
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝儿童牛仔裤 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 04:04

/*********************************************************************** * predict.c: h264 encoder *********************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003 Laurent Aimar * $Id: predict.c,v 1.1 2004/06/03 19:27:07 fenrir Exp $ * * Authors: Laurent Aimar <fenrir@via.ecp.fr> *          Loren Merritt <lorenm@u.washington.edu> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111, USA. *********************************************************************/* predict4x4 are inspired from ffmpeg h264 decoder */#include "common.h"#include "clip1.h"#ifdef _MSC_VER#undef HAVE_MMXEXT  /* not finished now */#endif#ifdef HAVE_MMXEXT#   include "i386/predict.h"#endif/******************************************************************** * 16x16 prediction for intra luma block ********************************************************************#define PREDICT_16x16_DC(v) \ 本函数用v对16x16的所有像素进行赋值,循环一次赋值一行16个像素(宏定义)    for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ )\    {\  第一句既表明p指向的是32位无符号整型变量,也表明其指向的是src(像素起始位置)正因为是32位所以才有后面一次能给4个像素赋值        uint32_t *p = (uint32_t*)src;\         *p++ = v;\  指针加1 移四个字节即32位 ,这一句可以给四个像素点赋值,一个像素占一个字节        *p++ = v;\        *p++ = v;\        *p++ = v;\        src += FDEC_STRIDE;\  FDEC_STRIDE=32 和 FENC_STRIDE=16 是定义的。这里32,16 是字节数。(根据存储空间的使用规则不难理解)    }static void predict_16x16_dc( uint8_t *src ) 本函数是用当前宏块上方和左方共32个像素的和的均值进行预测,预测后所有16x16个像素的值都被该均值替代{    uint32_t dc = 0;-------------------------------------定义dc为32 位无符号整型数 (目的同上)    int i;     for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ )    {        dc += src[-1 + i * FDEC_STRIDE];--------当前宏块的第i行左方的像素值        dc += src[i - FDEC_STRIDE]; -------------此时dc为(宏块第i行左方的像素值)+(宏块第i 列上方的像素值)    }-------------------------------------------------------循环16次后dc为当前宏块左方和上方所有32 个像素的和     dc = (( dc + 16 ) >> 5) * 0x01010101;-----------所有32个像素取均值:+16是为了四舍五入,右移5表示除以2的5次方即32,* 0x01010101为了一次能给4个像素赋值。                                          (例如0x12* 0x01010101=0x12121212,用windows自带的计算器可查看)对照PREDICT_16x16_DC(v)即可明白其作用    PREDICT_16x16_DC(dc);------------------------将得出来的dc带入该赋值函数所有16x16个像素的值相同}static void predict_16x16_dc_left( uint8_t *src ) 本函数用左边的16个像素的均值对当前宏块进行预测,预测后当前宏块的所有16x16个像素的值都被该均值替代{    uint32_t dc = 0;    int i;    for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ )    {        dc += src[-1 + i * FDEC_STRIDE];----------当前宏块的第i行的左边像素的值    }----------------------------------------------------------循环16次后dc为当前宏块左方的16个像素值的和    dc = (( dc + 8 ) >> 4) * 0x01010101;---------------对16个像素取均值   PREDICT_16x16_DC(dc);--------------------------对16x16所有像素赋值   }static void predict_16x16_dc_top( uint8_t *src ) 本函数用上方16个像素点的均值覆盖当前16x16块的所有像素值{    uint32_t dc = 0;    int i;    for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ )    {        dc += src[i - FDEC_STRIDE];------------当前宏块第i 列上方的像素值     }    dc = (( dc + 8 ) >> 4) * 0x01010101;-----------求均值    PREDICT_16x16_DC(dc);}static void predict_16x16_dc_128( uint8_t *src ) 本函数用固定值128即0x80对16x16块的所有像素进行覆盖{    int i;    PREDICT_16x16_DC(0x80808080);}static void predict_16x16_h( uint8_t *src ) 本函数用当前块的左方像素进行水平方向的预测(宏块的第i 行所有像素值都等于其左边的像素值){    int i;    for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ )    {        const uint32_t v = 0x01010101 * src[-1]; ------------- src[-1]是当前宏块第i行左方的像素值( i = 0; i < 16; i++ )        uint32_t *p = (uint32_t*)src;        *p++ = v;        *p++ = v;        *p++ = v;        *p++ = v;         src += FDEC_STRIDE;-----------------------------------循环一次,指针向下移一行    }---------------------------------------------------------------------循环一次预测一行,共循环十六次}static void predict_16x16_v( uint8_t *src ) 本函数用当前块的上方像素进行垂直方向预测(宏块的第i列像素都等于其上方的像素值){ (因为v是32位,四字节无符号整型数,可以将src指向的连续四个字节的单元内的值赋给它)   uint32_t v0 = *(uint32_t*)&src[ 0-FDEC_STRIDE];------v0为当前块上方第0-3个像素值    uint32_t v1 = *(uint32_t*)&src[ 4-FDEC_STRIDE];------v1为当前块上方第4-7个像素值    uint32_t v2 = *(uint32_t*)&src[ 8-FDEC_STRIDE];------v2为当前块上方第8-11个像素值    uint32_t v3 = *(uint32_t*)&src[12-FDEC_STRIDE];------v3为当前块上方第12-15个像素值    int i;    for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ )    {        uint32_t *p = (uint32_t*)src;----p指向当前块的第一个像素单元        *p++ = v0;-------------------------将v0赋给当前块第i行第0-3个像素        *p++ = v1;-------------------------将v1赋给当前块第i行第4-7个像素        *p++ = v2;-------------------------将v2赋给当前块第i行第8-11个像素        *p++ = v3;-------------------------将v3赋给当前块第i行第12-15个像素        src += FDEC_STRIDE;----------使src指向下一行开始位置    }}static void predict_16x16_p( uint8_t *src ) 用特定的计算方法对宏块进行预测{    int x, y, i;                                                                           int a, b, c;                                                                           int H = 0;                                                                            int V = 0;                                                                            int i00;    /* calcule H and V */    for( i = 0; i <= 7; i++ )-------循环8次    {         H += ( i + 1 ) * ( src[ 8 + i - FDEC_STRIDE ] - src[6 -i -FDEC_STRIDE] ); ---------宏块上方对应位置的16个像素点相减再求和(用到了左上角的点而舍弃了中间点)        V += ( i + 1 ) * ( src[-1 + (8+i)*FDEC_STRIDE] - src[-1 + (6-i)*FDEC_STRIDE] );------宏块左方对应位置的16个像素点相减再求和    }---------------根据公式计算H和V以及a、b、c的值    a = 16 * ( src[-1 + 15*FDEC_STRIDE] + src[15 - FDEC_STRIDE] );    b = ( 5 * H + 32 ) >> 6;    c = ( 5 * V + 32 ) >> 6;    i00 = a - b * 7 - c * 7 + 16;    for( y = 0; y < 16; y++ )    {        int pix = i00;         for( x = 0; x < 16; x++ )--------------------循环一次对一列像素点附值        {            src[x] = x264_clip_uint8( pix>>5 );            pix += b;------------------------循环一次增加( 5 * H + 32 ) >> 6        }-----Pred(x,j) =clip((a+b(-7+x)+c(-7+j))+16)>>5)第j行所有像素的预测值        src += FDEC_STRIDE;---------------------指向下一行        i00 += c;--------------------------------循环一次增加( 5 * V + 32 ) >> 6    }----Pred(x,y) = clip((a+b(-7+x)+c(-7+y))+16)>>5)   16*16所有像素的预测值}分析:A、255=2e8=1111 1111,(~255)= 0xffffff00a&0xffffff00,如果不等于0,分两种情况1.a<0,那么最高位肯定是1,-a变为正数,移位31后必然全为0,即0x00000000,结果为02.a>0,那么最高位肯定是0,另外a肯定>255,-a变为负数,移位31后必然全为1,即0xffffffff,结果为255所以通过(-a)>>31这样的运算避免了判断:if(a<0)return 0;else if(a>255) return 255;else return a;B、a&0xffffff00,如果等于0,说明0<a<255,不需要处理,直接输出./***************************************************************** * 8x8 prediction for intra chroma block *****************************************************************static void predict_8x8c_dc_128( uint8_t *src ){    int y;    for( y = 0; y < 8; y++ )    {        uint32_t *p = (uint32_t*)src;        *p++ = 0x80808080;        *p++ = 0x80808080;        src += FDEC_STRIDE;    }}static void predict_8x8c_dc_left( uint8_t *src ){    int y;    uint32_t dc0 = 0, dc1 = 0;    for( y = 0; y < 4; y++ )    {        dc0 += src[y * FDEC_STRIDE     - 1];        dc1 += src[(y+4) * FDEC_STRIDE - 1];    }    dc0 = (( dc0 + 2 ) >> 2)*0x01010101;    dc1 = (( dc1 + 2 ) >> 2)*0x01010101;    for( y = 0; y < 4; y++ )    {        uint32_t *p = (uint32_t*)src;        *p++ = dc0;        *p++ = dc0;        src += FDEC_STRIDE;    }    for( y = 0; y < 4; y++ )    {        uint32_t *p = (uint32_t*)src;        *p++ = dc1;        *p++ = dc1;        src += FDEC_STRIDE;    }}static void predict_8x8c_dc_top( uint8_t *src ){    int y, x;    uint32_t dc0 = 0, dc1 = 0;    for( x = 0; x < 4; x++ )    {        dc0 += src[x- FDEC_STRIDE];        dc1 += src[x + 4 - FDEC_STRIDE];    }    dc0 = (( dc0 + 2 ) >> 2)*0x01010101;    dc1 = (( dc1 + 2 ) >> 2)*0x01010101;    for( y = 0; y < 8; y++ )    {        uint32_t *p = (uint32_t*)src;        *p++ = dc0;        *p++ = dc1;        src += FDEC_STRIDE;    }}static void predict_8x8c_dc( uint8_t *src ){    int y;    int s0 = 0, s1 = 0, s2 = 0, s3 = 0;    uint32_t dc0, dc1, dc2, dc3;    int i;    /*          s0 s1       s2       s3    */    for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )    {        s0 += src[i - FDEC_STRIDE];        s1 += src[i + 4 - FDEC_STRIDE];        s2 += src[-1 + i * FDEC_STRIDE];        s3 += src[-1 + (i+4)*FDEC_STRIDE];    }    /*       dc0 dc1       dc2 dc3     */    dc0 = (( s0 + s2 + 4 ) >> 3)*0x01010101;    dc1 = (( s1 + 2 ) >> 2)*0x01010101;    dc2 = (( s3 + 2 ) >> 2)*0x01010101;    dc3 = (( s1 + s3 + 4 ) >> 3)*0x01010101;    for( y = 0; y < 4; y++ )    {        uint32_t *p = (uint32_t*)src;        *p++ = dc0;        *p++ = dc1;        src += FDEC_STRIDE;    }    for( y = 0; y < 4; y++ )    {        uint32_t *p = (uint32_t*)src;        *p++ = dc2;        *p++ = dc3;        src += FDEC_STRIDE;    }}static void predict_8x8c_h( uint8_t *src ){    int i;    for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )    {        uint32_t v = 0x01010101 * src[-1];        uint32_t *p = (uint32_t*)src;        *p++ = v;        *p++ = v;        src += FDEC_STRIDE;    }}static void predict_8x8c_v( uint8_t *src ){    uint32_t v0 = *(uint32_t*)&src[0-FDEC_STRIDE];    uint32_t v1 = *(uint32_t*)&src[4-FDEC_STRIDE];    int i;    for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )    {        uint32_t *p = (uint32_t*)src;        *p++ = v0;        *p++ = v1;        src += FDEC_STRIDE;    }}static void predict_8x8c_p( uint8_t *src ){    int i;    int x,y;    int a, b, c;    int H = 0;    int V = 0;    int i00;    for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )    {        H += ( i + 1 ) * ( src[4+i - FDEC_STRIDE] - src[2 - i -FDEC_STRIDE] );        V += ( i + 1 ) * ( src[-1 +(i+4)*FDEC_STRIDE] - src[-1+(2-i)*FDEC_STRIDE] );    }    a = 16 * ( src[-1+7*FDEC_STRIDE] + src[7 - FDEC_STRIDE] );    b = ( 17 * H + 16 ) >> 5;    c = ( 17 * V + 16 ) >> 5;    i00 = a -3*b -3*c + 16;    for( y = 0; y < 8; y++ )    {        int pix = i00;        for( x = 0; x < 8; x++ )        {            src[x] = x264_clip_uint8( pix>>5 );            pix += b;        }        src += FDEC_STRIDE;        i00 += c;    }}/**************************************************************************** * 4x4 prediction for intra luma block ****************************************************************************/#define PREDICT_4x4_DC(v) \ 本函数对4*4块的每行像素赋同样的值{\    *(uint32_t*)&src[0*FDEC_STRIDE] =\  给第一行的4个像素赋值    *(uint32_t*)&src[1*FDEC_STRIDE] =\  给第二行的4个像素赋值    *(uint32_t*)&src[2*FDEC_STRIDE] =\  给第三行的4个像素赋值    *(uint32_t*)&src[3*FDEC_STRIDE] = v;\给第四行的4个像素赋值}static void predict_4x4_dc_128( uint8_t *src ) 本函数对4*4块的所有点赋值128{    PREDICT_4x4_DC(0x80808080);}static void predict_4x4_dc_left( uint8_t *src ) 本函数用宏块左边四个像素(I、J、K、L)的均值对所有像素覆盖{    uint32_t dc = (( src[-1+0*FDEC_STRIDE] + src[-1+FDEC_STRIDE]+         src[-1+2*FDEC_STRIDE] + src[-1+3*FDEC_STRIDE] + 2 ) >> 2)*0x01010101;    PREDICT_4x4_DC(dc);}static void predict_4x4_dc_top( uint8_t *src ) 本函数用宏块上方4个像素(A、B、C、D)的均值对所有像素覆盖{    uint32_t dc = (( src[0 - FDEC_STRIDE] + src[1 - FDEC_STRIDE] +           src[2 - FDEC_STRIDE] + src[3 - FDEC_STRIDE] + 2 ) >> 2)*0x01010101;    PREDICT_4x4_DC(dc);}static void predict_4x4_dc( uint8_t *src ) 本函数用左边和上边共8个像素(I、J、K、L 、A、B、C、D)的均值对所有像素覆盖{    uint32_t dc = (( src[-1+0*FDEC_STRIDE] + src[-1+FDEC_STRIDE] +             src[-1+2*FDEC_STRIDE] + src[-1+3*FDEC_STRIDE] +             src[0 - FDEC_STRIDE]  + src[1 - FDEC_STRIDE] +             src[2 - FDEC_STRIDE]  + src[3 - FDEC_STRIDE] + 4 ) >> 3)*0x01010101;    PREDICT_4x4_DC(dc);}static void predict_4x4_h( uint8_t *src ) 本函数用每行左边的像素对行进行覆盖(一行的所有像素值相同){    *(uint32_t*)&src[0*FDEC_STRIDE] = src[0*FDEC_STRIDE-1] * 0x01010101;     *(uint32_t*)&src[1*FDEC_STRIDE] = src[1*FDEC_STRIDE-1] * 0x01010101;    *(uint32_t*)&src[2*FDEC_STRIDE] = src[2*FDEC_STRIDE-1] * 0x01010101;    *(uint32_t*)&src[3*FDEC_STRIDE] = src[3*FDEC_STRIDE-1] * 0x01010101;}static void predict_4x4_v( uint8_t *src ) 本函数用每列上方的像素对列进行覆盖(一列的所有像素值相同){    uint32_t top = *((uint32_t*)&src[-FDEC_STRIDE]);---取出当前块上方4个像素点的值    PREDICT_4x4_DC(top);------------------------------------每行均用刚才取出的值覆盖}#define PREDICT_4x4_LOAD_LEFT \ 该定义表示依次取出当前宏块左边的4个像素    const int l0 = src[-1+0*FDEC_STRIDE];   \---------l0是第一行左边像素I  const int l1 = src[-1+1*FDEC_STRIDE];   \---------l1是第二行左边像素J  const int l2 = src[-1+2*FDEC_STRIDE];   \---------l2是第三行左边像素K    UNUSED const int l3 = src[-1+3*FDEC_STRIDE];--l3是第四行左边像素L#define PREDICT_4x4_LOAD_TOP \ 该定义表示依次取出当前宏块上方的4个像素    const int t0 = src[0-1*FDEC_STRIDE];   \----t0是第一列上方的像素A    const int t1 = src[1-1*FDEC_STRIDE];   \----t1是第二列上方的像素B    const int t2 = src[2-1*FDEC_STRIDE];   \----t2是第三列上方的像素C    UNUSED const int t3 = src[3-1*FDEC_STRIDE]; ----t3是第四列上方的像素D#define PREDICT_4x4_LOAD_TOP_RIGHT \该定义表示依次取出当前宏块右上方的4个像素    const int t4 = src[4-1*FDEC_STRIDE];   \----t4是右上方第一个像素E    const int t5 = src[5-1*FDEC_STRIDE];   \----t5是右上方第二个像素F    const int t6 = src[6-1*FDEC_STRIDE];   \----t6是右上方第三个像素G    UNUSED const int t7 = src[7-1*FDEC_STRIDE]; ----t7是右上方第四个像素Hstatic void predict_4x4_ddl( uint8_t *src )  45°右上至左下覆盖预测{   PREDICT_4x4_LOAD_TOP-------------------A、B、C、D   PREDICT_4x4_LOAD_TOP_RIGHT---------E、F、G、H  src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+0] = ( t0 + 2*t1 + t2 + 2 ) >> 2; -------a=(A+2B+C+2)/4                                               -------+2表示四舍五入         src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+1] =    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+0] = ( t1 + 2*t2 + t3 + 2 ) >> 2; -------b=e=(B+2C+D+2)/4    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+2] =    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+1] =    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+0] = ( t2 + 2*t3 + t4 + 2 ) >> 2; -------c=f=i=(C+2D+E+2)/4    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+3] =    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+2] =    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+1] =    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+0] = ( t3 + 2*t4 + t5 + 2 ) >> 2;-------d=g=j=m=(D+2E+F+2)/4    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+3] =    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+2] =    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+1] = ( t4 + 2*t5 + t6 + 2 ) >> 2;------h=k=n=(E+2F+G+2)/4    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+3] =  src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+2] = ( t5 + 2*t6 + t7 + 2 ) >> 2;------i=o=(F+2G+H+2)/4    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+3] = ( t6 + 3*t7 + 2 ) >> 2;-----------p=(G+3H+2)/4}static void predict_4x4_ddr( uint8_t *src ) 45°左上至右下覆盖预测{    const int lt = src[-1-FDEC_STRIDE]; -----lt=M    PREDICT_4x4_LOAD_LEFT--------------I、J、K、L    PREDICT_4x4_LOAD_TOP---------------A、B、C、D    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+0] =    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+1] =    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+2] =    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+3] = ( t0 + 2 * lt + l0 + 2 ) >> 2;-------a=f=k=p=(A+2M+I+2)/4    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+1] =    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+2] =    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+3] = ( lt + 2 * t0 + t1 + 2 ) >> 2;------b=g=l=(M+2A+B+2)/4    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+2] =    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+3] = ( t0 + 2 * t1 + t2 + 2 ) >> 2;-----c=h=(A+2B+C+2)/4    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+3] = ( t1 + 2 * t2 + t3 + 2 ) >> 2;-----d=(B+2C+D+2)/4    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+0] =    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+1] =    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+2] = ( lt + 2 * l0 + l1 + 2 ) >> 2;-----e=j=o=(M+2I+J+2)/4    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+0] =    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+1] = ( l0 + 2 * l1 + l2 + 2 ) >> 2;-----i=n=(I+2J+K+2)/4    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+0] = ( l1 + 2 * l2 + l3 + 2 ) >> 2;-----m=(J+2K+L+2)/4}static void predict_4x4_vr( uint8_t *src ) 与y夹角26.6°左上至右下覆盖预测 (没用到L){    const int lt = src[-1-FDEC_STRIDE];-----M    PREDICT_4x4_LOAD_LEFT-------------I、J、K、L    PREDICT_4x4_LOAD_TOP--------------A、B、C、D    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+0]=    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+1]= ( lt + t0 + 1 ) >> 1;---a=j=(M+A+1)/2    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+1]=    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+2]= ( t0 + t1 + 1 ) >> 1;---e=k=(A+B+1)/2    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+2]=    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+3]= ( t1 + t2 + 1 ) >> 1;---c=i=(B+C+1)/2    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+3]= ( t2 + t3 + 1 ) >> 1;---d=(C+D+1)/2    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+0]=    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+1]= ( l0 + 2 * lt + t0 + 2 ) >> 2;---e=n=(I+2M+A+2)/4    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+1]=    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+2]= ( lt + 2 * t0 + t1 + 2 ) >> 2;---f=o=(M+2A+B+2)/4    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+2]=    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+3]= ( t0 + 2 * t1 + t2 + 2) >> 2;---g=p=(A+2B+C+2)/4    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+3]= ( t1 + 2 * t2 + t3 + 2 ) >> 2;---h=(B+2C+D+2)/4    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+0]= ( lt + 2 * l0 + l1 + 2 ) >> 2;---i=(M+2I+J+2)/4    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+0]= ( l0 + 2 * l1 + l2 + 2 ) >> 2;---m=(I+2J+K+2)/4}static void predict_4x4_hd( uint8_t *src ) 与x夹角26.6°左上至右下覆盖预测(没用到D){    const int lt= src[-1-1*FDEC_STRIDE]; -----M    PREDICT_4x4_LOAD_LEFT-------------I、J、K、L    PREDICT_4x4_LOAD_TOP--------------A、B、C、D    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+0]=    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+2]= ( lt + l0 + 1 ) >> 1;---a=g=(M+I+1)/2    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+1]=    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+3]= ( l0 + 2 * lt + t0 + 2 ) >> 2;---b=h=(I+2M+A+2)/4    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+2]= ( lt + 2 * t0 + t1 + 2 ) >> 2;---c=(M+2A+B+2)/4    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+3]= ( t0 + 2 * t1 + t2 + 2 ) >> 2;---d=(A+2B+C+2)/4    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+0]=    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+2]= ( l0 + l1 + 1 ) >> 1;---e=k=(I+J+1)/2    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+1]=    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+3]= ( lt + 2 * l0 + l1 + 2 ) >> 2;---f=l=(M+2I+J+2)/4    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+0]=    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+2]= ( l1 + l2+ 1 ) >> 1;---i=o=(J+K+1)/2    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+1]=    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+3]= ( l0 + 2 * l1 + l2 + 2 ) >> 2;---j=p=(I+2J+K+2)/4    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+0]= ( l2 + l3 + 1 ) >> 1;---m=(K+L+1)/2  src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+1]= ( l1 + 2 * l2 + l3 + 2 ) >> 2;---n=(J+2K+L+2)/4}static void predict_4x4_vl( uint8_t *src ) 与y夹角26.6°右上至左下覆盖预测(没用到H){    PREDICT_4x4_LOAD_TOP--------------A、B、C、D    PREDICT_4x4_LOAD_TOP_RIGHT----E、F、G、H    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+0]= ( t0 + t1 + 1 ) >> 1;---a=(A+B+1)/2    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+1]=    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+0]= ( t1 + t2 + 1 ) >> 1;---b=i=(B+C+1)/2    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+2]=    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+1]= ( t2 + t3 + 1 ) >> 1;---c=j=(C+D+1)/2    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+3]=    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+2]= ( t3 + t4 + 1 ) >> 1;---d=k=(D+E+1)/2    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+3]= ( t4 + t5 + 1 ) >> 1;---l=(E+F+1)/2    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+0]= ( t0 + 2 * t1 + t2 + 2 ) >> 2;---e=(A+2B+C+2)/4    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+1]=    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+0]= ( t1 + 2 * t2 + t3 + 2 ) >> 2;---f=m=(B+2C+D+2)/4    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+2]=    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+1]= ( t2 + 2 * t3 + t4 + 2 ) >> 2;---g=n=(C+2D+E+2)/4    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+3]=    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+2]= ( t3 + 2 * t4 + t5 + 2 ) >> 2;---h=o=(D+2E+F+2)/4    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+3]= ( t4 + 2 * t5 + t6 + 2 ) >> 2;---p=(E+2F+G+2)/4}static void predict_4x4_hu( uint8_t *src ) 与x夹角26.6°左下至右上覆盖预测{    PREDICT_4x4_LOAD_LEFT-------------I、J、K、L    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+0]= ( l0 + l1 + 1 ) >> 1;---a=(I+J+1)/2    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+1]= ( l0 + 2 * l1 + l2 + 2 ) >> 2;---b=(I+2J+K+2)/4    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+2]=    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+0]= ( l1 + l2 + 1 ) >> 1; ---c=e=(J+K+1)/2    src[0*FDEC_STRIDE+3]=    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+1]= ( l1 + 2*l2 + l3 + 2 ) >> 2;---d=f=(J+2K+L+2)/4    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+2]=    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+0]= ( l2 + l3 + 1 ) >> 1;---g=i=(K+L+1)/2    src[1*FDEC_STRIDE+3]=    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+1]= ( l2 + 2 * l3 + l3 + 2 ) >> 2;---h=j=(K+3L+2)/4    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+3]=    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+1]=    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+0]=    src[2*FDEC_STRIDE+2]=    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+2]=    src[3*FDEC_STRIDE+3]= l3;---k=l=m=n=o=p=L}/************************************************************************ * 8x8 prediction for intra luma block ************************************************************************#define SRC(x,y) src[(x)+(y)*FDEC_STRIDE]#define PL(y) \    const int l##y = (SRC(-1,y-1) + 2*SRC(-1,y) + SRC(-1,y+1) + 2) >> 2;#define PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_LEFT(have_tl) \    const int l0 = ((have_tl || (i_neighbor&MB_TOPLEFT) ? SRC(-1,-1) : SRC(-1,0)) \                     + 2*SRC(-1,0) + SRC(-1,1) + 2) >> 2; \    PL(1) PL(2) PL(3) PL(4) PL(5) PL(6) \    UNUSED const int l7 = (SRC(-1,6) + 3*SRC(-1,7) + 2) >> 2;#define PT(x) \    const int t##x = (SRC(x-1,-1) + 2*SRC(x,-1) + SRC(x+1,-1) + 2) >> 2;#define PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_TOP(have_tl) \    const int t0 = ((have_tl || (i_neighbor&MB_TOPLEFT) ? SRC(-1,-1) : SRC(0,-1)) \                     + 2*SRC(0,-1) + SRC(1,-1) + 2) >> 2; \    PT(1) PT(2) PT(3) PT(4) PT(5) PT(6) \    UNUSED const int t7 = ((i_neighbor&MB_TOPRIGHT ? SRC(8,-1) : SRC(7,-1)) \                     + 2*SRC(7,-1) + SRC(6,-1) + 2) >> 2; \#define PTR(x) \    t##x = (SRC(x-1,-1) + 2*SRC(x,-1) + SRC(x+1,-1) + 2) >> 2;#define PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_TOPRIGHT \    int t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15; \    if(i_neighbor&MB_TOPRIGHT) { \        PTR(8) PTR(9) PTR(10) PTR(11) PTR(12) PTR(13) PTR(14) \        t15 = (SRC(14,-1) + 3*SRC(15,-1) + 2) >> 2; \    } else t8=t9=t10=t11=t12=t13=t14=t15= SRC(7,-1);#define PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_TOPLEFT \    const int lt = (SRC(-1,0) + 2*SRC(-1,-1) + SRC(0,-1) + 2) >> 2;#define PREDICT_8x8_DC(v) \    int y; \    for( y = 0; y < 8; y++ ) { \        ((uint32_t*)src)[0] = \        ((uint32_t*)src)[1] = v; \        src += FDEC_STRIDE; \    }static void predict_8x8_dc_128( uint8_t *src, int i_neighbor ){    PREDICT_8x8_DC(0x80808080);}static void predict_8x8_dc_left( uint8_t *src, int i_neighbor ){    PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_LEFT(0)    const uint32_t dc = ((l0+l1+l2+l3+l4+l5+l6+l7+4) >> 3) * 0x01010101;    PREDICT_8x8_DC(dc);}static void predict_8x8_dc_top( uint8_t *src, int i_neighbor ){    PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_TOP(0)    const uint32_t dc = ((t0+t1+t2+t3+t4+t5+t6+t7+4) >> 3) * 0x01010101;    PREDICT_8x8_DC(dc);}static void predict_8x8_dc( uint8_t *src, int i_neighbor ){    PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_LEFT(0)    PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_TOP(0)    const uint32_t dc = ((l0+l1+l2+l3+l4+l5+l6+l7                         +t0+t1+t2+t3+t4+t5+t6+t7+8) >> 4) * 0x01010101;    PREDICT_8x8_DC(dc);}static void predict_8x8_h( uint8_t *src, int i_neighbor ){    PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_LEFT(0)#define ROW(y) ((uint32_t*)(src+y*FDEC_STRIDE))[0] =\               ((uint32_t*)(src+y*FDEC_STRIDE))[1] = 0x01010101U * l##y    ROW(0); ROW(1); ROW(2); ROW(3); ROW(4); ROW(5); ROW(6); ROW(7);#undef ROW}static void predict_8x8_v( uint8_t *src, int i_neighbor ){    int y;    PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_TOP(0);    src[0] = t0;    src[1] = t1;    src[2] = t2;    src[3] = t3;    src[4] = t4;    src[5] = t5;    src[6] = t6;    src[7] = t7;    for( y = 1; y < 8; y++ )        *(uint64_t*)(src+y*FDEC_STRIDE) = *(uint64_t*)src;}static void predict_8x8_ddl( uint8_t *src, int i_neighbor ){    PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_TOP(0)    PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_TOPRIGHT    SRC(0,0)= (t0 + 2*t1 + t2 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,1)=SRC(1,0)= (t1 + 2*t2 + t3 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,2)=SRC(1,1)=SRC(2,0)= (t2 + 2*t3 + t4 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,3)=SRC(1,2)=SRC(2,1)=SRC(3,0)= (t3 + 2*t4 + t5 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,4)=SRC(1,3)=SRC(2,2)=SRC(3,1)=SRC(4,0)= (t4 + 2*t5 + t6 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,5)=SRC(1,4)=SRC(2,3)=SRC(3,2)=SRC(4,1)=SRC(5,0)= (t5 + 2*t6 + t7 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,6)=SRC(1,5)=SRC(2,4)=SRC(3,3)=SRC(4,2)=SRC(5,1)=SRC(6,0)= (t6 + 2*t7 + t8 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,7)=SRC(1,6)=SRC(2,5)=SRC(3,4)=SRC(4,3)=SRC(5,2)=SRC(6,1)=SRC(7,0)= (t7 + 2*t8 + t9 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(1,7)=SRC(2,6)=SRC(3,5)=SRC(4,4)=SRC(5,3)=SRC(6,2)=SRC(7,1)= (t8 + 2*t9 + t10 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(2,7)=SRC(3,6)=SRC(4,5)=SRC(5,4)=SRC(6,3)=SRC(7,2)= (t9 + 2*t10 + t11 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(3,7)=SRC(4,6)=SRC(5,5)=SRC(6,4)=SRC(7,3)= (t10 + 2*t11 + t12 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(4,7)=SRC(5,6)=SRC(6,5)=SRC(7,4)= (t11 + 2*t12 + t13 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(5,7)=SRC(6,6)=SRC(7,5)= (t12 + 2*t13 + t14 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(6,7)=SRC(7,6)= (t13 + 2*t14 + t15 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(7,7)= (t14 + 3*t15 + 2) >> 2;}static void predict_8x8_ddr( uint8_t *src, int i_neighbor ){    PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_TOP(1)    PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_LEFT(1)    PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_TOPLEFT    SRC(0,7)= (l7 + 2*l6 + l5 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,6)=SRC(1,7)= (l6 + 2*l5 + l4 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,5)=SRC(1,6)=SRC(2,7)= (l5 + 2*l4 + l3 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,4)=SRC(1,5)=SRC(2,6)=SRC(3,7)= (l4 + 2*l3 + l2 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,3)=SRC(1,4)=SRC(2,5)=SRC(3,6)=SRC(4,7)= (l3 + 2*l2 + l1 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,2)=SRC(1,3)=SRC(2,4)=SRC(3,5)=SRC(4,6)=SRC(5,7)= (l2 + 2*l1 + l0 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,1)=SRC(1,2)=SRC(2,3)=SRC(3,4)=SRC(4,5)=SRC(5,6)=SRC(6,7)= (l1 + 2*l0 + lt + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,0)=SRC(1,1)=SRC(2,2)=SRC(3,3)=SRC(4,4)=SRC(5,5)=SRC(6,6)=SRC(7,7)= (l0 + 2*lt + t0 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(1,0)=SRC(2,1)=SRC(3,2)=SRC(4,3)=SRC(5,4)=SRC(6,5)=SRC(7,6)= (lt + 2*t0 + t1 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(2,0)=SRC(3,1)=SRC(4,2)=SRC(5,3)=SRC(6,4)=SRC(7,5)= (t0 + 2*t1 + t2 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(3,0)=SRC(4,1)=SRC(5,2)=SRC(6,3)=SRC(7,4)= (t1 + 2*t2 + t3 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(4,0)=SRC(5,1)=SRC(6,2)=SRC(7,3)= (t2 + 2*t3 + t4 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(5,0)=SRC(6,1)=SRC(7,2)= (t3 + 2*t4 + t5 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(6,0)=SRC(7,1)= (t4 + 2*t5 + t6 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(7,0)= (t5 + 2*t6 + t7 + 2) >> 2;  }static void predict_8x8_vr( uint8_t *src, int i_neighbor ){    PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_TOP(1)    PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_LEFT(1)    PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_TOPLEFT    SRC(0,6)= (l5 + 2*l4 + l3 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,7)= (l6 + 2*l5 + l4 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,4)=SRC(1,6)= (l3 + 2*l2 + l1 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,5)=SRC(1,7)= (l4 + 2*l3 + l2 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,2)=SRC(1,4)=SRC(2,6)= (l1 + 2*l0 + lt + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,3)=SRC(1,5)=SRC(2,7)= (l2 + 2*l1 + l0 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,1)=SRC(1,3)=SRC(2,5)=SRC(3,7)= (l0 + 2*lt + t0 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,0)=SRC(1,2)=SRC(2,4)=SRC(3,6)= (lt + t0 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(1,1)=SRC(2,3)=SRC(3,5)=SRC(4,7)= (lt + 2*t0 + t1 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(1,0)=SRC(2,2)=SRC(3,4)=SRC(4,6)= (t0 + t1 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(2,1)=SRC(3,3)=SRC(4,5)=SRC(5,7)= (t0 + 2*t1 + t2 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(2,0)=SRC(3,2)=SRC(4,4)=SRC(5,6)= (t1 + t2 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(3,1)=SRC(4,3)=SRC(5,5)=SRC(6,7)= (t1 + 2*t2 + t3 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(3,0)=SRC(4,2)=SRC(5,4)=SRC(6,6)= (t2 + t3 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(4,1)=SRC(5,3)=SRC(6,5)=SRC(7,7)= (t2 + 2*t3 + t4 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(4,0)=SRC(5,2)=SRC(6,4)=SRC(7,6)= (t3 + t4 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(5,1)=SRC(6,3)=SRC(7,5)= (t3 + 2*t4 + t5 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(5,0)=SRC(6,2)=SRC(7,4)= (t4 + t5 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(6,1)=SRC(7,3)= (t4 + 2*t5 + t6 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(6,0)=SRC(7,2)= (t5 + t6 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(7,1)= (t5 + 2*t6 + t7 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(7,0)= (t6 + t7 + 1) >> 1;}static void predict_8x8_hd( uint8_t *src, int i_neighbor ){    PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_TOP(1)    PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_LEFT(1)    PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_TOPLEFT    SRC(0,7)= (l6 + l7 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(1,7)= (l5 + 2*l6 + l7 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,6)=SRC(2,7)= (l5 + l6 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(1,6)=SRC(3,7)= (l4 + 2*l5 + l6 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,5)=SRC(2,6)=SRC(4,7)= (l4 + l5 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(1,5)=SRC(3,6)=SRC(5,7)= (l3 + 2*l4 + l5 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,4)=SRC(2,5)=SRC(4,6)=SRC(6,7)= (l3 + l4 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(1,4)=SRC(3,5)=SRC(5,6)=SRC(7,7)= (l2 + 2*l3 + l4 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,3)=SRC(2,4)=SRC(4,5)=SRC(6,6)= (l2 + l3 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(1,3)=SRC(3,4)=SRC(5,5)=SRC(7,6)= (l1 + 2*l2 + l3 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,2)=SRC(2,3)=SRC(4,4)=SRC(6,5)= (l1 + l2 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(1,2)=SRC(3,3)=SRC(5,4)=SRC(7,5)= (l0 + 2*l1 + l2 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,1)=SRC(2,2)=SRC(4,3)=SRC(6,4)= (l0 + l1 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(1,1)=SRC(3,2)=SRC(5,3)=SRC(7,4)= (lt + 2*l0 + l1 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,0)=SRC(2,1)=SRC(4,2)=SRC(6,3)= (lt + l0 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(1,0)=SRC(3,1)=SRC(5,2)=SRC(7,3)= (l0 + 2*lt + t0 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(2,0)=SRC(4,1)=SRC(6,2)= (t1 + 2*t0 + lt + 2) >> 2;    SRC(3,0)=SRC(5,1)=SRC(7,2)= (t2 + 2*t1 + t0 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(4,0)=SRC(6,1)= (t3 + 2*t2 + t1 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(5,0)=SRC(7,1)= (t4 + 2*t3 + t2 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(6,0)= (t5 + 2*t4 + t3 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(7,0)= (t6 + 2*t5 + t4 + 2) >> 2;}static void predict_8x8_vl( uint8_t *src, int i_neighbor ){    PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_TOP(0)    PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_TOPRIGHT    SRC(0,0)= (t0 + t1 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(0,1)= (t0 + 2*t1 + t2 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,2)=SRC(1,0)= (t1 + t2 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(0,3)=SRC(1,1)= (t1 + 2*t2 + t3 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,4)=SRC(1,2)=SRC(2,0)= (t2 + t3 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(0,5)=SRC(1,3)=SRC(2,1)= (t2 + 2*t3 + t4 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,6)=SRC(1,4)=SRC(2,2)=SRC(3,0)= (t3 + t4 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(0,7)=SRC(1,5)=SRC(2,3)=SRC(3,1)= (t3 + 2*t4 + t5 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(1,6)=SRC(2,4)=SRC(3,2)=SRC(4,0)= (t4 + t5 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(1,7)=SRC(2,5)=SRC(3,3)=SRC(4,1)= (t4 + 2*t5 + t6 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(2,6)=SRC(3,4)=SRC(4,2)=SRC(5,0)= (t5 + t6 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(2,7)=SRC(3,5)=SRC(4,3)=SRC(5,1)= (t5 + 2*t6 + t7 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(3,6)=SRC(4,4)=SRC(5,2)=SRC(6,0)= (t6 + t7 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(3,7)=SRC(4,5)=SRC(5,3)=SRC(6,1)= (t6 + 2*t7 + t8 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(4,6)=SRC(5,4)=SRC(6,2)=SRC(7,0)= (t7 + t8 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(4,7)=SRC(5,5)=SRC(6,3)=SRC(7,1)= (t7 + 2*t8 + t9 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(5,6)=SRC(6,4)=SRC(7,2)= (t8 + t9 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(5,7)=SRC(6,5)=SRC(7,3)= (t8 + 2*t9 + t10 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(6,6)=SRC(7,4)= (t9 + t10 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(6,7)=SRC(7,5)= (t9 + 2*t10 + t11 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(7,6)= (t10 + t11 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(7,7)= (t10 + 2*t11 + t12 + 2) >> 2;}static void predict_8x8_hu( uint8_t *src, int i_neighbor ){    PREDICT_8x8_LOAD_LEFT(0)    SRC(0,0)= (l0 + l1 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(1,0)= (l0 + 2*l1 + l2 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,1)=SRC(2,0)= (l1 + l2 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(1,1)=SRC(3,0)= (l1 + 2*l2 + l3 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,2)=SRC(2,1)=SRC(4,0)= (l2 + l3 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(1,2)=SRC(3,1)=SRC(5,0)= (l2 + 2*l3 + l4 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,3)=SRC(2,2)=SRC(4,1)=SRC(6,0)= (l3 + l4 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(1,3)=SRC(3,2)=SRC(5,1)=SRC(7,0)= (l3 + 2*l4 + l5 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,4)=SRC(2,3)=SRC(4,2)=SRC(6,1)= (l4 + l5 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(1,4)=SRC(3,3)=SRC(5,2)=SRC(7,1)= (l4 + 2*l5 + l6 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,5)=SRC(2,4)=SRC(4,3)=SRC(6,2)= (l5 + l6 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(1,5)=SRC(3,4)=SRC(5,3)=SRC(7,2)= (l5 + 2*l6 + l7 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,6)=SRC(2,5)=SRC(4,4)=SRC(6,3)= (l6 + l7 + 1) >> 1;    SRC(1,6)=SRC(3,5)=SRC(5,4)=SRC(7,3)= (l6 + 3*l7 + 2) >> 2;    SRC(0,7)=SRC(1,7)=SRC(2,6)=SRC(2,7)=SRC(3,6)=    SRC(3,7)=SRC(4,5)=SRC(4,6)=SRC(4,7)=SRC(5,5)=    SRC(5,6)=SRC(5,7)=SRC(6,4)=SRC(6,5)=SRC(6,6)=    SRC(6,7)=SRC(7,4)=SRC(7,5)=SRC(7,6)=SRC(7,7)= l7;}/************************************************************************ * Exported functions: ***********************************************************************void x264_predict_16x16_init( int cpu, x264_predict_t pf[7] ){    pf[I_PRED_16x16_V ]     = predict_16x16_v;    pf[I_PRED_16x16_H ]     = predict_16x16_h;    pf[I_PRED_16x16_DC]     = predict_16x16_dc;    pf[I_PRED_16x16_P ]     = predict_16x16_p;    pf[I_PRED_16x16_DC_LEFT]= predict_16x16_dc_left;    pf[I_PRED_16x16_DC_TOP ]= predict_16x16_dc_top;    pf[I_PRED_16x16_DC_128 ]= predict_16x16_dc_128;#ifdef HAVE_MMXEXT    if( cpu&X264_CPU_MMXEXT )    {        x264_predict_16x16_init_mmxext( pf );    }#endif}void x264_predict_8x8c_init( int cpu, x264_predict_t pf[7] ){    pf[I_PRED_CHROMA_V ]     = predict_8x8c_v;    pf[I_PRED_CHROMA_H ]     = predict_8x8c_h;    pf[I_PRED_CHROMA_DC]     = predict_8x8c_dc;    pf[I_PRED_CHROMA_P ]     = predict_8x8c_p;    pf[I_PRED_CHROMA_DC_LEFT]= predict_8x8c_dc_left;    pf[I_PRED_CHROMA_DC_TOP ]= predict_8x8c_dc_top;    pf[I_PRED_CHROMA_DC_128 ]= predict_8x8c_dc_128;#ifdef HAVE_MMXEXT    if( cpu&X264_CPU_MMXEXT )    {        x264_predict_8x8c_init_mmxext( pf );    }#endif}void x264_predict_8x8_init( int cpu, x264_predict8x8_t pf[12] ){    pf[I_PRED_8x8_V]      = predict_8x8_v;    pf[I_PRED_8x8_H]      = predict_8x8_h;    pf[I_PRED_8x8_DC]     = predict_8x8_dc;    pf[I_PRED_8x8_DDL]    = predict_8x8_ddl;    pf[I_PRED_8x8_DDR]    = predict_8x8_ddr;    pf[I_PRED_8x8_VR]     = predict_8x8_vr;    pf[I_PRED_8x8_HD]     = predict_8x8_hd;    pf[I_PRED_8x8_VL]     = predict_8x8_vl;    pf[I_PRED_8x8_HU]     = predict_8x8_hu;    pf[I_PRED_8x8_DC_LEFT]= predict_8x8_dc_left;    pf[I_PRED_8x8_DC_TOP] = predict_8x8_dc_top;    pf[I_PRED_8x8_DC_128] = predict_8x8_dc_128;#ifdef HAVE_MMXEXT    if( cpu&X264_CPU_MMXEXT )    {        x264_predict_8x8_init_mmxext( pf );    }#endif#ifdef HAVE_SSE2    if( cpu&X264_CPU_SSE2 )    {        x264_predict_8x8_init_sse2( pf );    }#endif}void x264_predict_4x4_init( int cpu, x264_predict_t pf[12] ){    pf[I_PRED_4x4_V]      = predict_4x4_v;    pf[I_PRED_4x4_H]      = predict_4x4_h;    pf[I_PRED_4x4_DC]     = predict_4x4_dc;    pf[I_PRED_4x4_DDL]    = predict_4x4_ddl;    pf[I_PRED_4x4_DDR]    = predict_4x4_ddr;    pf[I_PRED_4x4_VR]     = predict_4x4_vr;    pf[I_PRED_4x4_HD]     = predict_4x4_hd;    pf[I_PRED_4x4_VL]     = predict_4x4_vl;    pf[I_PRED_4x4_HU]     = predict_4x4_hu;    pf[I_PRED_4x4_DC_LEFT]= predict_4x4_dc_left;    pf[I_PRED_4x4_DC_TOP] = predict_4x4_dc_top;    pf[I_PRED_4x4_DC_128] = predict_4x4_dc_128;#ifdef HAVE_MMXEXT    if( cpu&X264_CPU_MMXEXT )    {        x264_predict_4x4_init_mmxext( pf );    }#endif}

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