[BKM]在Solaris上使用 vim + cscope 浏览内核源代码

来源:互联网 发布:thinkphp b2b源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 05:50

Using vim + cscope to browse kernel source code

  • Download vim source from here: [vim-7.1.tar.bz2].

  • Build vim with "-enable-cscope " option and install it.

[aubrey-neveda@vim71] export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sfw/bin
[aubrey-neveda@vim71] ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-cscope
[aubrey-neveda@vim71] make
[aubrey-neveda@vim71] su
# make install
[aubrey-neveda@vim71] which vim
  • Getting colors vim to work on Solaris
    • touch vimrc file and add the following line

[aubrey-neveda@vim71] cat ~/.vimrc
:syntax on
  • export environment variable TERM=xtermc

[aubrey-neveda@vim71] set | grep TERM

Now you should have a color vim. Open a C file to give a shot.

  • Download the cscope_maps.vim file, and stick it in your $HOME/.vim/plugin directory (create the directory if it doesn't exist).

[aubrey-neveda@vim71] ls -l ~/.vim/plugin/
total 16
-rwxr--r-- 1 nobody nobody 7336 Jul 12 09:58 cscope_maps.vim
  • Building cscope database manually. The ON 'xref' utility builds the database in cscope-fast format. So it has to be re-built.
    • cd to the directory where you want to start
    • find . -name *.h >>cscope.files.bak

    • find . -name *.c >>cscope.files.bak

    • grep -v SCCS cscope.files.bak >cscope.files

    • cscope -b

Now vim + cscope is ready to browse the source code. The following feature is very handy.

  • vim -t symbol: start vim and position the cursor at the file and line where the symbol is defined

  • ctrl + ]: find the symbol under the cursor
  • ctrl + / then s: find the caller of the symbol under the cursor
  • ctrl + t: jump back to the original location before the search