
来源:互联网 发布:电脑视频剪辑小软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 08:54

大三上学期,上了一门Data Structure and Algorithms 也就是数据结构与算法,当时刚来到国外,上课听讲也是半懂半晕的,基本都是靠课下自己重新看讲义,自己实践。










最后的文件有4个,Lee, function, verification以及measurement。分别用来实现lee算法,提供定义grid功能,检验错误,测试性能。


package Test;import static Test.functions.*;import java.util.ArrayList;public class Lee {ArrayList<int[]> wave = new ArrayList<int[]>();/* * Start: x1,y1 are the coordinate of goal point; i,j is one point of the * current wave front. grid[i][j] will tell the expandWave the current k * value. */void Start(int x0,int y0,int x1, int y1) {int[] q = {x0,y0};wave.add(q);for (int m = 0; m < 10000; m++) {int[] p = (int[]) wave.get(m);int i = p[0];int j = p[1];if (expandWave(grid[i][j], i, j, x1, y1) == 1)return;}}/* * expandWave will expand from the current point grid[i][j]. For every * successful expand on each direction, the ArrayList wave will store a * small array q which contains the coordinate. If the goal was found, then * return 1 and end the loop; */int expandWave(int k, int i, int j, int x1, int y1) {if (i + 1 < gridW && grid[i + 1][j] == 0) {grid[i + 1][j] = k + 1;int[] q = { i + 1, j };wave.add(q);//Store WaveFrontif (i + 1 == x1 && j == y1)return 1;}if (j + 1 < gridH && grid[i][j + 1] == 0) {grid[i][j + 1] = k + 1;int[] q = { i, j + 1 };wave.add(q);if (i == x1 && j + 1 == y1)return 1;}if (i - 1 >= 0 && grid[i - 1][j] == 0) {grid[i - 1][j] = k + 1;int[] q = { i - 1, j };wave.add(q);if (i - 1 == x1 && j == y1)return 1;}if (j - 1 >=0 && grid[i][j - 1] == 0) {grid[i][j - 1] = k + 1;int[] q = { i, j - 1 };wave.add(q);if (i == x1 && j - 1 == y1)return 1;}return 0;}/* * backtracking will start from the goal point and back to the start point */void backtracking(int x1, int y1, int n) {int k = grid[x1][y1];while (k > 1) {while (x1 + 1 < gridW && grid[x1 + 1][y1] == k - 1 && k!=1) {x1++;k--;grid[x1][y1] = T + n;}while (x1 > 0 && grid[x1 - 1][y1] == k - 1 && k!=1) {x1--;k--;grid[x1][y1] = T + n;}while (y1 + 1 < gridH && grid[x1][y1 + 1] == k - 1 && k!=1) {y1++;k--;grid[x1][y1] = T + n;}while (y1 > 0 && grid[x1][y1 - 1] == k - 1 && k!=1) {y1--;k--;grid[x1][y1] = T + n;}}}}


package Test;public class functions {static int gridW=77, gridH=77;static int [][] grid;final static int O = 1000; //Occupied;final static int T = 1500; //Tracks,Only for the backtracking;final static int J = 1200; //The start value of Joints;//This will reset the gridstatic int[][] createGrid(int W,int H){int[][] grid = new int[H][];for (int i=0;i<grid.length;i++)grid[i] = new int[W];return grid;}//This will clean the search numbersstatic void cleanGrid(){for (int x = 0; x < gridH; x++) {for (int z = 0; z < gridW; z++) {if (grid[z][x] <1000){grid[z][x] = 0;}}}}//This will print out the current grid.//0,print the current grid without clean//1,clean the gridstatic void printgrid(int i){for (int x = 0; x < gridH; x++) {for (int z = 0; z < gridW; z++) {if (grid[z][x] <1000){if (i == 1){grid[z][x]=0;System.out.print("-");}if (i == 0){if (grid[z][x] > 9)System.out.print((char)(grid[z][x]-10+'A'));else{if (grid[z][x]==0)System.out.print("-");if (grid[z][x]>0)System.out.print(grid[z][x]);}}}//print other kind of valuesif (grid[z][x] == O)System.out.print("*");if (grid[z][x] > T)System.out.print((char)(grid[z][x]-T+'A'-1));if (grid[z][x] > J && grid[z][x] < T)System.out.print((char)(grid[z][x]-J+'a'-1));}System.out.println(" "); }}}


if (w[0].equals("J")) {int x0 = Integer.parseInt(w[1]);int y0 = Integer.parseInt(w[2]);int x1 = Integer.parseInt(w[3]);int y1 = Integer.parseInt(w[4]);grid[x0][y0] = 1; // Set the start point as 1;n++;// The n helps to distinguish different Tracks and joints;long startTime = System.nanoTime();Lee lee = new Lee(); // Initialize Lee and pass the start point;lee.Start(x0, y0, x1, y1); // Pass the goal point;lee.backtracking(x1, y1, n);long timeCost = (System.nanoTime() - startTime);time += timeCost;grid[x0][y0] = J + n;grid[x1][y1] = J + n;cleanGrid();}



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