
来源:互联网 发布:手机码字软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 04:20


[db]DB_HOST = = saPWD = skcl@2013DATABASE = CDMTCP[parameter]DIRECTORY_PATH = D:/ftpUSING_IMG_COMPLETE = FalseMODIFY_LAST_BYTE_RTC = FalseTIME_WAIT_FOR_FTP = 60COFFEE = 0.0005ROAD_GPS_FILE = roadgps.txtROAD_ARC_FILE = arcinfo.txtDATA_FROM_DB = False[rename]MOVE_FILE = TrueRENAME_BY_EQUIP = FalseCAMERA_EQUIP_FILE = cameraId_equipmentId_table_chengdu.txtMOVE_FLODER = D:/pics/RENAME_BY_DATE = D[merge]DO_MERGE = TrueGROUP_PIC_NUM = 3MERGE_PICS_PATH = D:/合成图片/

# -*- coding:gbk -*-# auther : pdm# email : ppppdm@gmail.comimport loggingimport logging.configimport datetimetry:    import pyodbcexcept:    print('no module pyodbc, should init first!')# create loggerlogging.config.fileConfig("logging.conf")logger = logging.getLogger("example")# global variablsDB_HOST = '' # ''USER = 'sa'PWD = 'skcl@2013'DATABASE = 'CDMTCP'# ---------------------------------------------- DB API --------------------------------------------------def get_db_connect():    db_conn = None    try:        db_conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL Server}', host = DB_HOST, user = USER, password = PWD, database = DATABASE)    except: # not print db execption yet        logger.debug('init db got an error!')        print('init db got an error!')    return db_conndef close_db_connect(db_conn):    if db_conn:        db_conn.close()# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TIME_DELTA = datetime.timedelta(0, 0, 0, 0, 1)groupCount = dict()# 用于判断该张图片是否是组内的第一张图片def isTheFirstOfGroup(camera_id, backup1, captrue_serial_num, collect_date):    ret = False    ginfo = groupCount.get(camera_id)    if  ginfo == None:        print('group info none')        groupCount[camera_id] = (backup1, captrue_serial_num, collect_date)        ret =  True    elif ginfo[0] < backup1:        print('date < group info date')        groupCount[camera_id] = (backup1, captrue_serial_num, collect_date)        ret = True    elif ginfo[1] < captrue_serial_num:        print('num < group info num')        groupCount[camera_id] = (ginfo[0], captrue_serial_num, collect_date)        ret = True    elif (collect_date - ginfo[2] > TIME_DELTA):        print('time - group info time > ', TIME_DELTA)        groupCount[camera_id] = (backup1, captrue_serial_num, collect_date)        ret = True    return ret# store one image infosdef store_pic_infos(infos):        # store to db    if infos:        # store to logfile        logger.debug(infos)                camera_id            = infos.get('MAC', '')        gps_xN               = infos.get('X', '')        gps_yN               = infos.get('Y', '')        direction            = infos.get('DIRECT', '')        collect_dateN        = infos.get('RTC', '')        car_id               = infos.get('CAR LICENSE', '')        license_color        = infos.get('LICENSE COLOR', '')        captrue_serial_num   = infos.get('SERIAL NUMBER', '')        recieve_begin_timeN  = infos.get('CREATE TIME', '')        recieve_timeN        = infos.get('MODIFY TIME', '')        car_distanceN        = infos.get('CAR DISTENCE', '')        speedN               = infos.get('SPEED', '')        backup1              = infos.get('DATE', '')        picture_name         = infos.get('FILE', '')        data_direction        = infos.get('FILE SUB PATH', '')        road                 = infos.get('ROAD', '')        road_id              = infos.get('ROAD_ID', '')        No                   = infos.get('NO.', '0')        No                   = str(int(No))                #print('collect_dateN', collect_dateN)                try:            collect_dateN = datetime.datetime.strptime(collect_dateN, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f')        except:            collect_dateN =                    #print('collect_dateN', collect_dateN)                try:            recieve_begin_timeN = datetime.datetime.strptime(recieve_begin_timeN, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f')        except:            recieve_begin_timeN =                try:            recieve_timeN = datetime.datetime.strptime(recieve_timeN, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f')        except:            recieve_timeN =        create_time =                #print('picture_name', picture_name)                collect_date = 'collect_date' + No        recieve_begin_time = 'recieve_begin_time' + No        recieve_time = 'recieve_time' + No        gps_x = 'gps_x' + No        gps_y = 'gps_y' + No        car_distance = 'car_distance' + No        speed = 'speed' + No                # change backup1 type to str        backup1 = backup1.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')                db_conn = get_db_connect()        if db_conn:            cur              = db_conn.cursor()            try:                if isTheFirstOfGroup(camera_id, backup1, captrue_serial_num, collect_dateN):                    print(picture_name, 'is the first of group')                    # change 2013.6.1                     if No == '1':                        recieve_time = 'recieve_time'                    gps_x = 'gps_x'                    gps_y = 'gps_y'                    recieve_picture_nums = 1                                        # 如果是组内的第一张图片,向数据库插入一条新的记录                    sql = "INSERT INTO LS_pictures(camera_id, data_direction, picture_name, direction, road, road_id, car_id, license_color, captrue_serial_num, recieve_picture_nums, " + \                                                collect_date + ',' + \                                                recieve_begin_time + ',' + \                                                recieve_time + ',' + \                                                gps_x + ',' + \                                                gps_y + ',' + \                                                car_distance + ',' + \                                                speed + ',' + \                                                "create_time, backup1) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"                    logger.debug(sql)                                                        cur.execute(sql,                             (                            camera_id,                             data_direction,                             picture_name,                            direction,                            road,                             road_id,                             car_id,                             license_color,                             captrue_serial_num,                             recieve_picture_nums,                             collect_dateN,                             recieve_begin_timeN,                             recieve_timeN,                             gps_xN,                            gps_yN,                            car_distanceN,                            speedN,                             create_time,                             backup1                            ))                else:# 组内非第一张图片,更新对应的数据库记录                    print(picture_name, 'is not the first of group')                    sql = "UPDATE LS_pictures SET data_direction = data_direction + ',' + ?, picture_name = picture_name + ',' + ?,recieve_picture_nums = recieve_picture_nums + 1," + \                                                collect_date + '=?,' + \                                                recieve_begin_time + '=?,' + \                                                recieve_time+ '=?,' + \                                                gps_x + '=?,' + \                                                gps_y + '=?,' + \                                                car_distance + '=?,' + \                                                speed + '=? ' + \                                                "WHERE (camera_id = ?) and (backup1 = ?) and (captrue_serial_num = ?) and ( ? - collect_date1 < ?)"                    logger.debug(sql)                                        cur.execute(sql,                             (                            data_direction,                             picture_name,                             collect_dateN,                             recieve_begin_timeN,                             recieve_timeN,                             gps_xN,                            gps_yN,                            car_distanceN,                            speedN,                            camera_id,                             backup1,                             captrue_serial_num,                             collect_dateN,                             str(TIME_DELTA)                            ))            except:                print('db execute error!')                logger.debug('db execute error! %s', infos)                logger.error('db execute error! %s', infos)                        try:                db_conn.commit()                        except: # just not print db error                print('db commit error!')                logger.debug('db commit error! %s', infos)                logger.error('db commit error! %s', infos)                        else:            # get db connect none            print('get db connect error!')            logger.debug('get db connect error! %s', infos)            logger.error('get db connect error! %s', infos)                close_db_connect(db_conn)    else:        logger.debug('info none')        return

# -*- coding:gbk -*-# auther : pdm# email : ppppdm@gmail.comimport threadingimport osimport time# using Polling , can work across platform 使用轮询,可以在不同操作系统上使用,当前没有使用该方法def watchFileChange_cross(path_to_watch, func_handle_change = None):    before = dict ([(f, None) for f in os.listdir (path_to_watch)])    while 1:        time.sleep (5)        after = dict ([(f, None) for f in os.listdir (path_to_watch)])        added = [f for f in after if not f in before]        removed = [f for f in before if not f in after]        if added:             changes = []            for i in added:                changes.append((3, os.path.join(path_to_watch, i)))                print ("Added: ", ", ".join (added))            t = threading.Thread(target=func_handle_change, args = (changes, ))            t.start()        if removed: print( "Removed: ", ", ".join (removed))        before = after# if operation system is windows# Use the FindFirstChangeNotification API# src from 当前没有使用该方法def watchFileChange_2(path_to_watch, func_handle_change = None):    import win32file    import win32event    import win32con        #path_to_watch = os.path.abspath (".")        #    # FindFirstChangeNotification sets up a handle for watching    #  file changes. The first parameter is the path to be    #  watched; the second is a boolean indicating whether the    #  directories underneath the one specified are to be watched;    #  the third is a list of flags as to what kind of changes to    #  watch for. We're just looking at file additions / deletions.    #    change_handle = win32file.FindFirstChangeNotification (      path_to_watch,      0,      win32con.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME    )        #    # Loop forever, listing any file changes. The WaitFor... will    #  time out every half a second allowing for keyboard interrupts    #  to terminate the loop.    #    try:          old_path_contents = dict ([(f, None) for f in os.listdir (path_to_watch)])      while 1:        result = win32event.WaitForSingleObject (change_handle, 500)            #        # If the WaitFor... returned because of a notification (as        #  opposed to timing out or some error) then look for the        #  changes in the directory contents.        #        if result == win32con.WAIT_OBJECT_0:          new_path_contents = dict ([(f, None) for f in os.listdir (path_to_watch)])          added = [f for f in new_path_contents if not f in old_path_contents]          deleted = [f for f in old_path_contents if not f in new_path_contents]          if added:              changes = []              for i in added:                changes.append((3, os.path.join(path_to_watch, i)))                print("Added: ", ", ".join (added))              t = threading.Thread(target=func_handle_change, args = (changes, ))              t.start()          if deleted:               print("Deleted: ", ", ".join (deleted))              old_path_contents = new_path_contents          win32file.FindNextChangeNotification (change_handle)        finally:      win32file.FindCloseChangeNotification (change_handle)# Use the ReadDirectoryChanges API# src from当前调用该方法,给入的参数是需要侦听的文件夹路径和对新增文件的处理函数def watchFileChange(path_to_watch, func_handle_change = None):    import win32file    import win32con        ACTIONS = {               1 : "Created",               2 : "Deleted",               3 : "Updated",               4 : "Renamed from something",               5 : "Renamed to something"               }        # Thanks to Claudio Grondi for the correct set of numbers    FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY = 0x0001        #path_to_watch = "."    hDir = win32file.CreateFile (        path_to_watch,        FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY,        win32con.FILE_SHARE_READ | win32con.FILE_SHARE_WRITE | win32con.FILE_SHARE_DELETE,        None,        win32con.OPEN_EXISTING,        win32con.FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS,        None        )        while 1:        #        # ReadDirectoryChangesW takes a previously-created        # handle to a directory, a buffer size for results,        # a flag to indicate whether to watch subtrees and        # a filter of what changes to notify.        #        # NB Tim Juchcinski reports that he needed to up        # the buffer size to be sure of picking up all        # events when a large number of files were        # deleted at once.        #        results = win32file.ReadDirectoryChangesW (                                                   hDir,                                                   1024,                                                   True,                                                   win32con.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME |                                                   win32con.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME |                                                   win32con.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES |                                                   win32con.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE |                                                   win32con.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE |                                                   win32con.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY,                                                   None,                                                   None                                                   )        changes = []        for action, file in results:            full_filename = os.path.join (path_to_watch, file)            print(full_filename, ACTIONS.get (action, "Unknown"))            changes.append((action, full_filename))                if func_handle_change:            # if needed create a thread to handle results            t = threading.Thread(target=func_handle_change, args = (changes, ))            t.start()    if __name__=='__main__':    print(__file__, 'test')    import sys    if sys.argv[1]:        DIRECTORY_PATH = sys.argv[1]    else:        DIRECTORY_PATH = '.'

# -*- coding:gbk -*-# auther : pdm# email : ppppdm@gmail.comimport osimport sysimport configparserimport threadingimport socketimport fileWatcherimport InfoProcessimport dbManagerimport readRoadGPSimport mergeManagerDIRECTORY_PATH = ''def do_process_file(fn):    infos = do_get_file_infos(fn)    do_store_db(infos)    do_merge_file(infos)    returndef do_get_file_infos(fn):    infos = InfoProcess.do_get_file_infos(fn)    return infosdef do_store_db(infos):    dbManager.store_pic_infos(infos)    returndef do_merge_file(infos):    mergeManager.merge_manager(infos)    returndef handle_change(changes):    for action, file in changes:        parent_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(file))        if action == 1 and 'jpg' in file and parent_path == DIRECTORY_PATH:            print(file)            do_process_file(file)def readConfig():    global DIRECTORY_PATH        cf = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini')    cf.sections()            dbManager.DB_HOST              = cf.get('db', 'DB_HOST')    dbManager.USER                 = cf.get('db', 'USER')    dbManager.PWD                  = cf.get('db', 'PWD')    dbManager.DATABASE             = cf.get('db', 'DATABASE')    DIRECTORY_PATH                 = cf.get('parameter', 'DIRECTORY_PATH')    InfoProcess.MOVE_FILE          = cf.getboolean('rename', 'MOVE_FILE')    InfoProcess.RENAME_BY_EQUIP    = cf.getboolean('rename', 'RENAME_BY_EQUIP')    InfoProcess.MOVE_FLODER        = cf.get('rename', 'MOVE_FLODER')    InfoProcess.CAMERA_EQUIP_FILE  = cf.get('rename', 'CAMERA_EQUIP_FILE')    InfoProcess.RENAME_BY_DATE     = cf.get('rename', 'RENAME_BY_DATE')    InfoProcess.USING_IMG_COMPLETE = cf.getboolean('parameter', 'USING_IMG_COMPLETE')    InfoProcess.TIME_WAIT_FOR_FTP  = cf.getint('parameter', 'TIME_WAIT_FOR_FTP')    InfoProcess.COFFEE             = cf.getfloat('parameter', 'COFFEE')    readRoadGPS.ROAD_GPS_FILE      = cf.get('parameter', 'ROAD_GPS_FILE')    readRoadGPS.ROAD_ARC_FILE      = cf.get('parameter', 'ROAD_ARC_FILE')    readRoadGPS.DATA_FROM_DB       = cf.getboolean('parameter', 'DATA_FROM_DB')    mergeManager.DO_MERGE          = cf.getboolean('merge', 'DO_MERGE')    mergeManager.GROUP_PIC_NUM     = cf.getint('merge', 'GROUP_PIC_NUM')    mergeManager.MERGE_PICS_PATH   = cf.get('merge', 'MERGE_PICS_PATH')        # Standardization the user input    DIRECTORY_PATH = os.path.abspath(DIRECTORY_PATH)    InfoProcess.MOVE_FLODER = os.path.abspath(InfoProcess.MOVE_FLODER) + os.path.sep            # print configration    print('watch floder :', DIRECTORY_PATH)    print('is rename    :', InfoProcess.MOVE_FILE)    print('rename floder:', InfoProcess.MOVE_FLODER)    print('time wait for ftp:', InfoProcess.TIME_WAIT_FOR_FTP)    print('do merge pic :', mergeManager.DO_MERGE)    print('merge pic path:', mergeManager.MERGE_PICS_PATH)def read_camera_equipment():    if InfoProcess.RENAME_BY_EQUIP and InfoProcess.CAMERA_EQUIP_FILE != '':        f = open(InfoProcess.CAMERA_EQUIP_FILE, 'rt')        while True:            ss = f.readline()            ss = ss.strip('\n')            if ss == '':                break            arr = ss.split(',')            InfoProcess.CAMERAID_EQUIPMENTID[arr[0]] = arr[1]        f.close()    #print(InfoProcess.CAMERAID_EQUIPMENTID)def program_is_running():    try:        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)        sock.bind(('localhost', 4045))    except Exception as e:        print('program bind port 4045 error')        print(e)        return True        return Falsedef main_server():        # should make sure that just one imgServer run on one machine    if program_is_running():        print('Program is running')        return        # init global variables from file config.ini     readConfig()        # init roadgps    readRoadGPS.initRoadInfo()        # start road info demon    t = threading.Thread(target=readRoadGPS.roadInfoDaemon)    t.start()        # init camera_equipment_table    read_camera_equipment()        fileWatcher.watchFileChange(DIRECTORY_PATH, handle_change)    returnif __name__=='__main__':    print('imgInfoGeter imgServer start')        if len(sys.argv) > 1:        DIRECTORY_PATH = sys.argv[1]    else:        DIRECTORY_PATH = '.'    main_server()        ''' # test do process    fl = ['../res/5.3/20130503170514-db98-0002-1.jpg',           '../res/5.3/20130503170514-db98-0002-2.jpg',           '../res/5.3/20130503170515-db98-0002-3.jpg']    for i in fl:        print(i)        print(do_process_file(i))    '''

# -*- coding:gbk -*-# auther : pdm# email : ppppdm@gmail.comimport loggingimport logging.configimport datetimeimport osimport timeimport readRoadGPS#create loggerlogging.config.fileConfig("logging.conf")logger = logging.getLogger("example")# Global variablsMOVE_FILE = FalseRENAME_BY_EQUIP = FalseCAMERAID_EQUIPMENTID = dict()CAMERA_EQUIP_FILE = ''MOVE_FLODER = os.path.abspath('../PICS/')+os.path.sepRENAME_BY_DATE = NoneUSING_IMG_COMPLETE = FalseMODIFY_LAST_BYTE_RTC = FalseBEFORE_INFO_LEN = 6INFO_LEN        = 89TOTAL_MARK_LEN  = 124TIME_WAIT_FOR_FTP = 60COFFEE = 0.0001INFO_ITMES = ['MAC', 'RTC', 'X', 'Y', 'SPEED',               'DIRECT', 'CAR LICENSE', 'LICENSE COLOR', 'CAR DISTENCE', 'SERIAL NUMBER',               'NO.', 'CAPTURE FALG', 'CAR LICENSE LEFT POS', 'CAR LICENSE TOP POS'              ]INFO_ITEM_LEN = [12, 17, 10, 11, 5,                  2, 16, 8, 2, 4,                  1, 1, 4, 4                 ]MAX_WAIT_OPEN_TIME = 600 # secondEACH_WAIT_OPEN_TIME = 20ROAD_TIME_TYPE_Tidal = '8a9481d03f79b7d6013f7a0948310003'ROAD_TIME_TYPE_Daytime = '8a9481d03f79b7d6013f7a0948310002'# read file and get info in the image# before the info we want there is 6 bytes file head# after that is the info we want, the item of info see# the INFO_ITMES, each item's len see the INFO_ITEM_LENdef changeToFormate(data):    data = data[0:2] + b'-' + data[2:4] + b'-' + data[4:6] + b'-' + data[6:8] + b'-' + data[8:10] + b'-' + data[10:12]    return datadef get_infos(f):    infos = {}        # in test print the info    b_data =    logger.debug(b_data)    #          for i in INFO_ITMES:        item_len = INFO_ITEM_LEN[INFO_ITMES.index(i)]        b_data =        try:            if i == 'CAR LICENSE':                b_data = b_data[:8]            if i == 'LICENSE COLOR':                b_data = b_data[:2]            if i == 'X' or i == 'Y':                b_data = b_data[:-1]            if i == 'MAC':                b_data = changeToFormate(b_data)            #infos.append((i, str(b_data, 'gbk')))            infos[i] = str(b_data, 'gbk')        except:            #print('decode item %s error!'%(i), b_data)            logger.debug('decode item %s error! %s'%(i, str(b_data)))                #print(infos)    return infosdef do_open_file(fn):    while True:        # check the file content's length, if not have the infomation ,close and wait        if os.path.getsize(fn) < BEFORE_INFO_LEN + INFO_LEN:            time.sleep(EACH_WAIT_OPEN_TIME)            continue        try:            f = open(fn, 'rb')            break;        except:            time.sleep(EACH_WAIT_OPEN_TIME)    return fdef get_file_time(fn):    file_st = os.stat(fn)    return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(file_st.st_mtime), datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(file_st.st_ctime)def isImageComplete(f):    # if not use this function always return True    if USING_IMG_COMPLETE == False:        return True        # the image file formate is JPEG    # find the sign of end of image (0xFF 0xD9), if found return true    ret = False        buff =    #print('now len is ', f.tell())    if b'\xff\xd9' in buff:        ret = True    return retdef get_sub_path_by_date(flag):    if flag.upper() == 'D':        return    elif flag.upper() == 'M':        return'%Y-%m')    else:        return ''def rename_file(fn, infos):    print('Is move file', MOVE_FILE)    if MOVE_FILE:        if RENAME_BY_EQUIP:            camera_id = infos['MAC'].upper()            print(camera_id)            # There should change to equipment_id with camera_id            equipment_id = CAMERAID_EQUIPMENTID.get(camera_id, '000000000000')                            date = infos['DATE'].strftime('%y%m%d%H%M%S')            number = infos['NO.']            new_fn = MOVE_FLODER + equipment_id + '-' + date + '-0-000000000000-00000-000-3-' + number + '.jpg'        elif RENAME_BY_DATE:            sub_path = get_sub_path_by_date(RENAME_BY_DATE)            rename_floder = os.path.join(MOVE_FLODER, sub_path)            if os.path.exists(rename_floder) == False:                os.mkdir(rename_floder)            new_fn = os.path.join(rename_floder, os.path.basename(fn))        else:            new_fn = MOVE_FLODER + os.path.basename(fn)                old_fn = os.path.abspath(fn)        # new file should in another directory, else will find the new file created        while True:            try:                os.rename(old_fn, new_fn)                break            except:                # wait for the file                time.sleep(10)            return new_fn    else:        return fndef get_road_id_from_location(location):    road_id = ''    try:        # the location format is ddmm.mmmm dddmm.mmmm        x = float(location[0])        y = float(location[1])    except:        logger.error('camera location value error! x:%s y:%s'%(location[0][:-1], location[1][:-1]))        x, y = 0, 0        # the unit of COFFEE is degree, the minute of mCOFFEE = 60*COFFEE    mCOFFEE = 60*COFFEE        for p in readRoadGPS.ROAD_GPS_POINT_LIST:        try:            rX = float(p[0])            rY = float(p[1])        except:            logger.error('road gps value error! rX:%s rY:%s'%(p[0], p[1]))            rX , rY = 0, 0        try:            rID = p[2]        except:            logger.error('road gps have no name')            rID = ''        if rX - mCOFFEE < x and x < rX + mCOFFEE and rY - mCOFFEE < y and y < rY + mCOFFEE:            road_id = rID            return road_id        return road_iddef get_road_arcinfo_by_id(road_id):    if road_id == '':        return None        arc_info = None    for i in readRoadGPS.ROAD_ARC_INFO_LIST:        if road_id == i[0]:            arc_info = i    return arc_infodef get_forbidding_time(infos):    road_time_type = infos['ROAD TIME_TYPE']    if road_time_type == ROAD_TIME_TYPE_Tidal:        limit_stime = infos['ROAD sTIME']        limit_etime = infos['ROAD eTIME']        return limit_stime + ' ' + limit_etime    if road_time_type == ROAD_TIME_TYPE_Daytime:        return infos['ROAD TIME']    returndef do_get_file_infos(fn):        # open the file    f = do_open_file(fn)        # Determine the integrity of the image file    # As the image file has not upload completed when open and read it ,    # we should sleep and wait for the file upload complete.        # sleep 120 second     time.sleep(TIME_WAIT_FOR_FTP)        isCmp = isImageComplete(f)    print(isCmp)    if isCmp != True:        logger.error('Error file Img Not Complete:%s', fn)        f.close()        return None        infos = get_infos(f)        # close the file after get the info inside     f.close()        # get the file create_time and last_modify_time    m_time, c_time = get_file_time(fn)    infos['MODIFY TIME'] = m_time    infos['CREATE TIME'] = c_time        # modify the RTC last byte    if MODIFY_LAST_BYTE_RTC:        rtc = infos.get('RTC', '')        if rtc != '' and rtc[-1] > '9':            infos['RTC'] = rtc[:-1] + '9'        # get the date    pic_date = infos.get('RTC', '')    if pic_date == '':        pic_date =     else:        #print(pic_date)        try:            pic_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(pic_date, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f').date()        except:            pic_date =        infos['DATE'] = pic_date    #infos['FILE'] = os.path.basename(fn)        # rename the pic file    new_fn = rename_file(fn, infos)    infos['FILE'] = os.path.basename(new_fn)    infos['FILE PATH'] = os.path.dirname(new_fn)    infos['FILE SUB PATH'] = os.path.relpath(infos['FILE PATH'], MOVE_FLODER)        # get the road ID info if is in lanes    try:        location = (infos['X'], infos['Y'])    except:        location = (0.0, 0.0)    road_id = get_road_id_from_location(location)    infos['ROAD_ID'] = road_id        # get road arcinfo by road ID    arcinfo = get_road_arcinfo_by_id(road_id)    if arcinfo:        infos['ROAD STATUS'] = arcinfo[1]        infos['ROAD'] = arcinfo[2]        infos['ROAD TIME_TYPE'] = arcinfo[3]        infos['ROAD TIME'] = arcinfo[4]        infos['ROAD sTIME'] = arcinfo[5]        infos['ROAD eTIME'] = arcinfo[6]        infos['FORBIDDING TIME'] = get_forbidding_time(infos)                return infosif __name__=='__main__':    print(__file__, 'test')        t = 0    for i in INFO_ITEM_LEN:        t += i    print(t)        fl = ['../res/5.3/20130503170514-db98-0002-1.jpg',           '../res/5.3/20130503170514-db98-0002-2.jpg',           '../res/5.3/20130503170516-db98-0003-1.jpg']    for i in fl:        print(i)        print(do_get_file_infos(i))

# -*- coding:gbk -*-# auther : pdm# email : ppppdm@gmail.comimport osimport datetimeimport mergePicsDO_MERGE = FalseGROUP_PIC_NUM = 3MERGE_PICS_PATH = '../合成图片/'group_infos = dict()TIME_DELTA = datetime.timedelta(0, 0, 0, 0, 1)# store infos in group_infos, # return True if have a group info, so can merge pics# else return Falsedef have_a_group_info(infos, camera_id, serial_num, collect_time, num):    infos_list = list()    _serial_num = 0    _collect_time =    g_infos = group_infos.get(camera_id)    if g_infos != None:        infos_list = g_infos[0]        _serial_num = g_infos[1]        _collect_time = g_infos[2]        print(_serial_num, _collect_time)    if g_infos == None:        infos_list = [infos]        group_infos[camera_id] = (infos_list, serial_num, collect_time)        print('merge group info none')        return False    elif _serial_num != serial_num:        infos_list.clear()        infos_list.append(infos)        group_infos[camera_id] = (infos_list, serial_num, collect_time)        print('merge num not equal')        return False    elif collect_time - _collect_time > TIME_DELTA:        infos_list.clear()        infos_list.append(infos)        group_infos[camera_id] = (infos_list, serial_num, collect_time)        print('merge collect time > time delta')        return False    else:        infos_list.append(infos)        group_infos[camera_id] = (infos_list, serial_num, collect_time)        if num == GROUP_PIC_NUM and len(infos_list) == GROUP_PIC_NUM:            return True        else:            print('num,len(infos_list)', num, len(infos_list))            return Falsedef get_infos(camera_id):    try:        return group_infos[camera_id][0]    except:        print('have not ', camera_id)    returndef remove_infos(camera_id):    try:        del group_infos[camera_id]    except:        print('have not ', camera_id)    returndef merge_manager(infos):    if DO_MERGE:        camera_id = infos.get('MAC', '')        serial_num = infos.get('SERIAL NUMBER', '0')        collect_time = infos.get('RTC')        num = int(infos.get('NO.', '0'))        try:            collect_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(collect_time, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f')        except:            collect_time =                        if have_a_group_info(infos, camera_id, serial_num, collect_time, num):            infos_list = get_infos(camera_id)            if infos_list != None:                save_path = os.path.abspath(MERGE_PICS_PATH)                #print(save_path)                mergePics.merge_group_imgs(infos_list, save_path)            remove_infos(camera_id)        else:            print('merge wait for a group')    returnif __name__=='__main__':    DO_MERGE = True    merge_manager({'MAC':'00', 'NO.':'01'})    merge_manager({'MAC':'00', 'NO.':'02'})    merge_manager({'MAC':'00', 'NO.':'03'})

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# auther : pdm# email : In : 3 pics of one group , info str for whole merge imgs , watermark for each imgs, close_up_para# Out: merged picimport osimport datetimetry:    from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFontexcept:    print('Warning: need module PIL, should init first')    PIL = Noneinfo_box_scale = 0.08info_text_scale = 0.8watermask_scale = 0.08watermask_color = (255, 128, 0)info_text_color = (255, 255, 255)info_text_pos = (0, 0)watermask_pos = (0, 0)info_text_font = "simsun.ttc"watermask_font = "simsun.ttc"def merge_pic(imgfiles, infos_str, marks, close_up_para):        if PIL == None:        print('No module PIL')        return        imgs = list()    #print(len(imgfiles), len(marks))    if len(imgfiles) == 0 or len(imgfiles) != len(marks):        print('parameter error')        return        # open the img files    try:        for i in imgfiles:            imgs.append(    except Exception as e:        print(e)        return            # get img infos    img1 = imgs[0]    size = img1.size    mode = img1.mode    bbox = img1.getbbox()    info_box_y = int(size[1]*info_box_scale)        # compose the imgs    new_size = ((len(imgs)+1)*size[0], info_box_y+size[1])    new_img =, new_size)        # draw the close-up pic    close_up_num = close_up_para[0]    crop_img = imgs[close_up_num]    x = close_up_para[1][0]    y = close_up_para[1][1]    delta_x = int(close_up_para[2] * size[0])    delta_y = int(close_up_para[2] * size[1])    close_up_img = crop_img.transform(size, Image.EXTENT, (x-delta_x, y-delta_y, x+delta_x, y+delta_y))    imgs.append(close_up_img)    marks.append(marks[close_up_num])            # draw the watermask to each imgs    watermask_pixel_size = int(size[1]*watermask_scale)    for i in imgs:        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(i)        font = ImageFont.truetype(watermask_font, watermask_pixel_size)        index = imgs.index(i)        watermask = marks[index]        draw.text(watermask_pos, watermask, font=font, fill=watermask_color)        count = 0    for i in imgs:        new_img.paste(i, (bbox[0]+count*bbox[2], bbox[1]+info_box_y, bbox[2]+count*bbox[2], bbox[3]+info_box_y))        count+=1        # draw the info str    info_str_size = int(info_box_y * info_text_scale)    draw=ImageDraw.Draw(new_img)    font = ImageFont.truetype(info_text_font, info_str_size)    draw.text(info_text_pos, infos_str, font=font, fill=info_text_color)            # save the new merged pic    # void    return new_imginfo_items = [('设备编号:', 'MAC'),               ('违法地点:', 'ROAD'),              ('方向:', 'DIRECT'),               ('违法时间:', 'RTC'),               ('禁行时间:', 'FORBIDDING TIME')]def calculate_delta_x_scale(distance):    return 0.9 - distance * 0.06def formate_direction(dir):    return dir.replace('e', '东').replace('w', '西').replace('s', '南').replace('n', '北')    def merge_group_imgs(infos_list, save_path):    if len(infos_list) != 3:        print('infos not enough or too much for merge!')        return        imgfiles = list()    infostr = ''    marks = list()    infos = infos_list[0]        # get the pics file path    for i in infos_list:        try:            print(i['FILE PATH'], i['FILE'])            f = os.path.join(i['FILE PATH'], i['FILE'])            imgfiles.append(f)        except:            print('merge not found file infos')        # get the watermask info    for infos in infos_list:        try:            watermark = datetime.datetime.strptime(infos['RTC'], '%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3]            marks.append(watermark)        except:            print('merge not found RTC infos')        # set the Illegal Information    # use the first pic of group    for i in info_items:        s = infos.get(i[1], '')        if s == '':            print('get '+ i[0] +' item from pic None!')            return        elif i[1] == 'RTC':            s = datetime.datetime.strptime(infos['RTC'], '%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3]        elif i[1] == 'DIRECT':            s = formate_direction(s)        infostr += i[0]+s+' '        # close-up pic parameter    pic_num = 2    license_pos = (650, 600)    delta_x_scale = calculate_delta_x_scale(int(infos['CAR DISTENCE']))     try:        license_pos = (int(infos['CAR LICENSE LEFT POS']), int(infos[ 'CAR LICENSE TOP POS']))    except:        print('merge not found license_pos')        # return        close_up_para = [pic_num, license_pos, delta_x_scale]        #print(imgfiles)    #print(marks)    new_img = merge_pic(imgfiles, infostr, marks, close_up_para)        # save new_img    if new_img:        if os.path.exists(save_path) == False:            os.mkdir(save_path), infos['RTC']+'-'+infos['MAC']+'-'+infos['NO.']+'.jpg'))    else:        print('Error! No merge picture!')    returnif __name__=='__main__':    print(__file__, 'test')    imgfiles = ['../res/6.26_hefei/20130626064148-dcd0-0001-1.jpg', '../res/6.26_hefei/20130626064154-dcd0-0001-2.jpg', '../res/6.26_hefei/20130626064154-dcd0-0001-3.jpg']    infostr = '设备编号:08-00-28-12-dc-10  违法地点:人民中路(无为路-环城南路)  方向:西向东  违法时间:2013-06-28 17:33:49.471  禁行时间:7:00-20:00'    marks = ['2013-06-28 17:33:49.471', '2013-06-28 17:33:50.233', '2013-06-28 17:33:50.409']    close_up_para = [2, (650, 600), 0.25]    new_img = merge_pic(imgfiles, infostr, marks, close_up_para)        

# -*- coding:gbk -*-# auther : pdm# email : ppppdm@gmail.comimport timeimport datetimeimport dbManagerimport threadingDATA_FROM_DB = FalseROAD_GPS_FILE = ''ROAD_ARC_FILE = ''ROAD_GPS_POINT_LIST = list()ROAD_ARC_INFO_LIST = list()READ_DB_ROAD_INFO_SLEEP_TIME = 3600 # secROAD_GPS_LOCK = threading.Lock()LAST_UPDATE_TIME = Nonedef set_list(data_str):    l = list()    coor_arr = data_str.split('\n')    for i in coor_arr:        point = i.split(',')        l.append(point)    return ldef initRoadGPS(filename):    global ROAD_GPS_POINT_LIST    try:        f = open(filename, 'rt')                data =        # set ROAD_GPS_POINT_LIST with data        ROAD_GPS_POINT_LIST = set_list(data)                f.close()        print('read road gps done')    except Exception as e:        print(e)def initRoadArc(filename):    global ROAD_ARC_INFO_LIST    try:        f = open(filename, 'rt')                data =        # set ROAD_GPS_POINT_LIST with data        ROAD_ARC_INFO_LIST = set_list(data)                f.close()        print('read road arc info done')    except Exception as e:        print(e)def initRoadGPS_db(cur):    global ROAD_GPS_POINT_LIST    # read arcpoints    cur.execute("select LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, ARC_ID from t_arcpoints")    ROAD_GPS_POINT_LIST = cur.fetchall()def initRoadArc_db(cur):    global ROAD_ARC_INFO_LIST   # read arcinfo    cur.execute("select ID,status,Road_Name,backup1,backup2,Limit_stime,Limit_etime from t_arcinfo")    ROAD_ARC_INFO_LIST = cur.fetchall()def read_data_from_db():    global LAST_UPDATE_TIME    ret = False    conn = dbManager.get_db_connect()    if conn:        cur = conn.cursor()        initRoadGPS_db(cur)        initRoadArc_db(cur)        print('read gps info from db done!')                LAST_UPDATE_TIME =        ret = True        dbManager.close_db_connect(conn)    return retdef read_data_from_file():    initRoadGPS(ROAD_GPS_FILE)    initRoadArc(ROAD_ARC_FILE)    returndef initRoadInfo():    print('DATA_FROM_DB', DATA_FROM_DB)    if DATA_FROM_DB:        if read_data_from_db() != True:            read_data_from_file()    else:        read_data_from_file()def get_last_update_db():    luu = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1)    conn = dbManager.get_db_connect()    if conn:        cur = conn.cursor()        sql = "SELECT last_user_update FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats WHERE object_id=object_id('t_arcinfo') and database_id = db_id('CDMTCP')"        cur.execute(sql)        rec = cur.fetchone()        t_arcinfo_luu  = rec[0]                sql = "SELECT last_user_update FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats WHERE object_id=object_id('t_arcpoints') and database_id = db_id('CDMTCP')"        cur.execute(sql)        rec = cur.fetchone()        t_arcpoints_luu = rec[0]                if t_arcinfo_luu > t_arcpoints_luu:            luu = t_arcinfo_luu        else:            luu = t_arcpoints_luu                            dbManager.close_db_connect(conn)    return luudef needUpdate():    global LAST_UPDATE_TIME    if LAST_UPDATE_TIME == None:        return True    luu = get_last_update_db()    if luu > LAST_UPDATE_TIME:        LAST_UPDATE_TIME = luu        return True        return Falsedef roadInfoDaemon():    while DATA_FROM_DB:        time.sleep(READ_DB_ROAD_INFO_SLEEP_TIME)        # if t_arcpoints or t_arcinfo updated, then update road info        # use sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats, the system table of SQL Server        if needUpdate():            #ROAD_GPS_LOCK.acquire()            read_data_from_db()            #ROAD_GPS_LOCK.release()            print('update roadinfo from db')        else:            print('not needed update roadinfo')if __name__=='__main__':    initRoadGPS('roadgps_hefei.txt')    print(ROAD_GPS_POINT_LIST)
