Coffee + mocha + Travis-CI 单元测试与覆盖率报告

来源:互联网 发布:微商怎么上淘宝找货源 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 03:14

在调研了几个库之后,我选用了 coffee-coverage 和 mocha 这个两个库。

"devDependencies": {  "mocha": "^1.21.5",  "chai": "^1.9.2",  "coffee-coverage": "^0.4.2"}

test/support/ 引入 coffee-coverage:

if process.env.COV_TEST == 'true'  require('coffee-coverage').register    path: 'relative'    basePath: "#{__dirname}/../.."    exclude: ['test', 'node_modules', '.git', 'sample', 'static']    initAll: true

coffee-coverage 的文档上写的 exlude 示例是 exclude: ['/test', '/node_modules', '/.git'], 但我在被坑了一个半小时之后才发现前面不能加斜杠.....
我发了个 Pull Request, 目前还没被处理。

test/ 里写第一个测试,

describe 'app', ->  it 'should can startup', ->    # 在我的机器上启动需要差不多 15 秒时间.....    @timeout 20000     require '../../app'

mocha 默认的测试报告只会显示测试的通过情况,不会显示测试覆盖率,因此我们要拓展一下 mocha 默认的测试报告,在 test/support/reporter-cov-summary.js,

var fs = require('fs');var util = require ('util');var Spec = require('mocha/lib/reporters/spec');exports = module.exports = CovSummary;function CovSummary(runner) {, runner);  runner.on('end', report);}function report() {  var cov = global._$jscoverage || {};  var files = Object.keys(cov);  var covered_lines = 0;  var total_lines = 0;  files.forEach(function(file) {    cov[file].forEach(function(line) {      if(line !== undefined) {        total_lines ++;        if (line !== 0) {          covered_lines ++;        }      }    });  });  var covered = (covered_lines / total_lines * 100).toFixed(1);  console.log(util.format('Coverage Summary: %s lines of %s lines, %s% covered \n', covered_lines, total_lines, covered));}CovSummary.prototype.__proto__ = Spec.prototype;

这个文件是用 JavaScript 写的,我实在没搞清楚 mocha 怎么直接用 Coffee 的测试报告;它会在测试运行结束后输出一个覆盖率概要,类似于:

Coverage Summary: 305 lines of 2056 lines, 14.8% covered

package.json 中加上 scripts:

"scripts": {  "start": "./node_modules/.bin/coffee",  "test": "COV_TEST=true ./node_modules/.bin/mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script/register --require test/support/env --reporter test/support/reporter-cov-summary.js -- test",  "test-only": "./node_modules/.bin/mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script/register --require test/support/env -- test",  "test-cov-html": "COV_TEST=true ./node_modules/.bin/mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script/register --require test/support/env --reporter html-cov -- test > coverage-reporter.html"},

start 是启动应用,test 是运行测试和覆盖率报告,test-only 只运行测试,test-cov-html 会生成 HTML 格式的测试覆盖率报告。

然后还要改一下 .gitinore, 加上 /coverage-reporter.html.

最后是 .travis.yaml,

language: node_jsnode_js:  - "0.10"


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