Delphi 6 SOAP 源码中的BUG修正

来源:互联网 发布:云梯 mac 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 23:11

Delphi 6 SOAP 源码中的BUG修正

最近我正在用delphi 6 做一个关于SOAP的项目,调试程序的时候跟踪源码发现了delphi 6的源码中的一些bug :(

在 delphi/source/soap 目录下面的XSBuiltIns.pas 文件中第438行如下:

procedure TXSDate.XSToNative(Value: WideString);var  TempDate: TDateTime;begin  FAdditionalYearDigits := Pos(XMLDateSeparator,Value) - (1 + XMLDefaultYearDigits);  TempDate := StrToDate(XMLDateToStr(Value, FAdditionalYearDigits));  // 注意这行代码  DecodeDate(TempDate, FYear, FMonth, FDay);end;

其中调用了一个XMLDateToStr函数,下面是该函数的代码(在XSBuiltIns.pas 的241行):

function XMLDateToStr(ADate: WideString; AddDigits: Word = 0): WideString; begin  Result := Copy(ADate, XMLMonthPos + AddDigits, 2) + DateSeparator +            Copy(ADate, XMLDayPos + AddDigits, 2 ) +            DateSeparator + Copy(ADate, XMLYearPos, XMLDefaultYearDigits + AddDigits); end;

注意, XMLDateToStr返回的日期格式是 MM-DD-YYYY。例如如果传过去的参数Adate = '2001-12-08',则XMLDateToStr('2001-12-08', 0)的结果是'12-08-2001'。XMLDateToStr的第二个参数AddDigits是多余的年代的位数,估计是用来解决千年虫问题的,对于标准的10位日期格式AddDigits始终是0。


TempDate := StrToDate(XMLDateToStr(Value, FAdditionalYearDigits));

以函数XMLDateToStr的返回值作为参数调用了StrToDate这个函数, 函数StrToDate的作用是将字符串转化为日期,这个函数的参数应该是一个表示日期的字符串,但是日期的字符串格式必须符合当前平台的区域设置,比如我们常用的中文平台的短日期格式一般是 YYYY-MM-DD,而英文平台一般是 MM-DD-YYYY,所以如果在中文的平台上调用strToDate()来格式化一个格式为"MM-DD-YYYY"的字符串就会产生一个日期格式错误异常!!


function StrToDate(const S: string): TDateTime; 
Call StrToDate to parse a string that specifies a date. If S does not contain a valid date, StrToDate raises an EConvertError exception.S must consist of two or three numbers, separated by the characterdefined by the DateSeparator global variable. The order for month, day, and year is determined by the ShortDateFormat global variable--possible combinations are m/d/y, d/m/y, and y/m/d.

过程DecodeDate(TempDate, FYear, FMonth, FDay);的最后一行代码

DecodeDate(TempDate, FYear, FMonth, FDay);

作用是将TempDate重新解析为FYear, FMonth, FDay三个域,其实可以直接从原来的字符串表示的日期中解析出这三个域,所以稍微修改一下就可以解决这个bug。

将delphi/source/soap 目录下面的XSBuiltIns.pas 文件中的第433行开始的函数改为

procedure TXSDate.XSToNative(Value: WideString);begin  FAdditionalYearDigits := Pos(XMLDateSeparator,Value) - (1 + XMLDefaultYearDigits);  try    FYear := StrToInt(Copy(Value, XMLYearPos, XMLDefaultYearDigits + FAdditionalYearDigits));    FMonth := StrToInt(Copy(Value, XMLDayPos + FAdditionalYearDigits, 2 ));    FDay := StrToInt(Copy(Value, XMLMonthPos + FAdditionalYearDigits, 2));  except    raise EConvertError.CreateResFmt(@SInvalidDate, [Value]);  end;end;


interfaceuses SysUtils, InvokeRegistry, SysConst;  // 加上了 SysConst, 因为资源字符串SInvalidDate定义在SysConst.pas中

另外,还是在delphi/source/soap 目录下面的XSBuiltIns.pas 文件中,下面这个函数:

// get Small Int Using Digits in value, positive or negative. function IntFromValue(Value: WideString; Digits: Integer): SmallInt; begin  Result := 0;  if Value[1] = '-' then    Result := StrToInt(Value)  else if Value <> '' then    Result := StrToInt(Copy(Value, 1, Digits));end;

很明显的bug呀!假如参数Value = '' 那么执行到 if Value[1]='-' then ..就出错了:( 事实上我的程序运行过程中就遇到这个情况,当SOAP通过XML传递过来的日期时间中没有包括时间的毫秒域的时候,就会遇到用一个''调用IntFromValue的情况。


// modified by starfishfunction IntFromValue(Value: WideString; Digits: Integer): SmallInt;begin  if Value = '' then    Result := 0  else if Value[1] = '-' then    Result := StrToInt(Value)  else     Result := StrToInt(Copy(Value, 1, Digits));end;


function TXSTime.GetAsTime: TDateTime;
function TXSDate.GetAsDate: TDateTime;
function TXSCustomDateTime.GetAsDateTime: TDateTime;



下面修改后的XSBuiltIns.pas文件,将其放入 delpi/source/soap/ 目录下覆盖原来的文件并重新编译所有的SOAP项目即可。

 {*******************************************************}{                                                       }{ Borland Delphi Visual Component Library               }{                SOAP Support                           }{                                                       }{ Copyright (c) 2001 Borland Software Corporation       }{                                                       }{*******************************************************}unit XSBuiltIns;interface// SysConst, DateUtils is added by starfishuses SysUtils, InvokeRegistry, SysConst, DateUtils;const  SoapTimePrefix = 'T';  XMLDateSeparator = '-';  XMLHourOffsetMinusMarker = '-';  XMLHourOffsetPlusMarker = '+';  XMLTimeSeparator = ':';  XMLMonthPos = 6;  XMLDayPos = 9;  XMLYearPos = 1;  XMLMilSecPos = 10;  XMLDefaultYearDigits = 4;  XMLDurationStart = 'P';  XMLDurationYear = 'Y';  XMLDurationMonth = 'M';  XMLDurationDay = 'D';  XMLDurationHour = 'H';  XMLDurationMinute = 'M';  XMLDurationSecond = 'S';resourcestring  SInvalidHour = 'Invalid hour: %d';  SInvalidMinute = 'Invalid minute: %d';  SInvalidSecond = 'Invalid second: %d';  SInvalidFractionSecond = 'Invalid second: %f';  SInvalidMillisecond = 'Invalid millisecond: %d';  SInvalidHourOffset = 'Invalid hour offset: %d';  SInvalidDay = 'Invalid day: %d';  SInvalidMonth = 'Invalid month: %d';  SInvalidDuration = 'Invalid Duration String: %s';type{ forward declarations }TXSDuration = class;TXSTime = class;TXSDate = class;TXSDateTime = class;{ TXSTime }TXSTime = class(TRemotableXS)  private    FHour: Word;    FMinute: Word;    FSecond: Word;    FMillisecond: Word;    FHourOffset: SmallInt;    FMinuteOffset: SmallInt;    function BuildHourOffset: WideString;  protected    function GetAsTime: TDateTime;    procedure SetAsTime(Value: TDateTime);    procedure SetHour(const Value: Word);    procedure SetMinute(const Value: Word);    procedure SetSecond(const Value: Word);    procedure SetMillisecond(const Value: Word);    procedure SetHourOffset(const Value: SmallInt);    procedure SetMinuteOffset(const Value: SmallInt);  public    function Clone: TXSTime;    property Hour: Word read FHour write SetHour default 0;    property Minute: Word read FMinute write SetMinute default 0;    property Second: Word read FSecond write SetSecond default 0;    property Millisecond: Word read FMillisecond write SetMillisecond default 0;    property HourOffset: SmallInt read FHourOffset write SetHourOffset default 0;    property MinuteOffset: SmallInt read FMinuteOffset write SetMinuteOffset;    procedure XSToNative(Value: WideString); override;    function NativeToXS: WideString; override;    property AsTime: TDateTime read GetAsTime write SetAsTime;end;{ TXSDate }TXSDate = class(TRemotableXS)  private    FAdditionalYearDigits: Word;    FMonth: Word;    FDay: Word;    FYear: Word;    FMaxDay: Word;    FMaxMonth: Word;    FMinDay: Word;    FMinMonth: Word;  protected    function GetAsDate: TDateTime;    procedure SetAsDate(Value: TDateTime);    procedure SetMonth(const Value: Word);    procedure SetDay(const Value: Word);    procedure SetYear(const Value: Word);    property MaxDay: Word read FMaxDay write FMaxDay;    property MaxMonth: Word read FMaxMonth write FMaxMonth;    property MinDay: Word read FMinDay write FMinDay;    property MinMonth: Word read FMinMonth write FMinMonth;  public    constructor Create; override;    property Month: Word read FMonth write SetMonth default 0;    property Day: Word read FDay write SetDay default 0;    property Year: Word read FYear write SetYear default 0;    function Clone: TXSDate;    procedure XSToNative(Value: WideString); override;    function NativeToXS: WideString; override;    property AsDate: TDateTime read GetAsDate write SetAsDate;end;{ TXSCustomDateTime }TXSCustomDateTime = class(TRemotableXS)  private    FDateParam: TXSDate;    FTimeParam: TXSTime;  protected    function GetAsDateTime: TDateTime;    function GetHour: Word;    function GetMinute: Word;    function GetSecond: Word;    function GetMonth: Word;    function GetDay: Word;    function GetYear: Word;    function GetMillisecond: Word;    function GetHourOffset: SmallInt;    function GetMinuteOffset: SmallInt;    procedure SetAsDateTime(Value: TDateTime);    procedure SetHour(const Value: Word); virtual;    procedure SetMinute(const Value: Word); virtual;    procedure SetSecond(const Value: Word); virtual;    procedure SetMillisecond(const Value: Word); virtual;    procedure SetHourOffset(const Value: SmallInt); virtual;    procedure SetMinuteOffset(const Value: SmallInt); virtual;    procedure SetMonth(const Value: Word); virtual;    procedure SetDay(const Value: Word); virtual;    procedure SetYear(const Value: Word); virtual;  public    constructor Create;  override;    destructor Destroy; override;    property AsDateTime: TDateTime read GetAsDateTime write SetAsDateTime;    property Hour: Word read GetHour write SetHour default 0;    property Minute: Word read GetMinute write SetMinute default 0;    property Second: Word read GetSecond write SetSecond default 0;    // the following line is added by starfish    property Millisecond: Word read GetMillisecond write SetMillisecond default 0;    property Month: Word read GetMonth write SetMonth default 0;    property Day: Word read GetDay write SetDay default 0;    property Year: Word read GetYear write SetYear default 0;end;{ TXSDateTime }TXSDateTime = class(TXSCustomDateTime)  private    function ValidValue(Value, Subtract, Min, Max: Integer; var Remainder: Integer): Integer;  public      function CompareDateTimeParam(const Value1, Value2: TXSDateTime): TXSDuration;  public    function Clone: TXSDateTime;    property Millisecond: Word read GetMillisecond write SetMillisecond default 0;    property HourOffset: SmallInt read GetHourOffset write SetHourOffset default 0;    property MinuteOffset: SmallInt read GetMinuteOffset write SetMinuteOffset default 0;    procedure XSToNative(Value: WideString); override;    function NativeToXS: WideString; override;end;TXSDuration = class(TXSCustomDateTime)  private    FDecimalSecond: Double;    function GetDecimalValue(const AParam: String; const AType: string): Double;    function GetIntegerValue(const AParam: String; const AType: string): Integer;    function GetNumericString(const AParam: string; const AType: String;             const Decimals: Boolean = False): WideString;  protected    procedure SetDecimalSecond(const Value: Double);  public    constructor Create; override;    procedure XSToNative(Value: WideString); override;    function NativeToXS: WideString; override;    property DecimalSecond: Double read FDecimalSecond write SetDecimalSecond;end;EXSDateTimeException = class(Exception);{ Utility function }function DateTimeToXSDateTime(Value: TDateTime; CalcLocalBias: Boolean = False): TXSDateTime;implementationuses SoapConst, Windows;{ exception routines }procedure SoapDateTimeError(const Message: string); local;begin  raise EXSDateTimeException.Create(Message);end;procedure SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(const Message: string; const Args: array of const); local;begin  SoapDateTimeError(Format(Message,Args));end;{ Utility functions }procedure AddUTCBias(var DateTime: TXSDateTime);var  Info: TTimeZoneInformation;  Status: DWORD;begin  Status := GetTimeZoneInformation(Info);  if (Status = TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN) or (Status = TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID) then    SoapDateTimeError(SInvalidTimeZone);  DateTime.HourOffset := Info.Bias div 60;  DateTime.MinuteOffset := Info.Bias - (DateTime.HourOffset * 60);end;function DateTimeToXSDateTime(Value: TDateTime; CalcLocalBias: Boolean = False): TXSDateTime;begin  Result := TXSDateTime.Create;  Result.AsDateTime := Value;  if CalcLocalBias then    AddUTCBias(Result);end;procedure ParseXMLDate(ADate: WideString; var Year, Month, Day: Word);begin  Year := StrToInt(Copy(ADate, XMLYearPos, 4));  Month := StrToInt(Copy(ADate, XMLMonthPos, 2));  Day := StrToInt(Copy(ADate, XMLDayPos, 2));end;function XMLDateToStr(ADate: WideString; AddDigits: Word = 0): WideString;begin  Result := Copy(ADate, XMLMonthPos + AddDigits, 2) + DateSeparator +            Copy(ADate, XMLDayPos + AddDigits, 2 ) +            DateSeparator + Copy(ADate, XMLYearPos, XMLDefaultYearDigits + AddDigits);end;{ the following code has a bug, modified by starfish// get Small Int Using Digits in value, positive or negative. function IntFromValue(Value: WideString; Digits: Integer): SmallInt; begin  Result := 0;  if Value[1] = '-' then    Result := StrToInt(Value)  else if Value <> '' then    Result := StrToInt(Copy(Value, 1, Digits));end;}// modified by starfishfunction IntFromValue(Value: WideString; Digits: Integer): SmallInt;begin  if Value = '' then    Result := 0  else if Value[1] = '-' then    Result := StrToInt(Value)  else     Result := StrToInt(Copy(Value, 1, Digits));end;{ TXSTime }function TXSTime.Clone: TXSTime;begin  Result := TXSTime.Create;  Result.Hour := Hour;  Result.Minute := Minute;  Result.Second := Second;  Result.MilliSecond := MilliSecond;  Result.HourOffset := HourOffset;  Result.MinuteOffset := MinuteOffset;end;procedure TXSTime.SetHour(const Value: Word);begin  if Value < HoursPerDay then    FHour := Value  else    SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidHour, [Value]);end;procedure TXSTime.SetMinute(const Value: Word);begin  if Value < 60 then    FMinute := Value  else    SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidMinute, [Value]);end;procedure TXSTime.SetSecond(const Value: Word);begin  if Value < 60 then    FSecond := Value  else    SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidSecond, [Value]);end;procedure TXSTime.SetMillisecond(const Value: Word);begin  if Value < 1000 then    FMillisecond := Value  else    SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidMillisecond, [Value]);end;procedure TXSTime.SetHourOffset(const Value: SmallInt);begin  if Abs(Value) <= (HoursPerDay div 2) then    FHourOffset := Value  else    SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidHourOffset, [Value]);end;procedure TXSTime.SetMinuteOffset(const Value: SmallInt);begin  if Abs(Value) < 60 then    FMinuteOffset := Value  else    SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidMinute, [Value]);end;procedure TXSTime.XSToNative(Value: WideString);var  TempValue: WideString;  TempTime: TDateTime;  HourOffsetPos: Integer;begin  TempValue := StringReplace(Copy(Value, 1, 8), XMLTimeSeparator, TimeSeparator, []);  TempTime := StrToTime(TempValue);  DecodeTime(TempTime, FHour, FMinute, FSecond, FMillisecond);  TempValue := Copy(Value, XMLMilSecPos, 3);  Millisecond := IntFromValue(TempValue, 3);  HourOffsetPos := Pos(XMLHourOffsetMinusMarker, Value);  if HourOffsetPos = 0 then    HourOffsetPos := Pos(XMLHourOffsetPlusMarker, Value);  if HourOffsetPos > 0 then  begin    TempValue := Copy(Value, HourOffsetPos + 1, 2);    HourOffset := IntFromValue(TempValue, 2);    TempValue := Copy(Value, HourOffsetPos + 4, 2);    if TempValue <> '' then      MinuteOffSet := IntFromValue(TempValue,2);  end;  end;function TXSTime.BuildHourOffset: WideString;var  Marker: String;begin  if Abs(HourOffset) + MinuteOffset <> 0 then  begin    if HourOffset > 0 then      Marker := XMLHourOffsetPlusMarker    else      Marker := XMLHourOffsetMinusMarker;    Result := IntToStr(Abs(HourOffset));    if Abs(HourOffset) < 10 then      Result := '0' + Result;    if Abs(MinuteOffSet) > 9 then      Result := Result + XMLTimeSeparator + IntToStr(Abs(MinuteOffset))    else if Abs(MinuteOffSet) > 0 then      Result := Result + XMLTimeSeparator + '0' + IntToStr(Abs(MinuteOffset))    else      Result := Result + XMLTimeSeparator + '00';    Result := Marker + Result;  end;end;function TXSTime.NativeToXS: WideString;var  TempTime: TDateTime;  FormatString: string;begin  if Hour + Minute + Second = 0 then exit;  TempTime := EncodeTime(Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond);   // exception thrown if invalid  FormatString := Format('hh%snn%sss.zzz', [XMLTimeSeparator, XMLTimeSeparator]);  Result := FormatDateTime(FormatString, TempTime) + BuildHourOffset;end;procedure TXSTime.SetAsTime(Value: TDateTime);begin  DecodeTime(Value, FHour, FMinute, FSecond, FMillisecond);end;{ the following function has a bug! rewrite by starfishfunction TXSTime.GetAsTime: TDateTime;var  TimeString: string;  Colon: string;begin  Colon := TimeSeparator;  TimeString := IntToStr(Hour) + Colon + IntToStr(Minute) + Colon +                IntToStr(Second);  Result := StrToTime(TimeString);end;}function TXSTime.GetAsTime: TDateTime;begin  Result := EncodeTime(Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond); end;{ TXSDate }constructor TXSDate.Create;begin  inherited Create;  FMaxMonth := 12;  FMinMonth := 1;  FMaxDay := 31;  FMinDay := 1;end;  function TXSDate.Clone: TXSDate;begin  Result := TXSDate.Create;  Result.Day := Day;  Result.Month := Month;  Result.Year := Year;end;procedure TXSDate.SetMonth(const Value: Word);begin  if (Value <= FMaxMonth) and (Value >= FMinMonth) then    FMonth := Value  else    SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidMonth, [Value]);end;procedure TXSDate.SetDay(const Value: Word);begin  if (Value <= FMaxDay) and (Value >= FMinDay) then   // perform more complete check when all values set    FDay := Value  else    SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidDay, [Value]);end;procedure TXSDate.SetYear(const Value: Word);begin  FYear := Valueend;// the following code has a bug! rewrite by starfish{procedure TXSDate.XSToNative(Value: WideString); var  TempDate: TDateTime;begin  FAdditionalYearDigits := Pos(XMLDateSeparator,Value) - (1 + XMLDefaultYearDigits);  TempDate := StrToDate(XMLDateToStr(Value, FAdditionalYearDigits));  DecodeDate(TempDate, FYear, FMonth, FDay);end;}procedure TXSDate.XSToNative(Value: WideString);begin  FAdditionalYearDigits := Pos(XMLDateSeparator,Value) - (1 + XMLDefaultYearDigits);  try    FYear := StrToInt(Copy(Value, XMLYearPos, XMLDefaultYearDigits + FAdditionalYearDigits));    FMonth := StrToInt(Copy(Value, XMLDayPos + FAdditionalYearDigits, 2 ));    FDay := StrToInt(Copy(Value, XMLMonthPos + FAdditionalYearDigits, 2));  except    raise EConvertError.CreateResFmt(@SInvalidDate, [Value]);  end;end;function TXSDate.NativeToXS: WideString; var  TempDate: TDateTime;  FormatString: string;begin  if Year + Month + Day = 0 then exit;  TempDate := EncodeDate(Year, Month, Day);   // exception thrown if invalid  FormatString := Format('yyyy%smm%sdd', [XMLDateSeparator, XMLDateSeparator]);  Result := FormatDateTime(FormatString, TempDate);end;{ the following code has a bug! rewrite by starfishfunction TXSDate.GetAsDate: TDateTime;var  DateString: string;  Slash: string;begin  Slash := DateSeparator;  DateString := IntToStr(Month) + Slash + IntToStr(Day) + Slash + IntToStr(Year);  Result := StrToDate(DateString);end;}function TXSDate.GetAsDate: TDateTime;begin  Result := EncodeDate(Year, Month, Day);end;procedure TXSDate.SetAsDate(Value: TDateTime);begin  DecodeDate(Value, FYear, FMonth, FDay);end;{ TXSCustomDateTime }constructor TXSCustomDateTime.Create;begin  Inherited Create;  FDateParam := TXSDate.Create;  FTimeParam := TXSTime.Create;end;destructor TXSCustomDateTime.Destroy;begin  FDateParam.Free;  FTimeParam.Free;  inherited Destroy;end;function TXSCustomDateTime.GetHour: Word;begin  Result := FTimeParam.Hour;end;function TXSCustomDateTime.GetMinute: Word;begin  Result := FTimeParam.Minute;end;function TXSCustomDateTime.GetSecond: Word;begin  Result := FTimeParam.Second;end;function TXSCustomDateTime.GetMilliSecond: Word;begin  Result := FTimeParam.MilliSecond;end;function TXSCustomDateTime.GetHourOffset: SmallInt;begin  Result := FTimeParam.HourOffset;end;function TXSCustomDateTime.GetMinuteOffset: SmallInt;begin  Result := FTimeParam.MinuteOffset;end;function TXSCustomDateTime.GetMonth: Word;begin  Result := FDateParam.Month;end;function TXSCustomDateTime.GetDay: Word;begin  Result := FDateParam.Day;end;function TXSCustomDateTime.GetYear: Word;begin  Result := FDateParam.Year;end;procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetHour(const Value: Word);begin  FTimeParam.SetHour(Value);end;procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetMinute(const Value: Word);begin  FTimeParam.SetMinute(Value);end;procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetSecond(const Value: Word);begin  FTimeParam.SetSecond(Value);end;procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetMillisecond(const Value: Word);begin  FTimeParam.SetMillisecond(Value);end;procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetHourOffset(const Value: SmallInt);begin  FTimeParam.SetHourOffset(Value);end;procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetMinuteOffset(const Value: SmallInt);begin  FTimeParam.SetMinuteOffset(Value);end;procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetMonth(const Value: Word);begin  FDateParam.SetMonth(Value);end;procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetDay(const Value: Word);begin  FDateParam.SetDay(Value);end;procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetYear(const Value: Word);begin  FDateParam.SetYear(Value);end;procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetAsDateTime(Value: TDateTime);begin  FDateParam.AsDate := Value;  FTimeParam.AsTime := Value;end;{  the following code has a bug, modified by starfishfunction TXSCustomDateTime.GetAsDateTime: TDateTime;var  DateString: string;  Slash: string;  Colon: string;begin  Slash := DateSeparator;  Colon := TimeSeparator;  DateString := IntToStr(Month) + Slash + IntToStr(Day) + Slash + IntToStr(Year)                + ' ' + IntToStr(Hour) + Colon + IntToStr(Minute) + Colon +                IntToStr(Second);  Result := StrToDateTime(DateString);end;}function TXSCustomDateTime.GetAsDateTime: TDateTime;begin  Result := EncodeDateTime(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond);end;{ TXSDateTime }function TXSDateTime.Clone: TXSDateTime;begin  Result := TXSDateTime.Create;  Result.FDateParam.Day := Day;  Result.FDateParam.Month := Month;  Result.FDateParam.Year := Year;  Result.FTimeParam.Hour := Hour;  Result.FTimeParam.Minute := Minute;  Result.FTimeParam.Second := Second;  Result.FTimeParam.MilliSecond := MilliSecond;  Result.FTimeParam.HourOffset := HourOffset;  Result.FTimeParam.MinuteOffset := MinuteOffset;end;procedure TXSDateTime.XSToNative(Value: WideString);var  TimeString, DateString: WideString;  TimePosition: Integer;begin  TimePosition := Pos(SoapTimePrefix, Value);  if TimePosition > 0 then  begin    DateString := Copy(Value, 1, TimePosition -1);    TimeString := Copy(Value, TimePosition + 1, Length(Value) - TimePosition);    FDateParam.XSToNative(DateString);    FTimeParam.XSToNative(TimeString);  end else    FDateParam.XSToNative(Value);end;function TXSDateTime.NativeToXS: WideString;var  TimeString: WideString;begin  TimeString := FTimeParam.NativeToXS;  if TimeString <> '' then    Result := FDateParam.NativeToXS + SoapTimePrefix + TimeString  else    Result := FDateParam.NativeToXS;end;function TXSDateTime.ValidValue(Value, Subtract, Min, Max: Integer; var Remainder: Integer): Integer;begin  Result := Value - Subtract;  Remainder := 0;  if Result < Min then  begin    Remainder := 1;    Inc(Result,Max);  end;  end;function TXSDateTime.CompareDateTimeParam(const Value1, Value2: TXSDateTime): TXSDuration;var  Remainder, Milliseconds, Seconds: Integer;begin    Result := TXSDuration.Create;    try      MilliSeconds := ValidValue(Value1.Millisecond, Value2.Millisecond, 0, 1000, Remainder);      Seconds := ValidValue(Value1.Second + Remainder, Value2.Second, 0, 60, Remainder);      Result.DecimalSecond := Seconds + Milliseconds / 1000;      Result.Minute := ValidValue(Value1.Minute + Remainder, Value2.Minute, 0, 60, Remainder);      Result.Hour := ValidValue(Value1.Hour + Remainder, Value2.Hour, 0, 24, Remainder);      Result.Day := ValidValue(Value1.Day + Remainder, Value2.Day, 0, 31, Remainder);      Result.Month := ValidValue(Value1.Month + Remainder, Value2.Month, 0, 12, Remainder);      Result.Year := ValidValue(Value1.Year + Remainder, Value2.Year, -9999, 0, Remainder);    except      Result.Free;      Result := nil;    end;end;{ TXSDuration }constructor TXSDuration.Create;begin  inherited Create;  FDateParam.MaxDay := 30;  FDateParam.MinDay := 0;  FDateParam.MaxMonth := 11;  FDateParam.MinMonth := 0;end;procedure TXSDuration.SetDecimalSecond(const Value: Double);begin  if Value < 60 then    FDecimalSecond := Value  else      SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidFractionSecond, [Value]);end;function TXSDuration.GetNumericString(const AParam: string; const AType: string;         const Decimals: Boolean = False): WideString;var  I, J: Integer;begin  I := Pos(AType, AParam);  J := I;  while (I > 0) and ((AParam[I-1] in ['0'..'9']) or        (Decimals and (AParam[I-1] = '.'))) do    Dec(I);  if J > I then    Result := Copy(AParam, I, J-I)  else    Result := '0';  end;function TXSDuration.GetIntegerValue(const AParam: string; const AType: string): Integer;begin  Result := StrToInt(GetNumericString(AParam, AType));end;function TXSDuration.GetDecimalValue(const AParam: string; const AType: string): Double;begin  Result := StrToFloat(GetNumericString(AParam, AType, True));end;procedure TXSDuration.XSToNative(Value: WideString);var  DateString, TimeString: string;  TimePosition: Integer;begin  if Value[1] <> XMLDurationStart then    SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidDuration, [Value]);  TimePosition := Pos(SoapTimePrefix, Value);  if TimePosition > 0 then  begin    TimeString := Copy(Value, TimePosition + 1, Length(Value) - TimePosition);    DateString := Copy(Value, 1, TimePosition - 1);  end else    DateString := Value;  Year := GetIntegerValue(DateString, XMLDurationYear);  Month := GetIntegerValue(DateString, XMLDurationMonth);  Day := GetIntegerValue(DateString, XMLDurationDay);  if TimePosition > 0 then  begin    Hour := GetIntegerValue(TimeString, XMLDurationHour);    Minute := GetIntegerValue(TimeString, XMLDurationMinute);    DecimalSecond := GetDecimalValue(TimeString, XMLDurationSecond);  end;end;{ format is 'P1Y2M3DT10H30M12.3S' }function TXSDuration.NativeToXS: WideString;begin  Result := XMLDurationStart +              IntToStr(Year) + XMLDurationYear +              IntToStr(Month) + XMLDurationMonth +              IntToStr(Day) + XMLDurationDay + SoapTimePrefix +              IntToStr(Hour) + XMLDurationHour +              IntToStr(Minute) + XMLDurationMinute +              FloatToStr(DecimalSecond) + XMLDurationSecond;end;initialization  RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(TXSDateTime, XMLSchemaNameSpace, 'dateTime', '',True );  RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(TXSTime, XMLSchemaNameSpace, 'time', '', True );  RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(TXSDate, XMLSchemaNameSpace, 'date', '', True );  RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(TXSDuration, XMLSchemaNameSpace, 'duration', '', True );finalization  RemClassRegistry.UnRegisterXSClass(TXSDateTime);  RemClassRegistry.UnRegisterXSClass(TXSTime);  RemClassRegistry.UnRegisterXSClass(TXSDate);  RemClassRegistry.UnRegisterXSClass(TXSDuration);end.