
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝云客服常用语库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 09:41

The hexadecimal value indicating the attributes to apply to the
partition with focus. The GPT attribute field is a 64-bit field
that contains two subfields. The higher field is interpreted
only in the context of a particular partition type GUID, while
the lower field is common to all partition types.

The following attribute can be set on any partition:

0x0000000000000001 marks the partition as required. This
indicates to all disk management utilities that the partition
should not be deleted. The EFI System partition contains only
those binaries necessary to start the operating system. This
makes it easy for original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or
operating system-specific binaries to be placed in other

For basic data partitions, the following attributes are defined:

Prevents the partition from having a drive
letter automatically assigned. By default, each partition is
assigned a new drive letter and a volume GUID pathname. Both
the drive letter and the volume GUID pathname can be used to
open the volume using Win32 APIs. Setting this attribute ensures

that when a disk is moved to a new computer, a new drive letter
will not be automatically generated. Instead, the user can
manually assign drive letters.

Defines the partition’s volume as hidden.
Setting this attribute specifies that the volume will not be
assigned a drive letter or a volume GUID pathname. Both
the drive letter and the volume GUID pathname can be used to
open the volume using Win32 APIs. A hidden partition’s
volume is not reported by Win32 APIs such as FindFirstVolume
and FindNextVolume.

Defines the partition as being a Volume Snapshot Service
shadow copy volume. Fle system filters use this flag to
prevent the filter from attaching to the volume.

Prevents the volume from being written to.

Other attributes may be added by Microsoft at any time.

参见: HELP GPT(diskpart)

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