
来源:互联网 发布:nginx 代理静态资源 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 17:04

Twelve Steps to Configuring Your Tsm Environment

1、        Install the TSM code on the machine that will be your TSM server (referred to as server).This process may involve a few steps that are dependent on your  platform type.Please read the Quick Start Guide and REAMES for yout platform.
2、        At the install time you had created default DB and LOG volumes.Now you want to supportment or replace that initial configuration.
A、        Add additional DB volumes.i.e. def dbv filename f=volsize Note:make sure they are on separate physical disks form other DB vols,LOG vols or mirrors of their LOGs or DBs.
B、        Extend the data base to use the newly added space.i.e ext db 100
C、        Add additional LOG volumes,i.e.def logv filename f=volsize Notice:Same rules apply for LOG volumes as DB volumes.
D、        Extend the log to use the newly added space.i.e ext log 100
E、        You may have to delete the default volumes that were created during install,i.e del dbv filename or del log filename Notice:You may have to reduce the DB or LOG in order to delete the volume i.e.reduce db 16
3、        Now configure you dsmserv.opt file.Read though the default file.There are serval values you may wish to set or adjust.
A、        Set yout COMMMethods and there related attributes
B、        Set VOLHISTORY and DEVCONFIG,remember make 2 copies
C、        Set EXPInterval 0,this will disable expiration.You will have a admin schedule take care of this
D、        Set various performance releated attributes,i.e. TCPNODELAY,TCPWindowsize,MAXSessions,BUFPoolsize,LOGPoolsize,TXNGroupmax.etc
E、        To use the Web Admin Client set COMMM tcpip,HTTPPort 1580,1580 is the default port number
4、        Now you must defined the Libraries,Drivers and Device Classes your system will use
A、        You must define libraries frist.Both manual and automated libraries can be defined,i.e.manual –def lib manlib libtype=manual or automated –def lib autolib libtype=scsi device=dec_spec
B、        Now define drives in your libraries,i.e manual –def dr manlib mandr device=dec_spec or def dr autolib autodriv1 device=dec_spec element=element#
C、        Now we can create device classes.You can have more than 1 device class use the same library if yoy like.Notelease refer to the documentation for def dev command.There are many options available.
5、        Once we have Device Classes we can create Storage Pools that will use them,also,we must establish or SP hierarchy.
A、        Determine the number of top level pools you will need.They will typically be Disk based SPs
B、        Next decide on the hierarchy from the top levels to the final pools.Make sure you consider things like:Backup vs Archive data,Collocation,Offsite (copy pools) vs Local.etc.
C、        Create the necessary storage pools with the appropriate attributes.In particular consider,the valus for migration,reclamation and next storage pool as they will also affected by your administrative schedules.Nore: Please consult the documentation for the def stg command.There are many options available.
6、        Nextt you right create Policy Domian(s) and right Policy that is reflective of your Service Level Agreement(SLA).
A、        Determine how you will group your manages systems.i.e.1 Policy Domain or several.
B、        Create you policy domain(s).Note:The following steps will be repeated for each Policy domain
ü        def do mydomain
ü        def po mydomain myposet
ü        def mg mydomain myposet mymc Note:Create as many Management Classes as necessary.
ü        def co mydomain myposet mymc standard type=backup…
ü        def co mydomain myposet mymc standard type=archive…
Note:above two lines are optional for any given Management Class
ü        as defmg mgname
ü        val po mydomain myposet
ü        act po mydomain myposet
Note:Each of the above steps have many options,especially the def co commands,so please consult the documentation
7、        You probably want to go home at night so lets define some client schedules.Please remember client schedules are within a given Policy Domain,therefore you may want to right a schedule once and copy it to different domains if necessary.
A、        Create a schedule to do your nightly Incremental backups.Your clients Domain and Include/Exclude list should be written so that all that is need in the schedule is just I with no file specification given.
B、        Right any other schedules that maybe appropriate for you needs.Note:def sch command has several options,so please consult the documentation.
8、        The server will need some schedules as well.The followingis just a list of some things you should consider for scheduling.This is not intend to be a complete list nor do I attempt to make a 24 hour plan.The timings will depand entirely on your environment.There is a good example of a 24 hour schedule plan in the “Getting Statrted with Tivoli Storage Manager:Implementation Guide”.
A、        migration,reclamation,expiration,DB Backups, SPs      Backups,Clean Volhist, backup Volhist and Devconfig,DRM
B、        Consider the time and order to do these things,in general do one things at a time,backup the DB after large changes
C、        Remember to allow down time in your schedule.That is time when nothing is scheduled,so you can catch up if needed
9、        There are just a few other miscellaneous server function left.
A、        Create your client option sets.these are client options that you are going to override at the server.
ü        Define one or more client option sets.i.e.def clo ntclients
ü        Next define the various options for each client option set.i.e.def cliento ntclients compress no
B、        Add any additional administrators thal you will need,i.e.server admins,help desk workers,operators,etc.
ü        reg admin jradmin jrpasswd
ü        grant auth jradmin…
Note:Consult the documentation for all the extra options.
C、        Label and checkin tape media.For NT,W2K and UNIX you can use the label libvol command.
10、        Now it is time at register you managed system(refereed to as clients).
A、        Things to consider at registration time,what domain and client option set to associate them with.
B、        reg node node_name node_password domain= domain_name clopset=ntclients
C、        This must be done for every managed system,consider scripting it if you have a large number of clients.
D、        You must associate the node with the schedules you would like it to use.i.e.def assoc domain schedule node
Note:You can only associate nodes to schedules within their domain
11、        The managed system(clients) must have the client code installed.Consult the “Installing the Clients Guide” for details on the different platforms that you will be using.
12、        Once the clients are installed you will need to update the dsm.opt file and the dsm.sys(unix only) file.
A、        Select a(just one)COMMMethod and configure any associated parms for that method,i.e.COMMM tcpip,TCPPort 1500,TCPServer server.dot.decimal.addr
B、        Configure schedule log,error log and their retention time,i.e.SCHEDLOGName dsmsched.log,SCHEDLOGRetention 10,ERRORLOGName dsmerr.log
C、        Set performance related attributes.Consult the documentation for appropriate values for your environment,i.e.TCPB,TCPW,TXNB,etc.
D、        Configure you Domain and Include/Exclude statements.The goal here is to eliminate those files you do not wish to backup and to bind particular files to a specific Management Class.
E、        Insure that the dsmc sched program runs either as a service or a daemon when the client is rebooted.
F、        Set passwordaccess generate This will allow the scheduler to authenticate automatically.
G、        Configure the client to be accessed through the web client interface.
ü        This will vary from platform to platform so please consult the Installing the Clients manual.
ü        In general,you will need to have the TSM client acceptor service/daemon running.
ü        TSM Client Acceptor service/daemon is generally started at boot time.
ü        Passwordaccess generate is required in the dsm.opt(dsm.sys for unix) file.