PHP 发送Email的几种方法

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝如何快速升心 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 23:24



[mail function]; For Win32 only.SMTP = localhostsmtp_port = 25; For Win32 only.;sendmail_from =; For Unix only.  You may supply arguments as well (default: "sendmail -t -i").;sendmail_path =; Force the addition of the specified parameters to be passed as extra parameters; to the sendmail binary. These parameters will always replace the value of; the 5th parameter to mail(), even in safe mode.;mail.force_extra_parameters =

Mail 配置选项


名称 默认 描述 可更改

SMTP "localhost"Windows 专用:SMTP 服务器的 DNS 名称或 IP 地址。 PHP_INI_ALL

smtp_port "25"Windows 专用:SMTP 段口号。自 PHP 4.3 起可用。 PHP_INI_ALL

sendmail_from NULL

Windows 专用:规定从 PHP 发送的邮件中使用的 "from"



sendmail_path NULLUnix 系统专用:规定sendmail 程序的路径(通常 /usr/sbin/sendmail 或 /usr/lib/sendmail)PHP_INI_SYSTEM



mail()函数如果邮件的投递被成功地接收,则返回 true,否则返回 false,语法:



参数 描述

$to 必需。规定邮件的接收者。

$subject 必需。规定邮件的主题。该参数不能包含任何换行字符。

$message 必需。规定要发送的消息。

$headers 必需。规定额外的报头,比如 From, Cc 以及 Bcc。

$parameters 必需。规定 sendmail 程序的额外参数。



<?php$txt = "First line of text\nSecond line of text";// 如果一行大于 70 个字符,请使用 wordwrap()。$txt = wordwrap($txt,70);// 发送邮件mail("","My subject",$txt);?>

<?php$to = ",";$subject = "HTML email";$message = "<html><head><title>HTML email</title></head><body><p>This email contains HTML Tags!</p><table><tr><th>Firstname</th><th>Lastname</th></tr><tr><td>John</td><td>Doe</td></tr></table></body></html>";// 当发送 HTML 电子邮件时,请始终设置 content-type$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";$headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=iso-8859-1" . "\r\n";// 更多报头$headers .= 'From: <>' . "\r\n";$headers .= 'Cc:' . "\r\n";mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers);?>



<?php/**名称:smtpsend . class . php功能:邮件发送类, 实现邮件发送功能, 可以发送html邮件;可验证用户是否具有发送权限;可实现从任意服务器邮箱发送邮件,并非局限于本机。 $smtpserver;SMTP服务器 $smtpserverport;SMTP服务器端口 $smtpuser;SMTP服务器的用户帐号 $smtppass;SMTP服务器的用户密码 $fromMail;SMTP服务器的用户邮箱 $toMail;发送给谁 $subject;邮件主题 $content;邮件内容 $mailtype;邮件格式(HTML / TXT), TXT为文本邮件 */class smtpclass {function smtp($relay_host = "", $smtp_port = 25, $auth = false, $user, $pass) {$this->debug = FALSE;$this->smtp_port = $smtp_port;$this->relay_host = $relay_host;$this->time_out = 60; //is used in fsockopen()$this->auth = $auth; //auth$this->user = $user;$this->pass = $pass;$this->host_name = "localhost"; //is used in HELO command$this->log_file = "";$this->sock = FALSE;}/* Main Function */function sendmail($to, $from, $subject = "", $body = "", $mailtype, $returnpath = "", $cc = "", $bcc = "", $additional_headers = "") {$mail_from = $this->get_address($this->strip_comment($from));$body = ereg_replace("(^|(\r\n))(\.)", "\1.\3", $body);$header = "";if (isset($returnpath) && $returnpath != "") {$header.= "Reply-To:" . $returnpath . "\r\n";}$header.= "MIME-Version:1.0\r\n";if ($mailtype == "HTML") {$header.= 'Content-Type:text/html; charset=gb2312' . "\r\n";}$header.= "To: " . $to . "\r\n";if ($cc != "") {$header.= "Cc: " . $cc . "\r\n";}$header.= "From: $from<" . $from . ">\r\n";$header.= "Subject: " . $subject . "\r\n";$header.= $additional_headers;$header.= "Date: " . date("r") . "\r\n";$header.= "X-Mailer:By Redhat (PHP/" . phpversion() . ")\r\n";list($msec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());$header.= "Message-ID: <" . date("YmdHis", $sec) . "." . ($msec * 1000000) . "." . $mail_from . ">\r\n";$TO = explode(",", $this->strip_comment($to));if ($cc != "") {$TO = array_merge($TO, explode(",", $this->strip_comment($cc)));}if ($bcc != "") {$TO = array_merge($TO, explode(",", $this->strip_comment($bcc)));}$sent = TRUE;foreach ($TO as $rcpt_to) {$rcpt_to = $this->get_address($rcpt_to);if (!$this->smtp_sockopen($rcpt_to)) {$this->log_write("Error: Cannot send email to " . $rcpt_to . "\n");$sent = FALSE;continue;}if ($this->smtp_send($this->host_name, $mail_from, $rcpt_to, $header, $body)) {$this->log_write("E-mail has been sent to <" . $rcpt_to . ">\n");} else {$this->log_write("Error: Cannot send email to <" . $rcpt_to . ">\n");$sent = FALSE;}fclose($this->sock);$this->log_write("Disconnected from remote host\n");}return $sent;}/* Private Functions */function smtp_send($helo, $from, $to, $header, $body = "") {if (!$this->smtp_putcmd("HELO", $helo)) {return $this->smtp_error("sending HELO command");}//authif ($this->auth) {if (!$this->smtp_putcmd("AUTH LOGIN", base64_encode($this->user))) {return $this->smtp_error("sending HELO command");}if (!$this->smtp_putcmd("", base64_encode($this->pass))) {return $this->smtp_error("sending HELO command");}}//if (!$this->smtp_putcmd("MAIL", "FROM:<" . $from . ">")) {return $this->smtp_error("sending MAIL FROM command");}if (!$this->smtp_putcmd("RCPT", "TO:<" . $to . ">")) {return $this->smtp_error("sending RCPT TO command");}if (!$this->smtp_putcmd("DATA")) {return $this->smtp_error("sending DATA command");}if (!$this->smtp_message($header, $body)) {return $this->smtp_error("sending message");}if (!$this->smtp_eom()) {return $this->smtp_error("sending <CR><LF>.<CR><LF> [EOM]");}if (!$this->smtp_putcmd("QUIT")) {return $this->smtp_error("sending QUIT command");}return TRUE;}function smtp_sockopen($address) {if ($this->relay_host == "") {return $this->smtp_sockopen_mx($address);} else {return $this->smtp_sockopen_relay();}}function smtp_sockopen_relay() {$this->log_write("Trying to " . $this->relay_host . ":" . $this->smtp_port . "\n");$this->sock = @fsockopen($this->relay_host, $this->smtp_port, $errno, $errstr, $this->time_out);if (!($this->sock && $this->smtp_ok())) {$this->log_write("Error: Cannot connenct to relay host " . $this->relay_host . "\n");$this->log_write("Error: " . $errstr . " (" . $errno . ")\n");return FALSE;}$this->log_write("Connected to relay host " . $this->relay_host . "\n");return TRUE;}function smtp_sockopen_mx($address) {$domain = ereg_replace("^.+@([^@]+)$", "\1", $address);if (!@getmxrr($domain, $MXHOSTS)) {$this->log_write("Error: Cannot resolve MX \"" . $domain . "\"\n");return FALSE;}foreach ($MXHOSTS as $host) {$this->log_write("Trying to " . $host . ":" . $this->smtp_port . "\n");$this->sock = @fsockopen($host, $this->smtp_port, $errno, $errstr, $this->time_out);if (!($this->sock && $this->smtp_ok())) {$this->log_write("Warning: Cannot connect to mx host " . $host . "\n");$this->log_write("Error: " . $errstr . " (" . $errno . ")\n");continue;}$this->log_write("Connected to mx host " . $host . "\n");return TRUE;}$this->log_write("Error: Cannot connect to any mx hosts (" . implode(", ", $MXHOSTS) . ")\n");return FALSE;}function smtp_message($header, $body) {fputs($this->sock, $header . "\r\n" . $body);$this->smtp_debug("> " . str_replace("\r\n", "\n" . "> ", $header . "\n> " . $body . "\n> "));return TRUE;}function smtp_eom() {fputs($this->sock, "\r\n.\r\n");$this->smtp_debug(". [EOM]\n");return $this->smtp_ok();}function smtp_ok() {$response = str_replace("\r\n", "", fgets($this->sock, 512));$this->smtp_debug($response . "\n");if (!ereg("^[23]", $response)) {fputs($this->sock, "QUIT\r\n");fgets($this->sock, 512);$this->log_write("Error: Remote host returned \"" . $response . "\"\n");return FALSE;}return TRUE;}function smtp_putcmd($cmd, $arg = "") {if ($arg != "") {if ($cmd == "") $cmd = $arg;else $cmd = $cmd . " " . $arg;}fputs($this->sock, $cmd . "\r\n");$this->smtp_debug("> " . $cmd . "\n");return $this->smtp_ok();}function smtp_error($string) {$this->log_write("Error: Error occurred while " . $string . ".\n");return FALSE;}function log_write($message) {$this->smtp_debug($message);if ($this->log_file == "") {return TRUE;}$message = date("M d H:i:s ") . get_current_user() . "[" . getmypid() . "]: " . $message;if (!@file_exists($this->log_file) || !($fp = @fopen($this->log_file, "a"))) {$this->smtp_debug("Warning: Cannot open log file \"" . $this->log_file . "\"\n");return FALSE;;}flock($fp, LOCK_EX);fputs($fp, $message);fclose($fp);return TRUE;}function strip_comment($address) {$comment = "\([^()]*\)";while (ereg($comment, $address)) {$address = ereg_replace($comment, "", $address);}return $address;}function get_address($address) {$address = ereg_replace("([ \t\r\n])+", "", $address);$address = ereg_replace("^.*<(.+)>.*$", "\1", $address);return $address;}function smtp_debug($message) {if ($this->debug) {echo $message;}}function senduserMail($smtpserver, $smtpserverport = 25, $smtpuser, $smtppass, $fromMail, $toMail, $subject, $content, $mailtype = 'HTML') {if ($fromMail == "") {die("发件人不能为空!");}if ($smtpuser == "") {die("用户名不能为空!");}if ($smtppass == "") {die("用户密码不能为空!");}if ($subject == "") {die("标题不能为空!");}if ($toMail == "") {die("收件人不能为空!");}if ($content == "") {die("内容不能为空!");}$smtpserver = $smtpserver; //SMTP服务器$smtpserverport = $smtpserverport; //SMTP服务器端口$smtpuser = $smtpuser; //SMTP服务器的用户帐号$smtppass = $smtppass; //SMTP服务器的用户密码$smtpusermail = $fromMail; //SMTP服务器的用户邮箱$smtpemailto = $toMail; //发送给谁$mailsubject = $subject; //邮件主题$mailbody = $content; //邮件内容$mailtype = $mailtype; //邮件格式(HTML/TXT),TXT为文本邮件$this->smtp($smtpserver, $smtpserverport, true, $smtpuser, $smtppass); //这里面的一个true是表示使用身份验证,否则不使用身份验证.//$smtp->debug = TRUE;//是否显示发送的调试信息$this->sendmail($smtpemailto, $smtpusermail, $mailsubject, $mailbody, $mailtype);}}//$smtp = new smtpclass();//$smtp->senduserMail("",25,"用户名","密码","","","测试","测试一下","TXT");    ?>



<?phprequire ("class.phpmailer.php");require ("class.smtp.php");//以下是实例:$mail = new phpmailer(); //建立邮件发送类$address = xxx@xxx . com;$mail->IsSMTP(); // 使用SMTP方式发送$mail->Host = ""; // 您的企业邮局域名$mail->SMTPAuth = false; // 启用SMTP验证功能$mail->Username = "xxx"; // 邮局用户名(请填写完整的email地址)$mail->Password = "xxx"; // 邮局密码$mail->From = ""; //邮件发送者email地址$mail->FromName = "您的名称";$mail->AddAddress("$address", ""); //收件人地址,可以替换成任何想要接收邮件的email信箱,格式是AddAddress("收件人email","收件人姓名")//$mail->AddReplyTo("", "");//$mail->AddAttachment("/var/tmp/file.tar.gz"); // 添加附件//$mail->IsHTML(true); // set email format to HTML //是否使用HTML格式$mail->Subject = "PHPMailer测试邮件"; //邮件标题$mail->Body = "Hello,这是测试邮件"; //邮件内容$mail->AltBody = "This is the body in plain text for non-HTML mail clients"; //附加信息,可以省略if (!$mail->Send()) {    echo "邮件发送失败. <p>";    echo "错误原因: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;    exit;}echo "邮件发送成功";?>