
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝降权还能恢复吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 23:27

  • union-find算法
    • 动态连通性
    • 可能的应用
    • 代码
    • 实现
      • quick-find算法用一个ID代表类别
      • quick-union算法
      • 加权quick-union算法
      • 最优算法 路径压缩的加权quick-union算法







  1. 网络(计算机之间的连接)
  2. 变量名的等价性
  3. 数学集合

这里使用网络方面的术语,将对象称为融点,将整数对称为连接,将等价类称为连通分量 或者简称分量。假设用0到N-1的整数表示N个融点


定义的API :

public class UF {    private int[] parent;  // parent[i] = parent of i    private byte[] rank;   // rank[i] = rank of subtree rooted at i (never more than 31)    private int count;     // number of components    public UF(int N) {        if (N < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();        count = N;        parent = new int[N];        rank = new byte[N];        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {            parent[i] = i;            rank[i] = 0;        }    }    public int find(int p) {        validate(p);        while (p != parent[p]) {            parent[p] = parent[parent[p]];    // path compression by halving            p = parent[p];        }        return p;    }    public int count() {        return count;    }    public boolean connected(int p, int q) {        return find(p) == find(q);    }    public void union(int p, int q) {        int rootP = find(p);        int rootQ = find(q);        if (rootP == rootQ) return;        // make root of smaller rank point to root of larger rank        if      (rank[rootP] < rank[rootQ]) parent[rootP] = rootQ;        else if (rank[rootP] > rank[rootQ]) parent[rootQ] = rootP;        else {            parent[rootQ] = rootP;            rank[rootP]++;        }        count--;    }    private void validate(int p) {        int N = parent.length;        if (p < 0 || p >= N) {            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index " + p + " is not between 0 and " + (N-1));          }    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        int N = StdIn.readInt();        UF uf = new UF(N);        while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) {            int p = StdIn.readInt();            int q = StdIn.readInt();            if (uf.connected(p, q)) continue;            uf.union(p, q);            StdOut.println(p + " " + q);        }        StdOut.println(uf.count() + " components");    }}

成本模型(优劣性怎么比): 在研究union-find 的API的各种算法时,我们统计的是数组的访问次数(访问任意数组元素的次数,无论读写)



public class QuickFindUF {    private int[] id;    // id[i] = component identifier of i    private int count;   // number of components    public QuickFindUF(int N) {        count = N;        id = new int[N];        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)            id[i] = i;    }    public int count() {        return count;    }    public int find(int p) {        validate(p);        return id[p];    }    private void validate(int p) {        int N = id.length;        if (p < 0 || p >= N) {            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index " + p + " is not between 0 and " + (N-1));        }    }    public boolean connected(int p, int q) {        validate(p);        validate(q);        return id[p] == id[q];    }    public void union(int p, int q) {        int pID = id[p];   // needed for correctness        int qID = id[q];   // to reduce the number of array accesses        // p and q are already in the same component        if (pID == qID) return;        for (int i = 0; i < id.length; i++)            if (id[i] == pID) id[i] = qID;        count--;    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        int N = StdIn.readInt();        QuickFindUF uf = new QuickFindUF(N);        while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) {            int p = StdIn.readInt();            int q = StdIn.readInt();            if (uf.connected(p, q)) continue;            uf.union(p, q);            StdOut.println(p + " " + q);        }        StdOut.println(uf.count() + " components");    }}


quick-find 算法的运行时间对于最终只得到少数连通分量的一般应用是平方级别的


每个触电所对应的id[] 元素都是同一个分量中的另一个触点的名称(也可能是它自己)——称之为链接

public class QuickUnionUF {    private int[] parent;  // parent[i] = parent of i    private int count;     // number of components    public QuickUnionUF(int N) {        parent = new int[N];        count = N;        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {            parent[i] = i;        }    }    public int count() {        return count;    }    public int find(int p) {        validate(p);        while (p != parent[p])            p = parent[p];        return p;    }    // validate that p is a valid index    private void validate(int p) {        int N = parent.length;        if (p < 0 || p >= N) {            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index " + p + " is not between 0 and " + (N-1));          }    }    public boolean connected(int p, int q) {        return find(p) == find(q);    }    public void union(int p, int q) {        int rootP = find(p);        int rootQ = find(q);        if (rootP == rootQ) return;        parent[rootP] = rootQ;         count--;    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        int N = StdIn.readInt();        QuickUnionUF uf = new QuickUnionUF(N);        while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) {            int p = StdIn.readInt();            int q = StdIn.readInt();            if (uf.connected(p, q)) continue;            uf.union(p, q);            StdOut.println(p + " " + q);        }        StdOut.println(uf.count() + " components");    }}

quick-union 算法比quick-find算法更快,因为他不需要为每对输入遍历整个数组,最好线性,最坏平方级别,quick-union算是一种改进



public class WeightedQuickUnionUF {    private int[] parent;   // parent[i] = parent of i    private int[] size;     // size[i] = number of sites in subtree rooted at i    private int count;      // number of components    public WeightedQuickUnionUF(int N) {        count = N;        parent = new int[N];        size = new int[N];        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {            parent[i] = i;            size[i] = 1;        }    }    public int count() {        return count;    }    public int find(int p) {        validate(p);        while (p != parent[p])            p = parent[p];        return p;    }    // validate that p is a valid index    private void validate(int p) {        int N = parent.length;        if (p < 0 || p >= N) {            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index " + p + " is not between 0 and " + (N-1));          }    }    public boolean connected(int p, int q) {        return find(p) == find(q);    }    public void union(int p, int q) {        int rootP = find(p);        int rootQ = find(q);        if (rootP == rootQ) return;        // make smaller root point to larger one        if (size[rootP] < size[rootQ]) {            parent[rootP] = rootQ;            size[rootQ] += size[rootP];        }        else {            parent[rootQ] = rootP;            size[rootP] += size[rootQ];        }        count--;    }}


最优算法: 路径压缩的加权quick-union算法

理想情况下,我们希望每个节点都直接连接到它的根节点上(形成一个完全扁平的树,使find更快,单又不同于quick-find的做法),但我们又不想像quick-find算法那样通过大量的连接修改做到这一点。所以在检查节点的同时将它们直接链到根节点上。rank越大,合并的次数越多,数也越大((1, 1)(2, 2)(4, 4)合并的轨迹都是这样,rank越大,显然树也越大)

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