
来源:互联网 发布:数据加载慢如何解决 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 18:46
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""Created on Sat Apr 15 17:55:54 2017@author: Administrator"""#!/bin/env python  # author: zhouhh  # email: ablozhou@gmail.com  # date: 2008.6.17  # money.py   def money(all_salary,has_welfare,has_housing_fund):      money = all_salary      bj_average_salary=3322;#in 2008 using average salary of year 2007       min = bj_average_salary*0.6      max = bj_average_salary*3      welfare_fund = all_salary      if all_salary > max:          welfare_fund = max      if all_salary < min:          welfare_fund = min      print("total money=%.2f"%all_salary)       medical_fund=welfare_fund*0.02+3      retire_fund=welfare_fund*0.08      unemploy_fund =welfare_fund*0.005      if not has_welfare:          welfare_fund = 0           medical_fund=0          retire_fund=0          unemploy_fund =0      else:          print("medical fund = %d*0.02+3=%.2f"%(welfare_fund,medical_fund) )          print("retirement fund = %d*0.08 =%.2f"%(welfare_fund,retire_fund) )          print("unemployment fund  = %d*0.005=%.2f"%(welfare_fund,unemploy_fund ))      housing_fund=welfare_fund*0.12      if  not has_housing_fund:          housing_fund = 0      else:          print("housing fund = %d*0.12=%.2f"%(welfare_fund,housing_fund))      all_welfare_fund=medical_fund+retire_fund+unemploy_fund +housing_fund      print("all welfare fund=%.2f"% all_welfare_fund)      money -=all_welfare_fund      before_tax = money      print("before tax money =%.2f"%before_tax )      if before_tax < 2000 :          print(" you have no tax,you own money=%.2f"%before_tax)          return before_tax           #after 2008.3.1 tax      l1=500*0.05 #2000-2500, %5       l2=1500*0.10 #2500-4000 %10              +=25      l3=3000*0.15 #4000-7000 %0.15           +=175      l4=15000*0.20 #7000-22000 %20         += 625      l5=20000*0.25 #22000-42000 %25      +=3625      l6=20000*0.30 #42000-62000 %30      +=8625      l7=20000*0.35 #62000-82000 %35      +=14625      l8=20000*0.40 #82000-102000 %40    +=21625      l9=0                                          #    +=29625      money -=2000      tax=0;      if money<500:          l1=money*0.05          tax=l1          print("you are in level 1,tax =%.2f, you own money=%.2f"%(tax,(before_tax-tax)))          return before_tax-tax      money -= 500      if money<1500:          l2=money*0.10          tax=l1+l2          print("you are in level 2,tax =%.2f, you own money=%.2f"%(tax,(before_tax-tax)))          return before_tax-tax      money -= 1500      if money<3000:          l3=money*0.15          tax=l1+l2+l3          print("you are in level 3,tax =%.2f, you own money=%.2f"%(tax,(before_tax-tax)))          return before_tax-tax      money -= 3000      if money<15000:          l4=money*0.20          tax=l1+l2+l3+l4          print("you are in level 4,tax =%.2f, you own money=%.2f"%(tax,(before_tax-tax)))          return before_tax-tax      money -= 15000      if money<20000:          l5=money*0.25          tax=l1+l2+l3+l4+l5          print("you are in level 5,tax =%.2f, you own money=%.2f"%(tax,(before_tax-tax)))          return before_tax-tax      money -= 20000      if money<20000:          l6=money*0.30          tax=l1+l2+l3+l4+l5+l6          print("you are in level 6,tax =%.2f, you own money=%.2f"%(tax,(before_tax-tax)))          return before_tax-tax      money -= 20000      if money<20000:          l7=money*0.35          tax=l1+l2+l3+l4+l5+l6+l7          print("you are in level 7,tax =%.2f, you own money=%.2f"%(tax,(before_tax-tax)))          return before_tax-tax      money -= 20000      if money<20000:          l8=money*0.40          tax=l1+l2+l3+l4+l5+l6+l7+l8          print("you are in level 8,tax =%.2f, you own money=%.2f"%(tax,(before_tax-tax)))          return before_tax-tax      money -= 20000       l9=money*0.45      tax=l1+l2+l3+l4+l5+l6+l7+l8+l9      print("you are in level 9,tax =%.2f, you own money=%.2f"%(tax,(before_tax-tax)))      return before_tax-tax   money(10000,0,0)  
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