
来源:互联网 发布:北大青鸟java培训 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 17:37


 Enter a name to find the corresponding phone number. Ash Williams The number is: 333-2323 Look up another name? (y/n) y Enter a name to find the corresponding phone number. lenove Name not found. Look up another name? (y/n) n 


#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;const string lookupName(const string&, const string*, const string*, int);int main() {    string names[] = {"Michael Myers", "Ash Williams", "Jack Torrance", "Freddy Krueger"};    string phoneNumbers[] = {"333-8000", "333-2323", "333-6150", "339-7970"};    string targetName, targetPhone;    char c;    do {        cout << "Enter a name to find the corresponding phone number.\n";        getline(cin, targetName);        targetPhone = lookupName(targetName, names, phoneNumbers, 4);        if (targetPhone.length() > 0)            cout << "The number is: " << targetPhone << endl;        else            cout << "Name not found.\n";        cout << "Look up another name? (y/n)\n";        cin >> c;        /* 有参示例:cin.ignore(5,'\n') 当从输入流(cin)中读取5个字符或该字符为'\n'时停止读取。         * 无参示例:cin.ignore(),仅从输入流(cin)中读取1个字符。         * /        cin.ignore(); // 将字符y或n之后的'\n'读取并丢弃    } while (c == 'y');    return 0;}const string lookupName(const string& tN, const string n[], const string pN[], int len) {    string pFind;    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {        if (tN == n[i])            pFind = pN[i];    }    return pFind;}
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