
来源:互联网 发布:excel07建立数据透视表 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 04:55


#!/user/bin/env python# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-F = raw_input('Enter a filename ')N = int(raw_input('Enter lines to display '))filename = file(F, 'r')for eachLine in filename:    if N != 0:        print eachLine        N -= 1filename.close()
#!/user/bin/env python# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-filename = raw_input('Enter a filename ')n = 0filename = file(filename, 'r')for eachLine in filename:    n = n + 1    filename.close()print n
#!/user/bin/env python# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-filename = raw_input('Enter a filename ')n = 0filename = file(filename, 'r')for eachLine in filename:print eachLinen += 1if n % 25 == 0:raw_input("Press any key to continue ")filename.close()

#!/user/bin/env python# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-import randomimport stringsrstring = string.lettersf1 = open('source.txt', 'w')for i in range(0, 10):    name = ''    length = random.randint(5, 10)    for j in range(length):        name += random.choice(srstring)    score = random.randint(20, 100)    score = str(score)    outstring = name + ' ' + score + '\n'    f1.write(outstring)f1.close()f1 = open('source.txt', 'r')sum1 = 0n = 0for each_line in f1:    sum1 += int(each_line.split()[1])    n += 1print sum1, sum1 / sum(int(line.split()[1]) for line in f1)f1.close()

#!/user/bin/env python# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-file1 = [line for line in file('', 'r')]file2 = [line for line in file('', 'r')]len1 = len(file1)len2 = len(file2)len_min = min(len1, len2)for row in range(len_min):if file1[row] != file2[row]:words1 = [word for word in file1[row]]words2 = [word for word in file2[row]]len1 = len(words1)len2 = len(words2)len_min = min(len1, len2)for colomn in range(len_min):if words1[colomn] != words2[colomn]:breakprint 'Diff in row[%s], colomn[%s]'%((row+1),(colomn+1))breakelse:print 'It is total same file.'


#!/user/bin/env pythonimport oshas=[]nhas=[]def doc_string():    os.chdir('C:\Python27\Lib')    cwd=os.getcwd()    #print cwd    doclist=os.listdir(cwd)    for d in doclist:        path = os.path.join(cwd,d)        #print path        if os.path.isfile(path):            h_doc=0            fp=open(path,'r')            for line in fp:                if '\'\'\'' in line:                    has.append(path)                    h_doc=1                    break            if h_doc==0:                nhas.append(path)            fp.close()    print "doc has __doc__:",has    print "\ndoc hasn't __doc__:",nhas                        doc_string()


#!/user/bin/env python# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-import time, getpass, hashlib, shelve# 用字典作为数据库db ='userpw2.shelve')# 此函数用于注册def sigup():    # 写一个提示标语    prompt = '>New user sigup first: '    while True:        # 输入账号        user = raw_input(prompt).lower()        # 如果数据库中已经有了账号,提示重新输入        if user in db:            prompt = '>The user is existing, try another.'            continue  # 回到循环处继续循环        elif not user.isalnum() or ' ' in user:            print 'Invalid: username'            continue        else:            break  # 否则跳出循环    # 输入密码    psw = getpass.getpass()    # 把账号和密码加入数据库中    timeNow = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))    db[user] = hashlib.md5(psw).hexdigest(), timeNow    print '>You has already sigup, return to login page.>>>'# 此函数用于登录def login():    # 写一个提示标语    prompt = '>New user sigup first(sigup) || Existing user: Enter your username\n>'    while True:        # 输入账号密码        user = raw_input(prompt).lower()        if 'sigup' in user:            sigup()        psw = getpass.getpass()        # 判断输入密码是否正确,正确则跳出循环,否则继续循环        if db.has_key(user) and db.get(user)[0] == hashlib.md5(psw).hexdigest():            break        else:            prompt = '>Password or username is not right, try again.\n>New user sigup first(sigup) || Existing user enter your username\n> '            continue    timeNow = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))    db[user] = hashlib.md5(psw).hexdigest(), timeNow    diffTime = float(time.time() - time.mktime(time.strptime(db[user][1],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) / 3600    if diffTime <= 4:        print 'You already logged in at: ', db[user][1]    print '>***Welcome, %s!***' % userdef manage():    prompt = '>(D)elete a user\n>(S)how all user\n>(O)ut put\n>(Q)uit\n>'    done = False    while not done:        # 是否要跳出选择        chosen = False        while not chosen:            try:                choice = raw_input(prompt).strip()[0].lower()            except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):                choice = 'q'            print '\nYou picked: [%s]' % choice            if choice not in 'sdqo':                print '>Invalid option, try again!'            else:                chosen = True        if choice == 'd':            user = raw_input('>Enter the user which you want to delete: ')            if user in db:                del db[user]                print '>Remove %s ... Done!' % user            else:                print '>User has no name: %s ' % user        if choice == 's':            for user in db:                print user        if choice == 'q':            done = True# 此函数用于展示输入和作为引擎def showmunue():    # 展示你可以输入的标语    prompt = """    (S)igup    (L)ogin    (M)anage    (Q)uit    >Enter your choice: """    # 是否要跳出循环    done = False    while not done:        # 是否要跳出选择        chosen = False        while not chosen:            try:                choice = raw_input(prompt).strip()[0].lower()            except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):                choice = 'q'            print '\nYou picked: [%s]' % choice            if choice not in 'slmq':                print '>Invalid option, try again!'            else:                chosen = True        if choice == 'q':            done = True        if choice == 's':            sigup()        if choice == 'm':            manage()        if choice == 'l':            login()if __name__ == '__main__':    showmunue()    db.close()


rse.ArgumentParser()parser.add_argument("file_A")parser.add_argument("file_B")parser.add_argument("-c", "--copy", action="store_true",                    help="copy file A to file B")args = parser.parse_args()if args.copy:    fileA = open(args.file_A, 'r+')    fileB = open(args.file_B, 'w+')    fileB.write(    fileA.close()    fileB.close()

fsource = open("4-1.txt", "r")ftarget = open("filetest.txt", 'w+')for line in fsource:    if len(line)-1 <= 80:        ftarget.write(line)    else:        writeline = line        while len(writeline)-1 > 80:            i = 79            while i >= 0:                if writeline[i] in [' ', ',', ':', ';', '.', '!']:                    ftarget.write(writeline[0:i+1] + '\n')                    writeline = writeline[i+1:]                    break;                i -= 1        ftarget.write(writeline)                fsource.close()ftarget.close()


#!/user/bin/env python# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-import osdef create():    filename = raw_input('Filename need:').strip()    cwd = os.getcwd()    filelist = os.listdir(cwd)    if filename in filelist:        print 'Filename already taken, try another'    else:        newfile = open(filename, 'w+')        content = raw_input('Write something:')        newfile.write(content)        newfile.close()def display():    filename = raw_input('Filename need:').strip()    cfile = open(filename, 'r')    for row, line in enumerate(cfile):        print row, line     cfile.close()def edit():    filename = raw_input('Filename need:').strip()    cfile = open(filename, 'r+')    linenum = raw_input('Enter the num of line you want to edit:')    buffer_file = open('test.txt', 'w+')    for row, line in enumerate(cfile):        if row == int(linenum):            line = raw_input('Edit content:')        buffer_file.write(line)    buffer_file = open('test.txt', 'r')    cfile = open(filename, 'w+')    cfile.write(    cfile.close()    buffer_file.close()def save():    passdef showmunue():    # 展示你可以输入的标语    prompt = """    (C)reate a file    (D)isplay a file    (E)dit file    (S)ave    (Q)uit    >Enter your choice: """    # 是否要跳出循环    done = False    while not done:        # 是否要跳出选择        chosen = False        while not chosen:            try:                choice = raw_input(prompt).strip()[0].lower()            except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):                choice = 'q'            print '\nYou picked: [%s]' % choice            if choice not in 'cdesq':                print '>Invalid option, try again!'            else:                chosen = True        if choice == 'q':            done = True        if choice == 'c':            create()        if choice == 'd':            display()        if choice == 'e':            edit()        if choice == 's':            save()if __name__ == '__main__':    showmunue()


fn=raw_input("file:")n=int(raw_input("num:").strip())char=chr(n)fp=open(fn,'r')all_line=fp.readlines()fp.close()context=''.join(all_line)cnt=context.count(char)print cnt


import randomdef radint_bin_file(value, counting, lens):    ran_lens = lens - counting    rans = []    n = 0    while n < ran_lens:        ran = random.randint(0, 255)        if ran == value:            continue        else:            rans.append(chr(ran))            n += 1    for i in range(counting):        rans.insert(random.randint(0, ran_lens), chr(value))    filename = open(r'radombin.txt', 'wb')    filename.write(''.join(rans))    filename.close()radint_bin_file(65, 5, 38)filename = open(r'radombin.txt', 'rb')for i in filename:    print i, 0)print len(filename.readlines()[0])filename.close()


import gzipimport shutilwith open('filetest.txt', 'rb') as f_in,'filetest.txt.gz', 'wb') as f_out:    shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)

import zipfiledef zip_create():    zipname = raw_input('zipname: ')    myzip = zipfile.ZipFile(zipname)    myzip.close()def zip_add():    zipname = raw_input('zipname: ')    myzip = zipfile.ZipFile(zipname, 'a')    filename = raw_input('filename: ')    myzip.write(filename)def zip_extra():    zipname = raw_input('zipname: ')    myzip = zipfile.ZipFile(zipname, 'a')    filename = raw_input('filename: ')    myzip.extract(filename)

me, zipfilezipname = raw_input('zipname: ')print 'zip file size: %d bytes' % (os.stat(zipname).st_size)myzip = zipfile.ZipFile(zipname, 'r', 8)print 'filename\tdatetime\t\t size  compress size\trate'for info in myzip.infolist():    t = time.ctime(time.mktime(tuple(list(info.date_time) + [0, 0, 0])))    rate = float(info.compress_size) / info.file_size * 100    print '%s\t%s %d\t%d\t\t%.2f%%' % (info.filename, t,        info.compress_size, info.file_size, rate)myzip.close()


import tarfiledef tar_create():    tarname = raw_input('tarname: ')    mytar =, 'w:gz')    mytar.close()def tar_add():    tarname = raw_input('tarname: ')    mytar =, 'w:gz')    filename = raw_input('filename: ')    mytar.add(filename)    mytar.close()def tar_extra():    tarname = raw_input('tarname: ')    mytar =, 'r:gz')    filename = raw_input('filename: ')    mytar.extractall()    mytar.close()

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