
来源:互联网 发布:梦里花落知多少小说网 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 21:32

'Microsoft SQL Server 2000
'Visual Basic file generated for DTS Package
'File Name: C:/Documents and Settings/maintain/桌面/ProcessCube.bas
'Package Name: ProcessCube
'Package Description:
'Generated Date: 2004-6-11
'Generated Time: 9:37:31

Option Explicit
Public goPackageOld As New DTS.Package
Public goPackage As DTS.Package2
Private Sub Main()
 set goPackage = goPackageOld

 goPackage.Name = "ProcessCube"
 goPackage.WriteCompletionStatusToNTEventLog = False
 goPackage.FailOnError = False
 goPackage.PackagePriorityClass = 2
 goPackage.MaxConcurrentSteps = 4
 goPackage.LineageOptions = 0
 goPackage.UseTransaction = True
 goPackage.TransactionIsolationLevel = 4096
 goPackage.AutoCommitTransaction = True
 goPackage.RepositoryMetadataOptions = 0
 goPackage.UseOLEDBServiceComponents = True
 goPackage.LogToSQLServer = False
 goPackage.LogServerFlags = 0
 goPackage.FailPackageOnLogFailure = False
 goPackage.ExplicitGlobalVariables = False
 goPackage.PackageType = 0

' create package steps information

Dim oStep as DTS.Step2
Dim oPrecConstraint as DTS.PrecedenceConstraint

'------------- a new step defined below

Set oStep = goPackage.Steps.New

 oStep.Name = "DTSStep_DTSOlapProcess.Task_1"
 oStep.Description = "Analysis Services 处理任务: 未定义"
 oStep.ExecutionStatus = 1
 oStep.TaskName = "DTSOlapProcess"
 oStep.CommitSuccess = False
 oStep.RollbackFailure = False
 oStep.ScriptLanguage = "VBScript"
 oStep.AddGlobalVariables = True
 oStep.RelativePriority = 3
 oStep.CloseConnection = False
 oStep.ExecuteInMainThread = True
 oStep.IsPackageDSORowset = False
 oStep.JoinTransactionIfPresent = False
 oStep.DisableStep = False
 oStep.FailPackageOnError = False
goPackage.Steps.Add oStep
Set oStep = Nothing

' create package tasks information

'------------- call Task_Sub1 for task DTSOlapProcess (Analysis Services 处理任务: 未定义)
Call Task_Sub1( goPackage )

' Save or execute package

'goPackage.SaveToSQLServer "(local)", "sa", ""
tracePackageError goPackage
'to save a package instead of executing it, comment out the executing package lines above and uncomment the saving package line
set goPackage = Nothing

set goPackageOld = Nothing

End Sub

' error reporting using step.GetExecutionErrorInfo after execution
Public Sub tracePackageError(oPackage As DTS.Package)
Dim ErrorCode As Long
Dim ErrorSource As String
Dim ErrorDescription As String
Dim ErrorHelpFile As String
Dim ErrorHelpContext As Long
Dim ErrorIDofInterfaceWithError As String
Dim i As Integer

 For i = 1 To oPackage.Steps.Count
  If oPackage.Steps(i).ExecutionResult = DTSStepExecResult_Failure Then
   oPackage.Steps(i).GetExecutionErrorInfo ErrorCode, ErrorSource, ErrorDescription, _
     ErrorHelpFile, ErrorHelpContext, ErrorIDofInterfaceWithError
   MsgBox oPackage.Steps(i).Name & " failed" & vbCrLf & ErrorSource & vbCrLf & ErrorDescription
  End If
 Next i

End Sub

'------------- define Task_Sub1 for task DTSOlapProcess (Analysis Services 处理任务: 未定义)
Public Sub Task_Sub1(ByVal goPackage As Object)

Dim oTask As DTS.Task
Dim oLookup As DTS.Lookup

Dim oCustomTask1 As DTSOlapProcess.Task
Set oTask = goPackage.Tasks.New("DTSOlapProcess.Task")
oTask.Name = "DTSOlapProcess"
Set oCustomTask1 = oTask.CustomTask

 oCustomTask1.Name = "DTSOlapProcess"
 oCustomTask1.Description = "Analysis Services 处理任务: 未定义"
 oCustomTask1.TreeKey = "CPT-EXTDOMAIN/FoodMart 2000/CubeFolder/Sales"
 oCustomTask1.ItemType = 4
 oCustomTask1.ProcessOption = 0
 oCustomTask1.Datasource = "FoodMart"
 oCustomTask1.FactTable = """sales_fact_1997"""
 oCustomTask1.IncrementallyUpdateDimensions = False
goPackage.Tasks.Add oTask
Set oCustomTask1 = Nothing
Set oTask = Nothing

End Sub

