
来源:互联网 发布:全局近似算法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 13:09


@NamedQuery(name = "customer.updateSentToBusinessCheckByCustomerIds", query = "update Customer as c set c.sentToBusinessCheck = true where c.id in :customerIds")})

很简单就是in 后面传递一个list的参数,根据这个list当中的数值进行条件更新,因为数据量小的时候比如几百、几千还是没有问题的,但是一旦list中的数据变大之后,准确的说是超过三万多就不行了(你知道为什么是三万多吗,或者这么问你知道为什么数值是32767吗),生产上我们这里的list是五万多记录,于是会报如下错误(其实真的不想贴代码):

Internal Exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: An I/O error occured while sending to the backend.Error Code: 0Call: UPDATE CUSTOMER SET SENTTOBUSINESSCHECK = ?, ENTITYVERSION = (ENTITYVERSION + ?) WHERE (ID IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?......)bind => [60102 parameters bound]


Not a very concrete message, right? When I first saw this exception I waskind of baffled and disaffected. But after narrowing down the problem in adebug session and looking at the PostgreSQL JDBCdriver’s source code the cause was obvious: the PostgreSQLclient/backend protocol dictates that the number of parameters be send from theclient to the Postgres backend as a 2 byte integer (aaah, now the above message actually makes sense). You’llfind details of the protocol here if you’re brave (my 2-byte friend is definedin the Parse message). 


    ......        emMain.createNamedQuery("customer.updateSentToBusinessCheckByCustomerIds").setParameter("customerIds",customerIds);        int size=customerIds.size();        if(size>30000){            List<Long> customerIdsSplit=new ArrayList<Long>();            for(int i=0;i<size;i++){                customerIdsSplit.add(customerIds.get(i));                if(customerIdsSplit.size()==30000){                    updateList(customerIdsSplit);                    customerIdsSplit.clear();                }            }            updateList(customerIdsSplit);        }else{            updateList(customerIds);        }    ......        private void updateList(List<Long> customerIdsSplit) {        Query query = emMain.createNamedQuery("customer.updateSentToBusinessCheckByCustomerIds")                     .setParameter("customerIds",customerIdsSplit);        query.executeUpdate();    }


1. 篇博客自己很喜欢,代码很少重在思路。

2. 看源码,是90%问题的解决之道,前提是时间允许。

3. 一切有因有果(这里指那三万多这个数字是有他的来头的)。



