Protocol Buffers编码详解,例子,图解

来源:互联网 发布:ubuntu ifconfig eth0 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 06:04

Protocol Buffers编码详解,例子,图解




message S2{    optional int32 s2_1 = 1;    optional string s2_2 = 2 ;}enum E1 {    E1_1 = 1;    E1_3 = 3;    E1_5 = 5;}message  S3{    optional int32 s3_1 = 1;      //设置为0x88    optional int32 s3_2 = 2;      //设置为0x8888    optional uint32 s3_3 = 3;     //设置为0xE8E8E8    optional uint32 s3_4 = 4;     //设置为0xE8E8E8E8    optional int64 s3_5 = 5;      //设置为0x8888    optional int64 s3_6 = 6;      //设置为0xE8E8E8E8    optional uint64 s3_7 = 7;     //设置为0xE8E8E8E8    optional uint64 s3_8 = 8;     //设置为0xE8E8E8E8E8E8E8E8    optional sint32 s3_9 = 9;     //设置为0x8888    optional sint32 s3_10 = 10;   //设置为-0x8888    optional sint64 s3_64 = 64;   //注意这个tag id  设置为0xE8E8E8E8    optional sint64 s3_65 = 65;   //注意这个tag id  设置为-0xE8E8E8E8    optional E1 s3_11 = 11;       //设置为E1_5    optional bool s3_12 = 12;     //设置为true    optional float s3_13 = 13;    //设置 float,设置为88.888    optional fixed32 s3_14 = 14;  //设置为 0x8888    optional sfixed32 s3_15 = 15; //设置为 -0x8888    optional double s3_16 = 16;   //设置 double,设置为8888.8888    optional fixed64 s3_17 = 17;  //设置为 0x8888888888    optional sfixed64 s3_18 = 18; //设置为 -0x8888888888    optional string s3_19 = 19;   //设置为 "I love you,C++!"    optional bytes s3_20 = 20;    //设置为 "I hate you,C++!"    repeated int32 s3_21 = 21;    //设置为3, 270, and 86942, 用google文档的例子    repeated int32 s3_22 = 22 [packed = true]; //设置为3, 270, and 86942    repeated string s3_23 = 23;   //设置为"love","hate","C++"    optional S2 s3_24 = 24;       //设置为 0x1,"love"    repeated S2 s3_25 = 25;       //设置为 0x16,"love"  and 0x16,"hate"    repeated fixed32 s3_26 = 26;  //设置为1,2,3    optional int32 s3_27 = 27;    //不设置}



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