
来源:互联网 发布:unity3d动画模型 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 16:20



      在旧生代内存管理器TenuredGeneration内部有两个核心的组件: 一是核心内存区管理器(TenuredSpace);二是内存块偏移表(BlockOffsetSharedArray). 核心内存区管理器与对象内存分配相关,内存块偏移表和Gc相关.


TenuredGeneration::TenuredGeneration(ReservedSpace rs,                                     size_t initial_byte_size, int level,                                     GenRemSet* remset) :  OneContigSpaceCardGeneration(rs, initial_byte_size,                               MinHeapDeltaBytes, level, remset, NULL){  HeapWord* bottom = (HeapWord*) _virtual_space.low();  HeapWord* end    = (HeapWord*) _virtual_space.high();  printf("%s[%d] [tid: %lu]: 试图创建核心的内存区管理器..\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pthread_self());  //创建核心内存区管理器  _the_space  = new TenuredSpace(_bts, MemRegion(bottom, end));  _the_space->reset_saved_mark();  _shrink_factor = 0;  _capacity_at_prologue = 0;  _gc_stats = new GCStats();  // initialize performance counters  const char* gen_name = "old";  //内存代/核心内存区/Gc相关计数器  _gen_counters = new GenerationCounters(gen_name, 1, 1, &_virtual_space);  _gc_counters = new CollectorCounters("MSC", 1);  _space_counters = new CSpaceCounters(gen_name, 0,                                       _virtual_space.reserved_size(),                                       _the_space, _gen_counters);}OneContigSpaceCardGeneration::OneContigSpaceCardGeneration(ReservedSpace rs, size_t initial_byte_size,                               size_t min_heap_delta_bytes,                               int level, GenRemSet* remset,                               ContiguousSpace* space) :    CardGeneration(rs, initial_byte_size, level, remset),    _the_space(space), _min_heap_delta_bytes(min_heap_delta_bytes)  {}CardGeneration::CardGeneration(ReservedSpace rs, size_t initial_byte_size,                               int level,                               GenRemSet* remset) :  Generation(rs, initial_byte_size, level), _rs(remset){  HeapWord* start = (HeapWord*)rs.base();  size_t reserved_byte_size = rs.size();  assert((uintptr_t(start) & 3) == 0, "bad alignment");  assert((reserved_byte_size & 3) == 0, "bad alignment");  MemRegion reserved_mr(start, heap_word_size(reserved_byte_size));  //创建内存块偏移表  _bts = new BlockOffsetSharedArray(reserved_mr,                                    heap_word_size(initial_byte_size));  MemRegion committed_mr(start, heap_word_size(initial_byte_size));  _rs->resize_covered_region(committed_mr);  if (_bts == NULL)    vm_exit_during_initialization("Could not allocate a BlockOffsetArray");  // Verify that the start and end of this generation is the start of a card.  // If this wasn't true, a single card could span more than on generation,  // which would cause problems when we commit/uncommit memory, and when we  // clear and dirty cards.  guarantee(_rs->is_aligned(reserved_mr.start()), "generation must be card aligned");  if (reserved_mr.end() != Universe::heap()->reserved_region().end()) {    // Don't check at the very end of the heap as we'll assert that we're probing off    // the end if we try.    guarantee(_rs->is_aligned(reserved_mr.end()), "generation must be card aligned");  }}Generation::Generation(ReservedSpace rs, size_t initial_size, int level) :  _level(level),  _ref_processor(NULL) {  //初始化虚拟内存管理器  if (!_virtual_space.initialize(rs, initial_size)) {    vm_exit_during_initialization("Could not reserve enough space for "                    "object heap");  }  // Mangle all of the the initial generation.  if (ZapUnusedHeapArea) {    MemRegion mangle_region((HeapWord*)_virtual_space.low(),      (HeapWord*)_virtual_space.high());    SpaceMangler::mangle_region(mangle_region);  }  _reserved = MemRegion((HeapWord*)_virtual_space.low_boundary(),          (HeapWord*)_virtual_space.high_boundary());}


BlockOffsetSharedArray::BlockOffsetSharedArray(MemRegion reserved,                                               size_t init_word_size):  _reserved(reserved), _end(NULL){  //计算内存块偏移表的大小  size_t size = compute_size(reserved.word_size());  printf("%s[%d] [tid: %lu]: 试图向操作系统申请大小为%lu bytes的内存空间,并映射到指定的内存起始位置...\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pthread_self(), size);  ReservedSpace rs(size);  if (!rs.is_reserved()) {    vm_exit_during_initialization("Could not reserve enough space for heap offset array");  }  //用申请到的内存空间来初始化虚拟内存管理器  if (!_vs.initialize(rs, 0)) {    vm_exit_during_initialization("Could not reserve enough space for heap offset array");  }  _offset_array = (u_char*)_vs.low_boundary();//byte[]偏移表  resize(init_word_size);  if (TraceBlockOffsetTable) {    gclog_or_tty->print_cr("BlockOffsetSharedArray::BlockOffsetSharedArray: ");    gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  "                  "  rs.base(): " INTPTR_FORMAT                  "  rs.size(): " INTPTR_FORMAT                  "  rs end(): " INTPTR_FORMAT,                  rs.base(), rs.size(), rs.base() + rs.size());    gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  "                  "  _vs.low_boundary(): " INTPTR_FORMAT                  "  _vs.high_boundary(): " INTPTR_FORMAT,                  _vs.low_boundary(),                  _vs.high_boundary());  }}/** * 调整内存块偏移表的大小 */void BlockOffsetSharedArray::resize(size_t new_word_size) {  assert(new_word_size <= _reserved.word_size(), "Resize larger than reserved");  size_t new_size = compute_size(new_word_size);  size_t old_size = _vs.committed_size();//  size_t delta;  char* high = _vs.high();  _end = _reserved.start() + new_word_size;  if (new_size > old_size) {//扩张内存块偏移表    delta = ReservedSpace::page_align_size_up(new_size - old_size);    assert(delta > 0, "just checking");    if (!_vs.expand_by(delta)) {      // Do better than this for Merlin      vm_exit_out_of_memory(delta, "offset table expansion");    }    assert(_vs.high() == high + delta, "invalid expansion");  } else {//缩小内存块偏移表    delta = ReservedSpace::page_align_size_down(old_size - new_size);    if (delta == 0) return;    _vs.shrink_by(delta);    assert(_vs.high() == high - delta, "invalid expansion");  }}   


/** * 根据内存区的大小计算对应的内存块偏移表的大小 */size_t compute_size(size_t mem_region_words) {  size_t number_of_slots = (mem_region_words / N_words) + 1;  return ReservedSpace::allocation_align_size_up(number_of_slots);}

#ifdef _LP64const int LogHeapWordSize     = 3;#elseconst int LogHeapWordSize     = 2;#endifenum SomePrivateConstants {    LogN = 9,    LogN_words = LogN - LogHeapWordSize,    N_bytes = 1 << LogN,    N_words = 1 << LogN_words};



TenuredSpace::TenuredSpace(BlockOffsetSharedArray* sharedOffsetArray,               MemRegion mr) :    OffsetTableContigSpace(sharedOffsetArray, mr) {}OffsetTableContigSpace::OffsetTableContigSpace(BlockOffsetSharedArray* sharedOffsetArray,                                               MemRegion mr) :  _offsets(sharedOffsetArray, mr),  _par_alloc_lock(Mutex::leaf, "OffsetTableContigSpace par alloc lock", true){  _offsets.set_contig_space(this);  initialize(mr, SpaceDecorator::Clear, SpaceDecorator::Mangle);}void ContiguousSpace::initialize(MemRegion mr,                                 bool clear_space,                                 bool mangle_space){  CompactibleSpace::initialize(mr, clear_space, mangle_space);  set_concurrent_iteration_safe_limit(top());}void CompactibleSpace::initialize(MemRegion mr,                                  bool clear_space,                                  bool mangle_space) {  Space::initialize(mr, clear_space, mangle_space);  set_compaction_top(bottom());  _next_compaction_space = NULL;}void Space::initialize(MemRegion mr,                       bool clear_space,                       bool mangle_space) {  HeapWord* bottom = mr.start();  HeapWord* end    = mr.end();  assert(Universe::on_page_boundary(bottom) && Universe::on_page_boundary(end),         "invalid space boundaries");  set_bottom(bottom);  set_end(end);  if (clear_space) clear(mangle_space);}



     TenuredGeneration对无锁式分配内存的实现很扯淡, 目前并不支持这种分配方式.说它扯淡是因为:首先它不支持对给线程本地分配缓冲区分配内存块,然后核心内存区管理器(TenuredSpace)在分配内存时又加锁了(主要为了保证对内存块偏移表操作的时序性,必须串行化), 然后在OffsetTableContigSpace::par_allocate的注释上来一句"Therefore, best if this is used for larger LAB allocations only"

/** * 并发式无锁分配 */HeapWord* OneContigSpaceCardGeneration::par_allocate(size_t word_size,                                                     bool is_tlab) {  assert(!is_tlab, "OneContigSpaceCardGeneration does not support TLAB allocation");  return the_space()->par_allocate(word_size);}inline HeapWord* OffsetTableContigSpace::par_allocate(size_t size) {  MutexLocker x(&_par_alloc_lock);   HeapWord* res = ContiguousSpace::par_allocate(size);  //在内存块偏移表中标记该内存块  if (res != NULL) {    _offsets.alloc_block(res, size);  }  return res;}/** * 无锁式分配,由当前内存区管理器内部保证多线程并发安全 */HeapWord* ContiguousSpace::par_allocate(size_t size) {  return par_allocate_impl(size, end());}/** * 从当前的内存区中分配指定大小的一块内存空间 * 轮寻方式: 空闲内存足够则尝试分配,不够立即结束返回 */inline HeapWord* ContiguousSpace::par_allocate_impl(size_t size,                                                    HeapWord* const end_value) {  do {    HeapWord* obj = top();    if (pointer_delta(end_value, obj) >= size) {//内存区当前的空闲空间足够分配,则尝试分配      HeapWord* new_top = obj + size;      HeapWord* result = (HeapWord*)Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr(new_top, top_addr(), obj);      // result can be one of two:      //  the old top value: the exchange succeeded      //  otherwise: the new value of the top is returned.      if (result == obj) {        assert(is_aligned(obj) && is_aligned(new_top), "checking alignment");        return obj;      }    } else {      return NULL;    }  } while (true);}


inline HeapWord* OffsetTableContigSpace::allocate(size_t size) {  HeapWord* res = ContiguousSpace::allocate(size);    //在内存块偏移表中标记该内存块  if (res != NULL) {    _offsets.alloc_block(res, size);  }  return res;}/** * 加锁式分配,由调用线程加外部锁来保证多线程并发安全 */HeapWord* ContiguousSpace::allocate(size_t size) {  return allocate_impl(size, end());}/** * 内存区管理器有琐式分配 */inline HeapWord* ContiguousSpace::allocate_impl(size_t size,                                                HeapWord* const end_value) {  // In G1 there are places where a GC worker can allocates into a  // region using this serial allocation code without being prone to a  // race with other GC workers (we ensure that no other GC worker can  // access the same region at the same time). So the assert below is  // too strong in the case of G1.  assert(Heap_lock->owned_by_self() ||         (SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint() &&                               (Thread::current()->is_VM_thread() || UseG1GC)),         "not locked");  HeapWord* obj = top();  if (pointer_delta(end_value, obj) >= size) {//当前内存区内存足够,则分配    HeapWord* new_top = obj + size;    set_top(new_top);    assert(is_aligned(obj) && is_aligned(new_top), "checking alignment");    return obj;  } else {    return NULL;  }}



1.串行方式:       1).扩张当前内存代的容量       2).串行分配指定大小的内存块2.并行方式:       1).扩展当前内存代的容量       2).等待一定时间       3).并行分配指定大小的内存块


/** * 以允许扩展内存代的物理空间的方式串行/并行分配内存块 */HeapWord* OneContigSpaceCardGeneration::expand_and_allocate(size_t word_size,                                                  bool is_tlab,                                                  bool parallel) {  assert(!is_tlab, "OneContigSpaceCardGeneration does not support TLAB allocation");  if (parallel) {    MutexLocker x(ParGCRareEvent_lock);    HeapWord* result = NULL;    size_t byte_size = word_size * HeapWordSize;    while (true) {      expand(byte_size, _min_heap_delta_bytes);//扩展当前内存代      if (GCExpandToAllocateDelayMillis > 0) {        os::sleep(Thread::current(), GCExpandToAllocateDelayMillis, false);      }      result = _the_space->par_allocate(word_size);      if ( result != NULL) {        return result;      } else {        //即使扩张内存页不够,所以放弃重试        if (_virtual_space.uncommitted_size() < byte_size) {          return NULL;        }        // else try again      }    }  } else {    expand(word_size*HeapWordSize, _min_heap_delta_bytes);//扩展当前内存代    return _the_space->allocate(word_size);  }}bool OneContigSpaceCardGeneration::expand(size_t bytes, size_t expand_bytes) {  GCMutexLocker x(ExpandHeap_lock);  printf("%s[%d] [tid: %lu]: 试图扩展内存代[%s]的容量\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pthread_self(), this->name());  return CardGeneration::expand(bytes, expand_bytes);}/** * 扩展内存代 */bool CardGeneration::expand(size_t bytes, size_t expand_bytes) {  assert_locked_or_safepoint(Heap_lock);  if (bytes == 0) {    return true;  // That's what grow_by(0) would return  }  size_t aligned_bytes  = ReservedSpace::page_align_size_up(bytes);  if (aligned_bytes == 0){    // The alignment caused the number of bytes to wrap.  An expand_by(0) will    // return true with the implication that an expansion was done when it    // was not.  A call to expand implies a best effort to expand by "bytes"    // but not a guarantee.  Align down to give a best effort.  This is likely    // the most that the generation can expand since it has some capacity to    // start with.    aligned_bytes = ReservedSpace::page_align_size_down(bytes);  }  size_t aligned_expand_bytes = ReservedSpace::page_align_size_up(expand_bytes);  bool success = false;  if (aligned_expand_bytes > aligned_bytes) {    success = grow_by(aligned_expand_bytes);  }  if (!success) {    success = grow_by(aligned_bytes);  }  if (!success) {    success = grow_to_reserved();  }  if (PrintGC && Verbose) {    if (success && GC_locker::is_active()) {      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Garbage collection disabled, expanded heap instead");    }  }  return success;}/** * 扩展当前内存代的容量 */bool OneContigSpaceCardGeneration::grow_by(size_t bytes) {  assert_locked_or_safepoint(ExpandHeap_lock);  //虚拟内存管理器扩展内存  bool result = _virtual_space.expand_by(bytes);  if (result) {    size_t new_word_size = heap_word_size(_virtual_space.committed_size());    MemRegion mr(_the_space->bottom(), new_word_size);    // Expand card table    Universe::heap()->barrier_set()->resize_covered_region(mr);    //扩张内存块偏移表    _bts->resize(new_word_size);    // Fix for bug #4668531    if (ZapUnusedHeapArea) {      MemRegion mangle_region(_the_space->end(),      (HeapWord*)_virtual_space.high());      SpaceMangler::mangle_region(mangle_region);    }    //更新核心内存区管理器的地址下限    _the_space->set_end((HeapWord*)_virtual_space.high());    // update the space and generation capacity counters    update_counters();    if (Verbose && PrintGC) {      size_t new_mem_size = _virtual_space.committed_size();      size_t old_mem_size = new_mem_size - bytes;      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Expanding %s from " SIZE_FORMAT "K by "                      SIZE_FORMAT "K to " SIZE_FORMAT "K",                      name(), old_mem_size/K, bytes/K, new_mem_size/K);    }  }  return result;}/** * 将当前内存代的容量扩展到其最大值 */bool OneContigSpaceCardGeneration::grow_to_reserved() {  assert_locked_or_safepoint(ExpandHeap_lock);  bool success = true;  //内存代预留的剩余大小  const size_t remaining_bytes = _virtual_space.uncommitted_size();  if (remaining_bytes > 0) {    success = grow_by(remaining_bytes);    DEBUG_ONLY(if (!success) warning("grow to reserved failed");)  }  return success;}

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