FUSE FS的实现(fuse_operations接口的抽象)

来源:互联网 发布:怎样删除kingroot软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 23:50


fuse提供两种类型的操作接口,fuse lowlevel operations类似于内核文件系统的接口,以inode号作为访问的关键字,而更高级的fuse operations则提供以路径名作为关键字的访问形式,这样即使fuse用户对内核文件系统并不了解,也能编写文件系统程序。


高级的接口,其实是对fuse lowlevel operations的一个封装(相当于实现了一个用户空间文件系统fuse_fs,但其数据都放在内存中),它实现了一组lowlevel operations,并通过hash表来组织目录项,实现inode关键字向路径名关键字的转换(逆向路径名查找,索引节点中需要记录父节点的nodeid),封装的实现在fuse源代码包中fuse.c中实现。






/* fuse fs 全局信息 */
struct fuse {
    struct fuse_session *se;
    struct node **name_table;/* 路径名hash表 */
    size_t name_table_size;/* 路径名hash表的长度 */
    struct node **id_table;/* nodeid hash表 */
    size_t id_table_size;/* nodeid hash表的长度 */
    fuse_ino_t ctr;
    unsigned int generation;
    unsigned int hidectr;
    pthread_mutex_t lock;
    struct fuse_config conf;
    int intr_installed;
    struct fuse_fs *fs; /* 文件系统ops信息 */
    int nullpath_ok;
    int curr_ticket;
    struct lock_queue_element *lockq;

/* 每个目录项的信息 */
struct node {
    struct node *name_next;/* 名字hash链表 */
    struct node *id_next;/* 索引节点hash链表 */
    fuse_ino_t nodeid; /* 索引节点号 */
    unsigned int generation;/* 用于扩展节点数,inode数可到2^64 */
    int refctr;
    struct node *parent;/* 父目录项信息 */
    char *name;/* 本目录项的名称 */
    uint64_t nlookup;
    int open_count;
    struct timespec stat_updated;
    struct timespec mtime;
    off_t size;
    struct lock *locks;
    unsigned int is_hidden: 1;
    unsigned int cache_valid: 1;
    int treelock;
    int ticket;


/* fuse fs的hash函数 */
static unsignedint name_hash(struct fuse*f, fuse_ino_t parent,
             const char *name)
    unsigned int hash= *name;

    if (hash)
        for (name+= 1;*name !='\0'; name++)
            hash = (hash << 5)- hash + *name;

    return (hash+ parent) % f->name_table_size;

/* 通过名字hash查找node信息*/
static struct node*lookup_node(struct fuse*f, fuse_ino_t parent,
                const char *name)
    size_t hash = name_hash(f, parent, name);
    struct node *node;

    for (node= f->name_table[hash]; node!= NULL; node = node->name_next)
        if (node->parent->nodeid== parent &&
         strcmp(node->name, name)== 0)
            return node;

    return NULL;

/* 通过nodeid查找node信息*/
static struct node*get_node_nocheck(struct fuse*f, fuse_ino_t nodeid)
    size_t hash = nodeid% f->id_table_size;
    struct node *node;

    for (node= f->id_table[hash]; node!= NULL; node = node->id_next)
        if (node->nodeid== nodeid)
            return node;

    return NULL;

/* 通过某一个目录项,你想递归获取全局路径 */
static int try_get_path(struct fuse*f, fuse_ino_t nodeid,const char *name,
            char **path,struct node **wnodep,int ticket)
    unsigned bufsize= 256;
    char *buf;
    char *s;
    struct node *node;
    struct node *wnode= NULL;
    int err;

    *path =NULL;

    buf = malloc(bufsize);
    if (buf== NULL)
        return -ENOMEM;

    s = buf +bufsize - 1;
    *s = '\0';

    if (name!= NULL) {
        s = add_name(&buf,&bufsize, s, name);
        err = -ENOMEM;
        if (s== NULL)
            goto out_free;

    if (wnodep){
        wnode = lookup_node(f, nodeid, name);
        if (wnode){
            if (wnode->treelock!= 0 ||
             (wnode->ticket&& wnode->ticket!= ticket)){
                if (!wnode->ticket)
                    wnode->ticket= ticket;
                err = -EAGAIN;
                goto out_free;
            wnode->treelock= -1;
            wnode->ticket= 0;

    /* 逆向遍历目录树,获取目录项的全局路径 */
    err = 0;
    for (node= get_node(f, nodeid); node->nodeid!= FUSE_ROOT_ID;
     node = node->parent){
        err = -ENOENT;
        if (node->name== NULL || node->parent== NULL)
            goto out_unlock;

        err = -ENOMEM;
         /* 长度不够将自动扩张,默认申请长度为256 */
        s = add_name(&buf,&bufsize, s, node->name);
        if (s== NULL)
            goto out_unlock;

        if (ticket){
            err = -EAGAIN;
            if (node->treelock== -1 ||
             (node->ticket&& node->ticket!= ticket))
                goto out_unlock;

            node->ticket= 0;

    if (s[0])
        memmove(buf, s,bufsize - (s - buf));

    *path = buf;
    if (wnodep)
        *wnodep = wnode;

    return 0;

    if (ticket)
        unlock_path(f, nodeid, wnode, node, ticket);

    return err;

/* 获取下一个nodeid */
static fuse_ino_t next_id(struct fuse*f)
    do {
        f->ctr= (f->ctr+ 1) & 0xffffffff;
        if (!f->ctr)
            f->generation++;/* 如果32bit数以用完,将generation加1 */
    } while(f->ctr== 0 || f->ctr== FUSE_UNKNOWN_INO||
         get_node_nocheck(f, f->ctr)!= NULL);
    return f->ctr;

/* 获取目录项的fuse_entry_param信息,如果目录项不存在则新建,并加入hash表
lookup、mknod、create等都调用了该方法 */

static int lookup_path(struct fuse*f, fuse_ino_t nodeid,
         const char*name, const char *path,
         struct fuse_entry_param *e, struct fuse_file_info*fi)
    int res;

    memset(e, 0,sizeof(struct fuse_entry_param));
    /* 从这里可以看出 如果getattr接口返回错误,则整个过程将会出现问题,故在实现getattr时,即使获取不到文件的信息,也要填充entry的信息 */
    if (fi)
        res = fuse_fs_fgetattr(f->fs, path,&e->attr, fi);
        res = fuse_fs_getattr(f->fs, path,&e->attr);
    if (res== 0){
        struct node *node;

        node = find_node(f, nodeid, name);
        if (node== NULL)
            res = -ENOMEM;
        else {
            /* 如果分配子目录项不成功,则返回父目录的信息 */
            e->ino= node->nodeid;
            e->generation= node->generation;
            e->entry_timeout= f->conf.entry_timeout;
            e->attr_timeout= f->conf.attr_timeout;
            if (f->conf.auto_cache){
            set_stat(f, e->ino,&e->attr);
            if (f->conf.debug)
                fprintf(stderr," NODEID: %lu\n",
                    (unsignedlong) e->ino);
    return res;

static struct node*find_node(struct fuse*f, fuse_ino_t parent,
             const char *name)
    struct node *node;

    if (!name)
        node = get_node(f, parent);
        node = lookup_node(f, parent, name);
    if (node== NULL) {
        node = (struct node*) calloc(1,sizeof(struct node));
        if (node== NULL)
            goto out_err;

        if (f->conf.noforget)
            node->nlookup= 1;
        node->refctr= 1;
        node->nodeid= next_id(f);/* 选择下一个使用的nodeid */
        node->generation= f->generation;
        node->open_count= 0;
        node->is_hidden= 0;
        node->treelock= 0;
        node->ticket= 0;
        if (hash_name(f, node, parent, name)== -1) {/* 加入路径名hash表 */
            node = NULL;
            goto out_err;
        hash_id(f, node);/* 加入nodeid hash表 */
    return node;


/* 创建fuse文件系统的全局环境 */
struct fuse *fuse_new(struct fuse_chan*ch, struct fuse_args *args,
         const struct fuse_operations*op, size_t op_size,
         void *user_data)
    return fuse_new_common(ch, args, op, op_size, user_data, 0);

/* 创建fuse文件系统的全局环境的内部接口 */
struct fuse *fuse_new_common(struct fuse_chan*ch, struct fuse_args *args,
             const struct fuse_operations *op,
             size_t op_size,void *user_data,int compat)
    struct fuse *f;
    struct node *root;
    struct fuse_fs *fs;
    struct fuse_lowlevel_ops llop = fuse_path_ops;

    if (fuse_create_context_key()== -1)
        goto out;

    f = (struct fuse*) calloc(1,sizeof(struct fuse));
    if (f == NULL){
        fprintf(stderr,"fuse: failed to allocate fuse object\n");
        goto out_delete_context_key;

    fs = fuse_fs_new(op, op_size, user_data);/* 申请fuse fs的空间 */
    if (!fs)
        goto out_free;

    fs->compat= compat;
    f->fs = fs;
    f->nullpath_ok= fs->op.flag_nullpath_ok;

    /* Oh f**k, this is ugly! */
    if (!fs->op.lock){
        llop.getlk = NULL;
        llop.setlk = NULL;

    f->conf.entry_timeout= 1.0;
    f->conf.attr_timeout= 1.0;
    f->conf.negative_timeout= 0.0;
    f->conf.intr_signal= FUSE_DEFAULT_INTR_SIGNAL;

    if (fuse_opt_parse(args,&f->conf, fuse_lib_opts,
             fuse_lib_opt_proc) == -1)
        goto out_free_fs;

    if (f->conf.modules){
        char *module;
        char *next;

        for (module= f->conf.modules; module; module= next) {
            char *p;
            for (p= module; *p &&*p !=':'; p++);
            next = *p ? p + 1: NULL;
            *p ='\0';
            if (module[0]&&
             fuse_push_module(f, module, args)== -1)
                goto out_free_fs;

    if (!f->conf.ac_attr_timeout_set)
        f->conf.ac_attr_timeout= f->conf.attr_timeout;

#ifdef __FreeBSD__
     * In FreeBSD, we always use these settings as inode numbers
     * are needed to make getcwd(3) work.

    f->conf.readdir_ino= 1;

    if (compat&& compat <= 25){
        if (fuse_sync_compat_args(args)== -1)
            goto out_free_fs;

/* 注册fuse fs的llop到lowlevel ops */
    f->se = fuse_lowlevel_new_common(args,&llop, sizeof(llop), f);
    if (f->se== NULL) {
        if (f->conf.help)
        goto out_free_fs;

    fuse_session_add_chan(f->se, ch);

    if (f->conf.debug)
        fprintf(stderr,"nullpath_ok: %i\n", f->nullpath_ok);

    /* Trace topmost layer by default */
    f->fs->debug= f->conf.debug;
    f->ctr = 0;
    f->generation= 0;
    /* hash表长度,空间分配 */
    /* FIXME: Dynamic hash table */
    f->name_table_size= 14057;
    f->name_table= (struct node**)
        calloc(1,sizeof(struct node*) * f->name_table_size);
    if (f->name_table== NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr,"fuse: memory allocation failed\n");
        goto out_free_session;

    f->id_table_size= 14057;
    f->id_table= (struct node**)
        calloc(1,sizeof(struct node*) * f->id_table_size);
    if (f->id_table== NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr,"fuse: memory allocation failed\n");
        goto out_free_name_table;


    /* 根节点的信息加入hash表,因不会根据名字查找根,故根只加入nodeid hash表
    在find_node中,如果name为空,则返回父目录的信息 */

    root = (struct node*) calloc(1,sizeof(struct node));
    if (root== NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr,"fuse: memory allocation failed\n");
        goto out_free_id_table;

    root->name= strdup("/");
    if (root->name== NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr,"fuse: memory allocation failed\n");
        goto out_free_root;

    if (f->conf.intr&&
                 &f->intr_installed)== -1)
        goto out_free_root_name;

    root->parent= NULL;
    root->nodeid= FUSE_ROOT_ID;
    root->generation= 0;
    root->refctr= 1;
    root->nlookup= 1;
    hash_id(f, root);

    return f;

    /* Horrible compatibility hack to stop the destructor from being
     called on the filesystem without init being called first */

    fs->op.destroy= NULL;
    return NULL;

struct fuse_fs *fuse_fs_new(conststruct fuse_operations *op, size_t op_size,
             void *user_data)
    struct fuse_fs *fs;

    if (sizeof(struct fuse_operations)< op_size) {
        fprintf(stderr,"fuse: warning: library too old, some operations may not not work\n");
        op_size = sizeof(struct fuse_operations);

    fs = (struct fuse_fs*) calloc(1,sizeof(struct fuse_fs));
    if (!fs){
        fprintf(stderr,"fuse: failed to allocate fuse_fs object\n");
        return NULL;

    fs->user_data= user_data;
    if (op)
        memcpy(&fs->op, op, op_size);
    return fs;

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