CodeForces 602 A. Two Bases

来源:互联网 发布:国内cms排行 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 21:55


水题,只是注意精度,还有如果你要用pow()函数来求解幂,那么注意pow()返回值为double,如果你用long long int 那么就wrong了,及时类型转换可是在大数据时还是出现数据错乱,不知道为什么。



int %d
long int %ld
long long int %I64d
unsigned int %d 
unsigned long int %ld
unsigned long long int %I64d
double 输入%lf
float 输入 %f
输出 %lf或%f都行
long double 就不知道用什么了 还是用cin吧!!!


After seeing the "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US" meme for the first time, numbersX and Y realised that they have different bases, which complicated their relations.

You're given a number X represented in basebx and a numberY represented in base by. Compare those two numbers.


The first line of the input contains two space-separated integers n and bx (1 ≤ n ≤ 10,2 ≤ bx ≤ 40), wheren is the number of digits in the bx-based representation ofX.

The second line contains n space-separated integersx1, x2, ..., xn (0 ≤ xi < bx) — the digits of X. They are given in the order from the most significant digit to the least significant one.

The following two lines describe Y in the same way: the third line contains two space-separated integersm and by (1 ≤ m ≤ 10,2 ≤ by ≤ 40,bx ≠ by), wherem is the number of digits in the by-based representation ofY, and the fourth line contains m space-separated integers y1, y2, ..., ym (0 ≤ yi < by) — the digits of Y.

There will be no leading zeroes. Both X andY will be positive. All digits of both numbers are given in the standard decimal numeral system.


Output a single character (quotes for clarity):

  • '<' if X < Y
  • '>' if X > Y
  • '=' if X = Y
Sample test(s)
6 21 0 1 1 1 12 104 7
3 31 0 22 52 4
7 1615 15 4 0 0 7 107 94 8 0 3 1 5 0

In the first sample, X = 1011112 = 4710 = Y.

In the second sample, X = 1023 = 215 andY = 245 = 1123, thusX < Y.

In the third sample, andY = 48031509. We may notice thatX starts with much larger digits and bx is much larger than by, so X is clearly larger than Y.


#include <iostream>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string>#include <stack>#include <queue>#include <algorithm>#include <math.h>using namespace std; long double x, ax, y, by; long double DX, DY;//存储转换后十进制的数据 long double toDecimal( long double a, long double ax){     long double temp = 0;     long double d = 0;    for( int i=(int)a; i>0; i--)    {        cin>> temp;        d += temp * pow(ax, i-1);    }    return d;}int main(){    while( cin>> x >> ax )    {        long double x1 = toDecimal(x, ax);        cin>> y >> by;        long double y1 = toDecimal(y, by);        if(x1 > y1)            cout<<">"<<endl;        else            if(x1 == y1)            cout<<"="<<endl;        else            cout<<"<"<<endl;    }    return 0;}

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