
来源:互联网 发布:linux 关闭图形界面 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 05:55


1) 设计FSM图

2) smc配置文件

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ColorTable.sm//   -- ColorTable State Map for C++ classes auto-generation//// 1) generate c++ classes://   $ java -jar Smc.jar -c++ ColorTable.sm//// 2) generate graphviz dot graph://   $ java -jar Smc.jar -graph -glevel 1 ColorTable.sm//// see also://   http://graphviz.org///// Author: cheungmine// Copyright 2015-?, All rights reserved./////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////%class ColorTable%header ColorTable.h%start ColorTableMap::Vacancy%map ColorTableMap%%/*** State {*     Transition [Guard Condition]*EndState {*Action(s)*}**     Transition [context.getOwner().is_valid()]*EndState {*Action(s)*}*     ...* }*///==> ColorTableMap::VacancyVacancyEntry {enterVacancy();}Exit {leaveVacancy();}{// Expose Transitions to other parts if necessaryshuffleShuffleFilled {shuffle();}}//==> ColorTableMap::ShuffleFilled// only swappable stateShuffleFilledEntry {enterShuffleFilled();}Exit {leaveShuffleFilled();}{// !!can swap here!!swap [ context.getOwner().swap_done() ]Filled {}swapShuffleFilled {// set stack top sub sm: SwapMap}}//==> ColorTableMap::FallenOverFallenOverEntry {enterFallenOver();}Exit {    leaveFallenOver();}{// Expose Transitions to other parts if necessaryfill [ context.getOwner().is_empty() ]Vacancy {}fillFilled {fill();}}//==> ColorTableMap::FilledFilledEntry {enterFilled();}Exit {leaveFilled();}{erase [ context.getOwner().can_erase() ]Unfilled {erase();}eraseVacancy {empty();}}//==> ColorTableMap::UnfilledUnfilledEntry {enterUnfilled();}Exit {leaveUnfilled();}{fallFallen {fall();}}//==> ColorTableMap::FallenFallenEntry {    enterFallen();}Exit {leaveFallen();}{erase [ context.getOwner().can_erase() ]Unfilled {erase();}eraseFallenOver {empty();}}%%

3) ColorTable.h和ColorTable.cpp

/*** ColorTable.h* 2015-02-01* cheungmine, all rights reserved.**        col->*      +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+*  row |00     |01     |02     |03     |04     |05     |06     |*   |  |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |*   v  |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |*      +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+*      |10     |11     |12     |13     |14     |15     |16     |*      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |*      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |*      +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+*      |20     |21     |22     |23     |24     |25     |26     |*      |       |(xp,yp)|       |       |       |       |       | height*      |       | .     |       |       |       |       |       |*      +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+*      |30     |31     |32     |33     |34     |35     |36     |*      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |*      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |*      +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+*  y   |40     |41     |42     |43     |44     |45     |46     |*  ^   |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |*  |   |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |*  |   o-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+*  |  origin                     width*  +------------>x* (0,0)**/#ifndef __COLORTABLE_H__#define __COLORTABLE_H__#include "cocos2d.h"USING_NS_CC;#include "ColorTable_sm.h"class ColorTable : public Node{public:    // Global Settings:    static const int ColorTable_NumRows = 5;    static const int ColorTable_NumCols = 7;    static const int ColorTable_NumCells = ColorTable_NumRows*ColorTable_NumCols;    static const int ColorTable_NumColors = 4;    static const int ColorTable_ColorsPal[ColorTable_NumColors+1];    // colors palette    // Construct and Deconstruct    ColorTable() :        swap_done_(false),      _fsm(0),      _DeltaTime(0.1f),      _NumRows(ColorTable_NumCols),      _NumCols(ColorTable_NumRows),      _NumCells(ColorTable_NumCells)    {    }    // Public Types:    enum EnumColor    {        INVALID = 0,        RED     = 1,        GREEN   = 2,        BLUE    = 3,        YELLOW  = 4    };    // Public Inline Methods:    inline int index(int row, int col) const    {        return (col*_NumCols + row);    }    inline int color(int row, int col) const    {        return table_[index(row, col)];    }    inline int result(int row, int col) const    {        return results_[index(row, col)];    }public:    // Public Methods:    CREATE_FUNC(ColorTable);    virtual bool init();    bool is_empty();    bool can_erase();    bool swap_done();    void shuffle();        void empty();    void erase();    void fall();    void fill();    void print();public:    // Public Callbacks:    void enterVacancy();    void leaveVacancy();    void enterShuffleFilled();    void leaveShuffleFilled();        void enterFallenOver();    void leaveFallenOver();        void enterFilled();    void leaveFilled();        void enterUnfilled();    void leaveUnfilled();        void enterFallen();    void leaveFallen();    // Public Events:    void onIdleVacancy(float dt);    void onIdleShuffleFilled(float dt);    void onIdleFallenOver(float dt);    void onIdleFilled(float dt);    void onIdleUnfilled(float dt);    void onIdleFallen(float dt);private:    // Private Methods:    void init_table();    void exit();private:    // Private Members:    ColorTableContext * _fsm;    const int _NumRows;    const int _NumCols;    const int _NumCells;    const float _DeltaTime;    bool swap_done_;    int table_[ColorTable_NumCells];    int results_[ColorTable_NumCells];};#endif // __COLORTABLE_H__

/*** ColorTable.cpp* 2015-02-01* cheungmine, all rights reserved.**/#include "ColorTable.h"const int ColorTable::ColorTable_ColorsPal[ColorTable_NumColors+1] = {'O', 'R', 'G', 'B', 'Y'};/////////////////////////// Private Methods ////////////////////////////void ColorTable::init_table(){    int fixed[] = {        1,1,3,1,2,        3,2,1,1,4,        2,2,4,3,3,        1,3,3,4,1,        3,4,4,2,4,        2,2,4,1,1,        2,1,1,2,4    };    int at = 0;    int * p = table_;    while (p - table_ < _NumCells) {        *p++ = fixed[at++];    }}/////////////////////////// Public Callbacks ///////////////////////////void ColorTable::enterVacancy(){    empty();    this->schedule(schedule_selector(ColorTable::onIdleVacancy), _DeltaTime);}void ColorTable::leaveVacancy(){    exit();}void ColorTable::enterShuffleFilled(){    this->schedule(schedule_selector(ColorTable::onIdleShuffleFilled), _DeltaTime);}void ColorTable::leaveShuffleFilled(){    exit();}    void ColorTable::enterFallenOver(){    this->schedule(schedule_selector(ColorTable::onIdleFallenOver), _DeltaTime);}void ColorTable::leaveFallenOver(){    exit();}    void ColorTable::enterFilled(){    this->schedule(schedule_selector(ColorTable::onIdleFilled), _DeltaTime);}void ColorTable::leaveFilled(){    exit();}    void ColorTable::enterUnfilled(){    this->schedule(schedule_selector(ColorTable::onIdleUnfilled), _DeltaTime);}void ColorTable::leaveUnfilled(){    exit();}    void ColorTable::enterFallen(){    this->schedule(schedule_selector(ColorTable::onIdleFallen), _DeltaTime);}void ColorTable::leaveFallen(){    exit();}//////////////////////////// Public Events ////////////////////////////void ColorTable::onIdleVacancy(float dt){    _fsm->shuffle();}void ColorTable::onIdleShuffleFilled(float dt){}void ColorTable::onIdleFallenOver(float dt){}void ColorTable::onIdleFilled(float dt){}void ColorTable::onIdleUnfilled(float dt){}void ColorTable::onIdleFallen(float dt){}/////////////////////////// Public Methods ////////////////////////////bool ColorTable::init(){    _fsm = new ColorTableContext(*this);    _fsm->setDebugFlag(true);    _fsm->enterStartState();    return true;}void ColorTable::exit(){    this->unscheduleAllCallbacks();}bool ColorTable::is_empty(){    for (int index = 0; index < _NumCells; ++index) {        if (table_[index] != INVALID) {            return false;        }    }    return true;}bool ColorTable::can_erase(){    return false;}bool ColorTable::swap_done(){    return swap_done_;}void ColorTable::shuffle(){    init_table();}void ColorTable::empty(){    for (int cell = 0; cell < _NumCells; ++cell) {        table_[cell] = INVALID;        results_[cell] = 0;    }}void ColorTable::erase(){}void ColorTable::fall(){}void ColorTable::fill(){}void ColorTable::print(){#if defined(COCOS2D_DEBUG) && defined(WIN32)    FILE * fp = fopen("c:/temp/color-table.prt", "a+");    if (fp) {        fprintf(fp, "\n>>>> %s {", _fsm->getState().getName());        fprintf(fp, "\n---- TABLE ----\n");        for (int row = 0; row < ColorTable_NumRows; ++row) {            for (int col = 0; col < ColorTable_NumCols; ++col) {                int v = color(row, col);                fprintf(fp, " %c", ColorTable_ColorsPal[v]);            }            fprintf(fp, "\n");        }        fprintf(fp, "\n---- RESULTS ----\n");        for (int row = 0; row < ColorTable_NumRows; ++row) {            for (int col = 0; col < ColorTable_NumCols; ++col) {                int v = result(row, col);                fprintf(fp, " %d", v);            }            fprintf(fp, "\n");        }        fprintf(fp, "}\n");        fclose(fp);    }#endif}

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