
来源:互联网 发布:tdee计算器软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 12:04






create or replace package body JW_SHIP_APPROVE_WF_PKG is  PROCEDURE fin_approve_result(itemtype  IN VARCHAR2,                           itemkey   IN VARCHAR2,                           actid     IN NUMBER,                           funcmode  IN VARCHAR2,                           resultout OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS  l_header_id NUMBER;                         begin    IF (funcmode <> wf_engine.eng_run) THEN          resultout := wf_engine.eng_null;      RETURN;        END IF;    l_header_id := wf_engine.getitemattrnumber(itemtype => itemtype,                                                 itemkey  => itemkey,                                                 aname    => 'DELIVERY_HEADER_ID');    update    JW_OM_DELIVERY_HEADERS   h       set    h.status_code = 3,              h.status      = '已审核',              h.last_updated_by = fnd_profile.VALUE('USER_ID'),              h.last_update_date = sysdate     where    h.delivery_header_id = l_header_id  ;                                                resultout := 'COMPLETE';    NULL;  END;    PROCEDURE fin_reject_result(itemtype  IN VARCHAR2,                           itemkey   IN VARCHAR2,                           actid     IN NUMBER,                           funcmode  IN VARCHAR2,                           resultout OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) is    l_header_id NUMBER;                         begin    IF (funcmode <> wf_engine.eng_run) THEN          resultout := wf_engine.eng_null;      RETURN;        END IF;    l_header_id := wf_engine.getitemattrnumber(itemtype => itemtype,                                                 itemkey  => itemkey,                                                 aname    => 'DELIVERY_HEADER_ID');    update    JW_OM_DELIVERY_HEADERS   h       set    h.status_code = 4,              h.status      = '已拒绝',              h.last_updated_by = fnd_profile.VALUE('USER_ID'),              h.last_update_date = sysdate     where    h.delivery_header_id = l_header_id  ;                                                resultout := 'COMPLETE';                                                 null;  end;    procedure fin_approve_wf(v_header_id number,v_flag number) is    v_attribute3 varchar2(30);  begin    select h.attribute3      into v_attribute3      from JW_OM_DELIVERY_HEADERS h     where h.delivery_header_id = v_header_id;   if  v_attribute3 is not null then     if v_flag = 1 then-------审批通过       wf_engine.completeactivity(itemtype => 'JW_SHIP',                             itemkey  => v_attribute3,                             activity => 'JW_OM_PROCESS:JW_OM_NOTIFICATIONS',                             RESULT   => 'APPROVE');     else       wf_engine.completeactivity(itemtype => 'JW_SHIP',------审批拒绝                             itemkey  => v_attribute3,                             activity => 'JW_OM_PROCESS:JW_OM_NOTIFICATIONS',                             RESULT   => 'REJECT');     end if;   else     if v_flag = 1 then        update JW_OM_DELIVERY_HEADERS jh           set jh.status_code = 3,jh.status = '已审核',               jh.last_updated_by = fnd_profile.VALUE('USER_ID'),               jh.last_update_date = sysdate         where jh.delivery_header_id =  v_header_id;     else        update JW_OM_DELIVERY_HEADERS jh           set jh.status_code = 4,jh.status = '已拒绝',               jh.last_updated_by = fnd_profile.VALUE('USER_ID'),               jh.last_update_date = sysdate         where jh.delivery_header_id =  v_header_id;     end if;    end if;    COMMIT;    null;  exception    when others then       null;  end;    procedure fin_cancel_wf(v_header_id number) is    l_item_key      VARCHAR2(30);  begin    select h.attribute3      into l_item_key      from jw_om_delivery_headers h     where h.delivery_header_id = v_header_id;    wf_engine.abortprocess(itemtype => 'JW_SHIP', itemkey => l_item_key);    commit;    null;  exception    when others then      raise_application_error(-20001,'cancel error');  end;    PROCEDURE get_document_details(document_id   IN VARCHAR2,                                 display_type  IN VARCHAR2,                                 document      IN OUT CLOB,                                 document_type IN OUT VARCHAR2) IS    l_item_type wf_items.item_type%TYPE;    l_item_key  wf_items.item_key%TYPE;    l_document_id NUMBER;    l_document   varchar2(32000) := '';         l_document_conent_0 varchar2(32000);    cursor c1(v_document_id number) is      select l.item_number,l.attribute1,l.notice_number,oola.unit_selling_price        from JW_OM_DELIVERY_LINES l,oe_order_lines_all oola       where l.order_line_id = oola.line_id         and l.delivery_header_id =  v_document_id ;                       begin    l_item_type := substr(document_id, 1, instr(document_id, ':') - 1);    l_item_key  := substr(document_id,                          instr(document_id, ':') + 1,                          length(document_id) - 2);    l_document_id := wf_engine.getitemattrnumber(itemtype => l_item_type,                                                 itemkey  => l_item_key,                                                 aname    => 'DELIVERY_HEADER_ID');                          /*l_document := '<table border=1>                      <tr>                         <td>                          This table shows the details of the document. You can put anything here.                         </td>                      </tr>                   </table>';*/    l_document_conent_0 := '<tr>                               <td>物料</td>                                <td>物料说明</td>                               <td>通知数量</td>                               <td>单价</td>                            </tr>';                 for v1 in c1(l_document_id) loop       l_document_conent_0 := l_document_conent_0 ||                             '<tr>                               <td> ' || v1.item_number || '</td>                                <td> ' || v1.attribute1 || '</td>                               <td> ' || v1.notice_number || '</td>                               <td> ' || v1.unit_selling_price || '</td>                            </tr>';                        end loop;    l_document := '<table border=1>'                      || l_document_conent_0 ||                   '</table>';                   document := document || l_document;                   null;  end;    procedure fin_submit_wf(v_header_id number) is    l_item_key      VARCHAR2(30);    l_user_item_key VARCHAR2(30);    l_item_type     VARCHAR2(30) := 'JW_SHIP';    l_process       VARCHAR2(30) := 'JW_OM_PROCESS';    l_orig_system VARCHAR2(30) := 'PER';    l_seq_num number;    l_submit_id number;    l_submit_name   wf_roles.NAME%TYPE;--提交人    l_submit_dsp_name wf_roles.display_name%TYPE;    l_approve_id number;    l_approve_name   wf_roles.NAME%TYPE;--审批人    l_approve_dsp_name wf_roles.display_name%TYPE;    L_DELIVERY_HEADER JW_OM_DELIVERY_HEADERS%ROWTYPE;    l_init_credit number := 0;    l_userd_credit number := 0;    l_ship_credit number := 0;    l_remain_credit number := 0;        v_credit_used_1    NUMBER;         cursor c1(p_customer_id NUMBER) is     select distinct hca2.cust_account_id  cust_account_id       from HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS       hca1,            HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL c1,            HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS       hca2,            HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL c2      where hca1.party_id = hca2.party_id        and hca1.cust_account_id = c1.cust_account_id        and hca1.cust_account_id = p_customer_id--1200        and hca2.cust_account_id = c2.cust_account_id        and c2.org_id = c1.org_id        and hca2.status = 'A'        AND C2.STATUS = 'A'        and hca1.status = 'A'        AND C1.STATUS = 'A'        and (hca2.created_by_module = 'CUST_INTERFACE' or hca2.cust_account_id = hca1.cust_account_id)         and c2.org_id = c1.org_id;  begin    SELECT * INTO L_DELIVERY_HEADER FROM JW_OM_DELIVERY_HEADERS J WHERE J.DELIVERY_HEADER_ID = v_header_id;    select JW_SHIP_APPROVE_WF_S.Nextval into l_seq_num from dual;    l_item_key := L_DELIVERY_HEADER.NOTICE_NUMBER || to_char(l_seq_num);    l_user_item_key := l_item_key;         SELECT WF.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID        into l_submit_id       FROM FND_USER FU,wf_roles WF      WHERE WF.ORIG_SYSTEM = 'PER'        AND FU.USER_NAME = WF.NAME        AND FU.USER_ID = L_DELIVERY_HEADER.created_by;---申请人         SELECT WF.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID        into l_approve_id       FROM FND_USER FU,wf_roles WF      WHERE WF.ORIG_SYSTEM = 'PER'        AND FU.USER_NAME = WF.NAME        AND FU.USER_ID = 1553;---财务审批人  1120:小谭             begin----得到信用额度       SELECT nvl(hcpa.overall_credit_limit              * JWARR002.GET_CURR_CODE_RATE(hcpa.currency_code,'RMB',L_DELIVERY_HEADER.NOTICE_DATE),0)        INTO l_init_credit        FROM hz_customer_profiles hcp            ,hz_cust_profile_amts hcpa       WHERE hcp.cust_account_id = hcpa.cust_account_id         AND hcp.cust_account_profile_id = hcpa.cust_account_profile_id         AND hcp.cust_account_id in--= p_customer_id;             (select distinct hca2.cust_account_id       from HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS       hca1,            HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL c1,            HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS       hca2,            HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL c2      where hca1.party_id = hca2.party_id        and hca1.cust_account_id = c1.cust_account_id        and hca1.cust_account_id = L_DELIVERY_HEADER.Customer_Id--1200        and hca2.cust_account_id = c2.cust_account_id        and c2.org_id = c1.org_id        and hca2.status = 'A'        AND C2.STATUS = 'A'        and hca1.status = 'A'        AND C1.STATUS = 'A'        and (hca2.created_by_module = 'CUST_INTERFACE' or hca2.cust_account_id = hca1.cust_account_id)        and c2.org_id = c1.org_id);     exception       when others then         l_init_credit := 0;     end;         for v1 in c1(L_DELIVERY_HEADER.Customer_Id) loop----已使用的信用额度    BEGIN                  v_credit_used_1 := 0;        SELECT jwarr002.get_customer_invoice_amount1(null,                                                v1.cust_account_id,sysdate,L_DELIVERY_HEADER.NOTICE_DATE,                                                null) -           jwarr002.get_customer_receipt1(null, v1.cust_account_id,sysdate, L_DELIVERY_HEADER.NOTICE_DATE, null) pay_amount        into v_credit_used_1        FROM dual;       EXCEPTION      WHEN OTHERS THEN        v_credit_used_1 := 0;    END;    l_userd_credit := l_userd_credit + v_credit_used_1;    END LOOP;        begin-------出货的金额      SELECT SUM(amount)        INTO l_ship_credit        FROM jw_om_delivery_find_v       WHERE delivery_header_id = v_header_id;        exception      when others then        l_ship_credit := 0;    end ;          l_remain_credit := NVL(l_init_credit,0) - NVL(l_userd_credit,0) - NVL(l_ship_credit,0) ;---剩余额度      --1.创建wf     wf_engine.createprocess(itemtype => l_item_type,                             itemkey  => l_item_key,                             process  => l_process,                             user_key => l_user_item_key);                                  --提交人      wf_directory.getusername(p_orig_system    => l_orig_system,                               p_orig_system_id => l_submit_id,--l_item_req_wf.created_by,                             p_name           => l_submit_name,                             p_display_name   => l_submit_dsp_name);      wf_engine.setitemattrnumber(itemtype => l_item_type,                                itemkey  => l_item_key,                                aname    => 'SUBMITER_ID',                                avalue   => l_submit_id);--l_item_req_wf.created_by);      wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => l_item_type,                              itemkey  => l_item_key,                              aname    => 'SUBMITER_NAME',                              avalue   => l_submit_name);      wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => l_item_type,                              itemkey  => l_item_key,                              aname    => 'SUBMITER_DSP_NAME',                              avalue   => l_submit_dsp_name);                                  --审批人                            wf_directory.getusername(p_orig_system    => l_orig_system,                               p_orig_system_id => l_approve_id,--l_item_req_wf.buyer_id,                             p_name           => l_approve_name,                             p_display_name   => l_approve_dsp_name);      wf_engine.setitemattrnumber(itemtype => l_item_type,                                itemkey  => l_item_key,                                aname    => 'APPROVER_ID',                                avalue   => l_approve_id);--l_item_req_wf.buyer_id);      wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => l_item_type,                              itemkey  => l_item_key,                              aname    => 'APPROVER_NAME',                              avalue   => l_approve_name);      wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => l_item_type,                              itemkey  => l_item_key,                              aname    => 'APPROVER_DSP_NAME',                              avalue   => l_approve_dsp_name);                                    ------------------------------资料属性set                              wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => l_item_type,--单号 ID                              itemkey  => l_item_key,                              aname    => 'DELIVERY_HEADER_ID',                              avalue   => v_header_id);        wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => l_item_type,--customer                              itemkey  => l_item_key,                              aname    => 'CUSTOMER_NAME',                              avalue   => L_DELIVERY_HEADER.CUSTOMER_NAME);       wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => l_item_type,--出货通知单号                              itemkey  => l_item_key,                              aname    => 'DELIVERY_NO',                              avalue   => L_DELIVERY_HEADER.NOTICE_NUMBER);       wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => l_item_type,--信用额度                              itemkey  => l_item_key,                              aname    => 'INIT_CREDIT',                              avalue   => l_init_credit);        wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => l_item_type,--已用额度                              itemkey  => l_item_key,                              aname    => 'USERD_CREDIT',                              avalue   => l_userd_credit);       wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => l_item_type,--出货额度                              itemkey  => l_item_key,                              aname    => 'SHIP_CREDIT',                              avalue   => l_ship_credit);      wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => l_item_type,--剩余额度                              itemkey  => l_item_key,                              aname    => 'REMAIN_CREDIT',                              avalue   => l_remain_credit);       -------------------------document set                               /*wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => l_item_type,                              itemkey  => l_item_key,                              aname    => 'OPEN_FORM_COMMAND',                              avalue   => 'FND_FNDSCAUS');*/        --设置Document类型Attribute      wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => l_item_type,                              itemkey  => l_item_key,                              aname    => 'DOCUMENT_DETAILS',                              avalue   => 'PLSQLCLOB:JW_SHIP_APPROVE_WF_PKG.GET_DOCUMENT_DETAILS/' ||                                          l_item_type || ':' || l_item_key);        --3.启动                               wf_engine.startprocess(itemtype => l_item_type, itemkey => l_item_key);      commit;            update    JW_OM_DELIVERY_HEADERS   h         set    h.attribute3 =  l_item_key       where    h.delivery_header_id = v_header_id  ;      commit;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           null;  end;end JW_SHIP_APPROVE_WF_PKG;



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