c++ primer plus 学习第一天--第二章

来源:互联网 发布:广电网络网上营业厅 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/12 01:12



#include    //相当于#include,包含输入输出函数**int main()    //和c一样{    using namespace std;   //using 编译指令      cout<<"come up and c++ me some time.";    //相当于c语言的printf();    cout<<endl;      //相当于c语言的”\n“;重启一行    cout<<"you won't regret it!"<<endl;   //也可以在字符串中加入\n 重启一行    cin.get();   //相当于c语言的getchar(), 运行窗口一直打开,直到你按下任何键    return 0;​}​


1.注释用//(单行注释) 或者​(实现多行注释);

​2.using namespace std 使得std中名称空间中的所有名称都可以使用;如果没有加这句编译指令,cout格式 应该是std::cout;这是一下种偷懒的做法,​还可以使有需要的名称可用;格式为 using std::​cout; using std::endl;

3.cout <

#include<iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;    int carrots;    carrots=15;    cout << "I have ";                                                                   cout << carrots;                                                                             cout << "carrots.";                cout << endl;                        carrots=carrots-1;                               cout <<"Crunch,crunch.Now I have "<<carrots<<" carrots"<<endl;               cin.get();                                                                           return 0;}



#include<iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;     int carrots;                                                                                                                                   cout << "How many carrots do you have?"<<endl;    cin >>carrots;   //读取键盘输入    cout <<"Here are two more."<<endl;    carrots=carrots+2;    cout <<"Now you have "<<carrots<<" carrots."<<endl;    cin.get();    cin.get();        return 0;}



#include<iostream>#include<cmath>int main(){    using namespace std;                                                                                                                      double area;                                                                                                                                 cout << "Enter the floor area, in square feet ,of your home:";    cin >> area;    double side;    side = sqrt(area);    cout << "That's the equivalent of a square "<<side         << " feet to the side."         << "How fascinating!"<<endl;    cin.get();    cin.get();    return 0;}


#include<iostream>void simon(int);int main(){    using namespace std;        simon(3);    cout << "Pick an integer: ";    int count;    cin >> count;    simon(count);    cout << "Done!"<<endl;    cin.get();    cin.get();    return 0;}void simon(int n){    using namespace std;        cout<<"Simon says touch your toes "<< n << " times." << endl;}


#include<iostream>int stonetolb(int);int main(){    using namespace std;    int stone;    cout << "Enter the weight in stone:";    cin >> stone;    int pounds = stonetolb(stone);    cout << stone << "stone = ";    cout << pounds << " pounds."<<endl;    cin.get();    cin.get();    return 0;}int stonetolb(int sts){    return 14 * sts;}



#include<iostream>int main()                                                                          {                                                                                                                      using namespace std;                                                                                           cout << "name: green hand \naddress:xxx省xxx市";                                         cin.get();                                                                                               }


#include<iostream>int main()                                                                          {                                                                                                                      using namespace std;     double l,ma;    cout << "请输入一个以long为单位的距离:";     cin >> l;    cout <<endl;    ma=l*220;    cout << l<<" long = "<<ma<< " 码";    cin.get();    cin.get();     return 0;}

3、编写一个c++程序,它使用3个用户定义的函数(包括main() ),并生成下面的输出:
Three blind mice
Three blind mice
See how they run

#include<iostream>void myfun1();void myfun2();using namespace std; int main()                                                                          {                                                                                                                      myfun1();    myfun1();    myfun2();    myfun2();    cin.get();}void myfun1(){    cout << "Three blind mice"<<endl;}void myfun2(){    cout << "See how they run"<<endl;}

4、编写程序,让用户输入其年龄,然后显示该年龄包含多少个月,如下显示: Enter your age : 29

#include<iostream>using namespace std; int main()                                                                          {        int age;    cout << "Enter your age: ";    cin >> age;    cin.get();    cin.get();}


#include<iostream>using namespace std; int main()                                                                          {        double cel,fa;    cout << "Please enter a Celsius value:  ";    cin >> cel;    fa = cel*1.8+32.0;    cout << cel <<" degress celsius is "<<fa<<" degrees Fahrenheit.";    cin.get();    cin.get();}


#include<iostream>using namespace std; double change(double);int main()                                                                          {        double light,units;    cout << "Enter the number of light year:  ";    cin >> light;    units = change(light);    cout << light<<" light years = "<<units<<" astroomical units.";    cin.get();    cin.get();}double change(double n ){     return n*63240;}


#include<iostream>using namespace std; int main()                                                                          {        double shi,fen;    cout << "Enter the number of hours :  ";    cin >> shi;    cout << "Enter the number of minutes :  ";    cin >> fen;    cout <<"Time: " <<shi<<":"<<fen<<endl;    cin.get();    cin.get();    cin.get();}

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