How to choose the digital camera

来源:互联网 发布:看电影安卓软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 16:26
---The digital camera already started to become one of computer's popular peripheral devices, has from the beforehand work employing labor turns present's fashionable toy. As fashionable toy , this word is not too also appropriate, because is not after all the handset may buy casually equally likely casually with. Below chats me to a digital camera's view. ----The digital camera and the ordinary camera and the common computer peripheral device differs from, the first good digital camera is not completely the fool camera completely is not even silly the melon camera, needs to have certain camera work, the certainly good digital camera will also have the full-automatic the pattern, guaranteed that the beginner can also begin, but if bought an expensive digital camera to use its fool function a little to waste merely firmly. Simultaneously the digital camera not had certain camera work to be possible to play to transfer, because later period's processing needed the commuter to have certain understanding to the computer graphic processing, otherwise was also not the unnecessary use digital camera, after all the optics camera (actually looking from overseas translation should call to have roll film camera) cheaply many moreover various aspects to be maturer. ----Summarizes is, if is only plays as the toy, simultaneously own quality not yet achieves specialized or the competence level, does not buy or buys lowest the price the product for good. Here I recommend a product, once was the Japanese young people's fashionable toy, Orrin Pass's C-900Zoom. ----1,300,000 picture elements, support the image preservation which does not compress, 35-110 3 time of optics focal variations, the complete automatic camera pattern, Mu series is the same with 2000 Yuan about, is not higher than 4000 Hong Kong dollars probably in Hong Kong price. Everybody may ask specifically, in the Shanghai probably also less than 5000 Yuan. How to select and purchase the digital camera? If is the unit uses, generally selected and purchased Kodak's product to be possible, price expensive somewhat, the quality was also ordinary, but suited the work use, the best product was DC290 at present, paid attention to DC280 is the DC240 advanced version, was 2 time of optics focal variations, but DC290 was the DC265 advanced version, surpassed 2,000,000 picture elements, 3 time of optics focal variations. If you have seen Kodak's automatic camera price, contrasts with the Orrin Pass's price knew that Kodak's quality and decided the position. Has used Canon and Nikang fuselage as for Kodak's specialized camera, is the different matter, but the price was not only adds on one 0. Because list in the position uses, generally is not high to the camera request, but Kodak supports USB and the infrared connection, therefore is quite suitable. I use think am alright, is ugly except type , the picture quality general outside cannot discover other shortcomings, but after entering the home, lacked the special-purpose battery to let the person headache truly, do not forget to buy 8 nickel hydrogen the rechargeable battery, otherwise, even if used the alkaline battery also not to be able to make several pictures. ----If the digital camera is individual uses? Needs the such cool appearance and the extraordinary performance. The support optics focal variation, 2 times, simultaneously support the numerical code focal variation to take the embellishment at least, has the outstanding optical lens group, but is not the ordinary lens, contains piece of above non-spheroid lens, certainly should be the coating, the lens' size is also very important, displays in the final aperture size, should be at least f2.8, focal variation scope at least 35-110, if supports 28mm better . May choose automatic or the hand regulation shutter and the focal distance, and has to make public control, white balanced, the certainly manual Canadian automatic focusing cannot be short. about digital camera's picture element, must look that actual CCD is effective finally the picture element, somewhat was known as 2,000,000 picture element digital cameras has used AGFA or similar image inserts the value technology, actually had 1,300,000 picture elements, must therefore pay attention surely. If has surpassed 1,500,000 picture elements, after printing the picture and ordinary optics camera is similar, but the ultra 2,500,000 picture element's camera performance may such say, the specially made lens have not been make the so high picture element without the legal system the camera, already surpassed the common optics camera's effect, the partial brands used famous observed the Si lens or the appropriation Fuji dragon lens and the Olympus special-purpose lens also have the Canon their handtailor lens. ----The main memory stick is Smart-Media and CompactFlash, actually their difference is not big, SM card biggest 32M, but price cheap , popular (is also uses the SM card) along with the MP3 player, the price will be cheaper, but CF card biggest 96M but the price will be quite high. Other memory way also has the floppy disk (SONY), is unable to preserve the large capacity graph and the speed are slow, but Memory the stick price is also quite high, but the maximum capacity may arrive at 64M, but also has the IBM small hard disk, above 120M, the volume also is very at least small, but only then Canon's high-grade product only then supports probably, Image Clik!the 40M capacity is also one kind of new choice, but Matushita has as if promoted the LS-120 digital camera. The influence memory stick's primary factor is the capacity speed and price the standard, three unifications are also at present unable to achieve. The related article I meet the separate article introduction. ----The data feeds in computer's way to have many, slowest, but the compatibility is best is serial, what soon is popular is USB and the infrared connection, but also has PC-card the way and the mouth way. Should better be able to have USB, because speed quick many. I think as for the television function am not unnecessary, because at home may use electricity the brain, 17-20 inch computer monitors are not better than the television?----The power source is also the very big choice factor, if uses the ordinary battery or the alkaline battery in the digital camera, you will discover that the digital camera will be which will spend the wealthy and powerful family, because will make several pictures to trade the battery, the cost will be very high, will therefore use may the rechargeable battery be the inevitable choice, but digital camera when will enter Chinese did not know that except any question, was frequently the standard fitting becomes has chosen the fitting. But this money cannot save, I use 1650 milliampere when 5 nickel the hydrogen battery, the effect is very good, when at least generally the original installation battery has 1150 milliamperes, because the digital camera is one consumes the electricity wealthy and powerful family. ----Also has the fitting? Certainly, if has chosen the upscale civil camera, do not forget to buy the necessary flashing light, the auxiliary flashing light which I am refers to is bigger than when 3 meters use, the partial brands may use the general flashing light, but remembers must certainly necessary, otherwise is unable the synchronization. Transforms the bayonet socket, digital camera's bayonet socket is nonstandard, therefore only then bought the special-purpose bayonet socket to be able to use optics camera to filter the mirror and the lens group. If has the wide-angle lens and telescope may also a merger and acquisition be uneven, because buys together may cheap many, many wholesale markets can buy.
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