
来源:互联网 发布:lol代练淘宝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 02:52
//purpose:  生成随机的不重复的测试数据  //1000w数据量,要保证生成不重复的数据量,一般的程序没有做到。但,本程序做到了。  #include <time.h>  #include <assert.h>  #include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <bitset> #include <iostream>  #include <time.h>#define BITSPERWORD 32#define SHIFT 5#define MASK 0x1F#define N_SIZE10000000 const unsigned int CLK_TCK = 1000;using namespace std; int random_num[N_SIZE] = {0};  const int max_each_scan = N_SIZE/2;unsigned char *g_bitmap = NULL;    static int g_size = 0;    static int g_base = 0; int qsort_num[N_SIZE] = {0};int sort_num[N_SIZE] = {0};int sort2_num[N_SIZE] = {0};void swap(int* a, int* b)//第一种,也是最常用的一种{int t;t=*a;*a=*b;*b=t;}void create_data_file(){int n;int i, j;      FILE *fp = fopen("data.txt", "w");      assert(fp);      for (n = 0; n < N_SIZE; n++)    //之前此处写成了n=0;n<size。导致下面有一段小程序的测试数据出现了0,特此订正。          random_num[n] = n+1;      srand((unsigned)time(NULL));       printf("random_num init ok\n");for (i = N_SIZE - 1; i >= 1; --i){swap(&random_num[i], &random_num[rand() % i]);}      for (n = 0; n < N_SIZE; n++)          fprintf(fp, "%d ", random_num[n]);      fclose(fp);  }    int bitmap_init(int size, int start)    {        g_bitmap = (unsigned char *)malloc((size/8+1)*sizeof(char));        if(g_bitmap == NULL)            return 0;        g_base = start;        g_size = size/8+1;        memset(g_bitmap, 0x0, g_size);        return 1;    }    void bitmap_clr(){if(NULL != g_bitmap && g_size != 0)memset(g_bitmap, 0x0, g_size);}    int bitmap_set(int index)    {        int quo = (index-g_base)/8 ;        int remainder = (index-g_base)%8;        unsigned char x = (0x1<<remainder);        if( quo > g_size)            return 0;        g_bitmap[quo] |= x;        return 1;     }        int bitmap_get(int i)    {        int quo = (i)/8 ;        int remainder = (i)%8;        unsigned char x = (0x1<<remainder);        unsigned char res;        if( quo > g_size)            return -1;        res = g_bitmap[quo] & x;        return res > 0 ? 1 : 0;     }        int bitmap_data(int index)    {        return (index + g_base);    }        int bitmap_free()    {        free(g_bitmap); g_bitmap = NULL;g_size = 0;    g_base = 0;} void my_sort_num222(){FILE *fp_unsort_file = NULL;int i;int num; clock_t begin = clock(); bitmap_init(max_each_scan,0);fp_unsort_file = fopen("data.txt", "r");      assert(fp_unsort_file);           // the first time scan to sort the data between 0 - 4999999      while (fscanf(fp_unsort_file, "%d ", &num) != EOF)      {          if (num < max_each_scan)              bitmap_set(num);     }           // write the sorted data into file      for (i = 0; i < max_each_scan; i++)      {          if (bitmap_get(i) == 1)   sort2_num[i] = i;    }            // the second time scan to sort the data between 5000000 - 9999999      int result = fseek(fp_unsort_file, 0, SEEK_SET);      if (result)          printf("fseek failed!\n");      else      {          bitmap_clr();        while (fscanf(fp_unsort_file, "%d ", &num) != EOF)          {              if (num >= max_each_scan && num < 10000000)              {                  num -= max_each_scan;                  bitmap_set(num);             }          }          for (i = 0; i < max_each_scan; i++)          {              if (bitmap_get(i) == 1)  sort2_num[i + max_each_scan] = i + max_each_scan;        }      }    fclose(fp_unsort_file);  clock_t end = clock(); printf("sort2 consum %d ms\n",(end - begin) / CLK_TCK);;}void create_sort_file222(){FILE *fp_sort_file = NULL;FILE *fp_unsort_file = NULL;int i;int num; bitmap_init(max_each_scan,0);fp_unsort_file = fopen("data.txt", "r");      assert(fp_unsort_file);           // the first time scan to sort the data between 0 - 4999999      while (fscanf(fp_unsort_file, "%d ", &num) != EOF)      {          if (num < max_each_scan)              bitmap_set(num);     } fp_sort_file = fopen("sort2.txt", "w");      assert(fp_sort_file);                  // write the sorted data into file      for (i = 0; i < max_each_scan; i++)      {          if (bitmap_get(i) == 1)              fprintf(fp_sort_file, "%d ", i);     }            // the second time scan to sort the data between 5000000 - 9999999      int result = fseek(fp_unsort_file, 0, SEEK_SET);      if (result)          printf("fseek failed!\n");      else      {          bitmap_clr();        while (fscanf(fp_unsort_file, "%d ", &num) != EOF)          {              if (num >= max_each_scan && num < 10000000)              {                  num -= max_each_scan;                  bitmap_set(num);             }          }          for (i = 0; i < max_each_scan; i++)          {              if (bitmap_get(i) == 1)                  fprintf(fp_sort_file, "%d ", i + max_each_scan);         }      }fclose(fp_sort_file);      fclose(fp_unsort_file);  }void my_sort_num(){FILE *fp_unsort_file = NULL;int i;int num; clock_t begin = clock(); bitset<max_each_scan> bit_map;      bit_map.reset(); fp_unsort_file = fopen("data.txt", "r");      assert(fp_unsort_file);           // the first time scan to sort the data between 0 - 4999999      while (fscanf(fp_unsort_file, "%d ", &num) != EOF)      {          if (num < max_each_scan)  bit_map.set(num, 1);    }              // write the sorted data into file      for (i = 0; i < max_each_scan; i++)  {if (bit_map[i] == 1)sort_num[i] = i;    }            // the second time scan to sort the data between 5000000 - 9999999      int result = fseek(fp_unsort_file, 0, SEEK_SET);      if (result)          printf("fseek failed!\n");      else      {          bit_map.reset();         while (fscanf(fp_unsort_file, "%d ", &num) != EOF)          {              if (num >= max_each_scan && num < 10000000)              {                  num -= max_each_scan;  bit_map.set(num, 1);            }          }          for (i = 0; i < max_each_scan; i++)          {              if (bit_map[i] == 1)                 sort_num[i + max_each_scan] = i + max_each_scan;          }      }    fclose(fp_unsort_file);  clock_t end = clock(); printf("sort1 consum %d ms\n",(end - begin) / CLK_TCK);;}void create_sort_file(){FILE *fp_sort_file = NULL;FILE *fp_unsort_file = NULL;int i;int num; bitset<max_each_scan> bit_map;      bit_map.reset(); fp_unsort_file = fopen("data.txt", "r");      assert(fp_unsort_file);           // the first time scan to sort the data between 0 - 4999999      while (fscanf(fp_unsort_file, "%d ", &num) != EOF)      {          if (num < max_each_scan)  bit_map.set(num, 1);    } fp_sort_file = fopen("sort.txt", "w");      assert(fp_sort_file);                  // write the sorted data into file      for (i = 0; i < max_each_scan; i++)  {if (bit_map[i] == 1)              fprintf(fp_sort_file, "%d ", i);     }            // the second time scan to sort the data between 5000000 - 9999999      int result = fseek(fp_unsort_file, 0, SEEK_SET);      if (result)          printf("fseek failed!\n");      else      {          bit_map.reset();         while (fscanf(fp_unsort_file, "%d ", &num) != EOF)          {              if (num >= max_each_scan && num < 10000000)              {                  num -= max_each_scan;  bit_map.set(num, 1);            }          }          for (i = 0; i < max_each_scan; i++)          {              if (bit_map[i] == 1)                 fprintf(fp_sort_file, "%d ", i + max_each_scan);          }      }fclose(fp_sort_file);      fclose(fp_unsort_file);  }int intcomp(int *x,int *y){        return *x-*y;    }int myintcomp(const void *x, const void *y){int *m = (int*)x;int *n = (int*)y;return *m - *n;}void my_qsort_num(){FILE *fp_unsort_file = NULL;int i=0;int num; clock_t begin = clock(); fp_unsort_file = fopen("data.txt", "r");      assert(fp_unsort_file);           // the first time scan to sort the data between 0 - 4999999      while (fscanf(fp_unsort_file, "%d ", &num) != EOF)      {  qsort_num[i++] = num;    }        qsort((void*)qsort_num,N_SIZE,sizeof(int),myintcomp);      fclose(fp_unsort_file);  clock_t end = clock(); printf("qsort consum %d ms\n",(end - begin) / CLK_TCK);;}int main()  {      //create_data_file();//create_sort_file();//create_sort_file222();int x = 5, y = 4,z = 5,q = 6;printf("intcomp=%d\n",myintcomp((const void *)&x, (const void *)&y));printf("intcomp=%d\n",myintcomp((const void *)&x, (const void *)&z));printf("intcomp=%d\n",myintcomp((const void *)&x, (const void *)&q));printf("intcomp=%d\n",intcomp(&x, &y));printf("intcomp=%d\n",intcomp(&x, &z));printf("intcomp=%d\n",intcomp(&x, &q));my_sort_num222();my_qsort_num();my_sort_num();    return 0;  } 



0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0



  • 第一步,将所有的位都置为0,从而将集合初始化为空。
  • 第二步,通过读入文件中的每个整数来建立集合,将每个对应的位都置为1。
  • 第三步,检验每一位,如果该位为1,就输出对应的整数。
