
来源:互联网 发布:疯狂淘宝李涛收费 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 15:02
using UnityEngine;using System;using System.Collections;/** * A general pool object for reusable game objects. *  * It supports spawning and unspawning game objects that are * instantiated from a common prefab. Can be used preallocate * objects to avoid calls to Instantiate during gameplay. Can * also create objects on demand (which it does if no objects * are available in the pool). *  * Converted JScript version to C#, original here: * *  * C# version by Bart Wttewaall, */public class GameObjectPool{    private GameObject _prefab;    private Stack available;    private ArrayList all;    private Action<GameObject> initAction;    private bool setActiveRecursively;    // ---- getters & setters ----    #region getters & setters    // returns the prefab being used by the pool.    public GameObject prefab    {        get { return _prefab; }    }    // returns the number of active objects.    public int numActive    {        get { return all.Count - available.Count; }    }    // returns the number of available objects.    public int numAvailable    {        get { return available.Count; }    }    #endregion    // ---- constructor ----    #region constructor    public GameObjectPool(GameObject prefab, uint initialCapacity, Action<GameObject> initAction, bool setActiveRecursively)    {        this._prefab = prefab;        this.initAction = initAction;        this.setActiveRecursively = setActiveRecursively;        available = (initialCapacity > 0) ? new Stack((int)initialCapacity) : new Stack();        all = (initialCapacity > 0) ? new ArrayList((int)initialCapacity) : new ArrayList();    }    #endregion    // ---- public methods ----    #region public methods    public GameObject Spawn(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)    {        GameObject result;        if (available.Count == 0)        {            // create an object and initialize it.            result = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab, position, rotation) as GameObject;            // run optional initialization method on the object            if (initAction != null) initAction(result);            all.Add(result);        }        else        {            result = available.Pop() as GameObject;            // get the result's transform and reuse for efficiency.            // calling gameObject.transform is expensive.            Transform resultTrans = result.transform;            resultTrans.position = position;            resultTrans.rotation = rotation;            result.SetActive(true);        }        return result;    }    public bool Destroy(GameObject target)    {        if (!available.Contains(target))        {            available.Push(target);            SetActive(target, false);            return true;        }        return false;    }    // Unspawns all the game objects created by the pool.    public void DestroyAll()    {        for (int i = 0; i < all.Count; i++)        {            GameObject target = all[i] as GameObject;            if (target.activeSelf) Destroy(target);        }    }    // Unspawns all the game objects and clears the pool.    public void Clear()    {        DestroyAll();        available.Clear();        all.Clear();    }    // Applies the provided function to some or all of the pool's game objects.    public void ForEach(Action<GameObject> action, bool activeOnly)    {        for (int i = 0; i < all.Count; i++)        {            GameObject target = all[i] as GameObject;            if (!activeOnly || target.activeSelf) action(target);        }    }    #endregion    // ---- protected methods ----    #region protected methods    // Activates or deactivates the provided game object using the method    // specified by the setActiveRecursively flag.    protected void SetActive(GameObject target, bool value)    {        if (setActiveRecursively)         {            target.SetActive(value);         }        else        {            target.SetActive(value);        }    }    #endregion}
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