Delphi 2007 & QucikCam

来源:互联网 发布:mysql压力测试报告 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 08:39

My Delphi 2007 Update 3 didn't let me debug... because of the Logitech QuickCam.

唉,好不容易买了个摄像头,终于可以跟家人视频了,没想到却带来如此多的麻烦,害得我重装了好几次Delphi,急得我都想重新安装操作系统了,还好在Marco Cantu的站点找到了原因,严重鄙视下Logitech!



Delphi 2007 and QuickCam

My Delphi 2007 Update 3 installation didn't let me debug... because of the Logitech QuickCam.

Excerpts of a thread on a (reserved) newsgroup:

My First Message

With RAD Studio 2007 installed under Vista, I cannot run Win32 programs from the debugger. I get various errors including:

BEX exceptions (with vista saying it is closing the program because of DEP),
"failed to initialize application" exceptions,
access violations

The programs run fine if not debugged. At times, but quite rarely, it runs OK also in the debugger. What gives?

Answers (mostly from a single person, who helped a lot)

* "Does disabling DEP solve this issue?" Me: I tried, it did not. Even a disabled UAC did not help...

* "There should be an option in the BIOS to disable DEP system-wide." Me: I didn't dare touch this...

* "Did you install any third-party software recently?" Me: No, but now that I think about it I had problems in the past debugging because of the Logitech Quickcam driver... maybe it is the same problem, even if the error is different this time...

Final Solution

Just to keep anyone interested up to date I did solve the problem. Turns out, the fault was on the Logitech QuickCam software. Delphi got back working as expected as soon as I
removed the Quickcam software.

Needless to say this is very annoying, but the fault is squarely on Logitech, not on CodeGear. I'll try to install an updated version (mine was quite old), and see if it is any better.

BTW, I get the same problem from time to time with earlier versions of Delphi 2007, but in those case the (Vista) error message would hint to the culprit. This time it was just trial and error!

posted by marcocantu @ 7:36PM | 4 Comments [0 Pending]