
来源:互联网 发布:软件测试面试注意事项 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 04:15


1)The drawing above does demonstrate certain thought-provoking social phenomenon.


2)The implication is not only informative, but instructive as well.


3)In a sense, the author of the picture raises alarm by revealing a similarity between +名词1+名词2


4)The primary purpose of the pictures above is that due(utmost) attention should be paid to +名词


5)The symbolic meaning of the picture is to show us that importance should be attached to the widespread meaningless promises made by people from all walks of life.


6)The purpose of the drawer is to show us that due attention has to be paid to the decline ocean resources.


7)The fact that people from different countries are attracted to mysterious Chinese culture indicates that to some extent a culture can be accepted, respected, appreciated and shared internationally.


8)Undoubtedly, the drawings have symbolically revealed a serious problem in our daily life, parents` doting care to only children in the current society.


9)(主题)can provide people with not only delicious food but fashionable clothes and such benefits as comfortable dwellings and handsome automobiles.

10)(主题)saves people/students a great deal of time by eliminating hours spent on hesitation, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic/meaningful work.

11)(主题Learning more western culture),occupying spare time so constructively, makes a person contented, with no time for boredom/wondering and helps them achieve a more broaden horizen.

12)As we all know, the days of youth should not be frittered/idled away and time should be cherished, but(主题) wasted hours, lavishes days and even squanders years, which leads us to say it kills and even murders youngster`s prime time.

13)It can enhance people`s understanding on a subject, improve people`s learning capacity and skills, or create a vigorous atmosphere.

14)Through your assistance, not only can they accumulate wealth, but will also establish their career, fit into society, and even attain social status.

15)The government should raise the public awareness of environmental preservation, thereby promoting sustainable development and creating a more livable environment.

16)Advertising has become an indispensable part of our lives and it has been exerting profound influence on the way we live ,work, play and learn.

17)It can minimize inflation, economic stagnation, economic recession, unemployment rate. It can maintain social order and reduce crime rate.


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热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 彩绘胶弄衣服上怎么办 彩绘胶买来太稠怎么办 做指甲没有底胶怎么办 交定金后发现房屋不合法怎么办 买车付了定金不想要了怎么办 买车付定金后不想要怎么办 非法经营的产品至人伤亡怎么办 返修漆施工不对色怎么办 叶子板撞变形了怎么办 挤了三角区疖子怎么办 三角部位太鼓的怎么办 美利车车贷逾期怎么办? 外墙保温层坏了怎么办 双胞胎34周血压高怎么办 夏天穿凉鞋脚后跟干裂起硬皮怎么办 穿凉鞋脚后跟干裂起硬皮怎么办 夏天穿凉鞋磨脚怎么办 lv皮带黑色掉漆怎么办 黑色衣服穿在身上掉色怎么办 电信卡流量超了怎么办 移动卡流量超了怎么办 狗狗老是挠痒痒怎么办 出差同住的同事睡觉打鼾怎么办 小孩皮肤太黑了怎么办 苹果平板突然黑屏打不开怎么办 孩子认人晚上哭怎么办 主腹动脉有硬块怎么办 糖链抗原125偏高怎么办 狗长了个肿瘤怎么办 腺肌瘤糖类抗原125升高怎么办 糖类抗原724单项升高怎么办? 化疗期间糖类抗原升高怎么办? 门面租客到期不搬怎么办 这几天老想初恋怎么办 结婚了还想初恋怎么办 九年了想初恋了怎么办 吃肥肉恶心想吐怎么办 宝宝吃了母乳不吃奶粉怎么办 母猫的奶少怎么办 鲤鱼打挺起不来怎么办 练不会鲤鱼打挺怎么办