
来源:互联网 发布:不亦君子乎的下一句 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 17:07
The days of wine and roses 那遍地玫瑰和美酒的时光
Laugh and run away 坏笑着逃去了
Like a child at play 像做着游戏的孩子
Through a meadowland towards a closing door 逃向缤纷草地那边一个就要关上的门
A door marked nevermore 然后那门就消失了
That wasn't there before 以前那儿也不曾见过那门

The lonely night discloses 这样一个孤单寂寞的夜
Just a passing breeze 只有一阵微风来了旋又逝去
Filled with memories 风中装满了回忆
Of the golden smile that introduced me to 回忆中那金子般的微笑呵,曾经把我带到
The days of wine and roses 那个遍地玫瑰和美酒的时光
And you 那个有你的时光

载人飞船manned spaceship/ spacecraft
载人航天manned space flight
载人航天计划manned space program
航天飞机space shuttle
无人飞船unmanned spaceship / spacecraft
试验太空船Experimental Spacecraft
神舟号Shenzhou (Divine Vessel)
多级火箭multistage rocket
返回式卫星recoverable satellite
通信卫星communication satellite
遥感卫星remote sensing satellite
运载火箭carrier rocket; rocket launcher
长征二号F运载火箭Long March II F carrier rocket
有效载荷能力payload capability
近地轨道low Earth orbit
气象卫星weather satellite; meteorological satellite
太阳同步轨道卫星satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit
同步轨道卫星geosynchronous satellite
轨道舱orbital module
返回舱re-entry module
推进舱propelling module
指令舱command module
服务舱service module
登月舱lunar module
发射台launch pad
紧急供氧装置emergency oxygen apparatus
空间物理探测space physics exploration
国际空间站International Space Station
太阳能电池板solar panel
太空升降舱space elevator
哈勃太空望远镜Hubble Space Telescope
月球车lunar rover
外太空outer space; deep space
银河系Milky Way
美国航空航天管理局NASA(The National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

On 9th August 1992 at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, Long March 2C launch vehicle successfully launched the 13th recoverable satellite.

China is the 3rd country capable of launching geosynchronous satellite on its own.

2002年12月30日,长征二号F 运载火箭护送无人飞船神州4号进入轨道。
On Dec. 30, 2002, a "Long March II F" carrier rocket carried the fourth unmanned spacecraft, "Shenzhou IV," into orbit.

Shenzhou (Divine Vessel) consists of the Orbital Module, Re-entry Module and Propelling Module.