.*--------------------------------* Top of Page*--------------------------------top-of-page.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Form  get_data*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*form get_data.  data l_loop like sy-tabix.*Open Item  if rb_open = 'X'.*Get Data from Cleared Item Table    select * into corresponding fields of table t_bsad    from bsad    where kunnr in s_kunnr and bukrs = p_bukrs      and budat <= p_kdate and augdt > p_kdate.*Get Data from OpenItem Table    select * into corresponding fields of table t_bsid    from bsid    where kunnr in s_kunnr and bukrs = p_bukrs and budat < p_kdate.*    IF NOT T_BSID[] IS INITIAL.    loop at t_bsid.      l_loop = sy-tabix.      move-corresponding t_bsid to t_bsad.      append t_bsad.      sy-tabix = l_loop.    endloop.*    ENDIF.*Cleared Item  elseif rb_close = 'X'.    select * into corresponding fields of table t_bsad    from bsad    where kunnr in s_kunnr and bukrs = p_bukrs      and augdt > p_odate and augdt in s_augdt.* All Item*  ELSE.**Get Data from Cleared Item Table*    SELECT * INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE T_BSAD*    FROM BSAD*    WHERE KUNNR = P_KUNNR AND BUKRS = P_BUKRS  AND BUDAT IN S_BUDAT.**Get Data from OpenItem Table*    SELECT * INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE T_BSID*    FROM BSID*    WHERE KUNNR = P_KUNNR AND BUKRS = P_BUKRS AND BUDAT IN S_BUDAT.**    IF NOT T_BSID[] IS INITIAL.*      LOOP AT T_BSID.*        L_LOOP = SY-TABIX.*        MOVE-CORRESPONDING T_BSID TO T_BSAD.*        SY-TABIX = L_LOOP.*      ENDLOOP.*    ENDIF.  endif.endform.                    "get_data*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Form  Get_Customer*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------**  -->  p1        text*  <--  p2        text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form get_customer .  select k~kunnr a~name1 a~city1 a~post_code1 as pcode a~street a~str_suppl3 a~location t~landx  into corresponding fields of table t_kna1  from adrc as a     join kna1  as k  on  a~addrnumber = k~adrnr     join t005t as t  on  a~country = t~land1  for all entries in t_bsad  where k~kunnr in s_kunnr and t~spras = sy-langu and k~kunnr = t_bsad-kunnr.endform.                    " Get_Customer*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Form  Form_Open*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------**  -->  p1        text*  <--  p2        text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form form_open .  call function 'OPEN_FORM'    exporting      form     = 'ZFI002'      language = sy-langu      dialog   = 'X'*      DEVICE   = SCREEN    exceptions      others   = 1.endform.                    " Form_Open*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Form  write_form*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------**      -->Element   text*      -->Window   text*      -->Type   text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form write_form using    element                         window                         type.  call function 'WRITE_FORM'    exporting      element = element      window  = window      type    = type.endform.                    " write_form*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Form  FORM_CLOSE*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------**  -->  p1        text*  <--  p2        text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form form_close.  call function 'CLOSE_FORM'    exceptions      others = 1.endform.                    " FORM_CLOSE*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Form  process_data*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------**  -->  p1        text*  <--  p2        text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form process_data .  data l_diff type f.  data l_kdate type sy-datum.  sort t_bsad by belnr.  loop at t_bsad.    w_loop = sy-tabix.    if t_bsad-shkzg = 'H'.      t_bsad-pswbt1 = t_bsad-pswbt * ( -1 ).    else.      t_bsad-pswbt1 = t_bsad-pswbt.    endif.    if rb_open = 'X'.      l_kdate = p_kdate.    else.      l_kdate = p_odate.    endif.    l_diff = l_kdate - t_bsad-bldat.    if l_diff <= 30.      t_bsad-price1 = t_bsad-pswbt1.      t_bsad-price2 = 0.      t_bsad-price3 = 0.      t_bsad-price4 = 0.      t_bsad-price5 = 0.    elseif l_diff <= 60.      t_bsad-price1 = 0.      t_bsad-price2 = t_bsad-pswbt1.      t_bsad-price3 = 0.      t_bsad-price4 = 0.      t_bsad-price5 = 0.    elseif l_diff <= 90.      t_bsad-price1 = 0.      t_bsad-price2 = 0.      t_bsad-price3 = t_bsad-pswbt1.      t_bsad-price4 = 0.      t_bsad-price5 = 0.    elseif l_diff <= 120.      t_bsad-price1 = 0.      t_bsad-price2 = 0.      t_bsad-price3 = 0.      t_bsad-price4 = t_bsad-pswbt1.      t_bsad-price5 = 0.    else.      t_bsad-price1 = 0.      t_bsad-price2 = 0.      t_bsad-price3 = 0.      t_bsad-price4 = 0.      t_bsad-price5 = t_bsad-pswbt1.    endif.    modify t_bsad.    sy-tabix = w_loop.  endloop.endform.                    " process_data*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Form  SUM_DATA*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------**  -->  p1        text*  <--  p2        text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form sum_data .  loop at t_bsad.    w_loop = sy-tabix.    t_sum0-kunnr = t_bsad-kunnr.    t_sum0-bukrs = t_bsad-bukrs.    t_sum0-pswsl = t_bsad-pswsl.    t_sum0-psum  = t_bsad-pswbt1.    t_sum0-psum1 = t_bsad-price1.    t_sum0-psum2 = t_bsad-price2.    t_sum0-psum3 = t_bsad-price3.    t_sum0-psum4 = t_bsad-price4.    t_sum0-psum5 = t_bsad-price5.    collect t_sum0.    sy-tabix = w_loop.  endloop.endform.                    " SUM_DATA*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Form  CHECK_DATA*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------**  -->  p1        text*  <--  p2        text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*form check_data .  if sy-subrc <> 0.    leave list-processing.  endif.endform.                    " CHECK_DATA




