骰子涂色(Cube painting)

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店铺收藏怎么做 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 13:40
Cube painting 

We have a machine for painting cubes. It is supplied with three different colors: blue, red and green. Each face of the cube gets one of these colors. The cube's faces are numbered as in Figure 1.





Figure 1.

Since a cube has 6 faces, our machine can paint a face-numbered cube in tex2html_wrap_inline126 different ways. When ignoring the face-numbers, the number of different paintings is much less, because a cube can be rotated. See example below. We denote a painted cube by a string of 6 characters, where each character is a br, or g. The tex2html_wrap_inline128 character ( tex2html_wrap_inline130 ) from the left gives the color of face i. For example, Figure 2 is a picture of rbgggr and Figure 3 corresponds to rggbgr. Notice that both cubes are painted in the same way: by rotating it around the vertical axis by 90 tex2html_wrap_inline134 , the one changes into the other.

tex2html_wrap138 tex2html_wrap140


The input of your program is a textfile that ends with the standard end-of-file marker. Each line is a string of 12 characters. The first 6 characters of this string are the representation of a painted cube, the remaining 6 characters give you the representation of another cube. Your program determines whether these two cubes are painted in the same way, that is, whether by any combination of rotations one can be turned into the other. (Reflections are not allowed.)



The output is a file of boolean. For each line of input, output contains TRUE if the second half can be obtained from the first half by rotation as describes above, FALSE otherwise.


Sample Input




Sample Output






       思路源于 点击打开链接 和 点击打开链接。



import java.util.Scanner;//分析可知1-6,2-5,3-4,所以两个骰子若相同的话,必定面对面的花色是一样的,//所以只要判断两个骰子的所形成的三个对面是否都能够对应起来就可以了// http://www.cnblogs.com/zsboy/archive/2012/08/27/2659066.htmlpublic class CubePainting1 {public static void main(String[] args) {Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);int[][] c1 = new int[300][300];int[][] c2 = new int[300][300];while(input.hasNext()) {String s = input.next();for(int i = 0; i < 300; i++)for(int j = 0; j < 300; j++) {c1[i][j] = 0;}for(int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {c1[s.charAt(i)][s.charAt(5 - i)]++;c1[s.charAt(5 - i)][s.charAt(i)]++;}for(int i = 6; i <= 8; i++) {c2[s.charAt(i)][s.charAt(17 - i)]++;c2[s.charAt(17 - i)][s.charAt(i)]++;}boolean result = true;for(int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {if(c1[s.charAt(i)][s.charAt(5 - i)] != c2[s.charAt(i)][s.charAt(5 - i)]) {result = false;break;}}if(result)System.out.println("TRUE");elseSystem.out.println("FALSE");}}}



import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.Scanner;//类似枚举//通过方法内参数位置配对时的改变来模拟骰子的旋转// http://blog.csdn.net/frankiller/article/details/7671606public class CubePainting2 {public static void main(String[] args) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubScanner input = new Scanner(System.in);String s;char[] c1;char[] c2;int sum;while(input.hasNext()) {s = input.next();c1 = s.substring(0, 6).toCharArray();c2 = s.substring(6, 12).toCharArray();sum = 0;//cube1:以上下为轴sum += rotate(c1[0], c1[5], c1[1], c1[2], c1[3], c1[4], c2);sum += rotate(c1[5], c1[0], c1[1], c1[3], c1[2], c1[4], c2);//cube1:以前后为轴sum += rotate(c1[1], c1[4], c1[0], c1[3], c1[2], c1[5], c2);sum += rotate(c1[4], c1[1], c1[0], c1[2], c1[3], c1[5], c2);//cube1:以左右为轴sum += rotate(c1[2], c1[3], c1[0], c1[1], c1[4], c1[5], c2);sum += rotate(c1[3], c1[2], c1[0], c1[4], c1[1], c1[5], c2);if(sum > 0)System.out.println("TRUE");elseSystem.out.println("FALSE");}}//以up和down所形成的轴进行顺时针旋转public static int rotate(char up, char down, char a, char b, char c, char d, char[] c2) {if(up == c2[0] && down == c2[5] && a == c2[1] && b == c2[2] && c == c2[3] && d == c2[4])return 1;if(up == c2[0] && down == c2[5] && c == c2[1] && a == c2[2] && d == c2[3] && b == c2[4])return 1;if(up == c2[0] && down == c2[5] && d == c2[1] && c == c2[2] && b == c2[3] && a == c2[4])return 1;if(up == c2[0] && down == c2[5] && b == c2[1] && d == c2[2] && a == c2[3] && c == c2[4])return 1;return 0;}}

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