
来源:互联网 发布:sql 修改列类型 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 18:59

这是一个平面桁架静力分析算例,代码位于  OpenSees2.3.0\EXAMPLES\Example1\main.cpp


// standard C++ includes#include <stdlib.h>#include <OPS_Globals.h>#include <StandardStream.h>#include <ArrayOfTaggedObjects.h>// includes for the domain classes#include <Domain.h>#include <Node.h>#include <Truss.h>#include <ElasticMaterial.h>#include <SP_Constraint.h>#include <LoadPattern.h>#include <LinearSeries.h>#include <NodalLoad.h>// includes for the analysis classes#include <StaticAnalysis.h>#include <AnalysisModel.h>#include <Linear.h>#include <PenaltyConstraintHandler.h>#include <DOF_Numberer.h>#include <RCM.h>#include <LoadControl.h>#include <BandSPDLinSOE.h>#include <BandSPDLinLapackSolver.h>// init the global variabled defined in OPS_Globals.hStandardStream sserr;OPS_Stream *opserrPtr = &sserr;double        ops_Dt = 0;// Domain       *ops_TheActiveDomain = 0;Element      *ops_TheActiveElement = 0;// main routineint main(int argc, char **argv){    //    //now create a domain and a modelbuilder    //  and build the model    //    Domain *theDomain = new Domain();        // create the nodes using constructor:     //Node(tag, ndof, crd1, crd2)    // and then add them to the domain        Node *node1 = new Node(1, 2,   0.0,  0.0);    Node *node2 = new Node(2, 2, 144.0,  0.0);    Node *node3 = new Node(3, 2, 168.0,  0.0);        Node *node4 = new Node(4, 2,  72.0, 96.0);            theDomain->addNode(node1);    theDomain->addNode(node2);    theDomain->addNode(node3);    theDomain->addNode(node4);        // create an elastic material using constriuctor:      //ElasticMaterialModel(tag, E)    UniaxialMaterial *theMaterial = new ElasticMaterial(1, 3000);        // create the truss elements using constructor:    //Truss(tag, dim, nd1, nd2, Material &,A)    // and then add them to the domain        Truss *truss1 = new Truss(1, 2, 1, 4, *theMaterial, 10.0);    Truss *truss2 = new Truss(2, 2, 2, 4, *theMaterial,  5.0);        Truss *truss3 = new Truss(3, 2, 3, 4, *theMaterial,  5.0);            theDomain->addElement(truss1);    theDomain->addElement(truss2);    theDomain->addElement(truss3);            // create the single-point constraint objects using constructor:    //SP_Constraint(tag, nodeTag, dofID, value)    // and then add them to the domain        SP_Constraint *sp1 = new SP_Constraint(1, 1, 0, 0.0);    SP_Constraint *sp2 = new SP_Constraint(2, 1, 1, 0.0);        SP_Constraint *sp3 = new SP_Constraint(3, 2, 0, 0.0);    SP_Constraint *sp4 = new SP_Constraint(4, 2, 1, 0.0);        SP_Constraint *sp5 = new SP_Constraint(5, 3, 0, 0.0);    SP_Constraint *sp6 = new SP_Constraint(6, 3, 1, 0.0);            theDomain->addSP_Constraint(sp1);    theDomain->addSP_Constraint(sp2);    theDomain->addSP_Constraint(sp3);    theDomain->addSP_Constraint(sp4);        theDomain->addSP_Constraint(sp5);        theDomain->addSP_Constraint(sp6);        // construct a linear time series object using constructor:    //LinearSeries()        TimeSeries *theSeries = new LinearSeries();        // construct a load pattren using constructor:    //LoadPattern(tag)    // and then set it's TimeSeries and add it to the domain        LoadPattern *theLoadPattern = new LoadPattern(1);    theLoadPattern->setTimeSeries(theSeries);    theDomain->addLoadPattern(theLoadPattern);        // construct a nodal load using constructor:    //NodalLoad(tag, nodeID, Vector &)    // first construct a Vector of size 2 and set the values NOTE C INDEXING    // then construct the load and add it to the domain        Vector theLoadValues(2);    theLoadValues(0) = 100.0;    theLoadValues(1) = -50.0;    NodalLoad *theLoad = new NodalLoad(1, 4, theLoadValues);    theDomain->addNodalLoad(theLoad, 1);    // create an Analysis object to perform a static analysis of the model    //  - constructs:    //    AnalysisModel of type AnalysisModel,    //  EquiSolnAlgo of type Linear    //  StaticIntegrator of type LoadControl    //  ConstraintHandler of type Penalty    //    DOF_Numberer which uses RCM    //    LinearSOE of type Band SPD    // and then the StaticAnalysis object        AnalysisModel     *theModel = new AnalysisModel();    EquiSolnAlgo      *theSolnAlgo = new Linear();    StaticIntegrator  *theIntegrator = new LoadControl(1.0, 1, 1.0, 1.0);    ConstraintHandler *theHandler = new PenaltyConstraintHandler(1.0e8,1.0e8);    RCM               *theRCM = new RCM();    DOF_Numberer      *theNumberer = new DOF_Numberer(*theRCM);        BandSPDLinSolver  *theSolver = new BandSPDLinLapackSolver();           LinearSOE         *theSOE = new BandSPDLinSOE(*theSolver);            StaticAnalysis    theAnalysis(*theDomain,  *theHandler,  *theNumberer,  *theModel,  *theSolnAlgo,  *theSOE,  *theIntegrator);    // perform the analysis & print out the results for the domain    int numSteps = 1;    theAnalysis.analyze(numSteps);    opserr << *theDomain;    exit(0);}


// 创建一个有限元模型Domain *theDomain = new Domain();

// 创建4个节点,详细见说明1Node *node1 = new Node(1, 2,   0.0,  0.0);Node *node2 = new Node(2, 2, 144.0,  0.0);Node *node3 = new Node(3, 2, 168.0,  0.0);    Node *node4 = new Node(4, 2,  72.0, 96.0);   





Node::Node(int tag, int ndof, double Crd1, double Crd2)


 numberDOF(ndof), theDOF_GroupPtr(0),

 Crd(0), 。。。。。。。


  Crd = new Vector(2);

  (*Crd)(0) = Crd1;

  (*Crd)(1) = Crd2;




:DomainComponent(tag,NOD_TAG_Node), NOD_TAG_Node是一个枚举值,表明该DomainComponent对象是一个节点类型;



Crd1, Crd2为该2维节点的坐标,赋于成员变量Crd,这是一个类数组的数据类型,创建了一个含该点坐标信息的数组。

// 将4个节点对象加入有限元模型中// 如果两个node对象tag相同,则会返回失败theDomain->addNode(node1);theDomain->addNode(node2);theDomain->addNode(node3);theDomain->addNode(node4);

// 创建一个弹性材料,见说明2UniaxialMaterial *theMaterial = new ElasticMaterial(1, 3000);



UniaxialMaterial *theMaterial = new ElasticMaterial(1,3000);











ElasticMaterial(int tag, double E, double eta =0.0);   




ElasticMaterial::ElasticMaterial(int tag, double e, doubleet)


 trialStrain(0.0),  trialStrainRate(0.0),

 E(e), eta(et), parameterID(0)






// 创建一个工况,编号为1,暂时未知LoadPattern *theLoadPattern = new LoadPattern(1);theDomain->addLoadPattern(theLoadPattern);// 暂时未知这句话什么意思theLoadPattern->setTimeSeries(new LinearSeries());// 创建一个节点荷载向量Vector theLoadValues(2);theLoadValues(0) = 100.0;theLoadValues(1) = -50.0;// 第一个参数tag标签,第二个参数表明施加点荷载的节点tag,第三个参数是一个向量,表明在第一维度施加100个单位力,第二维度施加反方向50单位力NodalLoad *theLoad = new NodalLoad(1, 4, theLoadValues);// 将NodalLoad对象加入模型,1表示加入的工况编号theDomain->addNodalLoad(theLoad, 1);// 如果new NodalLoad后的节点编号未在模型中找到,返回失败// 如果addNodalLoad第2个参数所表示的工况编号不存在,返回失败


    AnalysisModel     *theModel = new AnalysisModel();    EquiSolnAlgo      *theSolnAlgo = new Linear();    StaticIntegrator  *theIntegrator = new LoadControl(1.0, 1, 1.0, 1.0);    ConstraintHandler *theHandler = new PenaltyConstraintHandler(1.0e8,1.0e8);    RCM               *theRCM = new RCM();    DOF_Numberer      *theNumberer = new DOF_Numberer(*theRCM);        BandSPDLinSolver  *theSolver = new BandSPDLinLapackSolver();           LinearSOE         *theSOE = new BandSPDLinSOE(*theSolver);            StaticAnalysis    theAnalysis(*theDomain,  *theHandler,  *theNumberer,  *theModel,  *theSolnAlgo,  *theSOE,  *theIntegrator);
// 分析对象封装struct MyStaticAnalysis : public StaticAnalysis{ConstraintHandler*pConstraintHandler;DOF_Numberer*pDOF_Numberer;AnalysisModel*pAnalysisModel;EquiSolnAlgo*pEquiSolnAlgo;LinearSOE*pLinearSOE;StaticIntegrator*pStaticIntegrator;MyStaticAnalysis(Domain *theDomain) : StaticAnalysis(*theDomain,*(pConstraintHandler = new PenaltyConstraintHandler(1.0e8,1.0e8)),*(pDOF_Numberer = new DOF_Numberer(*(new RCM()))),*(pAnalysisModel = new AnalysisModel()),*(pEquiSolnAlgo = new Linear()),*(pLinearSOE = new BandSPDLinSOE(*(new BandSPDLinLapackSolver()))),*(pStaticIntegrator = new LoadControl(1.0, 1, 1.0, 1.0))) {}~MyStaticAnalysis(){delete pConstraintHandler;delete pDOF_Numberer;delete pAnalysisModel;delete pEquiSolnAlgo;delete pLinearSOE;delete pStaticIntegrator;}};

// 实例化分析模型对象MyStaticAnalysis &theAnalysis = *(new MyStaticAnalysis(theDomain));// perform the analysis & print out the results for the domainint numSteps = 1;theAnalysis.analyze(numSteps);// 释放分析对象delete &theAnalysis;// 模型信息打印opserr << *theDomain;

// 查看4节点两个自由度上的位移Vector const &disp4node = theDomain->getNode(4)->getDisp();printf("x4: %lf, z4: %lf\n", disp4node[0], disp4node[1]);// 查看3个桁架单元的轴力Information trussInfo;for(int i=0; i<3; ++i){Truss *pTruss = (Truss *)theDomain->getElement(i+1);pTruss->getResponse(2, trussInfo);printf("N%d: %lf\n", i+1, trussInfo.theDouble);}// Domain类的析构会释放加入domain的所有元素,所以node之类的对象不用单独析构delete theDomain;


第一自由度位移 0.530094,第二自由度位移-0.177894





sap2000模型文件*.SDB(v14)和*.s2k文件,及修改后的源文件 first.cpp下载:

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