
来源:互联网 发布:电子政务云计算平台 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 23:31

一、Accessingpixel values访问像素值。(用类自带的方法:方便,但效率不高)

  1. cv::Mat has the a template methodat(int y, int x)

    用法image.at<cv::Vec3b>(j,i)[channel]= value;

    注意事项:the programmer needs to specify the return type that is expected(需认为指定返回值类型),一般使用typecv::Vec3b. It is a vector of 3 unsigned chars.

   2. 使用cv::Mat_,它是cv::Mat的一个模板子类,有相同的数据结构,但是增加了一些新的方法。所以这两个类的指针或引用可以直接相互转换。

    用法:使用cv::Mat_ 类中新增加的方法()操作符,可以直接访问图像像素。

                     cv::Mat_<uchar>im2= image; // im2 refers to image

                     im2(50,100)= 0; // access to row 50 and column 100



二、Scanning animage with pointers(使用指针扫描图像:效率高)

    彩色图像三个通道,opencv中默认顺序是BGR, blue总是第一个通道。(有些处理器对于长宽是4 or 8的倍数的图像更加高效,所以有些图像会有额外的padded填补的像素,为了提高效率Obviously,these extra pixels are not displayed or saved, their exact values are ignored

ptr 方法

  1. 基本信息:

  1. cols : gives you the image width (thatis the number of columns)

  2. rows: gives you the image height

  3. step data: gives you the effective widthin number of bytes

  4. method elemSize: returns the size of apixel element (for example, for a 3-channel short integer matrix (CV_16SC3),elemSize will return 6)

  5. method nchannels: returns the number ofchannels in the image

  6. method total: returns the total numberof pixels (that is matrix entries) in the matrix  

      2.  使用方法:

  1. The number of pixel values per rows is then given by:

                 intnc= image.cols * image.channels();

  2. ptr method. It is a template method thatreturns the address of row number j :

                uchar*data= image.ptr<uchar>(j);

  3. 用指针操作的一个例子(color reduce

                         *data++=*data/div*div + div2;


                         data[i]=data[i]/div*div + div/2;


                         data[i]=data[i] – data[i]%div + div/2;(有点慢,要访问每个像素两次)


                         按位操作:if we restrict the reductionfactor to a power of 2, that is, div=pow(2,n) , then masking the fist n bits ofthe pixel value would give us the nearest lower multiple of div. This maskwould be computed by a simple bit shift:

                               // mask used to round the pixel value

                              uchar mask=0xFF<<n; // e.g. for div=16, mask= 0xF0

                         The color reduction would be given by:

                         data[i]= (data[i]&mask) +div/2; 3注意事项:

   3. 注意事项:

  1.            ptr 方法只返回每一行的起始地址,通过两层循环,按行访问图像。
  2.       每一行的像素值个数 不仅仅是列数,还要乘上channels通道个数。



void colorReduce(cv::Mat &image, intdiv=64)


     int nl= image.rows; // number of lines

     int nc= image.cols * image.channels();

     if (image.isContinuous())


                   // then no padded pixels

 nc= nc*nl;

 nl= 1; // it is now a 1Darray


// this loop isexecuted only once

// in case ofcontinuous images

for (int j=0;j<nl; j++)


           uchar*data= image.ptr<uchar>(j);

           for(int i=0; i<nc; i++)


                  //process each pixel ---------------------

                  data[i]=data[i]/div*div + div/2;

                  //end of pixel processing ----------------

     } //end of line



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