
来源:互联网 发布:单片机是嵌入式处理器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 13:51

Imagine Alice is trying to call Eve. Here’s the full offer/answer mechanism in all its gory detail:

Alice creates an RTCPeerConnection object.
Alice creates an offer (an SDP session description) with the RTCPeerConnection createOffer() method.
Alice calls setLocalDescription() with his offer.
Alice stringifies the offer and uses a signaling mechanism to send it to Eve.

Eve calls setRemoteDescription() with Alice’s offer, so that her RTCPeerConnection knows about Alice’s setup.
Eve calls createAnswer(), and the success callback for this is passed a local session description: Eve’s answer.
Eve sets her answer as the local description by calling setLocalDescription().
Eve then uses the signaling mechanism to send her stringified answer back to Alice.
Alice sets Eve’s answer as the remote session description using setRemoteDescription().


Alice 使用RTCPeerConnection createOffer()方法创建一个offer(一个SDP会话描述)。
Alice 用他的提议调用setLocalDescription()。

Eve 使用Alice的提供调用setRemoteDescription(),以便她的RTCPeerConnection知道Alice的设置。

    /**     *     * 创建一个SDP约束,并将sdp传入createOffer之中      */    // Create SDP constraints.    sdpMediaConstraints = new MediaConstraints();    sdpMediaConstraints.mandatory.add(new MediaConstraints.KeyValuePair(        "OfferToReceiveAudio", "true"));    if (videoCallEnabled || peerConnectionParameters.loopback) {      sdpMediaConstraints.mandatory.add(new MediaConstraints.KeyValuePair(          "OfferToReceiveVideo", "true"));    } else {      sdpMediaConstraints.mandatory.add(new MediaConstraints.KeyValuePair(          "OfferToReceiveVideo", "false"));    }
 /**   * 创建一个offer   */  public void createOffer() {    executor.execute(new Runnable() {      @Override      public void run() {        if (peerConnection != null && !isError) {          Log.d(TAG, "PC Create OFFER");          isInitiator = true;          peerConnection.createOffer(sdpObserver, sdpMediaConstraints);        }      }    });  }
  /**     * offer信令创建成功后会调用SdpObserver     * 监听中的onCreateSuccess()响应函数     * 在这里接受端会通过peerConnection.setLocalDescription     * 将offer信令(SDP描述符)赋给自己的peerConnection对象,     * 同时将offer信令发送给发送方 。     */  private class SDPObserver implements SdpObserver {    @Override    public void onCreateSuccess(final SessionDescription origSdp) {      if (localSdp != null) {        reportError("Multiple SDP create.");        return;      }      String sdpDescription = origSdp.description;      if (preferIsac) {        sdpDescription = preferCodec(sdpDescription, AUDIO_CODEC_ISAC, true);      }      if (videoCallEnabled && preferH264) {        sdpDescription = preferCodec(sdpDescription, VIDEO_CODEC_H264, false);      }      final SessionDescription sdp = new SessionDescription(          origSdp.type, sdpDescription);      localSdp = sdp;      executor.execute(new Runnable() {        @Override        public void run() {          if (peerConnection != null && !isError) {            Log.d(TAG, "Set local SDP from " + sdp.type);            /**             * 发送方在onCreateSuccess()监听响应函数中调用             * peerConnection.setLocalDescription将             * answer信令(SDP描述符)             * 赋给自己的PC对象,同时将answer信令发送给B 。             */            peerConnection.setLocalDescription(sdpObserver, sdp);          }        }      });    }    @Override    public void onSetSuccess() {      executor.execute(new Runnable() {        @Override        public void run() {          if (peerConnection == null || isError) {            return;          }          if (isInitiator) {            // For offering peer connection we first create offer and set            // local SDP, then after receiving answer set remote SDP.            if (peerConnection.getRemoteDescription() == null) {              // We've just set our local SDP so time to send it.              Log.d(TAG, "Local SDP set succesfully");              events.onLocalDescription(localSdp);            } else {              // We've just set remote description, so drain remote              // and send local ICE candidates.              Log.d(TAG, "Remote SDP set succesfully");              drainCandidates();            }          } else {            // For answering peer connection we set remote SDP and then            // create answer and set local SDP.            if (peerConnection.getLocalDescription() != null) {              // We've just set our local SDP so time to send it, drain              // remote and send local ICE candidates.              Log.d(TAG, "Local SDP set succesfully");              events.onLocalDescription(localSdp);              drainCandidates();            } else {              // We've just set remote SDP - do nothing for now -              // answer will be created soon.              Log.d(TAG, "Remote SDP set succesfully");            }          }        }      });    }    @Override    public void onCreateFailure(final String error) {      reportError("createSDP error: " + error);    }    @Override    public void onSetFailure(final String error) {      reportError("setSDP error: " + error);    }  }
/** * 发送方收到接收方的offer信令后,利用  * peerConnection.setRemoteDescription() * 方法将接收方的SDP描述赋给发送方的peerConnection对象。 */ public void setRemoteDescription(final SessionDescription sdp) {    executor.execute(new Runnable() {      @Override      public void run() {        if (peerConnection == null || isError) {          return;        }        String sdpDescription = sdp.description;        if (preferIsac) {          sdpDescription = preferCodec(sdpDescription, AUDIO_CODEC_ISAC, true);        }        if (videoCallEnabled && preferH264) {          sdpDescription = preferCodec(sdpDescription, VIDEO_CODEC_H264, false);        }        if (videoCallEnabled && peerConnectionParameters.videoStartBitrate > 0) {          sdpDescription = setStartBitrate(VIDEO_CODEC_VP8, true,              sdpDescription, peerConnectionParameters.videoStartBitrate);          sdpDescription = setStartBitrate(VIDEO_CODEC_VP9, true,              sdpDescription, peerConnectionParameters.videoStartBitrate);          sdpDescription = setStartBitrate(VIDEO_CODEC_H264, true,              sdpDescription, peerConnectionParameters.videoStartBitrate);        }        if (peerConnectionParameters.audioStartBitrate > 0) {          sdpDescription = setStartBitrate(AUDIO_CODEC_OPUS, false,              sdpDescription, peerConnectionParameters.audioStartBitrate);        }        Log.d(TAG, "Set remote SDP.");        SessionDescription sdpRemote = new SessionDescription(            sdp.type, sdpDescription);        peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(sdpObserver, sdpRemote);      }    });  }



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