Maven Usage

来源:互联网 发布:mac只能安装win8 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 07:42

servlets are the clear choice for the request because the servlet api already handles much of the details of http. the command pattern includes the kind of structure we need: an abstract class that allows subclasses to substitute generically for the parent. the intent is to create a combination of classes(a controller servlet and an action class) that combine to create much of the infrastructure common to all controller servlets. command encapsulates the common elements into an abstract super class in this case called action. this class includes methods for receiving requests ,response and a servletcontext. it  also includes an abstract execute() method. concrete child classes inherit from action and override the execute() method to perfom work. a sa,mple

tapesrty moves away from strictly web-based api and allows you to create web applications that feel more like traditional web-based api. tapestry build a framwork that effectively hidles all these details. it is use an objects model similar to traditional graphical user interface development.  tapestry does not prevent you  from accessing the servlet api, but it encapsulates it ton the point where you do not need to very often. coding in tapesrty is in terms of obects properties and methods not url and query parameters. the framewrok handles all the low -level web detailas of the aplication.

maven is a project management framework,but this does not tell you much about maven. Maven encompassed a set of build standards, an artifact repository model and a software engine that manages and decrible projects. it defines a standrad life cycle for building,testing and deploying projects following maven's standard. maven provides you with: a comprehensive model for software projects and tools that interact with this declarative model.

an individual mavne projects's structure and contents are declared in a project object model. which forms the basis of the entire maven system.

convention over configuration declarative execution  reuse of build logic  coherent organization of dependencies. the second convention used by maven is the concept that a single maven project  plugins are the key building blocks for everthing in maven.

ewverything in maven id driven in a declarative fashion using manven's project object model and specifically. the plugin configurations contained in the pom. the execution of maven.

