
来源:互联网 发布:网贷平台源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 01:07


<configuration>    <system.web>      <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5" />      <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" />    </system.web>  <connectionStrings>    <add name="connstr" connectionString="Data Source=FBD-VAIO ;Initial Catalog=sales; Integrated security=true" />  </connectionStrings></configuration>



using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Configuration;using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Data;namespace Itcast.Cn{    public static class SqlHelper    {        private static readonly string conStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connStr"].ConnectionString;        //执行增删改的        public static int ExecuteNonQuery(string sql, CommandType cmdType, params SqlParameter[] pms)        {            using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conStr))            {                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con))                {                    cmd.CommandType = cmdType;                    if (pms != null)                    {                        cmd.Parameters.AddRange(pms);                    }                    con.Open();                    return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();                }            }        }        //封装一个执行返回单个值的方法        public static object ExecuteScalar(string sql, CommandType cmdType, params SqlParameter[] pms)        {            using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conStr))            {                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con))                {                    cmd.CommandType = cmdType;                    if (pms != null)                    {                        cmd.Parameters.AddRange(pms);                    }                    con.Open();                    return cmd.ExecuteScalar();                }            }        }        //返回SqlDataReader对象的方法        public static SqlDataReader ExecuteReader(string sql, CommandType cmdType, params SqlParameter[] pms)        {            SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conStr);            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con))            {                cmd.CommandType = cmdType;                if (pms != null)                {                    cmd.Parameters.AddRange(pms);                }                try                {                    con.Open();                    return cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);                }                catch (Exception)                {                    con.Close();                    con.Dispose();                    throw;                }            }        }        //封装一个返回DataTable的方法        public static DataTable ExecuteDataTable(string sql, CommandType cmdType, params SqlParameter[] pms)        {            DataTable dt = new DataTable();            using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, conStr))            {                adapter.SelectCommand.CommandType = cmdType;                if (pms != null)                {                    adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddRange(pms);                }                adapter.Fill(dt);            }            return dt;        }        //封装一个带事务的执行Sql语句的方法        public static void ExecuteNonQueryTran(List<SqlAndParameter> list)        {            using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conStr))            {                using (SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand())                {                    con.Open();                    using (SqlTransaction trans = con.BeginTransaction())                    {                        cmd.Transaction = trans;                        try                        {                            foreach (var SqlObject in list)                            {                                cmd.CommandText = SqlObject.Sql;                                if (SqlObject.Parameters != null)                                {                                    cmd.Parameters.AddRange(SqlObject.Parameters);                                }                                cmd.CommandType = SqlObject.CmdType;                                cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();                                cmd.Parameters.Clear();                            }                            trans.Commit();                        }                        catch (Exception)                        {                            trans.Rollback();                            throw;                        }                    }                }            }        }    }    public class SqlAndParameter    {        public string Sql        {            get;            set;        }        public SqlParameter[] Parameters        {            get;            set;        }        public CommandType CmdType        {            get;            set;        }    }}



using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using Ajax.CRUD.Model;using System.Data.SqlClient;namespace Ajax.CRUD.DAL{    public class TblCommentsDal    {        public List<TblComments> GetAllComments()        {            List<TblComments> list = new List<TblComments>();            string sql = "select * from TblComments";            using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text))            {                if (reader.HasRows)                {                    while (reader.Read())                    {                        TblComments model = new TblComments();                        model.AutoId = reader.GetInt32(0);                        model.Title = reader.GetString(1);                        model.Content = reader.GetString(2);                        model.Email = reader.GetString(3);                        list.Add(model);                    }                }            }            return list;        }        public int Add(TblComments tblComment)        {            string sql = "INSERT INTO TblComments (title, content, email) output inserted.autoId VALUES (@title, @content, @email)";            SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[]{new SqlParameter("@title", ToDBValue(tblComment.Title)),new SqlParameter("@content", ToDBValue(tblComment.Content)),new SqlParameter("@email", ToDBValue(tblComment.Email)),};            return (int)SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text, para);        }        public int Delete(int autoId)        {            string sql = "delete from TblComments where autoId=@autoid";            return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter("@autoid", autoId));        }        public int Update(TblComments model)        {            string sql = "update TblComments set title=@title,content=@content,email=@email where autoId=@autoId";            SqlParameter[] pms = new SqlParameter[] {             new SqlParameter("@title",model.Title),            new SqlParameter("@content",model.Content),            new SqlParameter("@email",model.Email),            new SqlParameter("@autoId",model.AutoId)            };            return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text, pms);        }        public object ToDBValue(object value)        {            if (value == null)            {                return DBNull.Value;            }            else            {                return value;            }        }    }}


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Data.SqlClient;using Ajax.CRUD.Model;namespace Ajax.CRUD.DAL{    public class Aspx_UserDal    {        public Aspx_User GetUserModelByUidPwd(string uid, string pwd)        {            Aspx_User model = null;            string sql = "select * from Aspx_Users where LoginId=@uid and LoginPwd=@pwd";            SqlParameter[] pms = new SqlParameter[]{            new SqlParameter("@uid",uid),            new SqlParameter("@pwd",pwd)            };            using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text, pms))            {                if (reader.HasRows)                {                    if (reader.Read())                    {                        model = new Aspx_User();                        model.AutoId = reader.GetInt32(0);                        model.LoginId = reader.GetString(1);                    }                }            }            return model;        }        //检查用户名是否存在        public int CheckUserExists(string loginId)        {            string sql = "select count(*) from Aspx_Users where LoginId=@uid ";            return (int)SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter("@uid", loginId));        }    }}


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using Ajax.CRUD.Model;using System.Data.SqlClient;namespace Ajax.CRUD.DAL{    public class Aspx_TypeDal    {        public List<Aspx_Type> GetAllTypes()        {            List<Aspx_Type> list = new List<Aspx_Type>();            string sql = "select * from Aspx_Type";            using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text))            {                if (reader.HasRows)                {                    while (reader.Read())                    {                        Aspx_Type model = new Aspx_Type();                        model.TypeId = reader.GetInt32(0);                        model.TypeName = reader.GetString(1);                        list.Add(model);                    }                }            }            return list;        }    }}


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Data.SqlClient;using Ajax.CRUD.Model;namespace Ajax.CRUD.DAL{    public class Aspx_NewsDal    {        public int Add(Aspx_News aspx_New)        {            string sql = "insert into Aspx_News values(@title,@content,@date,@author,@bigImg,@smallImg,@typeId)";            SqlParameter[] pms = new SqlParameter[]{new SqlParameter("@title", ToDBValue(aspx_New.NewsTitle)),new SqlParameter("@content", ToDBValue(aspx_New.NewsContent)),new SqlParameter("@date", ToDBValue(aspx_New.NewsIssueDate)),new SqlParameter("@author", ToDBValue(aspx_New.NewsAuthor)),new SqlParameter("@bigImg", ToDBValue(aspx_New.NewsImage)),new SqlParameter("@smallImg", ToDBValue(aspx_New.NewsSmallImage)),new SqlParameter("@typeId", ToDBValue(aspx_New.NewsTypeId))};            return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text, pms);        }        public List<Aspx_News> GetAllNews()        {            List<Aspx_News> list = new List<Aspx_News>();            string sql = "select * from Aspx_news order by NewsIssueDate desc";            using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text))            {                if (reader.HasRows)                {                    while (reader.Read())                    {                        //NewsId, NewsTitle, NewsContent, NewsIssueDate, NewsAuthor, NewsImage, NewsSmallImage, NewsTypeId                        Aspx_News model = new Aspx_News();                        model.NewsId = reader.GetInt32(0);                        model.NewsTitle = reader.GetString(1);                        model.NewsContent = reader.GetString(2);                        model.NewsIssueDate = reader.IsDBNull(3) ? null : (DateTime?)reader.GetDateTime(3);                        model.NewsAuthor = reader.IsDBNull(4) ? null : reader.GetString(4);                        model.NewsImage = reader.IsDBNull(5) ? null : reader.GetString(5);                        model.NewsSmallImage = reader.IsDBNull(6) ? null : reader.GetString(6);                        model.NewsTypeId = reader.GetInt32(7);                        list.Add(model);                    }                }            }            return list;        }        public List<Aspx_News> GetNewsByPage(int pageSize, int pageIndex, out int recordCount, out int pageCount)        {            List<Aspx_News> list = new List<Aspx_News>();            string sql = "usp_getNewsByPage";            SqlParameter[] pms = new SqlParameter[] {             new SqlParameter("@pageSize",pageSize),            new SqlParameter("@pageIndex",pageIndex),            new SqlParameter("@recordCount",System.Data.SqlDbType.Int),            new SqlParameter("@pagecount",System.Data.SqlDbType.Int)            };            pms[2].Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output;            pms[3].Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output;            #region MyRegion            //执行读取操作            using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql, System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure, pms))            {                if (reader.HasRows)                {                    while (reader.Read())                    {                        // NewsId,                         //NewsTitle,                         //NewsIssueDate,                         //NewsAuthor,                         //NewsSmallImage,                        //TypeName                        Aspx_News model = new Aspx_News();                        model.NewsId = reader.GetInt32(0);                        model.NewsTitle = reader.GetString(1);                        model.NewsIssueDate = reader.IsDBNull(2) ? null : (DateTime?)reader.GetDateTime(2);                        model.NewsAuthor = reader.IsDBNull(3) ? null : reader.GetString(3);                        model.NewsSmallImage = reader.IsDBNull(4) ? null : reader.GetString(4);                        Aspx_Type typeModel = new Aspx_Type();                        typeModel.TypeName = reader.IsDBNull(5) ? null : reader.GetString(5);                        model.Aspx_TypeObject = typeModel;                        list.Add(model);                    }                }            }            #endregion            recordCount = Convert.ToInt32(pms[2].Value);            pageCount = Convert.ToInt32(pms[3].Value);            return list;        }        public int DeleteByNewsId(int newsId)        {            string sql = "delete from Aspx_News where newsId=@nid";            return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter("@nid", newsId));        }        public Aspx_News GetNewsModelByNewsId(int id)        {            Aspx_News model = null;            string sql = "select * from Aspx_News where NewsId=@nid";            using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter("@nid", id)))            {                if (reader.HasRows)                {                    if (reader.Read())                    {                        model = new Aspx_News();                        model.NewsId = reader.GetInt32(0);                        model.NewsTitle = reader.GetString(1);                        model.NewsContent = reader.GetString(2);                        model.NewsIssueDate = reader.IsDBNull(3) ? null : (DateTime?)reader.GetDateTime(3);                        model.NewsAuthor = reader.IsDBNull(4) ? null : reader.GetString(4);                        model.NewsImage = reader.IsDBNull(5) ? null : reader.GetString(5);                        model.NewsSmallImage = reader.IsDBNull(6) ? null : reader.GetString(6);                        model.NewsTypeId = reader.GetInt32(7);                    }                }            }            return model;        }        private object ToDBValue(object value)        {            if (value == null)            {                return DBNull.Value;            }            else            {                return value;            }        }    }}


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using Ajax.CRUD.Model;using System.Data.SqlClient;namespace Ajax.CRUD.DAL{    public class Aspx_StudentsDal    {        public List<Aspx_Students> GetAllStudents()        {            List<Aspx_Students> list = new List<Aspx_Students>();            string sql = "select * from Aspx_Students";            using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text))            {                if (reader.HasRows)                {                    while (reader.Read())                    {                        //stuId, stuName, stuAge, stuGender, stuEmail, stuBirthday                        Aspx_Students model = new Aspx_Students();                        model.StuId = reader.GetInt32(0);                        model.StuName = reader.GetString(1);                        model.StuAge = reader.IsDBNull(2) ? null : (int?)reader.GetInt32(2);                        model.StuGender = reader.GetString(3);                        model.StuEmail = reader.GetString(4);                        model.StuBirthday = reader.GetDateTime(5);                        list.Add(model);                    }                }            }            return list;        }        /// <summary>        /// 分页获取数据        /// </summary>        /// <param name="pagesize"></param>        /// <param name="pageindex"></param>        /// <param name="recordcount"></param>        /// <param name="pagecount"></param>        /// <returns></returns>        public List<Aspx_Students> GetStudentsByPage(int pagesize, int pageindex, out int recordcount, out int pagecount)        {            List<Aspx_Students> list = new List<Aspx_Students>();            string sql = "usp_GetSutdentsByPage";            SqlParameter[] pms = new SqlParameter[] {             new SqlParameter("@pagesize",pagesize),            new SqlParameter("@pageIndex",pageindex),            new SqlParameter("@recordCount",System.Data.SqlDbType.Int),            new SqlParameter("@pagecount",System.Data.SqlDbType.Int)            };            pms[2].Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output;            pms[3].Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output;            using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql, System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure, pms))            {                if (reader.HasRows)                {                    while (reader.Read())                    {                        Aspx_Students model = new Aspx_Students();                        model.StuId = reader.GetInt32(0);                        model.StuName = reader.GetString(1);                        model.StuAge = reader.IsDBNull(2) ? null : (int?)reader.GetInt32(2);                        model.StuGender = reader.GetString(3);                        model.StuEmail = reader.GetString(4);                        model.StuBirthday = reader.GetDateTime(5);                        list.Add(model);                    }                }            }            recordcount = Convert.ToInt32(pms[2].Value);            pagecount = Convert.ToInt32(pms[3].Value);            return list;        }        public List<Aspx_Students> GetStudentsBetweentAnd(int startNumber, int maxRows)        {            List<Aspx_Students> list = new List<Aspx_Students>();            string sql = "select * from (select *,rn=row_number() over(order by stuId) from Aspx_Students) as t where t.rn between @sn+1 and @sn+@en+1";            SqlParameter[] pms = new SqlParameter[] {             new SqlParameter("@sn",startNumber),            new SqlParameter("@en",maxRows)            };            using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text, pms))            {                if (reader.HasRows)                {                    while (reader.Read())                    {                        Aspx_Students model = new Aspx_Students();                        model.StuId = reader.GetInt32(0);                        model.StuName = reader.GetString(1);                        model.StuAge = reader.IsDBNull(2) ? null : (int?)reader.GetInt32(2);                        model.StuGender = reader.GetString(3);                        model.StuEmail = reader.GetString(4);                        model.StuBirthday = reader.GetDateTime(5);                        list.Add(model);                    }                }            }            return list;        }        public Aspx_Students GetStudentInfoBySid(int sid)        {            Aspx_Students model = null;            string sql = "select * from Aspx_Students where StuId=@sid";            using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter("@sid", sid)))            {                if (reader.HasRows)                {                    if (reader.Read())                    {                        model = new Aspx_Students();                        model.StuId = reader.GetInt32(0);                        model.StuName = reader.GetString(1);                        model.StuAge = reader.IsDBNull(2) ? null : (int?)reader.GetInt32(2);                        model.StuGender = reader.GetString(3);                        model.StuEmail = reader.GetString(4);                        model.StuBirthday = reader.GetDateTime(5);                    }                }            }            return model;        }        /// <summary>        /// 增加一条记录        /// </summary>        /// <param name="aspx_Student"></param>        /// <returns></returns>        public int Add(Aspx_Students aspx_Student)        {            string sql = "INSERT INTO Aspx_Students (stuName, stuAge, stuGender, stuEmail, stuBirthday) VALUES (@stuName, @stuAge, @stuGender, @stuEmail, @stuBirthday)";            SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[]{new SqlParameter("@stuName", ToDBValue(aspx_Student.StuName)),new SqlParameter("@stuAge", ToDBValue(aspx_Student.StuAge)),new SqlParameter("@stuGender", ToDBValue(aspx_Student.StuGender)),new SqlParameter("@stuEmail", ToDBValue(aspx_Student.StuEmail)),new SqlParameter("@stuBirthday", ToDBValue(aspx_Student.StuBirthday)),};            return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text, para);        }        //删除一条记录        public int DeleteByStuId(int stuId)        {            string sql = "DELETE from Aspx_Students WHERE StuId = @StuId";            return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter("@stuId", stuId));        }        /// <summary>        /// 更新一条记录        /// </summary>        /// <param name="aspx_Student"></param>        /// <returns></returns>        public int Update(Aspx_Students aspx_Student)        {            string sql = "UPDATE Aspx_Students SET  stuName = @stuName, StuAge = @StuAge, StuGender = @StuGender, StuEmail = @StuEmail, StuBirthday = @StuBirthday WHERE stuId = @stuId";            SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[]{            new SqlParameter("@stuId", aspx_Student.StuId),            new SqlParameter("@StuName", ToDBValue(aspx_Student.StuName)),            new SqlParameter("@StuAge", ToDBValue(aspx_Student.StuAge)),            new SqlParameter("@StuGender", ToDBValue(aspx_Student.StuGender)),            new SqlParameter("@StuEmail", ToDBValue(aspx_Student.StuEmail)),            new SqlParameter("@StuBirthday", ToDBValue(aspx_Student.StuBirthday))            };            return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text, para);        }        //获取表中的总记录条数        public int GetTotalCount()        {            string sql = "select count(*) from Aspx_Students";            return (int)SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text);        }        public object ToDBValue(object value)        {            if (value == null)            {                return DBNull.Value;            }            else            {                return value;            }        }    }}



using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using Ajax.CRUD.Model;using Ajax.CRUD.DAL;namespace Ajax.CRUD.BLL{    public class TblCommentsBll    {        private TblCommentsDal dal = new TblCommentsDal();        public List<TblComments> GetAllComments()        {            return dal.GetAllComments();        }        public int Add(TblComments tblComment)        {            return dal.Add(tblComment);        }        public int Delete(int autoId)        {            return dal.Delete(autoId);        }        public int Update(TblComments model)        {            return dal.Update(model);        }        public int Delete(TblComments model)        {            return dal.Delete(model.AutoId);        }    }}


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using Ajax.CRUD.DAL;using Ajax.CRUD.Model;namespace Ajax.CRUD.BLL{    public class Aspx_StudentsBll    {        private Aspx_StudentsDal dal = new Aspx_StudentsDal();        public List<Aspx_Students> GetAllStudents()        {            return dal.GetAllStudents();        }        public List<Aspx_Students> GetStudentsByPage(int pagesize, int pageindex, out int recordcount, out int pagecount)        {            List<Aspx_Students> list = dal.GetStudentsByPage(pagesize, pageindex, out recordcount, out pagecount);            return list;        }        public List<Aspx_Students> GetStudentsBetweentAnd(int startNumber, int maxRows)        {            return dal.GetStudentsBetweentAnd(startNumber, maxRows);        }        public int Add(Aspx_Students aspx_Student)        {            return dal.Add(aspx_Student);        }        //删除一条记录        public int DeleteByStuId(int stuId)        {            return dal.DeleteByStuId(stuId);        }        //删除一条记录        public int DeleteByStuId(Aspx_Students model)        {            return dal.DeleteByStuId(model.StuId);        }        public Aspx_Students GetStudentInfoBySid(int sid)        {            return dal.GetStudentInfoBySid(sid);        }        public int Update(Aspx_Students aspx_Student)        {            return dal.Update(aspx_Student);        }        //获取表中的总记录条数        public int GetTotalCount()        {            return dal.GetTotalCount();        }    }}


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Security.Cryptography;namespace Ajax.CRUD.Utility{    public static class CommonHelper    {        public static string GetMD5FromString(string input)        {            //1.创建一个md5对象            MD5 md5Obj = MD5.Create();            //1.1把字符串转换为byte[]            byte[] buffer = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input);            //2.通过md5对象计算给定值的md5            byte[] md5Buffer = md5Obj.ComputeHash(buffer);            // 把byte[]数组转换为字符串            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();            for (int i = 0; i < md5Buffer.Length; i++)            {                sb.Append(md5Buffer[i].ToString("x2"));            }            //3.释放资源            md5Obj.Clear();            return sb.ToString();        }        public static string GetSHA512FromString(string input)        {            //1.创建一个md5对象            SHA512 md5Obj = SHA512.Create();            //1.1把字符串转换为byte[]            byte[] buffer = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input);            //2.通过md5对象计算给定值的md5            byte[] md5Buffer = md5Obj.ComputeHash(buffer);            // 把byte[]数组转换为字符串            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();            for (int i = 0; i < md5Buffer.Length; i++)            {                sb.Append(md5Buffer[i].ToString("x2"));            }            //3.释放资源            md5Obj.Clear();            return sb.ToString();        }    }}


调用方法:使用: this.Literal1.Text = PagerHelper.strPage(6, 3, 2, id, "WebForm3.aspx?id=") 

注意:WebForm3.aspx?id=   这个等号后面什么也不需要些。就这样就可以了。到时候它会自动把页数加上的

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;namespace Web.BLL{    public static class PagerHelper    {        #region 数字分页类        /// <summary>        ///         /// </summary>        /// <param name="intCounts">数据总条数</param>        /// <param name="intPageSizes">页大小</param>        /// <param name="intPageCounts">总共页数</param>        /// <param name="intThisPages">当前页</param>        /// <param name="strUrl">要提交到的页面</param>        /// 使用: this.Literal1.Text = PagerHelper.strPage(6, 3, 2, id, "WebForm3.aspx?id=");        /// <returns></returns>        public static string strPage(int intCounts, int intPageSizes, int intPageCounts, int intThisPages, string strUrl)        {            int intCount = Convert.ToInt32(intCounts); //总记录数            int intPageCount = Convert.ToInt32(intPageCounts); //总共页数            int intPageSize = Convert.ToInt32(intPageSizes); //每页显示            int intPage = 7;  //数字显示            int intThisPage = Convert.ToInt32(intThisPages); //当前页数            int intBeginPage = 0; //开始页数            int intCrossPage = 0; //变换页数            int intEndPage = 0; //结束页数            string strPage = null; //返回值            intCrossPage = intPage / 2;                strPage = "共 <font color=\"#FF0000\">" + intCount.ToString() + "</font> 条记录 第 <font color=\"#FF0000\">" + intThisPage.ToString() + "/" + intPageCount.ToString() + "</font> 页 每页 <font color=\"#FF0000\">" + intPageSize.ToString() + "</font> 条     ";                if (intThisPage > 1)                {                    strPage = strPage + "<a href=\"" + strUrl + "1\">首页</a> ";                    strPage = strPage + "<a href=\"" + strUrl + Convert.ToString(intThisPage - 1) + "\">上一页</a> ";                }                if (intPageCount > intPage)                {                    if (intThisPage > intPageCount - intCrossPage)                    {                        intBeginPage = intPageCount - intPage + 1;                        intEndPage = intPageCount;                    }                else                {                    if (intThisPage <= intPage - intCrossPage)                    {                        intBeginPage = 1;                        intEndPage = intPage;                    }                    else                    {                        intBeginPage = intThisPage - intCrossPage;                        intEndPage = intThisPage + intCrossPage;                    }                }            }            else            {                intBeginPage = 1;                intEndPage = intPageCount;            }            if (intCount > 0)            {                for (int i = intBeginPage; i <= intEndPage; i++)                {                    if (i == intThisPage)                    {                        strPage = strPage + " <font color=\"#FF0000\">" + i.ToString() + "</font> ";                    }                    else                    {                        strPage = strPage + " <a href=\"" + strUrl + i.ToString() + "\" title=\"第" + i.ToString() + "页\">" + i.ToString() + "</a> ";                    }                }            }            if (intThisPage < intPageCount)            {                strPage = strPage + "<a href=\"" + strUrl + Convert.ToString(intThisPage + 1) + "\">下一页</a> ";                strPage = strPage + "<a href=\"" + strUrl + intPageCount.ToString() + "\">尾页</a> ";            }            return strPage;        }        #endregion    }}

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