Mike and Frog(CF547A)

来源:互联网 发布:ipad2越狱后必装软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 10:54
A. Mike and Frog
time limit per test
1 second
memory limit per test
256 megabytes
standard input
standard output

Mike has a frog and a flower. His frog is named Xaniar and his flower is named Abol. Initially(at time 0), height of Xaniar is h1 and height of Abol is h2. Each second, Mike waters Abol and Xaniar.

So, if height of Xaniar is h1 and height of Abol is h2, after one second height of Xaniar will become  and height of Abol will become  where x1, y1, x2 and y2 are some integer numbers and  denotes the remainder of amodulo b.

Mike is a competitive programmer fan. He wants to know the minimum time it takes until height of Xania is a1 and height of Abol is a2.

Mike has asked you for your help. Calculate the minimum time or say it will never happen.


The first line of input contains integer m (2 ≤ m ≤ 106).

The second line of input contains integers h1 and a1 (0 ≤ h1, a1 < m).

The third line of input contains integers x1 and y1 (0 ≤ x1, y1 < m).

The fourth line of input contains integers h2 and a2 (0 ≤ h2, a2 < m).

The fifth line of input contains integers x2 and y2 (0 ≤ x2, y2 < m).

It is guaranteed that h1 ≠ a1 and h2 ≠ a2.


Print the minimum number of seconds until Xaniar reaches height a1 and Abol reaches height a2 or print -1 otherwise.

Sample test(s)
54 21 10 12 3
10231 21 01 21 1

In the first sample, heights sequences are following:







#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>const int N = 1000006;#define LL __int64void exgcd(LL a,LL b,LL& d,LL& x,LL& y){    if(!b){d=a;x=1;y=0;}    else    {        exgcd(b,a%b,d,y,x);        y-=x*(a/b);    }}bool vis1[N],vis2[N];int main(){    LL m,h1,h2,a1,a2,x1,x2,y1,y2;    scanf("%I64d",&m);    scanf("%I64d%I64d",&h1,&a1);    scanf("%I64d%I64d",&x1,&y1);    scanf("%I64d%I64d",&h2,&a2);    scanf("%I64d%I64d",&x2,&y2);    LL h=h1;    memset(vis1,false,sizeof(vis1));    memset(vis2,false,sizeof(vis2));    bool bo=false;    vis1[h1]=true;    vis2[h2]=true;    LL cnt1=0,tp1=0;    LL cnt2=0,tp2=0;    while(1)    {        h=(x1*h+y1)%m;        if(!vis1[a1]) tp1++;        if(vis1[h]) break;        vis1[h]=true;    }    if(vis1[a1])    {        memset(vis1,0,sizeof(vis1));        vis1[a1]=true;        h=a1;        cnt1=0;        while(1)        {            h=(x1*h+y1)%m;            cnt1++;            if(vis1[h]) break;            vis1[h]=true;        }        if(h!=a1) cnt1=0;        h=h2;        while(1)        {            h=(x2*h+y2)%m;            cnt2++;            if(!vis2[a2]) tp2++;            if(vis2[h]) break;            vis2[h]=true;        }        if(vis2[a2])        {            memset(vis2,false,sizeof(vis2));            vis2[a2]=true;            h=a2;            cnt2=0;            while(1)            {                h=(x2*h+y2)%m;                cnt2++;                if(vis2[h]) break;                vis2[h]=true;            }            if(h!=a2) cnt2=0;            if(cnt1==0||cnt2==0)            {                if(cnt1==0&&cnt2!=0)                {                    LL tmp=tp1-tp2;                    if(tmp>=0&&tmp%cnt2==0) printf("%I64d\n",tp1);                    else printf("-1");                }                else if(cnt2==0&&cnt1!=0)                {                    LL tmp=tp2-tp1;                    if(tmp>=0&&tmp%cnt1==0) printf("%I64d\n",tp2);                    else printf("-1");                }                else                {                    if(tp1==tp2) printf("%I64d\n",tp1);                    else printf("-1\n");                }            }            else            {                if(tp1==tp2) printf("%I64d\n",tp1);                else                {                    LL a=cnt2;                    LL b=cnt1;                    LL c1=tp2;                    LL c2=tp1;                    LL c=c2-c1;                    LL d,x,y;                    exgcd(a,b,d,x,y);                    if(c%d) printf("-1\n");                    else if(d==1&&x*y>0)                    {                        LL ax=1,by=1;                        while((ax*a%m+c1)!=(by*b%m+c2))                        {                            if((ax*a%m+c1)-(by*b%m+c2)<0) ax++;                            else by++;                        }                        printf("%I64d\n",ax*a+c1);                    }                    else                    {                        x=x*(c/d);                        LL mm=b/d;                        x=(x%mm+mm)%mm;                        printf("%I64d\n",c1+a*x);                    }                }            }        }        else printf("-1\n");    }    else printf("-1\n");    return 0;}






#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <algorithm>#include <iostream>using namespace std;#define out(x) {printf("%I64d\n",(long long)(x));return 0;}int m,h1,a1,x1,y1,h2,a2,x2,y2,p,q,c,dx,dy;int main(){    scanf("%d",&m);    scanf("%d%d%d%d",&h1,&a1,&x1,&y1);    scanf("%d%d%d%d",&h2,&a2,&x2,&y2);    for(p=1;p<=m;p++){        h1=(1LL*h1*x1+y1)%m;        h2=(1LL*h2*x2+y2)%m;        if(h1==a1)break;    }    if(p>m)out(-1);    if(h1==a1&&h2==a2)out(p);    for(c=1;c<=m;c++){        h1=(1LL*h1*x1+y1)%m;        if(h1==a1)break;    }    if(c>m)out(-1);    dx=1;dy=0;    for(int i(1);i<=c;i++){        dx=(1LL*dx*x2)%m;        dy=(1LL*dy*x2+y2)%m;    }    for(int i(1);i<=m;i++){        h2=(1LL*dx*h2+dy)%m;        if(h2==a2)out(p+1LL*c*i);    }    out(-1);    return 0;}



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