
来源:互联网 发布:浙江省社会文化数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 05:53
int getArray3_Free(char **p3, int p3num){int i;if (p3 == NULL){return -1;}for (i=0; i<p3num; i++){if (p3[i]!=NULL){free(p3[i]);}}free(p3);}int getArray3_Free2(char ***p3, int p3num){int i;char **tmp = NULL;if (p3 == NULL){return -1;}tmp = *p3;for (i=0; i<p3num; i++){if (tmp[i]!=NULL){free(tmp[i]);}}free(tmp);*p3 = NULL; //通过间接赋值,去间接的修改实参的值,成0}int getArray3_2(char **myp1, int num1, char  (*myp2)[30], int num2, char ***       myp3, int *num3){int ret = 0;int i,j;int tmpNum3 = 0;char **tmpp3 = NULL;char *temp;/*printf("111111111");if (*myp3 ==NULL ){printf("222222222");} */printf("33333");if (myp1==NULL || myp2==NULL ||num3==NULL || myp3==NULL){ret = -1;return ret;}//准备内存tmpNum3 = num1 + num2;//分配第一维tmpp3 = (char **)malloc(tmpNum3 * sizeof(char *));if (tmpp3 == NULL){return NULL;}//分配第二维 把第一种内存模型数据和第二种内存模型数据,copy到第3中内存模型中for (i=0; i<num1; i++){tmpp3[i] = (char *)malloc(strlen(myp1[i])+1);if (tmpp3[i]==NULL){puts("out of space");return NULL;}strcpy(tmpp3[i],myp1[i]);}for (j=0;j<num2;j++,i++){tmpp3[i]=(char *)malloc(strlen(myp2[j]) + 1); //note modifyif (tmpp3[i]==NULL){puts("out of space");return NULL;}strcpy(tmpp3[i],myp2[j]);}//排序for (i=0;i<tmpNum3;i++){for (j=i+1;j<tmpNum3;j++){if (strcmp(tmpp3[i],tmpp3[j])>0){temp=tmpp3[i];tmpp3[i]=tmpp3[j];tmpp3[j]=temp;}}}//通过间接赋值,把结果甩给实参*num3=tmpNum3;*myp3 = tmpp3; //*0 = 100;return ret;}char **getArray3(char **myp1, int num1, char  (*myp2)[30], int num2, int *num3){int i,j;int tmpNum3 = 0;char **tmpp3 = NULL;char *temp;if (myp1==NULL || myp2==NULL ||num3==NULL ){return NULL;}//准备内存tmpNum3 = num1 + num2;//分配第一维tmpp3 = (char **)malloc(tmpNum3 * sizeof(char *));if (tmpp3 == NULL){return NULL;}//分配第二维 把第一种内存模型数据和第二种内存模型数据,copy到第3中内存模型中 for (i=0; i<num1; i++) {    tmpp3[i] = (char *)malloc(strlen(myp1[i])+1);if (tmpp3[i]==NULL){puts("out of space");return NULL;}strcpy(tmpp3[i],myp1[i]); } for (j=0;j<num2;j++,i++) { tmpp3[i]=(char *)malloc(strlen(myp2[j]) + 1); //note if (tmpp3[i]==NULL) { puts("out of space"); return NULL; } strcpy(tmpp3[i],myp2[j]); } //排序 for (i=0;i<tmpNum3;i++) { for (j=i+1;j<tmpNum3;j++) { if (strcmp(tmpp3[i],tmpp3[j])>0) { temp=tmpp3[i]; tmpp3[i]=tmpp3[j]; tmpp3[j]=temp; } } } *num3=tmpNum3;return tmpp3;}void main(){int num3 = 0, i = 0; int ret = 0;char *p1[] = {"222222", "1111111", "33333333"};char p2[4][30] =  {"bbbbb", "aaaaa", "zzzzzz", "ccccccc"};char **p3 = NULL;char ***myerrp3 = NULL;//p3 = getArray3(p1, 3, p2, 4, &num3);//ret = getArray3_2(p1,3, p2, 4, &p3, &num3);ret = getArray3_2(p1,3, p2, 4, 0, &num3); //错误做法if (ret != 0){return ;}for (i=0; i<num3; i++){printf("%s \n", p3[i]);}//getArray3_Free(p3, num3);//p3=NULL;getArray3_Free2(&p3, num3);printf("p3:%d \n", p3);system("pause");}

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