HDU 2433 - Travel

来源:互联网 发布:ubuntu 卸载apache2 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 23:47


      One day, Tom traveled to a country named BGM. BGM is a small country, but there are N (N <= 100) towns in it. Each town products one kind of food, the food will be transported to all the towns. In addition, the trucks will always take the shortest way. There are M (M <= 3000) two-way roads connecting the towns, and the length of the road is 1.
      Let SUM be the total distance of the shortest paths between all pairs of the towns. Please write a program to calculate the new SUM after one of the M roads is destroyed.



      The input contains several test cases.
      The first line contains two positive integers N, M. The following M lines each contains two integers u, v, meaning there is a two-way road between town u and v. The roads are numbered from 1 to M according to the order of the input.
      The input will be terminated by EOF.



      Output M lines, the i-th line is the new SUM after the i-th road is destroyed. If the towns are not connected after the i-th road is destroyed, please output “INF” in the i-th line.

Sample Input

5 45 11 33 25 42 21 21 2

Sample Output


题意:给出边建立图 然后依次删除给出的边,求最短路,如无法连通 则返回INF

这里最短路 =  多源最短路和  即求出对于单源最短路 再for一个循环求出多源最短路  相加

用dijkstra 复杂度为V*(E+V),由于这里很特殊 每条路长度都是1 故可以使用bfs 最先搜到的节点一定是最短的

bfs 时间复杂度 E , 但如果每次拆路都对所有节点重新求最短路 复杂度则是 E*V*E 还多个case 可能不过

这里可以使用used[x][u][v] 来记录对于以x为源点的树 是否使用town[u][v] 这条路 若有,则更新sum[x], 若无 continue



另外:ans = ans + sum_v + sum_u - sum[v] - sum[u]的方法是错误的,只是数据能过而已。


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