Magento SUPEE 6788 技术细节

来源:互联网 发布:vb计算机编程基础知识 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 19:52

Magento Enterprise Edition, Community Edition and the patch bundle SUPEE-6788 address several security issues. Unfortunately, addressing these issues required some changes that may possibly break backward compatibility with customizations or extensions. Below you will find a list of changes and potential issues that may arise:

APPSEC-1034, addressing bypassing custom admin URL

Note: This patch is disabled by default. To protect non-default admin URLs against automated attacks, the patch must be enabled by changing the routing compatibility mode in configuration. Use "Enable Admin routing compatibility mode" under System > Configuration > Admin > Security.If a module has admin functionality that is not under the admin URL, it will need to be modified (eg. instead of need to change etc/config.xml and all code lines where they generate links to the admin part of the module.For example the following config.xml file for a module:
<admin>    <routers>        <custom_module>            <use>admin</use>            <args>                <module>custom_module</module>                <frontName>custom_module</frontName>            </args>        </custom_module>    </routers></admin>
Should be changed to:
<admin>    <routers>        <adminhtml>            <args>                <modules>                    <custom_module after="Mage_Adminhtml">CustomModule_Adminhtml</custom_module>                </modules>            </args>        </adminhtml>    </routers></admin>

APPSEC-1063, addressing possible SQL injection

Modules that use SQL statements as field names or escape fields manually will need to be modified. Examples of code that is no longer allowed:
$collection->addFieldToFilter('(field1 – field2)', array('eq' => 3))$collection->addFieldToFilter('`field`', array('eq' => 3))
Developers will need to change the way they generate filters for collections.The following code:
$collection->addFieldToFilter('`field`', array('eq'=>3)); 
Should be changed to:
$collection->addFieldToFilter('field', array('eq'=>3));
The following code:
$collection->addFieldToFilter('(field1-field2)', array('eq'=>3));
Should be changed to:
$expression = '(field1-field2)';$condition = $this->_getConditionSql($expression, array('eq'=>3));$this->_select->where(condition);
The following approach could be used alternatively:
Class T extends Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Db_Collection_Abstract {...protected $_map = array('fields' => array(    'condition' => '(field1 – field2)',);...public function someMethod() {    $this->addFieldToFilter('condition', array('eq' => 3));}...}

APPSEC-1057, template processing method allows access to private information:

Magento now includes a white list of allowed blocks or directives. If a module or extension uses variables like {{config path=”web/unsecure/base_url”}} and {{block type=rss/order_new}} in CMS pages or emails, and the directives are not on this list, you will need to add them with your database installation script. Extensions or custom code that handles content (like blog extensions) might be affected.A full list of allowed variables and blocks in the default installation is:




core/templatecatalog/product_newenterprise_catalogevent/event_lister (in Magento Enterprise Edition)
If your code uses some config variables or blocks, you need to create a data update script that adds variables or blocks to the white list tables:

APPSEC-1079, addressing potential Exploit with Custom Option File Type

This change will affect any customization that uses product custom options to save information as a PHP object. Such approach will no longer be possible.


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